sam bossley
Hello, this is the arbitrary update you never asked for. No need to get your hopes up.
I recently moved to San Jose, California and I've been prioritizing life and other things over content production. As such, I may post infrequently or sparsely for a short while. Don't worry, I enjoy writing here and I will try my best to post as much as I can, although I do prefer quality of content over quantity of content.
So here's some content-related updates:
- I'm going to be focusing a bit more on formal writing and technology in this blog rather than reviews or "artistic content". The main reason is that I want to be able to host my site as a Gemini capsule in the near future and it's much harder to do so with visual content. If you don't know what Gemini is, don't worry about it - I'll also probably write about the Gemini protocol in a future article for all you nerds. To keep consistency, I'll probably host using a similar domain such as `gemini://` but I'm not entirely sure of how easy it is to host or obtain capsules.
- I intend to post my commentative reviews and more artistic content in a video format on other platforms. Yes, I primarily mean Youtube, but I'm also looking into better alternatives such as LBRY or Peertube because they actually care about their creators instead of maliciously stealing and demonitizing (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you can read what I wrote about Youtube last year regarding their monitization policy). I might just post the same content on all three platforms like most creators seem to be doing.
- I intend to stream more. I'll likely be streaming over on Twitch since it seems to be the best option. The content will most likely be gaming, but it might also include technology-oriented content or just fun memes. Who knows, maybe I'll do a live ASMR Gentoo install because people seem to be into that.
ASMR Gentoo install
I'll post links on where you can find me in the future once I sort things out. If you want to contact me, you can always email me or you can unironically follow me on github to see all my projects I'm working on since I seem to keep that more up to date than any social media.
Thank you for the support, I appreciate it!
Copyright Sam Bossley 2022
BY-NC 4.0