Allok Dallok (알록短錄)

Allok Dallok is a gemlog in chewable tablet form


Feb 25, 金

Roll Over Gutenberg

I was perusing one of my wife"s books and discovered that the bibliography chapter had been displaced by a god damned QR code!

Scan this neato QR code to view the bibliography for $PAPERBACK_NONFICTION_TITLE on our super cool website that will totally not become defunct before the pages of your print copy fall out!

[insert big long peeved sigh here]

Feb 20, 日

Reviving the Dallok

I haven't written in Allok Dallok for the better part of a year. I had written a python script to manage the indexes and feeds of my capsule, but hadn't included functionality for this style of all-in-one list-o-logs. I also became overwhelmed with work, so I stopped posting as frequently. It's nice having a place to jot down passing thoughts, so untill I can cook up a neat function or two to organize it all for me, I'll just be writing the atom feeds by hand :b

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CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 mieum(at)