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Literature & Writing


Anonymous · 2mo · No.806

Are blogposts on topic here?

They do count as writing.



Anonymous · 2mo · No.808

at least post gemini logs nigga fuck HTTP

Anonymous · 2mo · No.809


writing is writing /shrug doesn't matter the protocol

Anonymous · 2mo · No.810

(tw: http) https://moxie.org/2022/01/07/web3-first-impressions.html

a very sane assessment of "web3"


Anonymous · 2mo · No.811

​>>809 I beg to differ. Http is a bloat mess and is controled by maaaive corperations at this point. Promotion of gemini is a neccesity. I mean you're right I was being a little facitious. But gemini should be prioritized imo.

Anonymous · 2mo · No.815

​>>811 It's still possible to use HTTP in a very bare-bones way, ignoring most of the headers that have accumulated over the years, which is more than can be said of the other components of the Web. So long as I can use lynx or similar, I don't mind it so much myself. It's better to have Gemini or Gopher links on Gemini-based platforms like this one, but it's also better to have HTTP links than no links at all (IMO).

Anonymous · 2mo · No.818


If you use xorg on Linux, bind your compose key to something you don't use. Like so: setxkbmap -option compose:caps


Anonymous · 2mo · No.819


Then create the file, ~/.XCompose in your home.

Format the file like so:

include "%L" # includes default xcompose keys

<Multi_key> <s> <h> : "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"

Restart x after changes to .XCompose. Now, when you press compose+s+h, it will autotype a shrug. And anything else you want to add you can format similarly. :)

Anonymous · 26d · No.861

​>>810 wow, that was an interesting read.

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