Welcome to ~konomo

I've removed some of my older posts from my blog, I just didn't like them anymore.

I suppose I just want to have a fresh start.

If this bothers you a lot, tough luck I guess.

Contact information


PGP Key for e-mail encryption

Fingeprint: 90D4 2FF9 DCD7 EA81 77A7 6BAA FAC9 1947 7666 5DEF


Trusted fingerprints

(e-mail and xmpp)



/s - terrible poetry, unedited writing, short posts

konomospace - long posts, structured appearance

konomospace feed

Recent posts

(2022-01-24) 018: Der kleine Zwerg im Zwergenland

(2021-12-31) 017: Pendulum - The Other Side

(2021-12-23) 016: Deleting messages and peer-to-peer messengers

(2021-11-25) 015: dey/deren? [Deutsch]

(2021-10-31) 014: October Updates

Other links

Pronoun Dressing Room

Funny Cat Video


My wallpapers

My booklist

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