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I decided to start WWN because unlike the Music and Demo scene, the Warez scene had no newsletter or disk mag put out on a regular basis. WWN each week will have a warez report that will provide info on every ware released each day. We will also have other cool things like articles, group news, and interviews. This week along with the Biased Utils Report, We have an interview with Raptor, Sr. in PWA, and articles by both Kilmer and Bori. Also we have a goodbye letter from Justifier. Enjoy! We want you to write in with articles and comments!! Write to: dod@netcom.com ----OR---- an341292@anon.penet.fi ---=[ Contents ]=------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Biased Utils Report......Jimmy Jamez 2. Weekly Games Report......Ionizer 3. Article..................Kilmer "The Unification Theory" Article..................Bori "Govt. Control Over Internet" 4. Interview - Raptor.......Bori 5. Goodbye Letter...........Justifier 6. Group News...............Lester "Death Of Vendetta" 7. Closing..................Lester ---=[ 1. Biased Utils Report ]=----------------------------------------------- original idea by jimmy jamez [dod/tyranny] Uff.. this week finished finally. It was a hard time. thats all i can say. We saw some activisation among utils groups, many of them faced problems too. It was strange to see many groups releasing coz around 50% of scene dudes went to school in the first days of september.. maybe school stimulated them to work at home too . Now lets go to my special biased part: PWA (Pirates With Attitude): Attitude was extremely high this week :) I think this was the only high-end team on past week that had only good news and releases. All others had some troubles and shit. Now lets check what they release so far for previous 7-8 days...Questware 4.0 English on 7 disks, Crimilogic Toolbook (AutoCAD addon) on 4 disks, Dr.Solomon's toolkit beta 7.51 from their Euro dudes, Intersolv Datadirect Development Kit for NT (kinda specialized for programmes. dont think somebody will use it), TeamTalk 100 Users for Win (graphix conversion or smth, not bad), Winlink for Win95 Beta on 3 disks, Rumba Walldata R&R report on 3 disks and the mostly useful software from them - latest F-Prot that finally killed Quick Silver virus on my poor PC.. noone anti-virus could kill it before and i want to say special thanx to PWA for that! :) Hope we will see the same or better work from dinosaurus on coming week! Week Score : 10/10 Total Score: 40/50 DOD (Drink Or Die): Group had many problems during the week and the main one is of coz loss of World HeadQuarter and senior member. There are many rumors flying around about Gods Realm but i will not tell all real story here. It happened, board gone forever and lets not forget about fine scene slave - Hula. Lets look on group's releases.. Week started slowly for us.. we did few small Microsoft titles like: MS SideWinder 3D Pro, MS EazyBall and one little PC rescue thing called PC Doctor for DOS. After that real releasing time for DOD started.. Few major titles released like Hijaak 95 for Win95 from Inset on 5 disks (long awaited graphix conversion proggy), MS Word 95 Development Kit on 1 disk... also you all saw many new store budget things like ColorFast 1.0, Calanders & More (c) Mindscape on 6 disks, Janno Contact on 7 disks, PaperMaster for Win95 on 3 disks and Name-It 1.0 for Win95. That was pretty hot for weekend, especially that DOD finished with very cool database original called Alpha Four 6.0, InterNetables 1.0 for Win (that is nice internet toolkit), Astound Studio 2.01 (add-on for Astound 2.x multi- media presentation) and finally MathCAD 6.0 Standard for Win/Win95 on 8 disks! So.. 14 titles is not the worst but still not the best result for such group as DOD. We all expect from DOD much more on bext week! Watch out. Week Score : 10/10 Total Score: 45/50 PNC (PiNNaCLe): A week of ups and downs for this young blood! They have only one problem in their work - not much expereince! Dudes have potential but still need to learn some aspects of utility high-end. Started very cool with such coolio titles like Lotus Approach 3.0 for Win95, Lotus Notes 3.3 for Win95, Plannix Home 2.0 for Windows, Stacker 4.1 for Win95 (beaten DOD in their store kingdome :).. but we also saw such jack shit like MegaFonts Collection on 12 disks (why the fuck such cool team will release that crappy TTF collections?) and many EDUCATIONAL kiddy games in few last days of week! C'Mon Guys! Choose some priority for yourself. What to release - QUALITY software or shitty lame cheap crap that will give your group bad name. Do not release LARGE ammount of titles just to get credit - BETTER specialize on QUALITY and not QUANTITY! I am sorry if that touches you but i hope leaders will understand what they need to do. If they want to be something in real pirates world and not just internet lamers kingdom - they will do smth to prevent shitty releases. Make next week better, dudes Week Score : 5/10 Total Score: 31/50 X-FORCE: Nice comeback to this euros after slow summer.. Not many releases but the quality is fine! There were some 15 disks Pack of Internet Tools (had no time to leech it, anyway dont think that it is something serious), Unimat 4.0a for OS/2 on 2 disks that is a cool OS/2 unistaller (rare shit, isn't it?) itself and of coz AWESOME Sybase SQL Client/Server on 18 disks from one of the biggest dbase publishers (Sybase). Also there was some huge cd-rip called Interactive Tutorial for Win95 on 36 disks.. cannot call it cool coz Win95 is not so complicated to use such large tutorials! It doesn't need tutorials at all :) Week Score : 5/10 Total Score: 9/50 Thats all for this issue. NTA did 2 very small releases but they are not worth to be specially discussed in my report. All other groups worked in the same stream - i mean released lame crap, duped, faked or simply stayed in silence. If you have anything to say to me about WWN reports or complain (it will be accepted too of coz) - email me on dod@ns.extech.msk.su ByeBye kids, JIMMY JAMEZ ---=[ 2. Weekly Games Report ]=----------------------------------------------- ===================== Ionizer's Game Review ===================== Welp, I'm back from vacation and here it is again! The Review is dedicated to a quick review of what game's are hot and whats not...and comments about them. The games were played on a P75 with 16 megs of ram. =====The Game Reviews======================================================== *-* Abuse Demo *-* Contra style game with mouse control. It's your basic Contra style game with the fact that you control the aim of the gun using your mouse. It is a little hard to get use to and does make the game more challenging. The enemies however come at you to fast and just jump all over you and you die very quickly. Your gun that you are equipped with does very little damage. This is one of those games where you never get past the first level and you ditch the game after several unsuccesful attempts. Keep in mind it is a demo. RATING: 5/10 *-* Primal Rage *-* Yeah I know it's old, but it's one of the more important releases of year and I couldn't leave it out. This is the review of the Hybrid 18 disk SVGA (16 meg) version, which wasn't easy to find a week and a half after it was released. Anyway, this is MK, but with dinosaurs (As if I had to tell you that). The game flows nicely and has a nice assortment of moves and finishing moves. It's just like the arcade, however the sounds don't seem as intense or loud as they are in the arcade. Great game, a MUST download. RATING: 9.5/10 *-* The Bus Empire *-* Released by LORD...lord almighty what the fuck does it say? Good luck with your chinese reading. New groups and groups not known for non- american games should indicate these things to us. RATING: ?/10 *-* Werewolf *-* Yes another oldie, but it sounded good to download. Damn was I dis- appointed to find out it was a flight simulator (That'll teach me to forget to read nfos). This 26 disk release by Hybrid looks a lot like a combo of Mechwarrior2 but in a helicopter crossed over with Heretic looking scenery. To be honest, I hate sims, but if you don't you might find this one a bit interesting. It appears the plane/helicopter does not have too many detailed things to do with flying it. It includes serial/parallel/modem support and can be played against people who have Comanche 2.0 RATING: 6.5/10 *-* Shanghai For Win95 *-* It's that old chinese puzzle like game that was out for Win 3.1. Did I play it, hell no, but there ain't much more to it other then it's a puzzle game. Tdujam released a 25 disk version, Hybrid then released a rip which cut it down in size to 13 disks (but check your #13) b/c many people had a bad disk 13. RATING: ?/10 *-* Apache Longbow *-* After several betas and rips of the betas Hybrid brings us the final release. It's yet another flight simulator. This one lacks detailed scenery but has good voices. It's all a matter of whether you like flight sims or not. If you don't you still won't like this one. If you do, you still might not like this one. RATING: 5.5/10 *-* Roadhogs *-* This is an extremely sad and pathetic and empty racing game, but then again what did you expect from Registered SW that's not even 2 disks. The game is ultimately boring, unrealistic, and nothing like what a true arcade racing game is like. You pretty much hold down your speed, and manage to not crash into the sides = you win. You crash once pretty much means = you lose. RATING: 3/10 *-* Astro Force 2 *-* It's for windows, and it's not an rpg. Crap pretty much sums it up. RATING: 0.5/10 *-* Empire 2 (The art of war) *-* Nice intro. The game was addicting, but inside I really wanted to stop playing because it was so dull looking. Nothing different then the usual war type game. This ain't no warcraft, it's just a move the icon on to the other guy and it does a little bang bang. Strategy. RATING: 4.5/10 *-* Worms Demo *-* Remember that game where there was like 10 tanks on a hill, and you were equipped with all different weapons, and the objective was to angle your weapon and give it the right distance to kill the other guy? Well, that's what this is except it's with worms. This is only a demo, but it looks promising. It's one of those games that are fun to play with a friend over, since the computer is practically perfect. The full version will allow you to play it over the modem. It has a great assortment of weapons and features. Keep an eye out for this one when the full version is available. RATING: 7.5/10 *-* PC Rally *-* Well Phoenix sure didn't lie when they said this one wouldn't be replacing nascar. It's one of those low budget car games. You race a car that is half the size of the track and you can see about 2 inches in front of you and an arrow just tells you which way to turn 1 second before you need to. Some obstacles are thrown in your way and it's impossible to turn w/o hitting the side if your going at a decent speed. Don't look for this to solve your craving for a racing game. RATING: 4/10 *-* Fruit Slot ... *-* I wish I had beaten up a chinese kid in school and taken him home with me for the weekend, then I might know wtf this game is, or what to do. RATING: N/A *-* Dynasty League Baseball *-* Unless you're a loser, got a lot of time, or plan on being a manager of a major league baseball team when you grow up, dont even bother to get it. Once done installing it'll take forever to set up the lineups, and it's just computer calculations making the decisions. Talk about `playing by the #'s'. RATING: 4/10 =====Looking Into the Future================================================= Still waiting for WC2, and Quake. No other news at the time. =====Group Review============================================================ -Hybrid- Nice job of getting all those Primal Rage versions out w/o any need for fixes or complications. It's appearing that Hybrid is taking over on the QUALITY releases among other releases. A constant flow of releases keeps their name in the WiW. Apache Longbow, Werewolf (back awhile). Keep up the good work! -Tdujam- Released the bigger version of Shanghai 5 hours after Hybrid released a rip, claiming it wasn't "dull mute". Empire 2, Aces of the Deep for win95. -Vendetta- Last I heard this group was gone. What's that make for Tsunami?, 3 months = 3 different groups. Wanna give us a preview on what the next group will be called? -Hoodlum- Was that it? Are you done? Don't tell me it's another "here's a few releases we're done" group. -Razor- Released that registered SW wannabe arcade game Roadhogs. -Dragon- Ching ding ݀� yoo � tiara wannasa. (Release something I can understand.) -TDT- We'll be keeping an eye out for stuff from you guys. ============================================================================= *****WE STILL NEED A WIN95 GAME REVIEWER. PLEASE CONTACT LESTER IN #DOD***** It may seem like I'm negative about a lot of games & groups. All I have to say to that is if you criticize you can expect improvement. I give groups/ games credit when they/it deserve it. -Ionizer (WiW Game Reviewer) Send opinions, comments to: ionizer@cybercom.com or striker@injersey.com ---=[ 3. Article ]=----------------------------------------------------------- "The Grand Unified Theory" Unification is utopian. Not only is it not possible, it shouldn't even be desirable. The arguments in favor of it weigh heavily on the fact of group cooperation, i.e. that a unified core would bring out the best in all. But dropping everyone under the banner of one huge group, kills individual group 'creativity'. Modern economic theory concludes that 'competition is the engine of commerce.' In the 'real world' the abuses that a monopoly inflicts on society are all to evident, for example: a local telephone company charging whatever rates it feels justified in setting. Start up telephone company B and rates will improve. The same principle applies in this case. Thrusting all members into one 'great' council, smacks of dictatorial leanings. And what will the focus of this unified group be? What if others want to break free and zero in on other areas? Is there room within the 'grand unification theory' to have a little bit of freedom? LoD in #6 says "Chaos theory suggests that such a group will easily be broken apart in no time. To ensure that does not happen, the group leaders must always be in control of what happens." This is exactly the root of the problem. The phrase "must always be in control" is telling. Now we have a super council that end-results in a quasi-police state, always 'checking up' to see if its members are in group compliance. How will this new super group be formed? The plan, according to LoD, "Almost all other groups will be given a choice. Give us your best members or be crushed by our superior power." That doesn't quite seem like a choice now does it? Join us or die -- that reads like force. People should be able to join, of their own free will, because they have a interest in the group focus or they have a desire to work for the group that will exploit their talent to the fullest. And how does one define "superior power" if there is only one group? Superior power as defined by size? Human beings are not robots. Thought, action and beliefs are all independent of one another. These differences will inevitably cause friction in some areas, but this is unavoidable. The downside of 'non-unity' is that conflicts and personality clashes will arise. The answer to working out these problems is not a 'supreme council', but, to borrow a term from NTA, 'friendly competition'. Kilmer ---=[ Article ]=----------------------------------------------------------- Government control of the internet I just saw a news show about the government trying to cencor the internet. There reason was that children could view porn, They also cited a case in which a kid who met a child molster on some on-line service (aol or prodigy.) The molster somehow made the kid meat him through the computer. Anyway the kid ended up running away from home and meeting the guy. But of course its all the computers fault (not the molster or the kid -- who desirved what he got.) First of all I think that if a kid is smart enough to use a computer they should be smart enough not to give there adress or meet the people that they talk to. And if they do, they desirve what they get. Would you let a kid cross the street without telling him to look both ways? And even if this law passed it wouldn't work because most of the time your in real-time chatting (i.e. irc or those faggoty chatting rooms in aol) so how the hell could you stop it? Also how can you force other contries to stop doing something? I think the govermnet forgets the internet means internation net (not just another US thing they could censor) They said that you could get a $10,000 fine and up to 5 years in jail for giving out porn to kids. How is anyone supposed to know how old all 30 million people who use the internet are? Would they enforce this with thosands of computer cops watching everyone? (I guess non of us have any privacy just cause some kids can get porn and is stupid enough to meet some sicko eh?) I think the best part of the internet is that you no one can stop you from saying or doing whatever the hell you want. This makes the government pissed because they can't control this area of our lifes like they do everything else an example of this (even though its off the track) is how you can't have ads on TV for smoking why is this? I thought there was something call the 1st ammendment that said you had the right to free speach, press, and expression (I guess thats only when its convenient for the government. I think this kind of control is very scary cause they already started taking away out right to bare firearms (which even if you don't belive in guns its your right and should not EVER be taken away.) And now there attacking another right of ours thats two rights taken away in two years so by the year 2010 we'll have no more left. ANARCHY!!! bori ---=[ 4. Interview - Raptor ]=------------------------------------------------ WWN interview with Raptor WWN : Why did PWA and Scum merge? Raptor : Liquidator was retiring so it was best for the rest of the SCuMmers to go to PWA - we were good friends any how, so it was no biggie - If a founder of a group retires, so should the name WWN : What do you feel about people who are new to the scene starting there own groups that do nothing? Raptor : I honestly dislike all these little groups popping up - I give them respect for trying to make a name for them. I could have done the same, but I felt I need to work up the ranks in an established group - then consider my own if the situation EVER arises (I doubt it). The smaller groups are cool b/c they do come up with some interesting software - especially FTA :) WWN : ok raptor what about PNC? Raptor : PNC Could make a nitch in the groups - kinda like a Big 3 type deal - DoD/PWA/PNC - if they continue with their success WWN : You said that scum was more laidback then pwa. Do you think that the people from Scum will be able to keep up? Raptor : We have - look at the previous releases from PWA - half been from SCuM ex dudes - I have a theory that suppliers have hot/cold streaks - comprende? You also gotta remember that when I release a file - I involve about 5-7 other PWA guys to get it out - thus it's a team effort - not just a couple of dudes WWN : Raptor how did you feel about all the Win95 releases? as in screw ups.. and re-releases as in DOD :) Raptor : Welp - we ALL killed them - DoD fucked up, *I* fucked up with the boot sectors (but gave DoD the fix :) ) - I think they all served a purpuse and that some were more important to some piraters than others. All we need is the COMPLETE CD and we have all Win95 versions out there WWN : is PWA going to release the COMPLETE CD Win95? Raptor : Nope It's been killed to death - the Win95 releases - plus it would be claimed as a dupe and all that shit WWN : Do you think that this merger will bring PWA back to a leading force in the utils scene again? Raptor : It's possible - but Jimmy seems to have a good grasp of some decent suppliers. It depends how hard we bust are asses - There are still a few loose ends, but otherwise - anything is possible :) WWN : Were do you see the new and improved PWA right now compared to a group like dod? Raptor : Compared to DoD - we're bout the same, have prolly same problems I see us there on the same level (Big 2 now) Thus ended our interview with Raptor of PWA, we hope you enjoyed it. ---=[ 5. GoodBye Letter ]=---------------------------------------------------- I quit trading for a while because of school and other shit, and more importantly because the scene really blows now....i will be back eventually whenever the scene is united under DOD...:) anyway, ill be in irc and whatnot sometimes, greets to Jimmy Jamez, Cyber Angel, Liquidator, Orion, Dual Standard, Mr. Skill, Lester, Exodus, Hitman, Lestat, Pr0zac, CodeBreaker, PaleHorse, Ivy League, Quantum Mechanic, Analog Kid, Gumby, Turok, Kid Creole, Ustasa, VFast, DoLittle, Baked Potato, Bubbleman, Caligula. Everyone in #traders, #dod, #razor, #prophecy (yeah, right, go fuck yourselves.) A And to whoever else i forgot. Justifier Ex: SCUM/DOD/PWA/TRN/RTS/FUCK! ---=[ 6. Group News ]=-------------------------------------------------------- Well, looks like Vendetta has died. From what we know, it is because Tsunami & Krypton have school and have no time for the warez scene. Members will be scattered about through other groups. So say goodbye to yet another summer group. ---=[ 7. Closing ]=----------------------------------------------------------- Hope you guys have enjoyed issue #7 from us here at WWN, as always, you can contact us at dod@netcom.com or at an341292@anon.penet.fi for any comments, suggestion, or just plain complaints :). If you would like to comment to any of the article writers in this issue, we can be all found on iRC. Also, check us out on the WWW at : http://www.hooked.net/users/tails/wwn. Greets go out to Jimmy Jamez, Cyber Angel, Mikeysoft, Raptor, Orion, Gumby, Cypress, Lotug, Lurch, and All WWN Contributors. -Lester [WWN editor] WWN Staff: Lester [Editor] Cypress [Editor] Bori [Interviewer] Lurch [Coder] J-Jamez [Associate] Lotug [Associate] Raptor [Writer] Ionizer [Associate] ---=[ End Of File ]=----------------------------------------------------------