About me


My name is Will. I have lived and/or spent an extended period of time

in the following places:

I am currently a third year student studying chemical engineering at

Montana State University in Bozeman, MT.

My (HTTP) website!


I am very interested in all things related to UN*X, systems biology,

and chemistry in general. I am not sure what I want to do with my life

yet. I have drafted flowcharts of my current classes at MSU, and the

ones which I plan to take in the future (these will be changing).

[PDF] Current courses

[SVG] Current courses

[PDF] Potential courses

[SVG] Potential courses

[GIT] Flowchart source files


For my classes, most of my programming/logic design is either VHDL,

assembly, C, or Python. I don't have any side projects going on right

now. I rely on LaTeX (with latexmk) for most of my assignments, and

check pretty much everything into git repos. I use GNU Emacs as my

editor, but I haven't really had the opportunity to dive into the

world of Lisp yet.

Favorite music