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Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (22 Sept 1202)

The leaves begin to turn to ruddy orange and brown,

as winter fast approaches; flowers wilt and fall,

and birds begin their yearly journey south and down,

pursuing warmth and sunwhen both are scarce and small;

for now's the season when the world begins to die,

when life begins to ebb and flees for warmer shore;

when all that grew in spring aground as corpses lie,

to turn to loam and yield new life forevermore.

Our lives are ever winter, as they're ever spring,

as long as we e'er follow with our ancient lore;

for time and life's an endlessly renewing thing,

and life and death will both new life forever bring.


© Goretti Publications 1206 (2022).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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