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Hello, I'm Vasco Costa also known as gluon online. I was born in 1981 in Lisbon, Portugal. You might know me from Gopher space, since I'm the creator of Gopherddit. My interests span across a wide range of different topics, thus I consider myself a Jack of all trades, master of none.
These are some of the subjects I like the most:
Minimalism is deeply embedded into my personality, reflecting throughout all aspects of my life. Less is generally more, although there's a fine line between minimal and too minimal. Gemini hits the sweet spot. I'm planning to contribute to Gemini with a lot of exclusive static and dynamic (services) content.
glueather - A simple Python/Qt weather application using the OpenWeather API
Minoca OS - General purpose POSIX-like operating system written from scratch
owm - Python wrapper for the Open Weather Map API
sbsdump - Tool that connects to ADS-B devices on TCP port 30003 by default and dumps data in SBS format
sbs1explorer - GUI allowing a variety of queries to any SBS-1 flights database
textful - Minimalist cross-platform text editor implementing all the standard features and some advanced ones
yoga - web interface which provides an administration panel for Orion Telecom Networks groomers