Christina's Questions for December



1. How far in advance do you like to start planning things?

Typically as late as possible. I think this is mostly because I tend to be lazy but also partly because I grew up in a smaller city. I like being able to meet friends on short notice ("Want to go for a coffee? I can pick you up in 15 minutes"). I'm used to going just showing up to the cinema or a concert without pre-booking any tickets. I think this is the only part of living in London I haven't adjusted well to, having to make plans well in advance. I find it more relaxing not to have to plan my personal life.

2. What do you hope happens in 2022?

An end to the COVID-19 pandemic would be great. Less social polarization would be very welcome too. On the personal side, I hope to go from a long-distance relationship to a "living in the same house" relationship and for a productive final PhD year.

3. What challenges have you recently overcome?

I've gotten my current PhD project to somewhat work some of the time after about 2 years. The lack of progress in the project has been my main cause of stress these past months so getting closer to the finishing line helps a bit. Given the "somewhat" and "some of the time" I would consider it partly overcome though. Many thanks to my colleages in the lab who helped me with it.

The project is autonomous exploration and 3D mapping by a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) for those wondering.

4. Seasonal traditions you're most excited about

1.5 out of 3 this year, I'll call it a success.

Melomakarona recipe

5. Are you good at directions and maps?

I tend to be quite good at navigating using a map, at least when I'm paying attention to my surroundings.

One thing that can be challenging is figuring out your orientation. This can be especially difficult if you're at a crossroads where the roads meet at right angles. In this case the street signs can't help you figure out if you're looking east or west along Rad Road. This is where the sun comes into play. In the northern hemisphere the sun will rise roughly from the east, peak rougly in the south and set roughly in the west (replace south with north if you're in the southern hemisphere). Knowing that and the approximate time of day can help you find your bearings. You only need a rough estimate since the 2 possible orientations are 180 degrees apart. Also keep in mind that modern maps tend to be oriented with the north up.

Just in time before the end of December!
