______________ | ___ ___ | | |_ | | _| | ______ ______ |___| | | |___| |_ _| / \ | | | | | /----\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:037 _| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:3\29\96 |______| () |_________| () \________/ () _ / / \ \ _ / _ / THE LONE GUNMEN Presents: \ _ \ | | | | | | How to flip out the school | | | | Written By: | | | | RaPiD DoMiNAtiON | | | | | | | \____________________________________/ | \________________________________________/ ********************************STOP****************************************** *** In this day and age, anyone can get there hands on txt philez and that *** *** means that even the YuppIe kids, who don't follow directions, can (and *** *** will probly blow there faces,hands,fingers,noses,legs,nipples, and P-P *** *** blown off, so befor you continue read the File "DISCLAIM.ER!" that was *** *** included in the .ZIP file. it basicly says that you cant sew me if you *** *** get fucked. ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** well if the people at my high school find out I did all this, I will hunt you down and castrate you. :) Now then, here is a list of things to do to kick the shit around in school to the computers. well if you saw hackers, don't worry about it, I think that if you are reading this to learn it all, then you don't need to know. �Small things, like changing the icon names to: You Suck, and Bid Red button make the kids laugh, and the teach mad. �Send notes to people over the network. �Unplug the eithernet, or LAN cables, or loosen the cables so they are connected but not all the way. �Watch the teachers put the access codes in at the beginning of class, then one day....(insert fun day here) �Call those killer LD boardz, and get the l8est warez from that crispy board in Germany, or Hong cong. ��NOTE��NEVER EVER BRAG TO Kidz dat arnt eLiTE, or dat you cant trust. �MAke a dumb file with a threat or a nasty roomer, like "Mr. dombloski likes it up the ass!) and set the printer to print it at 3:00, or sometime when you are not there �Log onto the system as a teacher, and start hitting on other teachers, or saying (oh that kiss is so hot, I wish that stud muffin would come and...)you have an imagination don't ya? �If your school has access to the net, try to look in the ini files or somewhere els for the account logon and pw. (account:bhs PW:oxford) hehe but that will probly change soon.