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about this capsule

This is a just a little place for me to put up some stuff I think is interesting. Maybe you will find it interesting too. If so I'd love to hear from you (see 'contact' below).


Reading Marx's Capital

about the domain name

Dofe /doːf/ is simply 豆腐 with devoicing of the final vowel. As a non animal eater I'm a big fan of 豆腐 and many other soy products (I depend on them in order to get my sweet sweet protein) so I jumped on the chance to get a .soy domain.

about me

I'm not trying particularly hard to hide who I am, but I also think it's nice to have an online space where you just post stuff pseudonymously without talking about yourself, building your brand, and so on, so that's all I'm putting in this section.


If you found something interesting here or want to contact me for any other reason, feel free to reach out.

email: bean@dofe.soy