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Hi, I'm Panda (or Holly). This place is space for me to write about my interests and what I'm currently obsessing over. The majority of my posts are probably going to be tech, music, or video game related but not necessarily. I am not a good writer, but I hope you can at least find something fun/useful here.
This site is hosted on smol.pub and accessible via the coolest protocols (Web, Gemini, Gohper).
By day I am a full stack web dev where I have to deal with bloated front-end messes and ancient enterprise back-end code that is almost as old as me and I would like to take a break from that here to talk about stuff that is much more interesting to me. Modern web design gets in the way of real human converstation and access to information while providing little benefit to those who use it (not to mention actively exploiting them via tracking and hostile design). I guess I'm just a bit bitter.
Of course! You can reach me by Discord or email
I do not link to my personal GitHub account here as it is tied to my IRL presence which I would very much like to keep private. Sorry :(
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