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 ___  __ _  __| |_ __   ___  ___ ___
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\__ \ (_| | (_| | | | |  __/\__ \__ \
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hello! you've been running for a while.

you can stop here, it's quiet.

☪ dark mistress of the web ☪

find me at


  ;)( ;
 :----:     o8Oo./
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 |    |  \========/
 `----'   `------'

my fav ascii art


gemini directories n' feeds

medusae.space directory

spacewalk feed

gemini social

leo - a "web"ring for gemini

midnight.pub - a virtual pub

rawtext.club - the slow social network

gemini search


kewl linkz

poetry in geminispace

cultivating a creative practice


internet (manifestos?)

Internet Freedom

Reimagining the Internet

gemlog.blue: "an even lower tech livejournal"

station: twitter for gemini?

[gopher] The Small Internet