Welcome to the Illuminated Space Zine! In this zine, we discuss the newest and coolest places on the net from every protocol!
We also feature retro gaming reviews, hardware topics and more!
Hi all, this is mhj. I've done(Or tried to do) several zines before and they always crashed and burned. I started to
ask myself as to why that is. I still don't have an answer - but nevertheless, I am going to try again. The truth is
that I feel like I run out of material - and I might do so again in this case, but as long as I recieve submissions
I think we should be good to go. I want to make this zine be weekly, so I'll try to keep it short and sweet! So to
that end, I think covering 3 sites/things an issue will be good for a while! Hope that's enough for you. Anyways,
lets get started.
I love this place. It reminds me of Yahoo! Category search or something in the 90's that let you browse the net
by categories. This however breaks everything by tags too, so it feels super organized. I've always liked browsing
the net/anything through a category search rather than a straight empty search box ala Google or DuckDuckGo or whatever. It
just feels cleaner. The layout is good and it has a very nice vibe to it, completely taking you in to whereever you
want to go!
Enough gushing though, lets get into a thorough exploration of it. The site has an category index of the following
topics: Information and knowledge; News, Zines, and Podcasts; Regional content; Science; Society; Sports and recreation;
and finally technology.
It also offers a search engine, followed by the the five most recent entries in the directory.
Also, there is an About page and the owner also makes their own gemlog! Very nice.
Overall I would definitely recommend this place. The site owner is also very nice and hangs out on IRC. At least they
did last time I was on it! I hope they're still there, and doing well!
This is a nice and minimalist system that hosts several users gopherholes.
The presentation is good and I'm to see that gopher is still on-going over the
world with new servers.
Currently the site has 3 users it seems. I won't go into what the users talk
about because shining a light on them might not be what they want.
Apparently on the gopherhole - a protocol called Yggdrasil is mentioned. I
personally don't know anything about that protocol, so we'll have to see more
of it next issue!
So I would definitely recommend checking out this new gopherhole, it's great.
Because we talked about Yggdrasil - I looked into it and apparently it concerns
mesh networking and ipv6 routing and whatnot. Very interesting.
I don't have a clue yet how it works, but I'm eager to try to get a client for it
and surf that space. I would say that you should peruse the site yourself and if you
find anything interesting, to let me know via my email!
I would like to get something out on Yggdrasil-space too myself. I have a Gemini, Gopher
and regular website on the net, and given that this in alpha, I would like to try it too
to see what benefits and whatnot it has. I hope there's a server for FreeBSD.
Thank you all for seeing the first new zine I've made in a while!
Questions, comments, praise, concerns:
mdsj at disroot dot org