Welcome to my capsule!

e-mail: kafkamod@gmail.com

First of all, in Gemini I see a potential attempt at trying on techies

with a network. Yes, we always had alternatives to the mainstream, but the Internet was

completely lost, becoming exclusively a means of earning money.

In general, I have nothing against, development is development, but I am glad that we

found a cozy corner of the "good old selfhost network".

In the future, I will try to implement an eco-server project,

which will be powered by natural energy, just like a pet project,

which will show that we can exchange information without harm


“Who controls the Internet, controls the world.
If the global network becomes totalitarian,
then the whole world becomes such, literally in
one second."
                                        Julian Assange

a little about witnesses | 29/11/2021

Grumbling about youth and actresses

Digital minimalism 2.0. | 05/26/2021

How I encountered “digital minimalism”.

Some of my history | 04/09/2021

A little about dogma | 03/03/2021

Thoughts aloud | 02/26/2021

Places where we could see:

Midnight Pub!


Point G (Russian community in gemini)