2022-02-22 - hello! i like your capsule
2022-01-27 - Hello from New Zealand! There are hundreds of us!! --Cadence @ cadence.moe
2022-01-16 - hello from Oklahoma, USA!
2021-10-24 - Greetings from The Netherlands!
2021-10-24 - hellow from austria
2021-10-19 - greet from Hollywood!
2021-09-15 - Greetings from North Dakota, USA
2021-08-11 - Hi from France!
2021-07-27 - And another Kiwi visiting.
2021-07-09 - Hello from Canada!
2021-05-16 - Hello from New Zealand!
2021-05-09 - Hi from Russia!
2021-05-08 - Greeting!
2021-05-08 - Greeting!
2021-05-08 - Greeting!
2021-04-27 - Hey, Gemini rocks.
2021-04-24 - I just want to say I enjoy this space a lot.
2021-04-21 - Hi from Italy!
2021-04-16 - hi from mrv! :)
2021-04-11 - Thanks for the Dictionary app, it's really nice... Bravo!
2021-03-24 - A Very cozy capsule you got right here, Vasco! Keep it up!
2021-03-16 - Thank you so much for weather.gluonspace.com. It's an amazing service.
2021-03-15 - Great blog. Like the ontent.
2021-03-10 - Hello from the other side of the ocean.
2021-03-02 - You talk about so many different topics. I like that.
2021-03-02 - Hello from Finland, I like your gemlog.
2021-03-02 - Nice gemlog! Always nice to see some content about physics.
2021-03-01 - Nice guestbook, hello from France!
2021-02-28 - This is sweet.
2021-02-27 - A very neat implementation of guestbook this is indeed.
2021-02-27 - Greetings! Many thanks for all your contributions go Gemini. All best.
2021-02-27 - Greetings from the Gemini space fellow Geminaut.
2021-02-27 - Hi gluon.
2021-02-27 - Message from my mobile.
2021-02-26 - Hey, I like the layout of your capsule. Really neat! :)
2021-02-26 - Hello from the UK!!!
2021-02-26 - Guestbooks remind me of the good old times when the web was still small.
2021-02-26 - I really like your Gemini capsule gluon.
2021-02-26 - Hi there.
2021-02-26 - Greetings from the Gemini space!
2021-02-26 - Hello! Nice capsule gluon.