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Hi! This is a gemini version of my blog!

My HTTPS blog!

My blog is written in an enhanced markdown and then rendered to html by Franklin.jl. This allows me maximum flexibility while maintaining writing simplicity. I use certain extra features provided by Franklin toenhance my writing. However this implies that I cannot use normal md->gemini scripts, as the additional features are lost. I could write a parser equivalent to franklin but to gemini, but that would be a massive undertaking. Instead, I have marked out the content of my blog with custom tags which I can grep from the rendered site and use a simple html->gemini script to convert to gemini. This leads to a pretty good output, but it can have a few oddities, which I will try to fix, but ay not be able to. None the less, the gemini sites will definitely be legible, just with some formatting issues!

I will probably make a blog about this in the near future, but until then, please enjoy my other blogs!

My posts



