.x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 SCENE MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY SCENE MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ ~~CELEBRATING OVER *1* YEAR IN THE SCENE~~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #46 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 02/16/97 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that are fit to print...and some that aren't." Un-Realistic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stupid Idiot Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer ____________ News Updates ============ -If anyone can help in making a mailing list for TGR using unix, please get in touch w/ me at ionizer@ns2.clever.net ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: ============================================ TGR is released on Sundays, at approximately 8pm (EST). It can be obtained in 4 different ways. They are listed in order as first=best method: #1 TGR Web Page: (Over 50,000 Served) http://tgr.clever.net (Note: Contains all issues and gets 'em 1st) (The ns2.clever.net/~ionizer is the same thing, but tgr is easier.) #2 Through irc, you can dcc from me the newest issue only, simply type: /msg ionizer xdcc send #1 OR /msg iondcc xdcc list On the day of release (Sunday), you may also use IonDcc instead of me. #3 E-Mail AUTO Responder: This has been taken down due to problems w/ it. #4 Other magazines are free to use TGR in their magz. Simply notify me about it first. Currently, Defacto2 has a special monthly edition of TGR NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in `ity'. These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow .nfo directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGENDS OF KESMAI *ENGLISH* - [xX/10] ��������� ������ �� ���� ������ ������� � ۰� �ް�ް� ް�ް� ް�ް� ް�ް� ް� � � ۱� �ޱ�ޱ��ޱ�ޱ� ���ޱ�ޱ� ���ޱ� ޱ� � � ۲� �޲�޲� ޲�޲� ޲�޲�޲� ޲�޲� ޲� � � ��� ������ ����������������������� ��� � ������� � ���������������������������� � �� ۲����� � �[MALIGN RELEASE][02/09/97]� �mG� ������� ����������������������������� ��� -Filenames: MLNLOK??.ZIP This was a nice fucking waste of my time. I followed the directions, as always, and then after that there was no .exe in the window, other than an uninstall and readmes. So I just assumed that you would run the main .exe in the main install dir. So I ran it, title screen came up fine, then it showed the credits. But then after that it said "Error cannot find commun- ication device." Now, my modem was on, not that it had anything to do with this anyway, but I don't know what fucking communcation device it's looking for, and you probably won't either. The nfo said it was for all of the following OS's: win95, winnt, dos, os2, win3.x. I don't see how it works for dos, but that's what the nfo said. I think this may have been for win95 only, but the group doesn't get a review then b/c they fucked up the nfo. RATING: NA/100 _____ _______________ ___|__ | _________________ |____ \_____ \| ___\|___| | | | | | ___| _____| __\ | | | |\ / | \ \| \ \| | | | | |/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |\__ |___|___ |___ |___| | ====|___|===|___|tiRMRS |___|===|___|===|___| =[ INNER WORLDS (c) SLEEPLESS SOFTWARE ]= =[=[2/09/97]=======================[XX/21]=]= =Pain Is Temporary, But Pride Is Forever!= -Filenames: RLXIW??.ZIP _____ _______________ ___|__ | _________________ |____ \_____ \| ___\|___| | | | | | ___| _____| __\ | | | |\ / | \ \| \ \| | | | | |/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |\__ |___|___ |___ |___| | ====|___|===|___|tiRMRS |___|===|___|===|___| =[ INNER WORLDS MAP EDITOR (c) SLEEPLESS ]= =[=[2/09/97]=======================[XX/07]=]= =Pain Is Temporary, But Pride Is Forever!= -Filenames: RLXIWE?.ZIP What can you say about this game, it's just a really bad platform game. It's way too busy and the girl/she-wolf jumps like a sissy. It's just not fun. The graphics are nothing special, if you could even classify them as decent. The sound is internally set really low, so crank up your volumes. You're some kind of wannabe Jill of the Jungle, and you can turn into a wolf (it loks more like a pig, but that's not import- ant). But you can't just turn into the wolf-pig whenever you want, because you have to enough potions and shit, and it's just too boring. Don't bother. And as if you wanted to play this game any more, you can grab the 7 disk level editor...but I really don't think you will do get either. RATING: 40/100 THE WORMS MANTION + MODEM OPTION + [XX/09] ۲����۲� ۲����� ۲� ܲ� ۲� �� ۲�� � ۲� ۲� ۱� �۱ ۱� � ۱� ۱� ۱� �۱ ۱� �� ۱� ۱� ۱� �۱ ۱���� ۱� ۱� ۰� �� ۰� ��� ۰� ۰� ۰� �� ۰� ��� ߰� ۰������ ۰����۰� ۰� ��� �� ۰������ ----------[07/02/97]--------------- -Filenames: BRL-WRM?.ZIP Once again, someone has decided to release a version of this game without first cracking the CD check. So don't bother because you will only be prompt- ed to insert the worms cd, just like the last time someone released this game. RATING: NA/100 D.R.O.D [02/14/97] [xx/01] $$$$$$^$$$Ss. .sS$$$^$$$Ss. $$$$$$^$$$Ss. $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $....$ $::::$ $::::$ $::::$s$::::$ $::::$ $::::$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $%%%%$ $����$ $����$ $����$ $����$ $����$ $����$ �$$$Zfs$$$�^` `�$$$$ `^�$$$ �$$$$$s$$$�^` D e a T H a N D D e S T R u C T i o N .xX[THD]Xx. THUNDER '97 .xX[THD]Xx. -Filenames: DAD-DROD.ZIP This is a cute little puzzle game. Your this fat blobby small guy on a maze like boards who has a sword. You swing the sword in a 360 degree direction and the object is to hit yellow balls to turn doors on and off. There are sometimes little monsters that you must kill with your sword. The graphics aren't that good, decent midi music, and repetitive sound effects. I believe the side of this box says: "Requirements: A computer and the ability to use your brain." So if you don't have both of those your in trouble. RATING: 47/100 \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ |Webfoot games pack | | xx/04 | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ -Filenames: WF-PACK?.ZIP Well that's so sweet of this group to package up the games released by Webfoot which have already been put out by Reflux. So, in honor of their duping ability, I will just mention the name of the game, and then the issue # of the review it was in. Chain Reaction, Issue #42. H2O, Issue #25. Cyborg: Hopy One, Issue #42. Twinblok, Issue #19. Tronic (This one seemed corrupted and I was unable to locate the issue it was in), Issue #??. RATING: 30-49/100 ================== Puzzels pack #1 [xx/05] ================== -Filenames: P-PACK?.ZIP Oh joy, what a nice job of packaging this one. This supposed to be a collect- ion of "puzzels" as they spell them. However, once you find that you got 5 .exe's which then are unzipped, and then finally installed, you will realize how much time you have wasted (unless of course you read this first) b/c you will only end up with a readme and an uninstall program. GREAT JOB OF RIPPING THIS ONE, you ripped the entire game! Anyway, I didn't test each .exe b/c there were 6 different ones, and after this happened on the 3rd one, I assumed they were all like that. RATING: NA/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> WIN '95 REVIEWS <*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE $$ gg $$ $$Pg. j$"$c $$""" ::::: $$ $ $$ gg $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ::::: $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ggg ?$g$g$P $$ $$ $$ $$g$$ gg $$ mc ------------------- $$ gg $$ $$ $$ --- Reviews from pAth0s... ?$g$P ?$g$P GR! Accept No Substitutes! Ethernet: eethurnet n. What you use to catch the etherbunny with.. !#! SEND ME MAIL NOW!! pathos@ns2.clever.net !#! --- Testers System info --- Hardware: p-90, 16M ram, 512k cache, Diamond 64 2m Dram, Awe32, 17" ADI, EIDE ^- Massive upgrading soon (MMX200mhz, ScsiUW, 4M 3d video, buttload of ram) Software: Windows 95 Oem Service Release 2 (with directX3.a, and stuph) Configuration : 800x600 @ 16bit color, fat32, and all the latest drivers. --- Ratings/Points System --- 100-90= LEECH IT OR DIE! 89-70= Check it 69-50= Ehh maybe 49-30= Prolly not 29-1= Shitzville!! 0= Don't Work _____________________ ___________ _____________________ HOVER RACE WIN95 *FINAL* (c) GROKKSOFT [X/7] ________________________________________ ____ \_____ \_____ \__ _____ |_____ i | i | | _____/ _____/ __| l _/ l | l | _| _ \ i | | l | l |- -| \ i \ l | | | |_ l | | | .\__l \_____|___|________/______|___| | :::.|_____/.::::::::::::::::::::li|___| O AN0THER QUALITY RELEASE FROM REFLUX 1997 � d[*]dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd[*]d TRD released the free beta, here's the complete final/commercial version! ** BONUS SHOOT'EM UP GAME INCLUDED IN THIS ** RELEASE COURTESY OF THE REFLUX 1997. d[*]dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd[*]d File Names: RLXHOV??.ZIP Release Date: 09 FEB 1997 A required .DLL was not found: VIDEOSERVICES.DLL Also, in the "bonus release" included, both the setup and the .exe is infected with major.1644 virus. Yay rah.. Damn, if yer gonna go through the trouble, find a good one.. Ionizer had alerted me to the possible virus, but I scan everything before I run it anyway.. So should you. If you don't scan releases before you run them, you're just a fool and deserve the nasties you get. POINTS: -90 for originality on the virus. Another -50 for a broken release. For a grad total of Minus 140 __________ LEGENDS OF KESMAI *ENGLISH* - [xX/10] ��������� ������ �� ���� ������ ������� � U�U Y_�U_�U _�U_�U _�U_�U _�U_�U _�U � � U�U Y_�U_�U�_�U_�U _��_�U_�U ���_�U _�U � � U�U Y_�U_�U _�U_�U _�U_�U_�U _�U_�U _�U � � UUU UUU_UU _UU_UU�_UU_UU_UU�_UU_UU UUU � U������ U ���������������������������� U �U U������ Y U[MALIGN RELEASE][02/09/97]U YmGU ������� ����������������������������� ��� File Names: MLNLOK??.ZIP Release Date: 09 FEB 1997 ERROR INITIALIZING COMMUNICATIONS. Me and da Ionizer both got this same error, no idea.. POINTS: 00 -Nada, nuttin, zilch.. __________ G-Nome (c) 7th Level Inc. [40/40] \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/RTX______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ =====\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= File Names: GNOME??.ZIP Release Date: 10 FEB 1997 Cool.. Been a while since something halfway decent has came out.. This is basically a Mech Warrior type of game. I even plugged in the ole MS Sidewinder pro for this one. Although it didn't support the extra 4 buttons like Earthseige II did, it still was able to use throttle/rudder/hat. Every single control was able to be user defined too. The grafix as a whole were pretty much average, but the sound/in-game voice wasn't too bad at all. Probably the coolest thing about this is that you can get out of your Mech and walk around. In the off chance your mech gets blown up, you don't die, you just get auto-ejected out of your mech. When that happens, the other guy gets out of his mech and ya go man to man with grenades and a laser rifle. If you happen to beat him, well, hey, free enemy mech to strut around in! Of course, there's the off chance that the mech you lost to is a two seater, in which case the guy that gets out AND the mech is looking to wax your ass (Not fun!) You also have to get out of your mech to do certain things. Like in the 2nd mission, you have to get out to go into a control center for a drawbridge so you can lower it and go across the river. Pretty cool I guess. As far as speed and shit goes, it actually ran pretty decent on this p90 & 16M machine. My vid card prolly slowed it down some, so if you got a new leeto 3d card and 32M, with a p133 (umm send it to ME!) this thing should really kick ass. I think I'll just shut up and let you go leech it, cuz this is prolly the best W95 game in the past few weeks. (BTW, hit 'h' during the game to get a listing of commands and stuff..) ** POINTS: 82 -Good speed, and somewhat unique.. Decent game. __________ COREL CHESS WIN/WIN95 (c) COREL CORP [xx/47] ________________________________________ ____ \_____ \_____ \__ _____ |_____ i | i | | _____/ _____/ __| l _/ l | l | _| _ \ i | | l | l |- -| \ i \ l | | | |_ l | | | .\__l \_____|___|________/______|___| | :::.|_____/.::::::::::::::::::::li|___| O AN0THER QUALITY RELEASE FROM REFLUX 1997 � d[*]dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd[*]d File Names: RLXCC??.ZIP Release Date: 11 FEB 1997 Hrmm.. 47 disks for chess.. Are you dumb? No, so I would imagine that you could really give a rat's ass about this. I know I really dont. Well, ok, I'll describe it a little I guess. It's chess. It's 47 disks. Hmm good enough? heh heh Ok, if you like play chess for money, or are a serious chesshead (get it.. chesshead.. Sorta sounds like cheesehead.. hrmm ya..god I kill me) then by all means, this is the game for you. But for everyone else, chuck this one into the recycle bin and get all your precious megz back. All I really did with this is loaded it up, started a game, and said, "Yulp.. It works, it's chess, and it sucks." So here's what the nfo says about the features: � Features: � � * Full 3D action/3D-rendered board, pieces, sets, room � � * Beautifully rendered and fully scalable piece sets � � * Multiple perspectives including overhead view � � * 24-bit true color graphics � � * Replay over 4,000 championship chess games or import � � other classic games (PGN format only) � � * Play opponents over the Internet, via modem or over � � a network � There ya go.. POINTS: 47 -I'll give ya a point a disk.. Just too big for a chess game, there's other 3d chess games out there that check in at under 20 disks ___________ _____ Helicops (c) Paragon Soft. [01/33] \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/RTX______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ =====\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= File Names: HCOPS??.ZIP Release Date: 12 FEB 1997 Hmm.. Well, I first read the .nfo saying it was "jap anime sim" and thought, "Umm like this is a sim about creating anime??" Then realized I was a twit, and played the game.. This really isn't all that bad of a game, but it's just got a frustrating quality about it. Too much puzzle in it or something I guess. There's 4 main missions (maybe more, but it only showed me 4), and 4 or 5 characters you can be, and about 5 different helicopters (each one having different abilities and so forth). I played all the way through one mission (they're made up of multiple stages) and was fairly frstrated with the whole thing. It really ain't a sim so to speak, but more of a terminal velocity type of flying game. I just figured out why I don't like this a whole lot, it's a real pain to change altitude, because you dont go forward or backwards while you're going up or down. It's either-or. There are a lot of different types of power ups, and the weapons are pretty cool. As far as grafix and shit go, they're pretty good overall, I think there coulda been more detail in certain places though. This game reminds me alot of what you would get if you crossed Terminal Velocity with Descent, and added a few semi-hard puzzles to it. As far as leechability goes, it's definately a unique game, something I really haven't seen before, but it is rather frustrating at times. It just seems like the helicopter doesn't go as fast as it should, and that whole deal with the altitude change sucks too. POINTS: 64 -Nice grafix (mostly), but just really isn't a fast, seat of your pants type of game like you'd expect. _____________________ ___________ _____________________ Got a nasty empty feeling this week. Leeched 7 releases thinking, "Cool, finally I'll have a kick ass review week.." But nooo.. Junk don't work. Problem number 2 this week was the inability of the .nfo writers to actually write a correct and easy to understand .nfo with regards to exactly what platform the game will run on. I actually seen an nfo that said the game would run on dos/win/win32/os2/unix.. Nice. Bleh.. Cya next week. Greetz: All 5 million people I've kickbaned from various channels in the past week. Here's a buck, go buy a clue. Look for my webpage coming soon to a url near you. _____________________ ___________ _____________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>THE GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOTW goes out to RAZOR for G-NOME. Congratulations for the one shining re- lease in this oh so pitiful week. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are You Ready & Alert [01/13] Cd-Rip 97/02/10 ________ ___________ \____ |_\_ ____/ |_ ./ __/_/ ___/ __/__. �./ | \\_ \_ � ps\\� �( \_ _\ \\_ ..\____� //__ /___� //.. �========|___/==|_/====|____/====� � � �===[ THE FORCE TEAM ]===� -Filenames: TFTARA??.ZIP -Note: Over 1000 level addons for C&C + editors and crap. Notice the name of the game asks you if your "alert" because you'll prolly fall asleep after playing so many levels. �� ��� CountDown '97 ��� � �� ��۲������� ����� ������� ��� �� ���� Ready & Alert *Full Cd* Count �۲ �� ����� ���� �� � ���� ��� ޲� � �� �۲� ��� �� ����޲� ���� ��� � �۲� ܲ���� �� �� �ݲ� ޲�� �ܲ� �� ۲� �� ޲� � � ۲� ޲� ���۲ �� � ۲ �޲� ܲ�� ��۲� ������� �� �� ��� �� ���۲� ߲�� ����� � ޲�� �� � � ��� -���� ����� ��� ����� �۲�� -blz- �� [xx/08] �� [02/13] �� � �� -Filenames: CNTREDY?.ZIP -Note: Well, after someone else released this addon, this group felt that there was a need to release the entire thing, as if more than 10 people are going to download the original one. WHUHT-EVUH! [======================================] Talents'97 \/ Proudly \/ Presents\/ [======================================] Patrick Polly Swooshball ChallengeFullCD [97/02/10]==================[disk xX/06] -Filenames: TLNPPSC?.ZIP -Note: Dupe from 3 weeks ago. Code: Red (Red Alert & CC Addo'ns) Disk xx/11 02/12/97 ��������� ��������� ���������� ����������� ����������� ���� ���� ����������� ��� ��� ���� ��� ����������� ��� ��� ���� ��� ���� ���� ����������� ����������� ���� ���� ��������� ��������� [ Angels Of Death '97 ] -Filenames: AOD-RED?.ZIP -Note: OH! Here's something new, addons for RA and C&C, wow, never seen anything like it before, pff. ============== Battleship 95 [xx/24] ============== -Filenames: DOABSH??.ZIP -Note: Was released before, this isn't even cracked, and there's no diz or .nfo so it's most likely garbage. Command Missions Vol.2 (tewi) *650 RED ALERT Level & Tools* [x/5] ------------------------------------ Supplier: �ZG�R TUPAC ------------------------------------ -Filenames: RACOMIS?.ZIP -Note: Oh boy, the RA level packs just keep rolling in. NO ONE WANTS THEM! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -All projected dates are as of FEBRUARY 7TH 1997, 6:11am (EST) and based on STORE release dates. The info. in this section is updated WHEN AVAILABLE. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD HCD = Windows/Mac. CD W5C = Win 95 CD W3 = Windows Disk W53 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk YY/MM/DD | Name of Game | OS | Manufacturer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/11/97 NICKLAUS GLF 4 W5C WEA VIDEO 2/7/97 G-NOME W5C 7TH LEVEL 2/10/97 NBA JAM EXTREM W5C ACCLAIM 2/11/97 PSD DLX 3+ W5C BRODERBUND 2/11/97 LVPX PS DXIII+WCD BRODERBUND 2/11/97 PS PRES WRITR W5C BRODERBUND 2/11/97 FORK IN TALE W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/11/97 THE CROW W5C ACCLAIM 2/11/97 CREATURES W5C WEA VIDEO 2/11/97 PDS ENSMB 3+ W5C BRODERBUND 2/15/97 METALWERKS W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 2/15/97 FLT SIM6 EXPAN W5C MICROSOFT 2/15/97 DOMINION W5C 7TH LEVEL 2/15/97 WINDRELALIN WCD SYNCRONYS SOFTWARE 2/15/97 MARBLE DROP W5C MAXIS 2/18/97 COMMAND/CONQR W5C VIRGIN GAMES 2/19/97 SEGA RALLY W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 2/20/97 GARFIELD W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 3/1/97 CAPITALSM PLUS W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 3/1/97 INTERSTATE 76 W5C ACTIVISION 3/1/97 BRTSH OPN GOLF W5C EIDOS 3/1/97 SHIVERS 2 W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 3/1/97 MORTIFICATOR W5C PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 3/1/97 NEED/SPEED 2 W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 AIR WARRIOR 2 W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 3/1/97 TERRACIDE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 3/1/97 M1A2 ABRAMS W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 3/3/97 FALLEN HAVEN W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 3/4/97 BB:SCRNWRCKRS W5C VIRGIN GAMES 3/4/97 THE DIVIDE W5C VIRGIN GAMES 3/4/97 SCARAB W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/6/97 HEXEN W5C GT SOFTWARE 3/11/97 SONIC/KNUCKLES W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 3/24/97 TIGER SHARK W5C GT SOFTWARE 3/30/97 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 3/30/97 OUTLAWS W5C LUCAS ARTS 4/1/97 WORLD SERIES W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 4/15/97 GRAND SLAM 97 W5C VIRGIN GAMES 4/30/97 FPS: GOLF W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 5/1/97 GALACTIC MRAGE W5C VIRGIN GAMES 5/1/97 ULTIMA ONLINE W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS_ 5/1/97 BETRAY ANTARA W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 5/1/97 ELEVENTH HOUR W5C VIRGIN GAMES 6/1/97 RED BARON 2 W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 6/1/97 DEATHTRP DNG W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 2/8/97 MSTR CLPS 150 W5C I.M.S.I. 2/12/97 PILOT 5000 US ROBOTICS 2/12/97 ART EXP II WCD NOVA DEVELOPMENT 2/13/97 BARBIE REPUNZL WCD MATTEL 2/21/97 PRINT SHOP WCD BRODERBUND 2/25/97 FMLY TREE BSC WCD BRODERBUND 9/12/97 CUBS & BABYAGA WCD DAVIDSON 2/6/97 SETTLERS2 MSSN DCD BLUE BYTE 2/10/97 DR DRAGO DCD BLUE BYTE 2/10/97 CHEWY DCD BLUE BYTE 2/12/97 LVL MSTR:DUKE DCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 2/12/97 LVL MSTR:C&C DCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 2/12/97 ARK OF TIME DCD KOEI 2/13/97 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 2/15/97 COMANCHE 3.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/19/97 LVL MSTR:QUAKE DCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 2/21/97 ARMOR FIST 2.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/21/97 XS DCD GT SOFTWARE 2/25/97 KKND DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/25/97 IRON & BLOOD DCD ACCLAIM 2/25/97 REALMS/HAUNTNG DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 2/28/97 GOLD:MGC CARPT DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/28/97 GOLD:SHOCKWAVE DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/28/97 GOLD:NAVY FGHT DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/28/97 GOLD:CRSDR/REM DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 2/28/97 GOLD:WNG CMDR3 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 THEME HOSPITAL DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 ROAD MOSCOW DCD ENCORE SOFTWARE INC 3/1/97 ULTMATE SPORTS DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 RELOADED DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 3/1/97 688I HUNT/KILL DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 BIRTHRIGHT DCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 3/1/97 DARKLIGHT DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/1/97 POWER F1 DCD EIDOS 3/1/97 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 3/4/97 SCREAMER 2 DCD VIRGIN GAMES 3/4/97 SHADOWS/RIVA DCD SIR TECH 3/11/97 ID4 DCD FOX VIDEO 3/11/97 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 3/15/97 INTO THE VOID DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 3/17/97 TSTDRV:OFFROAD DCD WEA VIDEO 3/24/97 IMPER GALACTCA DCD GT SOFTWARE 3/25/97 ATF GOLD DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/28/97 AH64LNGBW GOLD DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 3/30/97 XWING VS TIE DCD LUCAS ARTS 4/29/97 LANDS OF LORE2 DCD VIRGIN GAMES 8/26/97 NFL LEGENDS 97 DCD WEA VIDEO 9/12/97 LIAM IMO BND HCD DAVIDSON 2/5/97 YOU/JACK HCD BERKELEY SYSTEMS 2/12/97 GOLDEN GATE HCD PANASONIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Perfectionism. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN EMAIL PERMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (The Game Reviewer) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO GAME REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939