_________________________ / ______________________\____ _______ / / \ /-------------- ------------- / ###### ## ## ###### \ | ## ## ## ## | | ## ###### #### | | ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ###### | | ================= | | ############## ### ================= | | ############## ### | | ## #### | | #### ### ###### ##### ###### | | #### ##### ############### ### ### | | #### ## ## ### ### ### ### | | #### ## ### ### ########## ##### | #### ## ## ### ### ### ### ## | ################# #### ##### ##### ### ### ## |################# ###### ####### ####### ### ### \ / | ####### - ## - \________________________________________________________ / \ +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Volume 1, Issue 2 ====The Begining==== February 28, 2004 +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ :M�tley Staff: |- Mr. Maul: Editor & Writer -| |- Atticus: Writer(If he stops looking @ porn long enough to write something) -| |- Vampyre Prince: ? (I have an idea, but haven't asked him yet) -| +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ The staff of The Zine is not responsible for reader's actions. This phile is for educational use only. Viewer discretion is advised. +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Things that will be seen in this issue: Manga! Red Boxing! DnD! Things that will not be seen in this issue: Winning Lottery Numbers! +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Wow. That last issue was a rush, wasn't it? No? Well it was to me. I could feel all this power rushing through my fingers. It was amazing. Actually, I'm lying. It was really boring and I'll never do it again. Well, a lot of stuff has happened since the last issue, which I'm not going to tell you about. Okay, maybe a little. It involved me doing stuff, and then thinking to myself that I won't tell anyone about it. You know what? This intro has just become one big waste of your and my time. It's junk. Forget it. I promise the next issue will be better. ��������������������������������������������������������������� ====Manga & Anime==== ��������������������������������������������������������������� It all started when I was on the internet, looking at old PLA issues, when I suddenly thought, "Hey, why don't I look at some online manga." So I was trying to think of some good sites, when I remebered the shirt that Vampyre Prince wore to school once. It was for some site called megatokyo.com (sounds like a porn site). I'm like, "Eh, I'll give it a try." I typed in the address and started looking at the issues. It's about these two guys who are stuck in Japan trying to make their way back to the U.S.A. After reading a few, a famous quote of Tony the Tiger pops into my head. ******** **** **** ******* ***** ***** **** ******** ******* ** ** ** ** ** ** *** *** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * *** *** ** ** ** ** * ** ******** ****** ****** ** **** ****** ** ** ** ** * **** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ****** **** **** ******* ******** **** **** ******* ******** ******** ******* ***** ******** *** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***** *** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ***** *** **** ****** ********* ** *** *** *** ** ** ** * ********* ** * *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** **** **** ******* **** **** ****** * __________________________________________________ *** ____________________________________________________ * But seriously, you've got to check it out. It's made buy some dude named Fred Gallagher who's American. If didn't know better, I would have sworn it was authentic manga. Another one that's relatively similar is made by this little black kid who looks like Gary Coleman. It's at rpgworldcomic.com, and it's pretty good as well. Uh, oh! Here it comes. My rating! After much consideration, here are the two comics' scores: Mega Tokyo: ***** RPG World: *** They have awesome clothing and stuff there, as well. d0 j00 5p34|< l33t? After reading MT, you'll start calling all of your bad days, "Dead Piro Days." Read and find out. To quote Uncle, "One more thing..." There's a magazine out there called Shonen Jump, which I recomend any "real manga" fans to pick up a copy, but if you really are a "real manga" fan, then you should already have it. Mmm...Shaman King, One Piece, and Hikaru No Go... Thank you, and drive home safely. Coco Puffs. ƥ��~�����~���ƥ��~���ƥ��~���ƥ����ƥ��~��� ====Freakin' Phreakin'==== ƥ��~�����~���ƥ��~���ƥ��~���ƥ����ƥ��~��� I briefly mentioned in the last issue that red boxing STILL works, and I think I will elaborate on that subject a bit. Everyone I've talked to has told me that red boxing was dead, they changed the tones, it doesn't work anymore, etc... and I just would argue with them telling them that they were wrong. No one would believe me. Then one day at school, my friend who's now moved, which I shall call Fatty-Fatty-Boom-Ba-Latty, brought in a digital recorder. We had some fun with it. He'd record (ahead of time) something like, "Are you gay?" And then go up to someone and ask them if the sky was blue. Most of them would say yes (except for the Roman Retards), that way when it was played back, It's sound like that person admitting they were gay. I had known about recorder red boxes long before he brought his in, but I had never thought of it until one morning I came in, and I saw him with Atticus and Vampyre Prince. Fatty said that he was going to need help recording the tones, so Atticus was given a quarter, was breifed on what to do, and then told to wait by the fone. Then the three of us went down to the other fone, which was pretty far away, called up the fone, blah, blah, blah, you know how it goes. Then Fatty tried to box a call, and the tones didn't work. He tried it several more times, and still, the same thing. He eventually gave up and said that it must not work anymore. I knew this couldn't be true, so on my birthday I went out and got my own recorder from Rat Shack, and recorded tones of my own. They failed to work for me too. After all that, I tried to find info on the web to see what I was doing wrong. Almost all of the stuff I was getting was like ten years old. The new stuff I did find kept saying that red boxing was dead; gone the way of the blue box. I eventually gave up all hope of getting my box to work. I was really depressed and I mainly just sat around, watching T.V. and eatting Coco Puffs. I got fired from my job at Burger King because I kept showing up late, smelling of tears and sad manga. I eventually got out of my rut, started bathing again. I even got my job back. I was doing pretty good. I hadn't used or even looked at a fone during my depression, until one day, when I was walking at school with Atticus, and he stopped and picked up the reciever on the payfone. I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was using the fone. I asked him if he could do that. He just looked at me funny and said yeah. After that, I slowly started using fones again. I eventually got to the point were I would use them every day. It was great. I was online, just surfing, bored, when I decided to go to textfiles.com I had gotten over my fone handicap, so I decided to look for phreaking groups. I came across PLA, which was nothing new to me. I had heard of them before, and I always thought they were like some global l33t hardcore phreaking society that had little sub groups set up in each area code of the USA (wouldn't that be cool?!? Mass take-over!!), but I had never actually read any of there stuff. After reading the first issue, I quickly downloaded all of their philes, took them home, and read them all. I soon after went to their site, which I had always been unable to do before because I tried it at the library, and they had it blocked, and that was before I knew how to circumvent their software, but anyway, I quickly discovered the section entitled "Red Boxing for Dummies." I just thought it would be the same info in PLA issue #2, but it wasn't. It turned out the entire time I could have been red boxing, if only I had known about the mouthpiece filters. You just have to do the whole process through the operator. Armed with this information, I downloaded the tones, burned them to disc, and made my very own CD-Red Box. My friend CooKoo encourages you to all go out and do the same thing. Oh yeah, and read the disclaimer at the top. *********************************************************************** I have nothing else to put in here, so here's an old phile I've had for a while (poetry?) that I guess I'll just throw in as filler. Enjoy. *** 9v busy box *** by: Captain B This easy to build box is my own creation: The 9 volt busy box. It's a variation on the original busy box, except a 9 volt battery is used to simulate off hook mode, thereby keeping all phones on that line off hook. The line will remain off hook until the 9v battery is removed from the line. To build this, you'll need only a few things: One 9 volt battery, 2 fully insulated alligator clips, 1 phone line cord (Can be a short phone line cord, too). How to build: You'll first need to modify the phone line cord by connecting the alligator clips to end of the red (ring, negative) and green (tip, positive) wires. My fave to go about this that I think is a bit of an easier alternative is to buy the screw terminal type alligator clips from Raddy Shack. It's pretty hard to go wrong on this, becuase they only sell one size that has the screw terminal on it. (But, you can buy them 2 ways- Pack of 10 not insulated. And, Pack of 4 with red and black colored insulation sleeves). The insulation is needed. Without it, you run the possibilty of getting an electric shock when you touch the alligator clips while connected to a phone line, or other electrical source. The best way to go as far as a line cord goes is to get Rad Shack's short 5 1/4" modular line cord to spade lugs. That's their shortest line cord with spade lugs. (You can go with longer length, or, shorten an existing line cord you may already have if you like.). These modular to spade lug phone line cords have a modular plug on 1 end and, little metal U-shaped spade lugs on the other. Of course, since the color scheme of insulation sleeves are red and black, you'll need to remember that black represents green (tip). Otherwise, you could get the proper color insulation sleeves by buying a pack of various color jumper wires from Radio Hack. The alligator clips are about the same size as the ones I mentioned, except the wires and sleeves come in 4 colors: red, black, yellow, and green. (Just like the standard 2 line home phone wiring color scheme). If you buy that, use the green colored insulation sleeve in place of black sleeve. It's really only a matter of color, that's all. Insulation always serves the same purpose anyway. Now, take a wire cutter and completely cut off the yellow and black wires. Push the red colored wire's spade lug through the hole in the back (narrow) end of the red insulation sleeve, sliding it over the red wire completely. It can be a bit hard. But, have patience and take your time. Once you're done that, do the same with the green wire sliding it through the other (green or black) insulation sleeve. Loosen the screw on 1 of the alligator clips, and attach the little spade lug onto the screw. Tighten the screw down snug, and slide the insulation sleeve over the alligator clip. (Not completely. Leave the metal jaws of the alligator clip sticking out a bit from the front end of the insulation sleeve). Follow the same proceedure for the other (green) wire. Now, onto how to use this: This is the easiest part. Attach the red alligator clip to the (-) negative terminal on the 9 volt battery. Connect the green wire's alligator clip to the (+) positive terminal on the battery. Now, plug the other end of the phone line cord (the modular plug) into a working phone jack. All phones on that line will now stay off hook even when they're hung up. The one side effect is that the volume in the reciever speaker on the handset of all phones on the line may be lower. You can also connect up this box at a TNI or Telco can, too. Another variation would be to connect a phone jack to the end of a modular line cord, and connect red and green jumper cables with alligator clips on both ends between the battery and the red and green screw terminals inside the jack connected to the modular phone line cord. Like with a lot of this stuff, there's more than 1 way to go about it. No matter what, have phun. ƥ��~�����~���ƥ��~���ƥ��~���ƥ����ƥ��~��� ====RPG's 'N' Such==== ƥ��~�����~���ƥ��~���ƥ��~���ƥ����ƥ��~��� Here are some semi-funny jokes I found for DnD. I really didn't think they were all that funny, but hey, that's just me. Q: What is 2 inches long, has 4 arms, 3 eyes and a really long toungue? A: I dunno either, but it is on your shoulder !!!! Q: What's the difference between a female half-orc and a party's healer? A: You don't appreciate either until they go down Q: What did the Red Dragon say to the Knight? A: "Care to join me for lunch?" Q: What did the Red Dragon think about the knight? A: It was delicious! Q: What do you get when you cut a Half-ling in half? A: That's easy, a Quarterling. Q: What do you throw a drowning dwarf? A: His wife and kids. Q: Why should you bind pixies with leather strips? A: So they don't explode when you have sex with them! Q: Why do gnomes have such big noses? A: So they have somplace to keep their fingers. Q. How do you get an Orc out of a tree? A. Cut the rope. Q. How do you keep a dwarf from drowning? A: Take your foot of his head. Q: What do a Nymph and a Turtle have in common? A: If you get 'em on their backs, they're F***ed. ------------------------------------------------- Heh, heh, A-Haw! Makes me chuckle. �-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=���� i i l Stay tuned for the next issue which will include more crap for you l j to read, and more Coco Puffs! j ; Contact me at mr_maul@astroboymail.com ; 1 Keep on red boxing, my little N�-AGE phreaking minions of doom! 1 � � 0-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=������=~��-~=����0