The very first things you need to know are these:
The first thing to do to login is ssh into the AuraGem server on the "ponics" user. This will automatically start up a telnet session connecting to the local Multics server.
Next, you will be prompted with a list of terminals in brackets. Just press enter to choose the first one. It will look something like this:
HSLA Port (d.h000,d.h001,d.h002,d.h003,d.h004,d.h005,d.h006,d.h007, d.h008,d.h009,d.h010,d.h011,d.h012,d.h013,d.h014,d.h015,d.h016,d.h017, d.h018,d.h019,d.h020,d.h021,d.h022,d.h023,d.h024,d.h025,d.h026,d.h027, d.h028,d.h029,d.h030,d.h031)?
After pressing enter, you will be prompted with this:
Multics MR12.6f: Ponics (Channel d.h000) Load = 5.0 out of 90.0 units: users = 5, 05/09/21 1225.4 pst Sun
Type "login Username -cpw" (without quotes). This will log you in and have you change your password. On all other times you are logging in, remove the "-cpw" (change password).
Passwords can only be 8 characters maximum and cannot have special symbols.
The command line will be ready as soon as this is printed:
r 12:54 4.365 91
To begin the tutorial, type "tutorial" and press enter. You can see a list of all currently logged in users with "who".
Finally, you can logout with the "logout" command.