# cgmnlm - A colorful Gemini line mode client This is a [Gemini](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/) client. Included are: - A CLI utility (like curl): gmni - A [line-mode browser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_Mode_Browser): cgmnlm ## Features: - Page history - Regex searches - Bookmarks - basic Client Certificate support (no autocreation of client certs currently) ## Non-Features: - no inlining of any link type - no caching of page content - no persistent history across sessions ## Modifications compared to upstream This project is of fork of https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gmni It includes the following modifications: - colored headings & links - default 4 char indenting - `s` command to directly search in geminispace (via geminispace.info) - `l` command to search for backlinks to current URI (via geminispace.info) - `k` command to remove the bookmark for the current page - `u` command to navigate 1 path element up - `e[N]` command to open a link or the current URI in default external program (requires `xdg-open`) - `t[N]` command to download the content behind a link or the current URI to a temporary file - `T` command line switch to automatically open files downloaded with `t` command (requires `xdg-open`) - `a` command and `A` command line switch to toggle between preformatted text and the associated alt text ### Colors The actual colors used depend on your terminal palette: - heading 1: light red - heading 2: light yellow - heading 3: light green - gemini link on same capsule: light cyan - gemini link to another capsule: dark cyan - non-gemini link: light magenta - preformatted text: light gray Besides this rendering adjustments i'll try to keep track of upstream changes or send patches to upstream. ## Usage See `gmni(1)`, `cgmnlm(1)`. ## Installation * ArchLinux and derivates: * release: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cgmnlm/ * latest: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cgmnlm-git/ ## Compiling ``` $ mkdir build && cd build $ ../configure $ make # make install ``` ### Dependencies: - A POSIX-like system and a C11 compiler - [BearSSL](https://www.bearssl.org/index.html) - [scdoc](https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc/) (optional)