THE WARE REPORT - November '96 Scoring Summary (SCORING.TXT) * I have included a scoring section separate from the ware report. This section of the report mainly points out individual successes, and lets you see who does what in the major groups. All MVP and scoring awards will be given in this section only. Comments: Prestige's team continued its incredibly productive output with another fabulous month as the group surged to victory. Prozac, who was valuable in October for the group, proved himself even moreso in November, as he out- stripped all other suppliers with 11 originals for the month (and I do know that he picked up several more that were too large to transfer on his PC). Because of his gargantuan efforts, Prozac is most definitely the MVP this month for PSG, but he was by no means the only person throwing in a lot of effort. In addition, Wolverine and CyberPhreak both get honorable mentions as both of these guys did a lot of cracks for the group. Especially notable is the fact that this is CyberPhreak's first month cracking games, and despite that, he was able to crack 6 games of varying difficulty. He also came through with a couple original supplies this month. Several others in PSG also made huge efforts that did not net them an MVP award - Grudge, who cracked many of Prestige's games and even supplied one, Shadow Master, who, as usual provided a boost in original supplying and of course organization, and of course the new PSG rookies that did a nice job bringing in some nice titles. Hybrid appeared slow out of the gate, but a nice performance by both the Scandinavian and UK divisions of the group carried them into second place. Mad Turnip was the most impressive, cranking out 5 titles and cracking all of them himself, but Animal & Dogfriend turned in a solid performance as well, supplying & cracking 3 good titles this month. In addition, Le Vey, Hot Tuna, and Phoenix all turned in performances valuable to the group. As usual, Mad Turnip wins the MVP for Hybrid with his outstanding supply in the UK, and Animal & Dogfriend win the honorable mention, helping to carry the group with solid, quality titles. Razor made an extremely mediocre showing this month, despite the release of the long-awaited Red Alert from Virgin. Because of this, there are no honorable mentions for the group, but Beowulf wins the MVP for his great job on Red Alert as well as several other titles from Razor. No one supplier sticks out for Razor this month, because they didn't release very much, but Hooligan and Dark Rebellion both contributed 2 titles to the group. Paradigm sat at the bottom of the pile again this month, due in large part to very poor cracking/ripping from this young group. No one supplier sticks out in this group either, as they were only able to manage 5 games during the course of the month, perhaps PDM will have an MVP next month. In rookie scoring, Karrade performed admirably for Prestige, cranking out 7 titles as part of their successful East Coast Supply Team. Since joining Paradigm, however, he has not been able to beat the other PSG suppliers. It remains to be seen if Karrade is just a "flash in the pan" or if he can have the mettle to be successful in the long term within another group. However, a 7-release performance would make him a top supplier by any measure, so I feel that it would only be fair to give Karrade, a true rookie, the rookie of the month award. Other top rookies included Q-Ball, who supplied 2 games this month, and CyberPhreak, who started a new chapter in his scene career as he cracked 6 games for Prestige. Congratulations, guys! THE WARE REPORT - PAST MVP'S AND HONORABLE MENTIONS - October '96, Ware Report MVP - Mad Turnip of Hybrid October '96, Honorable Mention - Shadow Master of Prestige ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ THE WARE REPORT - November '96 - Rookies of the Month: 1. Karrade of PSG/PDM, with 7 supplies. 2. CyberPhreak of PSG, with 6 cracks. 3. Q-Ball of PSG, with 2 supplies. THE WARE REPORT - November '96 - Crackers of the Month: 1. Wolverine of PSG, with 9 cracks. 2. Beowulf of Razor, with 4 cracks, including the strip of Red Alert. 3. Grudge of PSG, with 3 cracks, several trainers, and an original.. THE WARE REPORT - November '96 - Suppliers of the Month: 1. Prozac of PSG, with 11 supplies. 2. Karrade of PSG/PDM, with 7 supplies. 3. Mad Turnip of Hybrid, with 5 supplies. THE WARE REPORT - November '96 - MVP Awards Overall MVP - Prozac of Prestige Overall Honorable Mention - Mad Turnip of Hybrid 1. Prestige MVP - Prozac, with 11 supplies. Hon. Mention - Wolverine, with 9 cracks. 2. Hybrid MVP - MTurnip, with 5 supplies and 4 cracks. Hon. Mention - Animal & Dogfriend, with 3 supplies and 3 cracks. 3. Razor MVP - Beowulf, with 4 cracks. Hon. Mention - None. 4. Paradigm MVP - None. Hon. Mention - None. THE WARE REPORT - November '96 - Monthly Scoring Summary * Items in Parentheses are listed in the order of (Supply, Crack). * Credit is always given to only one supplier. In some groups, this month PSG, there were several times when the same 2 guys were given credit for games. I have tried to be fair and alternate the credit, first giving it to one supplier, then to the next. Hopefully this system is equitable. * One point is awarded to an individual for a crack or supply. * Members who have not produced an original or crack in the last few years are considered rookies, as are of course newcomers. 1. Scene Leaders for November '96 - Supply Leaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prozac/PSG 11 Originals Karrade/PSG-PDM 7 Originals Mad Turnip/HBD 5 Originals Shadow Master/PSG 5 Originals Animal & Dogfriend/HBD 2 Originals Cracking Leaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wolverine/PSG 9 Cracks CyberPhreak/PSG 6 Cracks Beowulf/RZR 4 Cracks Mad Turnip/HBD 4 Cracks Grudge/PSG 3 Cracks Overall Leaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prozac/PSG 11 Points Mad Turnip/HBD 9 Points Wolverine/PSG 9 Points CyberPhreak/PSG 8 Points Karrade/PSG-PDM 7 Points Rookie Leaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karrade/PSG-PDM 7 Points (7 Originals) CyberPhreak/PSG 6 Points (6 Cracks) Q-Ball/PSG 2 Points (2 Originals) BuzzKill/PDM 1 Points (1 Originals) China Blue/PDM 1 Points (1 Originals) Feeeenixx/PSG 1 Points (1 Originals) Grudge/PSG 1 Points (1 Originals) Pale Horse/PSG 1 Points (1 Originals) Zodiac/PDM 1 Points (1 Originals) 2. Group Scoring Summaries for November '96 - Prestige ~~~~~~~~ Batman Forever (ODB 1, Wolverine 1) Steel Panthers II (Slate 1, Wolverine 2) US Navy Fighters '97 (Karrade 1, Wolverine 3) Virtua Squad (Prozac 1, LSoul 1) Hunter: Hunted (Prozac 2) Daytona USA (Karrade 2, Wolverine 4) Admiral Sea Battles (Prozac 3, CybPhreak 1) Death Drome (SMaster 1, Wolverine 5) Civ 2 Scenarios (SMaster 2) Smart Games 2: Puzzles (SMaster 3) MS Golf: Mauna Kea (Prozac 4) Alien Trilogy (ODB 2, Grudge 1) Xtreme Chess (Marauder 1) Plague (Pest 1, LTD 1) Full Tilt! 2 Pinball (Prozac 5) F/X Fighter TURBO (Q-Ball 1) 3DO Decathlon (Q-Ball 2, Wolverine 6) Grid Runner (Karrade 3) Rocket Jockey (Prozac 6, Grudge 2) Agile Warrior (CybChrist 1) SimGolf FINAL (Slate 2) Terminator: SkyNET (Karrade 4, Grudge 3) Tomb Raider (Karrade 5, Wolverine 7) Eat My Dust (Feeeenixx 1) MS Golf: Pinehurst (Prozac 7) Tom Clancy's SSN (Prozac 8, ShadSeek 1) Descent 2: Inf. Abyss (Prozac 9, Lost Soul 2) SimCopter FINAL (Prozac 10, CybPhreak 2) SoulTrap (Skill 1, CybPhreak 3) Power Rangers Zeo-Power (Skill 2, LTD 2) Conquest/New World Dlx. (Karrade 6, Wolverine 8) Jetfighter 3 (Karrade 7) Age of Sail (Skill 3, CybPhreak 4) PGA '96: Wentworth (SMaster 4) The Suit & the Hand (SMaster 5) Duke3D Plutonium Pack (CybPhreak 1) Cave Wars (CybPhreak 2, CybPhreak 5) AFL Finals Fever (Grudge 1) Risk (Prozac 11, CybPhreak 6) FPS: Football '97 (PHorse 1) Hybrid ~~~~~~ XS (MTurnip 1, Phoenix 1) Swiv 3d (A&D 1, A&D 1) Fragile Alliance (MTurnip 2, Phoenix 2) Screamer 2 (LeVey 1, Jammer 1) Blood & Magic (A&D 2, A&D 2) Destruction Derby 2 (MTurnip 3, MTurnip 1) Grand Prix Mgr. 2 (MTurnip 4, MTurnip 2) Krazy Ivan (HTuna 1, MTurnip 3) Blue Ice (HTuna 2, MTurnip 4) Zombie Wars (Teacher 1) Realms of the Haunting (A&D 3, A&D 3) Razor 1911 ~~~~~~~~~~ MachineHead (Hooligan 1) Time Paradox (JDA 1) Space Jam (Unknown 1) Gubble (DRebellion 1, Bunter 1) Cyber Gladiators (DRebellion 2, Beowulf 1) Lords of the Realm II (TSR 1, Beowulf 2) C&C: Red Alert + Fixes (TPunisher 2, Beowulf 3) PieJackers (Reich 1) Plutonium Pack Fix (Beowulf 4) Firo & Klawd (Hooligan 2, Bunter 2) Paradigm ~~~~~~~~ Archimedean Dynasty (MLeah 1) Heroes of M&M II (BuzzKill 1, JCyberpunk 1) Race Mania (Snoop 1, JCyberpunk 2) A-10 Cuba! (Zodiac 1, Holybeast 2) Harpoon Classic '97 (CBlue 1)