Survey Results
Copyright (c) 1994, Joe DeRouen
All rights reserved

Beginning last month, everyone who answered the survey had their
name thrown into a hat for a random drawing.  Each month we'll give away
a prize of some great (or not-so-great) worth by drawing a name out of
the hat.  Everyone who fills out and sends in a survey is eligible!

Oct. 1st was the first such drawing, and Dave Crumb of Chicago,
Illinois was selected to win Cinemark's claymation VGA/Soundblaster game
FREE DC!  Congratulations, Dave! 

The Nov. 1st prize will be three FREE month's of access of Cambridge,
Mass.'s mega BBS Channel 1.  Check out the MONTHLY PRIZE GIVEAWAY
articles from the main menu for more details. 

            #          #          #

The results are in from the survey in the Sept. issue of STTS, and
tabulated below for a median score. 

So far, the response rate has been tremendous.  We've received responses
from all over the USA and several other countries including Canada,
South America, and France! 

For those of you who've yet to respond, please do so now.  Your response
will be greatly appreciated, and help shape the look, feel, and content
of the magazine in the months to come. 

I'd like to thank everyone who responded. Each and every one of your
comments were read and taken into consideration.  

In the survey, I asked the readers to rate the sections of the magazine
on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best and one being the worst. Here's
the averages, taken by adding all the scores for an indiviual section
(eg: fiction) and dividing it by the number of survey's received that
scored that section with something other than an "X" for no comment.

Magazine sections are ranked in order of scores, from highest to lowest:


Fiction:            9.6    
Poetry:             9.2
Book Reviews:       8.0
Editorial:          8.6
Feature Articles:   8.6
Humour:             8.7
Movie Reviews:      8.6
Software Reviews:   8.9
ANSI Coverart:      7.3
CD Reviews:         7.1
Question & Answers: 7.1

Summary: Fiction and poetry seemed to prove the most popular, as I was
         sure it would. Nothing really received *bad* scores, though,
         which is promising. Of the reviews, the software reviews seem 
         to be ahead, the book and movie reviews seemed to be neck and 
         neck, and the CD reviews place a somewhat distant fourth.  

         What the above scores really *don't* tell is that the surveys
         seemed to be divided into camps. There were several people that
         read STTS mainly for fiction and poetry, and almost as many 
         people who read it exclusively for the reviews. Both groups
         scored their interest group high while X'ing a "No Comment" 
         on the other sections. 

Again, many thanks to those of you who took the time to fill out and
send in your surveys. If you haven't yet filled out the survey, you 
still have time to do so. 

Thanks for reading and, if you haven't already, please fill out the
survey! <G>