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                                 October 19, 1992

              This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of John Draper.
       From:  The TESLA BBS
              (719) 486-2775


       "There are worlds within worlds Christa.  Everything in our world is
       connected by the  delicate  strands  of  the  web  of life, which is
       balanced between forces  of destruction  and  the  magic  forces  of
       creation".  The Magi to Christa in the movie 'Ferngully'.


       In May of  1921, Walter Russell, a sculptor, painter,  and  later  a
       President of the  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  entered  into a
       prolonged state of heightened awareness or samadhdi.  His experience
       allowed him to see the manner in which the creator, or illumined one
       as he described it, gave manifestation to the elements of matter and
       the gravitational and   electrical   effects   of   nature.    These
       primordial forces were  best  described  in  a visual  format  in  a
       painting by Russell entitled "The Wave".

       A full color  photograph  of Russell's painting "The Wave", precedes
       the text in his book 'The Secret  of  Light'.   (Available  from The
       University of Science and Philosophy, call 1-800-882-5683  to  order
       or for catalog).   Viewed from the front, in the schematic form of a
       technical blueprint, the wave seems  to be identical to the patterns
       present in Navajo weavings.  These symbols are a front  view  of the
       vortex motions of   the   simultaneous   forces   of   creation  and
       disintegration.  The Navajo rug symbols  and  the  wave  explain the
       dual wave and  particle like nature of atomic physics.   Viewed  end
       on, the symbol becomes the yin-yang sign of eastern philosophy.

       It is also  a  pictorial  representation  of  Zero  Point energy and
       Scaler fields.   A complete mathematical description of the yin-yang
       symbol is presented by Eldon Byrd  in  Volume  1,  Number  2, of The
       Journal of the USPA.

       It is possible that ancient shamans also were able  to visualize the
       wave of creation.   Having  an  understanding  of  the  mechanics of
       nature, as represented by the wave,  it would be possible to develop
       a technology that could utilize the forces of nature for the benefit
       of the tribe.


       I had the  good fortune of being able to present this to Tom Bearden
       this summer at  the 27th IECEC conference.   Tom  pointed  out  that
       sound vibrations could be used to accomplish the  same  scalar  wave
       technology that Tesla, Moray, Hubbard, Keely, Hendershot, and others
       may have done  electrically  and  mechanically.   Through the use of
       chanting the wave could be manipulated  to cause physical phenomenon
       to occur.  Thus the rain dance in the desert southwest,  the ability
       to move large  stone blocks through the manipulation of gravity, the
       instantaneous healing of the sick, could all be accomplished through
       chanting.  As Terence McKenna points  out  in  'The  Archaic Revival
       (Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality,
       UFOs, Evolution, Shaminism, the Rebirth of the Goddess,  and the End
       of History)', "Chanting   and   singing  are  worldwide  shaministic
       practices.  The Shamanic singers navigate through a space with which
       we have lost touch as a society."

       Non-Polluting Energy Generation.

       The great American inventor, Nikola  Tesla, prophesied the potential
       inherent in the  wave  in  1891  in  a  speech before  the  American
       Institute of Electrical  Engineers;  "Ere many generations pass, our
       machinery will be driven by a power  obtainable  at any point in the
       universe.....Throughout space there  is  energy....it   is   a  mere
       question of time  when men will succeed in attaching their machinery
       to the very wheelwork of nature."

       The wave is the precursor to matter.  It is the fabric of sub space,
       if you will.  It is non-material and  exists  in a dimension removed
       from view.  The wave controls and results in the formation of matter
       which is detectable from our dimension.  This is why  we seem to see
       a duality of  wave  and  particle like nature in atomic and photonic
       structure.  There is no paradox.   The  wave  is a wave when it is a
       wave and the particle is a particle when it is a particle.  The wave
       becomes the particle which then become the wave.

       The Possibility of Elemental Transmutation.

       Tesla was able to verbally describe what Russell had  drawn  when he
       said  "Every particle of matter is composed of a primary substance--
       the ether--filling all  space.   The  atom of any elementary body is
       differentiated from the rest of this  tenuous  substance merely by a
       spinning motion like a whirl in a calm lake.

       By being set in movement ether becomes palpable matter; the movement
       arrested, the primary  substance  reverts  to its normal  state  and
       becomes imperceptible....To create     and    annihilate    material
       substance, to cause at will its birth and death, would be man's most
       consequential deed--his greatest achievement,  which would place him
       beside his creator, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny.   (Nikola
       Tesla, in a letter to the "Actors Fund Fair", May 13th, 1907.)

       The action of  the  vortexes  of integration and disintegration were
       again described by Tesla in 1930.   "Long  ago  he  [man] recognized
       that  all  perceptible  matter  comes from  a primary  substance, or
       tenuity beyond conception,   filling   all   space,  the  Akasha  or
       luminiferous ether, which is acted  on  by the life giving Prana, or
       creative force, calling  into existence in never ending  cycles  all
       things and phenomena.     The   primary   substance,   thrown   into
       infinitesimal whirls of prodigious  velocity,  becomes gross matter;
       the force subsiding,  the  motion  ceases  and  matter   disappears,
       reverting  to the primary substance.  (Nikola Tesla, "Man's Greatest

       Notice two things  in  this  description.  First that Tesla had seen
       that this process had been understood  by  ancient people and second
       that he used words from eastern philosophy  to describe the process.
       Tesla had attended  the lectures of Swami Vivekananda  in  New  York
       City in 1896  and  had been inspired by Vivikananda's explanation of
       Vedic cosmology.  (See 'The Influence  of Vedic Philosophy on Nikola
       Tesla's Understanding of Free Energy', 15th Annual  USPA Conference,
       Sacramento, California,  audio and video tape available, paper to be
       published, fall of  1992  in  the  Journal Of The USPA)  It was only
       through the use of vedic terminology that Tesla was able to describe
       the forces of nature, western science  lacked the vocabulary as well
       as the understanding.


       The wave is  described  by  Russell as causing "the  integration  of
       matter at poles  and disintegration at equators.   Matter integrates
       by the contraction  of  one  pair of spirals around the shafts which
       wind it into spheres by the way of  its  poles, and disintegrates it
       by the expansion of the other pair which unwinds  it  by  the way of
       equators. (Secret of Light, p. 251.)

       Gravitation and Radiation.

       "Every wave is  considered  a compression-expansion pump.  The whole
       universe is a giant pump.  The two-way  piston of the universal pump
       constitutes the universal  heartbeat.   A  one-way  universe  is  as
       impossible as a  one way pump is possible.  The compressed condition
       of this universe is exactly equal  to  the  expanded condition.  The
       compressed condition is  gravitation.   The  expanded  condition  is
       radiation.  Gravitation and  radiation  are  equal opposites....This
       universe of electric waves is divided  into  wave fields.  Each wave
       field is equally divided by contraction of gravitation and expansion
       of radiation."  (A New Concept of the Universe p. 23.)

       "Electricity...creates tensions and strains, which  we call electric
       potential.  Electric potential  is the measure of compression at any
       one point in   the   universe.   Gravity   is   evidenced   wherever
       compression from without is maximum.  Gravity is a  focal point from
       which matter desires  to  explode  outwardly.  Gravity does not pull
       inwardly from within as the deceptive  illusion of Nature would have
       you believe.  Neither  is  it  the attractive force  which  Newton's
       senses were deceived  into  believing,  for a center of gravity is a
       point of maximum electric potential."  (Atomic Suicide, p. 89.)

       Electricity And Magnetism.

       "Electricity is the  power  force   of  the  universe.   Electricity
       accumulates power into high potential from the universal constant at
       the sacrifice of  one  of  its  time dimensions.  Electricity is the
       force of resistance  to  the  established  speed  of  the  universal
       constant of energy...Electricity is the generative force.

       Magnetism is the  speed  force,  the  time force, of  the  universe.
       Magnetism dissipates the   high   potential   power   dimension  and
       transforms it into time dimension of low potential.

       Magnetism is the  force  which   works   toward   a  return  to  the
       established motion  of the universal constant  of energy...Magnetism
       is the radiative force."  (The Universal One, p. 68.)

       The Nine Octave Wave of the Elements, the Basis for Transmutation of

       "Every completed idea in nature is expressed in nine  efforts  -  or
       stages - which are  eight  octave waves  plus the matured  centering
       amplitude wave of the whole nine octave cycle.

       Each octave of the elements  grows from its inert gas just as a tree
       grows from a seed.   The inert gases record and store for repetition
       all that has gone before in that octave.

       By dividing the entire nine-octave cycle  into its two opposite half
       cycles,  one  half  being  generoactive  and  the  other  half being
       equally radioactive,  a comprehensive  base  for  transmutation will
       replace  the present concept  of dislodging electrons,  or adding to
       them, to transmute one into another.

       The age of transmutation  will come only  through the transformation
       of  man,  and  man's  transformation  can  only  come  only  "by the
       renewing of his Mind"  through new  knowing.   It has ever been that
       way since  the  dawn  of Consciousness,  and will ever  be"  (A  New
       Concept Of The Universe, pp. 115, 119.)

                                                  Chief Seattle, 1855


       The Native American  symbol  which  represents  the  Russell wave of
       creation is available,  by  mail,  from  Natures  Own  Imaginations,
       Building 21,  Suite 140,  Old Town Square,  Fort Collins,  CO  80524
       (303) 484-9701   (Ask them for the diamond shaped Navajo rug design)


       A complete explanation and visual presentation is available from the
       USPA video tape library.  Order the presentation made  by Toby Grotz
       at the Milwaukee conference titled, "Transmutation Of Elements Using
       Dual Polarity Control  And Walter Russell's Experiments With An Over
       Unity Device"  The video is available for $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping
       from: USPA Tapes, 993 West 1800 North,  Pleasant  Grove,  UT  84062,
       Phone: (810) 785-5130.

       Further information  may be obtained by  contacting the author, Toby
       Grotz  (303) 824-6834,  or by writing to  820 Bridger Circle, Craig,
       CO 81625

         If you  have comments or other information relating to such topics
         as  this paper covers,  please   upload to KeelyNet or send to the
           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.
              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

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