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welcome to my cafe! order a chai latte (my favorite), and perhaps stay for a while — at least, until you get back on the right path. this cafe sits within the nothing, the space between the timeline you're on and the entangled timelines that make up the multiverse. it's a weird amalgamation between the truth in one life and the truth in another; maybe some form of fiction to some and reality to others.


are you ready to order?

black coffee

matcha tea

iced chai latte [cw: mentions of suicide]

hot cocoa [cw: health anxiety]

green tea

mocha [cw: pregnancy]


you can also take a look around the cafe itself, if that's more to your liking:

a tiny library, full with collections of capsules and gopherholes to peruse

astrobotany garden

a window to look outside

another window to look outside

an electronic stock ticker but with quotes from books instead

don't be afraid to reach out. email if you'd like: al@xandra.cc

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in this timeline, the one you're reading this on, i'm a huge advocate for folks to create personal sites and bring back diversity of content on the web. if you'd like to learn more about me, check out my exhibits at the museum:

the museum of alexandra

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last updated: january 30, 2022