People get caught up in tools as a distraction from actually learning and doing. I probably do too, but I also find directing attention to the tools around me that mostly just disappear into the background and are taken for granted is a great way to find the very best exemplars of what tools should be, and helps me be a better tool-maker[1].
Here are some of the more important tools I use day-to-day to build with[2]:
Digital tools
- Ubuntu.
- Firefox. To be honest most browsers are all pretty decent, but some are slightly more decent than others. I like Firefox.
- DuckDuckGo. I know it’s basically a re-wrapped version of Bing, but I still enjoy the vibe. Search results are generally good enough and I like their !bangs[3].
- Futureland[4]. Where my process[5] is recorded and I work through a daily routine.
- VS Code. I recently switched over from Sublime Text, and it’s been pretty good so far with a nice ecosystem of plugins. I just wish it wasn’t quite as heavy.
- Figma.
- iTerm.
- Fastmail[6]. I hosted my own email for a few years but eventually gave into using a service when the big G decided to send all my mail to spam. Turns out they just blacklist IP ranges for public cloud providers. Fastmail has been a pretty nice alternative.
Physical electronic tools
- A computer. It runs Ubuntu and Windows. It’s got an i7 8086k, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and an RTX 2060 TI. I’ve had a custom built computer like this for quite a while. I tend to re-use the old components when I sell off pieces of it, so it’s a bit of a Ship of Theseus[7] situation.
- A laptop. It’s a MacBook Pro 13” from 2017 with whatever the cheapest specs are. It’s in the process of nearing it’s date of obsolescence; highly unfortunate.
Physical tools
- A knife. It’s a Kan Knives Santoku[8].
- A pan. An All Clad D5 Stainless Brushed 12-inch fry pan. Gorgeous tool.
- A trenching shovel. An absolutely essential tool for the garden. Second only to the pickaxe, but the trenching shovel is a bit more broad in its uses.
Last updated Fri Dec 24 2021 in Berkeley, CA
1: /thought/me.gmi
2: /thought/build-it-yourself.gmi
5: /thought/process.gmi