We are a small, Virginia-based studio practicing intentional, low-impact design in computing, agriculture, and existence.
We'll explore the amazing benefits of worm castings, general worm husbandry, and how to get started. Free online workshop with Q&A.
Date and time TBD
A debugger for the Uxn virtual machine.
A small, responsibly designed, open-source mobile phone platform that empowers the user to build upon it, repair it, and retain his or her individual freedoms. It is the antithesis of Android and iPhone.
Self-led study of Permaculture for application in horticulture and sustainable living.
A re-imagined, open-source version of Slimvoice that prioritizes simplicity and ownership of your data.
We maintain a repository of information spanning our interests and projects, containing technical information and recipes, journals, thoughts, and anything else we believe is worth preserving and sharing.
Put your message in a bottle addressed to lookout@[root_domain].co. Patches for our open source projects are welcome.
Spotted inside the sound waves a blip's bright light. Brunette blooms cast nets from harp's necks tangling in auxcable. Forget your sea shanties, slip from your station and cross the shore. Century's new sailors, what is left to explore? Ship sirens sing louder than secrets keepers beneath the sea (C-P-U) and Intel core, what is all of this noise for?█