Hello, gemini!

Some blog-posts about projects I am working on and other interesting things. These post will not be regular at all, they will be released when I want to.

2022-02-27 Having a bad day

2022-02-16 New Keyboard Layout

2022-02-10 Scripting Languages

2022-02-03 Speedup Laptop WiFi

2022-01-30 Ads? What ads?

2022-01-23 A week without YouTube

2022-01-21 html2gmi mature

2022-01-18 gemtext over html over gemtext

2022-01-12 html2gmi proxy

2022-01-08 GitHub vs GitLab vs SourceHut

2022-01-03 A day without the web

2022-01-01 Mirror (almost) all http(s) site to gmi.

2021-12-27 html2gmi is now available

2021-12-26 The PineTime is great.

2021-12-21 HTML to gmi

2021-12-16 War against cookies and Javascript in Qutebrowser

My atom feed

Atom feed


Contact me using gemini@schmiddi.anonaddy.com.