Remy Noulin's homepage
My glog, updated monthly
Same blog on the web
Web homepage with my git repos
Cooking recipes
Archive of news articles and internet comments, 2007-2020 (english, swedish and french, ~6600 pages)
RFCs (updated every 2 weeks)
rsync -avz --delete .
Linux Man Pages
Gemini software I'm using
- gmniserv: Gemini server
- amfora: Gemini TUI client
- telescope: under development, not everything works. It has vim and emacs key bindings
Gemini Search Engine
France Info
Swedish news
BBC News
Cosmos Super aggregator: Antenna, Geddit, Station...
CAPCOM Geminispace aggregator
Warmedal Antenna
Popular hashtags in Geminispace
Gemini Newsgroup mirror (comp.infosystems.gemini)
Wikipedia Search
Articles from article-based websites (france info, the guardian,...)
Gemini mirrors of web resources
Drew Devault
Warmedal's bookmarks
Adrian Hesketh
Telescope client
Project Gemini