With summer now upon us in the Southern hemisphere it is time to start planning out what to do with the mother lode of tomatoes that we will soon have. This is a recipe of my late Nan, with unknown origins before that. She would often use it to compliment zucchini slice and home-made corned beef, tomato and cheese sandwiches. A perfect compliment for a biscuit and cheese. I've kept the units in imperial for nostalgia's sake.
Peel and slice the tomatoes and onions. Sprinkle with salt and allow to remain overnight in a large pot, then drain. Add a sufficient amount of vinegar to not-quite fully cover the tomatoes and onions. Mix curry powder, mustard and flour into a paste with using a small amount of vinegar, add it to the pot. Boil for approximately 1 hour. Add the sugar in the last 15 minutes, being careful to not let it burn on the bottom of the pot.