Who is saying that gemini will replace HTML ?
3 weeks ago · 👍 twann
[1] https://kevq.uk/gemini-isnt-the-solution-to-the-broken-web/
I fell asleep after the "Let me explain…" line. · 2 weeks ago
It's strange to see the same person first to rant about how the Web is f... broken beyond repair; then to conclude somehow that gemini (of all things!) is striving to repair the Web; and now to rant about how gemini is failing at that supposed repair work. I guess somebody simply enjoys ranting ;) · 2 weeks ago
Building even an easy page is a tremendous amount of time and effort.
My HTML landing page is buggy, even though I tried to copy and past as much code as possible, it took more time then learning FreeBSD, GMID and run my own server.
Plus I can contribute to its development without paying any unaffordable membership, even though I was blasted one I raised my concerning... 😂😂😂 · 2 weeks ago
People change attitude right after the first time they use Lagrange, then will start complain against WWW... 😁
But if they test Gemini with a proxy... 🤔
Proxies provide the worst service to the Gemini space... 👎 · 2 weeks ago
It seems to be a common misconception that Gemini is intended to replace the Web · 3 weeks ago
This person should read https://andregarzia.com/2022/01/gemini-is-a-little-gem.html
Maybe it would help if people understood/remembered that the web != internet, and Gemini is not trying to ”fix” the web in any way. There’s great value in having a simple and comfortable (as in low cognitive load) alternative that’s designed for a small number of use cases and not much else.
I don’t think the web can be fixed at this point. It’s barreling toward an ever more complex future, with no incentives to reverse the trend. · 3 weeks ago