Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday August 01, @10:33AM
from the still-no-excuse-for-you dept.
It's funny. Laugh. Science
Tech.Luver writes "Gene Expression reports, "Tyler Cowen quotes from a new
study testing the relationship between grades and delayed sexual activity. Last
December I passed a paper along to Razib showing that high-school age
adolescents with higher IQs and extremely low IQs were less likely to have had
first intercourse than those with average to below average intelligence. (i.e.
for males with IQs under 70, 63.3% were still virgins, for those with IQs
between 70-90 only 50.2% were virgin, 58.6% were virgins with IQs between
90-110, and 70.3% with IQs over 110 were virgins) In fact, a more detailed
study from 2000 is devoted strictly to this topic, and finds the same thing:
Smart Teens Don't Have Sex (or Kiss Much Either). ""
Converse not true
(Score:5, Funny)
by Trivial_Zeros (1058508) on Wednesday August 01, @10:37AM (#20070591)
I know this is Slashdot, so the majority of users have not had sex. But if you
think this article is implying that means you're smart.. you have just
committed a common logical fallacy. Sorry to burst your bubble.
[ Reply to This ]
Converse is statistically true
(Score:5, Informative)
by f97tosc (578893) on Wednesday August 01, @11:01AM (#20071023)
If groups with different IQs have different sex habits, and I learn about your
sex habits, then by using Bayes' theorem I can also make inferences about your
IQ. Obviously just statistical inferences ("he has less sex, therefore, he is
more likely to be smart"), but still.
Only proves which kids will *say* they've had sex
(Score:5, Interesting)
by LighterShadeOfBlack (1011407) on Wednesday August 01, @10:42AM (#20070685)
Maybe smarter kids generally just don't feel the need to lie about having sex.
And extremely stupid ones don't think to lie about it. Just a thought.
[ Reply to This ]
Re:Only proves which kids will *say* they've had s
(Score:5, Insightful)
by jellomizer (103300) * on Wednesday August 01, @10:55AM (#20070889)
Simpler then that...
Teenagers with low IQ normally are not left alone to do what they will. Because
parents don't trust them to do the smart thing because they arn't, combined
with the fact they get usually get extra adult help means less exposure with
other kids, and the oposit sex feels guilty about sexual activity with that
group, so combined that will make a lower rate.
High IQ teens stop and think and realize that risks of Sex as a teenager (STD,
Pregnacny) will get in away with their life plans being with higher IQ society
expects more from them with their life plans so they stay away from such risks.
Basicly I am not going to let a Baby get in my way to become a doctor. After I
get my degree and a steady job then I may focus on having a family, Logical
reasoning by people with higher IQ.
Teens in the middle are not pressured to become a Doctor or whatever so they
have less ambitions for life and figure it may be worth the risk. Combined with
the fact they may not think things fully out and let biological pressures take
over what people say they should do.
Posted: 2007581@803.17
I'm sorry, but so what?
(Score:5, Insightful)
by dominion (3153) on Wednesday August 01, @11:00AM (#20071011)
I'm in my mid-twenties, and I didn't have sex until the very end of high
school, and didn't date at all, and I seriously don't feel like I missed out on
a damn thing. Sex when I was 18 was awkward and boring, I can't imagine the
kind of horrible flopping around I would have had if I had been 14 or 15.
I know we live in an ephebophilic society where your teenage years are supposed
to be when the best years of anyone's life, but let's all be honest here: Being
a teenager sucks. You can't drive, you can't drink without having to sneak
around, you're kind of an idiot, you don't know what the hell you're doing when
it comes to members of the opposite sex, and that's not even starting to
mention acne, braces and a bad fashion sense. I much prefer my twenties, and
I'm looking forward to my thirties. I'm having a great time compared to ten
years ago.
So maybe being smart and not having sex in high school isn't that
groundbreaking of a correlation. Why is it so important to have any sex when
you're in high school anyways? Shouldn't it be more important to have good sex
when you're older? Where's the study on sex lives of single smart twenty- and
thirty-somethings? I'd be interested in that study.
P.S. Watch the "abstinence only" crowd use this as ammunition: "See! Smart
teenagers choose abstinence!"