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2022-01-18 [散] The Great Unwinding
2021-11-03 [答] Licenses, Internet Arguments, and Adaptation Avoidance
2021-09-17 [樂] Fruit Bats - Absolute Loser
2021-08-23 [答] Re: comment systems and hit counts
2021-08-11 [散] Cicadas & Bookworms
2021-08-02 [散] The Tree-frog Inn
2021-05-18 [散] Living and Lurking
2021-04-05 [詩] Before the bloom
2021-02-23 [散] So Long Azaleas
2021-02-05 [散] Grandma's Century of Gratitude
2021-01-25 [樂] Mythos and Music
2020-11-26 [詩] once you asked me
2020-10-26 [答] Re: Strategy for writing drafts in a Gemlog
2020-10-25 [答] Re: Witchcraft!
2020-10-23 [答] Re: Firefox: The Jewel^WEmbarassment of Open Source
2020-10-16 [散] Sharing the Road
2020-10-12 [散] Failure to Launch
2020-10-03 [散] Hangul in Geminispace
2020-09-17 [答] Re: reply to "Passage"
2020-09-02 [詩] rest stop spuds
2020-09-02 [答] Re: Surveillance Childcare
2020-08-29 [答] Re: on hardwrap
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