LibreHacker's Technical Gemlog

Freedom software, firmware, and hardware enthusiast


To make a comment, send an email to

christopher .AT. librehacker .DOT. com

with the subject "Gemini Comment" and a body with the following format:

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2022-02-22 - Learning x86-64 Assembly: Part 2

2022-02-04 - Probability Notes: Total Probability

2022-02-02 - Learning x86-64 Assembly

2022-01-15 - Probability Notes: Negation Rule, Addition Rule, Multiplication Rule

2021-12-21 - New Project: Switch-Programmable Blinker

2021-12-17 - Two Great Math Books: Probability and Fibonnaci Numbers

2021-12-16 - Subsistence Living in Terminal Land (Part II)

2021-12-15 - Subsistence Living in Terminal Land (Part I)

2021-12-10 - WHDTS (EQKIT) 6-Digit Digital Electronic Clock DIY Kit

2021-12-06 - Jeppesen TechStar Flight Computer

2021-11-11 - Pink TI-84+ (Silver Ed.) Restoration

2021-11-08 - (Antique?) Six-Bead Soroban

2021-11-05 - Notes on Probability: Formula for Conditional Probabilities

2021-10-29 - Gikfun Starlight Water Kit Project

2021-10-27 - Emacs: Adding Tab and Shift-Tab to Browse Kill Ring

2021-10-21 - Downloading a Block of Code from PunyForth

2021-10-13 - Four-bit Adder Demo Board Complete

2021-10-13 - Punyforth Flash Block Editing

2021-10-08 - Gikfun SMD Infrared Reversing Radar - Project Finished

2021-10-05 - First SMD Project: Gikfun SMD Infrared Reversing Radar

2021-10-02 - Rebuilding My Home HF Station

2021-09-30 - tealdeer

2021-09-28 - Four-bit Adder

2021-09-22 - Electronics Learning Lab

2021-09-11 - Pipe Viewer, Bit-rate, ASCII Animations

2021-09-07 - Punyforth on the ESP-12E

2021-09-01 - Viewing CVEs For Your Active Guix Profile And System

2021-08-19 - Slide Rule

2021-08-10 - One-Bit Adder

2021-08-08 - Dividing Complex Numbers

2021-08-02 - Matrix <-> Gitter: First Contact

2021-07-28 - Punyforth Asciinema Cast

2021-07-23 - ff-mcp23s17: GPIO Input Implemented

2021-07-14 - ff-mcp23s17: Successful Output Test

2021-07-06 - ff-mcp23s17: Debugging SPI Signals

2021-07-06 - The Quest to Liberate FlashForth

2021-07-04 - Dice Alias Using Guile

2021-06-30 - ff-mcp23s17 Project Started