______________ | ___ ___ | | |_ | | _| | ______ ______ |___| | | |___| |_ _| / \ | | | | | /----\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:084 _| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:08.27.96 |______| () |_________| () \________/ () _ / / \ \ _ / _ / ThE Lone Gunmen Presents: \ _ \ | | | | | | '.tlg. and Me ' | | | | Written By: rapid domination | | | | | | | | First file done in the second year | | | \____________________________________/ | \________________________________________/ ********************************STOP****************************************** *** In this day and age, anyone can get there hands on text philez and that*** *** means that even the yuppie kids, who don't follow directions, can (and *** *** will probably blow there faces,hands,fingers,noses,legs,nipples,and P-P*** *** blown off, so before you continue read the File "DISCLAIMER!" that was *** *** included in the .ZIP file. it basicly says that you cant sew me if you *** *** get fucked. ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Wha? what is tlg do you ask? tlg is not a bunch of fuck Q ansi kids masturbating into their mouths, a circle, all of which think ascii is the best thing next to Vaseline. TlG is a text group, slowly turning into a blob of information, noise sex, and distruction. we are all odd in our own ranks. we have vets and new-bez to the scene. k-rads, and koderz. x-boyscouts and x-boyfriends. we are made up of everything from pyro-maniacs and lego-maniacs. people being taped by the FBI, and people in the FBI. snowboarders and sk8rz, in-liners and masterbaters. people who hate MTV, and people who still play nintendo. skinheads and worshipers of punk, zoopheliacs and smellers of the skunk. all in the null bucket of this planet. In this relm of electrons and phiber, emfs and flubber, there are no colors, no penile size, no diving, no ethnic origin, no cloths. that could mean that we are all clear, naked females from god's backyard who wade in the pool. actually it means if you are an ass, or a jerk, or a bad speller for that matter, the people you meet know. if you are nice, polite, co0l, or whatever the people you meet will know(the lack of racism will help society.) WE ARE TlG! (whow! I used caps!) in this world we are personalities. not sk8rs, or preppy people, or rich people, or poor people. just intelligent, and dumb. understanding, or bias. we are a mad flock of opinions looking for moor people to here us. we are all cool assholes in tlg. some people express their opinions, while other insult. tlg is human so naturally, we do both and neither. we are many individuals. we don't all think we don't all think the warped tour should be held in mulder's back yard, and we don't all think tlg should have a group bowling night. we don't all think 'disconnected'(by face 2 face) should be the national anthem, but we do believe society needs a kick in the face. maybe that will make the bob doles realize what doesn't work and that the younger generations (like the cave men) move in and crash. "sometimes you need to trust and believe against you're will (1)". age could bring wisdom. but it also brings stubbornness, and frequent trips to the bathroom. youth brings energy, ideas, and all the other crap. ....tlg is dedicated to kicking in the face of society. like it or not... no, that's not it. we are all actually cheep whores who all met on alt.binary.sex.lesbian.cat_rapeing.sandpaper_masterbation.and.elder_abuse But to all the guys in every group who ever said FUCK YOU to the people who are not nice to other people because of a dumb reason, either ethnic, or wanting to be re-elected, I thank you. "if God doesn't have a religion, then why should you. religion is corruption in a nice way. believe in god, he will believe in you. nuf said." rapid domination obtuse@epix.net ********* all quotes are from Michael R Lewandowski II. a philosopher guy who seems to be pretty cool. SAUCE00'.tlg. and Me ' rapid domination ThE Lone Gunmen[TLG]19960827�PU