.x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 WAREZ MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY WAREZ MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ ~~CELEBRATING OVER *1* YEAR IN THE SCENE~~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #41 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 10/06/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ 1 YEAR $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ ANNIVERSARY `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that are fit to print." Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stu Pid Fewl Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer ____________ News Updates %%%%%% IF YOU DONT READ THIS DONT ASK WHERE TGR IS %%%%%% ============ OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: -------------------------------------------- (WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review? The Game Review (c) Ionizer, will) (be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by /m ionizer xdcc send #1) #1 TGR Web Page: http://ns2.clever.net/~ionizer (Note: Contains all issues and gets 'em 1st) #2 E-Mail AUTO Responder: (As of now I'm not using it, so use the web page) Just write mail to tgr@inforelay.com . (Note: Only for the NEWEST TGR out.) #3 Other magazines are free to use TGR in their magz. Simply notify me about it first. Currently RCN (Reality Check Network) and Affinity contain TGR! NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in `ity'. These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow nfo directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) MECHWARRIOR 2: MERCENARIES [xx/41] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===.1911.CD.DIVISION.======\___/ -Filenames: MERCS-??.ZIP Basically this is Mechwarrior 2, but with a lot of pumped up features and new missions. Razor.nfo says you'll need a pentium for this one, but it seemed to run smoothly for me <486/33, shutup stop laughing>. If you have no clue what mechwarrior is, well then here's the previous review: heh, look at that, I can't find it! Oh well, anyway, mechwarrior is a game where you sit in the cockpit of a giant robot and you go around colored terrain and shoot at other huge robots and types of machines. You have all different missions to comp- lete. The graphics are very good, especially if you can support all the shading, shadows, and shit (known as the three s's). The game supports net play, but the chance you find someone with this game, a pentium/100+, and willing to play it at the time you want to is about as slim as someone making a pacman svga version. Anyway, it's a good game, only 87 megs installed, and I do mean ONLY :). RATING: 68/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ NETWORK Q RAC RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP [xx/41] +------------------------------------------+ -Filenames: PSGRAL??.ZIP Now here's what a GOOD racing game is like. This one has all of the cd, nothing ripped. It's got the cool animations, the sound commentary and the sfx. You can put this in a va- riety of graphic modes and different options. However you'll need a p/75 to enjoy this one at full effect. This one has all the options, edit your racer, his car, and anything else you want, cept the tracks. It woulda been nice if they let you go off the tracks, but they keep you enclosed in them. Good, but limited sound effects. And with network play, you can't ask for much more. If you're looking for a good multiplayer racing game, and got at least a p/75 defintately try this one out. RATING: 70/100 Mutant Chicken Races [reg'd] (c) Trentsoft 1/1 ______/|____/|_____/|___ /|____/|____/|___/| \_ __ ___ _ __ \| __ ___ ___ __| | |__| ___ | |___/ \ | ___ | __/ _)_ _| | | | | | | \ | | | |_ | | \_____ |__|_ |__|__ |___|\ |__|_ |____ |___ | \| \| \|bl \| \| \| \| -Filenames: CNG-MCRR.ZIP Well it sounds lame, and gee wilpers, it is. You have to raise chickens and then raise them to win in races and try to gain lotsa money. It's for windows and most of it is button clicking. The racing is lame, and at times frustrat- ing. Don't bother unless your completely bored, which is impossible this week. RATING: 27/100 ______ ____/\_____/\_. ___ _____ __ /___ \/ ___/\_ _/ | \_ || _/ \/ \ | / / _/ \ / _/ |/\ / `' \ \ / :| \ \ ' \/ |/ ' | |/ \: :|__|\ \_____/ |\_______\____/\__/\ \ :[FF]:\__/::::/____|:::::::::::::::::::\_/ *-REFLUX 1996 PROUDLY PRESENT-* [========================================] [ LYNQ 3D (c) ANARCHY ENTERTAINMENT ] [=[09/23/96]=====================[XX/07]=] -Filenames: RLXLYNQ?.ZIP Ok, I have no idea how to play this fucking game. It's some 3D type of view over these triangles and you rotate them and shift them and make them fit right or something. The graphics aren't that great, but the sound and menus are good sounding and looking. Pretty basic, not too complex, but understand- ing how to play the game might be. RATING: 41/100 S.T.O.R.M. FINAL (C) AMERICAN SOF. [50/50] _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\:::::::::: -Filenames: HBDSTM??.ZIP Well here, finally, is the final that should put to rest any more finals to come out of this game. It's got all the levels and it works and the graphics aren't all fucked up. Basically it's a platform shoot'em'up in the water. You use a ship that is able to send out a diver to shoot, and the ship can pick up shit and let go of it elsewhere and of course shoot. The game is kinda hard since your ship is so big and the pathways pretty small. You can easily bump into shit such as landmines....or would we call them watermines. It'll be a toughy to get past the first level on this sucker, takes lots of patience and time. The graphics are excellent, no music, and avg sfx. Have a nice day, please drive through. RATING: 60/100 ______ __ ___ _\ ___/_ /\ / /__ ___ \_/______ _____ / __/ /__/ \/ __/_ /__/ / _ / -__/_ /__/ /_____/____\_____/____/__/__/ /_______/ .--------------------------/__/--------. | Scorched Planet (c) Criterion Studios | `-[09/24/96]------------------------[xx/30]-' -Filenames: FL-SP??.ZIP Huhuh, black screens rule, especially when it sits there, and listens to all your bitching and moaning. Sometimes I talk with it about my problems and stuff, and it gives me advice. It told me to tell you that this game is for win95/dos, but when this version was run from dos, our friend black screen would appear and he didn't do anything. RATING: NA/100 Daggerfall (c) Bethesda [62/62] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ -Filenames: DAGGER??.ZIP WOW! What an amazing RPG. This is just a fucking great rpg. It's got the 3rd person feel, but it's more got more freedom, like not just left, right, forward and back, it's got nice 360 action. The graphics are excellent and the movement is smooth. We all know what rpg's are, and to say a lot about this game would almost insult it. It is truly the top rpg out there, and even though it installs to 433 megs, if you like rpgs, it is worth it. You basically form your character by answering some questions, and then you're off into the cavelike passages. Battle with little annoying animals to big monsters. The only bad things is the controls are slightly annoying, but you will overcome that if you like it. RATING: 79/100 STAR CONTROL 3 (c) ACCOLADE [xx/40] ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ -Filenames: SC3PSG??.ZIP STAR CONTROL III +5 TRAINER [01/01] ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ -Filenames: SC3TRAIN.ZIP Another outer space like game. You travel from planet to planet and talk to people and avoid enemies. The game for the most part is just managing your weapons and people correctly. There is a little bit of fighting, which is pretty lame and reminds me of an old "flash" game for major bbs. All that part is, is you fly around in your ship and shoot at the enemy, but it's all from a step away perspective and you see your ship flying around, not you in it. The game could be really cool if you had all the cd, but the rip is not worth bothering for, even though it is pretty good. But if you don't like managing/simcity like games, then you won't like it at all. The trainer will allow you to cheat by editing fuel, resource untis, landing pods, ship crew, and weapon charge. A manual in that .pdf format was also released. RATING: 62/100 Madden Football '97 (c) E.A. [xx/50] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ -Filenames: MAD97-??.ZIP Madden '97: Speech Add-On (c) E.A. [35/35] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ -Filenames: MAD97S??.ZIP We just saw the demo, here's the final. This is an excellently put together football game. However in order to play it with all the great graphics and sound, not only will you need to download 50 disks + 35 for the speech addon, but you'll need a p/100. If you don't have a p/100, you'll end up having to reduce the screen size, and take away shadows and the crowd and stadium gfx. Then it looks kind of boring. The game play is great, very realistic, and allows you a good deal of freedom to move around. Three different camera angles, blimp, sideline, and goaline views. If you like football, think your computer is good enough, and willing to get at least the 50 disks, then by all means get it, because it is very good. RATING: 72/100 Bedlam (c) GT Interactive [47/47] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ -Filenames: BEDLAM??.ZIP Yet another great game this week. This one is a Crusader: No Remorse like game, where you blow up everything, but it's more single mission like, and it takes place outside. It's got lots of cool things to do, and you can get tons of different weapons. The only set back is that you control with the mouse and it's not as good as controlling it with k/b, and your robot kinda just flows around, it's not a man who can jump or anything. Also, the view is a little too far back, it would be better if it was closer up, and had a little more graphic detail, cuz the way it is now, it's similar to sim city type of view. But it's got lots of cool videos, and all the sound and shit are there. RATING: 64/100 F-22 LIGHTNING 2 (c) EA/NovaLogic! [xx/14] ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ -Filenames: PSGF22??.ZIP Although a simple sim game, this one has pretty good graphics, great music, and the usual sfx. The game is pretty well balanced, not overpowering with too much specifics, but yet it's still got a good amount of technical stuff. You fly your plane and complete missions. You are armed with weapons, so yes, you can shoot someone. The hardest part is just figuring out how to get your plane up and moving and controlling it, but hit "k" for the key list in the game. Not bad for it's size, but it's not superior. It will lag on anything less than a 486/100 RATING: 56/100 NHL Hockey '97 (c) E.A. [41/41] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ -Filenames: NHL97-??.ZIP I must have had some kind of video/mouse problem with this one, as it gave me dos4gw errors, please see the review in the win95 section. RATING: NA/100 ----------- Around this time, if you haven't heard already, my former secondary `trusty' Western Digital 1.2 Gig harddrive decided it would feel cool if it burnt a few of it's brain cells . As a result of this, my hard drive is extremely fucked up, I lost 4.5 years collection of quality pr0n pics and animations, classic games, and other things not as a vital . As it would just so happen, the sector where I had 300 megs worth of games to be tested fucked up also, and I had to delete those games and there was no way in hell I was going to redownload them. Because they were on bad sectors, I couldn't even unzip them to another directory or find out the name of the games. So listed here are the filenames of games that were not reviewed because of this. Filenames: TCFPSG??.ZIP, RLT-MR?.ZIP, ILL-SS??.ZIP, ILLSND??.ZIP, SIHPSG??.ZIP RLT-GW??.ZIP, HBD-HD??.ZIP, ILLHND??.ZIP BRK-MR2?.ZIP, DBBBLOD?.ZIP HBDFAB??.ZIP, and HBD-DC??.ZIP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> WIN '95 REVIEWS <*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE $$ gg $$ $$Pg. j$"$c $$""" ::::: $$ $ $$ gg $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ::::: $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ggg ?$g$g$P $$ $$ $$ $$g$$ gg $$ mc ------------------- $$ gg $$ $$ $$ --- Reviews from pAth0s... ?$g$P ?$g$P GR! Accept No Substitutes! Holy Shit! Way lots of stuff out for the past 2 weeks.. I know everything is NOT in here, and I'm truly sorry. Please see the notes at the end of the reviews. !#! SEND ME MAIL NOW!! pathos@ns2.clever.net !#! --- Testers System info --- Hardware: p-90, 16M ram, 512k cache, Diamond64 2m Dram, Awe32, 17" ADI, EIDE Software: Windows 95 Oem Service Release 2, Direct X III Configuration : 800x600 @ 16bit color, fat32, and all the latest drivers. --- Ratings/Points System --- 100-90= LEECH IT OR DIE! 89-70= Check it 69-50= Ehh maybe 49-30= Prolly not 29-1= Shitzville!! 0= Don't Work _____________________ ___________ ____________________ OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CD (c) Sega [01/01] ________________________/_|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ FileNames: PSGSON??.ZIP Release Date: Don't matter, Don't remember. How interesting.. A fix for this was released that included the 2 missing .dlls but guess what? It's still fucked. Wanna know something else? It's either uncracked, or cracked wrong. Here's why: I loaded it up after I copied the fix shit like I was sposed to, and got to the part where it shows the little world or whatever and it crashed. After the crash, I left all the error crap on the screen, went to dos, and typed "ps" (all you unix users know what this does). The unix "ps" command tells every process running.. Anyway, ps gave me the usual crap, dde & rpc stuff, but also a process called "CD Verification" IE: CRAP - NON WORKING - BROKED *> Points: NA/100 (I'm starting to think I should start giving out negative points, for making me download non-working shit.) ______ __ ___ _\ ___/_ /\ / /__ ___ \_/______ _____ / __/ /__/ \/ __/_ /__/ / _ / -__/_ /__/ /_____/____\_____/____/__/__/ /_______/ .--------------------------/__/--------. | Scorched Planet (c) Criterion Studios | `-[09/24/96]------------------------[xx/30]-' FileNames: FL-SP??.ZIP ReleaseDate: 24 SEP 1996 Yet another non working game in the on-going saga this week.. Yay rah. This one seems to work ok, unil you get to the actual game part where it just simply hangs, no seg faults, no nothing.. *> Points: NA/100 Bevis and Butthead Little Thingies [xx/36] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ FileNames: BTHINGS??.ZIP Release Date: Dunno.. Dont care. Gee.. Another uncracked game. The .nfo told me to run setup.exe and setup.exe told me to insert CD. *> Points: NA/100 - Yet another 36 fucking disks of pure SHIT. |\ | |--- \--\ /-/ | | |------ | \ | |___ \ \/ / |x/06| | < Ewwww Ugly .diz > | \ | | / /\ \ | | \_____ | \| |___ /_/ \_\ |____| ______\ B&B Little Thingies Mini Rip FileNames: NXS-BB??.ZIP Release Date: 26 SEP 1996 Well, at least all but 1 of the included games work. Too bad all but 2 of these mini games have been released already. I hadn't seen air guitar or the drive-thru games before.. I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on this, basically if you like Beavis and Butthead, never played the others when they came out, grab this. After all, it's only 6 disks. But if you've played the others, the 2 new ones won't keep you occupied for more than 10 minutes anyway. *> Points: 27 - All but 2 are dupes, 1 mini-game don't work ROAD RASH (c) EA [XX/14] _____________ ________ _____ ___. _______ :) _ / \ \/ (_ / /\ /_) |_|__ / : / _/ o\ | /_/_ \ /_|_ | | \/ : \ \_ \ / | / / \ \ \ | \ :___\___/____\\/ :____/____\| \|___|___\ `-[RomLight]--/____|-o9.28.96-|____\ ---mAZ> FileNames: RLT-RR??.ZIP Release Date: 28 SEP 1996 Wow.. Finally something cool this week! I remember playing the PSX version of this game and thinking, "heh.. too bad ya couldn't get away with this in real life!" Being a motorcyclist myself, I pretty much fucking dig this one. It's a motorcycle racing type game with the ability to beat the shit out of your opponents while doing about 150 MPH through heavy traffic. heh heh Sound like fun? You betchya! Oh, did I mention that you can whack cops off thier bikes too? Imagine the look of horror on Ponch's face as you ride up next to him brandishing your 4 foot chain... Ahem.. Yeah. Your main goal is to get 3rd place or better for each track in your level, earning money as you go, so you can work your way up to the "Super Bikes" (bikes that manuever really good and have NITRO!). Once you've qualified on each track, you go up a level and the tracks become longer and more densely populated with vehicles/hazards. I got up to level 4.. (Level 3 The City = A BITCH!!) Level 4 just plain SUCKS. You can only crash so much before you trash your bike out, and if you crash when there's a cop around, you'll get busted and have to pay a fine. The first few times you crash, I bet you'll laugh you ass off, cuz it seems like you fly through the air for miles. On a technical note, the grafix on this one were damn good for as fast as stuffs drawn to the screen, and it really looks like you're doing 150 MPH or better. A couple quick tips: #1 Save after every successful race #2 You start each race with a pipe, but it can be taken away from you by someone who dont have a weapon. If you get the pipe taken, find someone who has a chain, and keep hitting the use weapon button, you can take the chain away from the other dude. About 3 whacks with a chain and they'll go flying. *> Points: 80 - Kept me busy for hours.. It should you too. NHL Hockey '97 (c) E.A. [01/41] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ FileNames: NHL97-??.ZIP Release Date: 26 SEP 1996 Ionizer had me review this cuz he was getting excessive page faults, but more on that later.. This is a so-so kind of a game here, prolly the best grafix I've seen for a hockey game yet, but it's got a few problems. The biggest problem I found was that the actual RULES of the game are wrong. I know what you're thinking, "BULLSHIT!! How could a game authorized by the NHL Players Association be WRONG??" Well, trust me, the rules on icing and offsides are wrong. This game tells me I'm offsides when I dump the puck in the opposing teams zone, hit the goalie with the puck, and none of my players are in the zone. It's plain wrong. In real hockey, it's called a "dump in". You can fire the puck all the way from your goal, hit the other goalie, and it's playable. Now on to a few more complaints about this one.. The goalie *NEVER* leaves the pocket. In real hockey, the goalie does much more than just stop pucks. Another big gripe is that the cpu controlled players have no brain. They don't reach for the puck too often. I actually seen the puck at a dead stop and no one would touch it until I moved my guy over to get it. Not anyone from my team or the other one would skate over to grab it.. Pretty lame ehh? Something else that I couldn't ever figure out was how come the computer could pull thier goalie to have 6 skaters, but I couldn't.. I looked everywhere. The line editor had an option to display goalies, but all I could do was switch between the backup goalie and the starter. A few other complaints: Only 2 buttons supported, couldn't change the camera angles, the game would lose your joystick config, some others I dont remember. Now about those invalid page faults.. I played this in real dos mode, and in win95. In Win95 it seemed to crash less often than dos mode. Didn't matter where in the game, it'd crash, and I couldn't ever repeat something to make it crash. So I dunno what the problem is. Sometimes I could play for hours and it wouldn't die on me, other times it'd crap after 5 mins.. I guess what this whole review is trying to tell you is NOT to leech this if you are a hockey fan, cuz you will be seriously disappointed. Once you get past all the hocus pocus grafix, it's really a shit game. Quick tip: If you've got the "fast game" option turned off, you can abort the intermission (like after you ice the puck, or a penalty, etc..) by hitting both the A+B buttons at the same time. Not trying to imply anything here, well, ok, maybe I am.. There's also the possibilty of this not being the final release version. I just can't imagine they'd let a game like this out with the actual RULES being wrong. I was going to get the addon pack for this at Ion's request, but I decided I didn't want another 40+ disks to leech for a game I really didn't like in the first place. Oh yeah, if you play this under Win95, it tells you to install the W95 version of this game, but you can continue and play it anyway. So.. Next question RZR: Where IS the W95 version!! Preferably not another 50 disk release, but maybe an addon or something cuz it prolly uses alot of the same files. :) *> Points: 40 -Gonna catch shit no matter which way I go, woulda been lower if the grafix weren't so cool. _____________________ ___________ ____________________ Final Notes: Ever try to leech about a 1000 disks over 288? Well, don't unless you've got a dedicated line and about 80 free hours on your hands. Anyway, I would personally like to congratulate all the games groups that released over the past couple weeks. I wish I had time to count out exactly how many disks I downloaded needlessly because of shit not working, or fucking retarded ass intro.mov files. At any rate, it's really no wonder why people call the scene "dead" and "completely FUCKED". What good is a 20 release week, if only 5 of em work and ripped right? I would've been able to review all the WORKING releases if I didn't have to get all the non-working shit too. So, I guess you can thank the groups that released broked shit for the lack of reviewing everything. And after making that last comment, me and Ion has pretty much decided to temporarily stop TGR until the New Year rolls around. He's got ALOT of REAL non-scene related stuff to do, and I'm getting quite burned out, and really fucking frustrated with the whole gaming scene. Basically, I can't handle the amount of PURE FUCKING GARBAGE I've been seeing lately, plus I've got my own fair share of shit to do in #real_life. -To all the people who have sent me mail, and talked with me on IRC: Thanks for really keeping me motivated at times. -To everyone else who are my friends, namely #W5, and everyone from #k0k, you guys RULE! -To the people who try to keep the scene respectable, take pride in thier work, and REALLY make the scene happen: You people are the ones that TGR has always been for, and will continue to be for. -To all the rest: Fuck off. See ya in the New Year! And that's a PROMISE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>THE GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) -These two weeks were filled with tons of quality games, mainly because groups have decided to just utilize the max disk limit rather than ripping smaller. This of course has it's good and it's bad, it means you might enjoy one of 7 games a lot more, but it also means that you're going to download an extra 20 disks for 6 other shittier games. Anyway, it would be impossible to award only one GOTW(s) because of the amount of games put out and because so many were good. Also, a lot of games were not able to be reviewed, so this week I will just list the games all worthy of it: DAGGERFALL, MADDEN '97, ROADRASH, and NHL '97 . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH DROME ______________/\___________________________ \_ __ .____ \_ ____ \______\____/__ _ __.\ / \___/ _/ / / _/ /__. \/ / / / \__/ /____\ \_____/__/\____/_____/___/ /__/\____\ <======<09-22-1996>=====PST========== -Filenames: PST-DD??.ZIP -Note: Game is a demo and is for win95, not mentioned in the nfo, faggots. TEENAGENT CD-RIP *ENGLiSH* [oX/11] (C) UNiON LOGiC 1996 ������������������������������������������� � ����������� ������������� ������������� � ���� ۲��� �� ۲������۲��� ������������ � ���� ۱��� �� ۱��� ۱��� ����� ۱��� � ���� ۰��� �� ۰��� � ۰��� ۰��� � ۰��� � ���� ����� �� ������������� ������������� � �[GAME]������������������������[24-SEP-96]� -Filenames: TBSTA??.ZIP -Note: Way old dupey dupe. Earth Quake *CD-RIP* [xx/06] new levels, monsters, weapons and tools for Quake fullversion. Complete CD-Rip. -Filenames: P-EQKE01.ZIP -Note: I think the diz is self explanatory. ������������� � N � E � W � �����������Ŀ � //\___//\_____//\____//\____//\_____ � _/ __ \_ __ \_ __ \ ___ \_ __ \_� \_ (/ _/ _ _/ (/ _\ ____/ _ _/� \______/___| \\______/_____|___|\ \_ ����[Bt!]���|___/��[NeW oRDeR '96]��\___/ � => Fallen Heroes / A&B Software <= � ���[22/09/96]������������������[xx/10]��� -Filenames: NO-FH??.ZIP -Note: Disk 8 of this couldn't be found anywhere. LINKS LS: KAPALUA BAY COURSE ADDON [xx/09] ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ -Filenames: PSGKAP??.ZIP -Note: Just a course addon for links. ��۲� ��۲��� �� � � � ����� ��۲� �� ���� ���۲� �۲ ܲ�޲��۲�� ۲� �۲�� ���� ����� � �� ���۲ ۲��۲������ ��۲� �۲ ���۲� ���۲� ܲ��۲ ۲��۲ �� �۲ � �� �۲ ���۲� �۲� �۲��۲ ۲��۲�۲ �۲ ܲ�� ��۲ ���۲� ���۲ �۲� ۲����޲��۲ �۲ ۲� ��޲� ��߲�� �۲ ߲�� ��� ��� ����� �۲ ��� �� cH �� �� � � ����߲� � � .iLL.Duke!Zone for Duke Nukem 3D [xx/15].iLL. -Filenames: ILLDKZ??.ZIP -Note: Yet still...more addons. ATF: NATO FIGHTERS EXPANSION DISK [xx/26] ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ -Filenames: PSGATF??.ZIP -Note: Expansion missions for those who still have this `old' game. Tal's Adventures in Bubia City (c) Scops 1/6 _____________________________________ \__________ __| ___)______)_ _) %%/ _ \__/ \/ __|\/ _ \/ | | \%%%% %%/ | \/ \ \ | \ |_| \%%%% %%\___| /\____/______/__| /__|%|____)96% %%%%%%|__/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%tM�__/%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Filenames: AT-TABC?.ZIP -Note: Kiddie garbage game where you organize shit. QUAKE'EM - THE ULTiMATE QUAKE CD ... [01/47] �� ����� �� �� ����� ����� ����������� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��D �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ����� ����� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��S �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ����� � � � � ��� � ����� �� 27.09.96 ����� EOD � VORTEX � DYTEC ����� �� ��� ��� -Filenames: DNS-QK??.ZIP -Note: Quake Addon, levels, and all that shnazzy wazzy stuff. +----------------------------------------+ Sherlock Holmes :Case of The Rose Tattoo Electronic Arts (c). +--(1o/o2/96)-------------------(xx/86)--+ -Filenames: SHELOC??.ZIP -Note: Even I, the guy who pretty much downloads every single game, would not download this 86 X 3.0 meg release even if I had a t1. You're not only a nut if you download this, but your a nut if you unzip/unrar it also. TacticalCommunications EF2000 (C) DID [XX/30] _____________ ________ _____ ___. _______ :) _ / \ \/ (_ / /\ /_) |_|__ / : / _/ �\ | /_/_ \ /_|_ | | \/ : \ \_ \ / | / / \ \ \ | \ :___\___/____\\/ :____/____\| \|___|___\ `-[RomLight]--/____|-o9.30.96-|____\ ---mAZ> -Filenames: RLTTEF01.ZIP -Note: See the nfo of this game, since it explains it very well: "TactCom for EF2000!! This is a GREAT release from ROMLiGHT! Launched in November 1995, Digital Image Design's EF2000 has become renowned as one of the finest modern air-combat flight simulations for the PC. The company is proud to announce the imminent release of EF2000 TACTCOM - an upgrade disk for EF20000 which offers a comprehensive Tactical Mission Planner, new communications options, new views and the definitive EF2000 Patch. Due for a summer release, TACTCOM for EF2000 will be available at a mid-range price. The Tactical Mission Planner allows players to plot their own sorties within a campaign. A simple point-and-click system is used to set waypoints, targets and altitudes. In addition, players can call-up tactical information to help plan the safest routes to and from the target position. The system also delivers highly detailed battle statistics following campaign sessions. TACTCOM will maintain a record of the individuals progress during a campaign and display and overall picture of how the TACTCOM offers EF2000 players a variety of communications options. Computers can now be linked over and IPX network, serial link or modem. This allows new multi-play possibilities in both King-of-the-Skies and Campaign sections of the game. KEY FEATURES ------------ -Tactical Mission Planner allows player definition of EF2000 missions within campaign. -Drag and Drop waypoint positioning and altitude definition. -Calculator for determination of fuel, speed and altitude. -Selection of additional flights for strike, escort or wild weasel missions. -Selection of different planes in the additional flights. -New tactical overviews of SAM and EWR coverage. -Allocation of individual targets to any strike aircraft. -Player arming of the aircraft prior to take-off. -Full Air Traffic Control (ATF) for all flights. -New map types. -Planning of refueler rendezvous. -Comprehensive battle statistics given on exiting the campaign, and written to a text file. -New communications options -Up to eight players networked in campaign and King-of-the-Skies via IPX. -Serial connection for direct linking of two machines. -Modem link for playing King-of-the-Skies via telephone lines. -Enhanced views and GUI -Amazing new AI driven cameras for better viewing of the action. -New and improved GUI artwork. -The definitive EF2000 patch." OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -All projected dates are as of SEPTEMBER 4TH 1996, 8:15am (EST) and based on STORE release dates. The info. in this section is updated WHEN AVAILABLE. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD HCD = Windows/Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk YY/MM/DD Name of Game | OS | Manufacturer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96/09/30 ARCHIVES VOL2 DCD LUCAS ARTS 96/10/03 SILNT HTR PATL DCD MINDSCAPE 96/10/07 IRONMAN/XO DCD ACCLAIM 96/10/07 THIRD REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/10/08 BTLCRSR 3000 DCD TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE 96/10/09 XS DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/10/09 MAX PREVIEW DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/10 NEMESIS DCD SIR TECH 96/10/14 M1A2 ABRAMS DCD INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/10/14 SCENERY ITALY DCD WIZARD WORKS 96/10/14 KILRATHI SAGA DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/10/15 RAVAGE DCD WEA VIDEO 96/10/15 JUNGLE PINBALL DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 SYNDICATE WARS DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/10/15 POWERSLAVE DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE 96/10/15 BURPER DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 ALLNGHTR ANTH DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/15 HIPPO HOP DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 BUG DROP DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 UPSY DAISY DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 DJALI BOWLING DCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/15 FLYING CORP DCD ENTERACTIVEINTERNATIONAL 96/10/15 INTO THE VOID DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE 96/10/15 PRO LGUE BSEBL DCD MICRO-LEAGUE 96/10/15 TIMELAPSE DCD GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/10/15 NEO HUNTER DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/15 GRID RUNNER DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/15 PRAY FOR DEATH DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/20 OVER REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/10/21 BLOOD/MAGIC DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/23 STL PANTHRS 2 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/10/26 SHADOWS/RIVA DCD SIR TECH 96/10/29 STAR GENERAL DCD MINDSCAPE 96/10/29 COMANCHE 3.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/10/29 ERADICATOR DCD WEA VIDEO 96/10/29 CONQUEST DLX DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/29 HARDLINE DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/29 ODDBALLZ DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/29 TOONSTRUCK DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/29 PRIVATEER 2 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/10/31 DEUS DCD READY SOFT 96/11/01 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/11/01 TOMB RAIDERS DCD EIDOS 96/11/05 DEST DERBY 2 DCD PSYGNOSIS 96/11/07 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/11/12 DROWNED GOD DCD WEA VIDEO 96/11/12 PGA96:WNTWRTH DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/11/15 MAST/ORION 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/11/15 ALIEN TRIL DCD DIGITAL PICTURES 96/11/15 NFL LEGENDS 97 DCD WEA VIDEO 96/11/15 AH64D:KOREAN DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/11/19 SCREAMER 2 DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/19 C&C RED ALERT DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/19 ARMOR FIST 2.0 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/11/20 JETFIGHTR III DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/11/26 TSTDRV:OFFROAD DCD WEA VIDEO 96/12/06 DISCWORLD 2 DCD PSYGNOSIS 96/12/17 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 97/01/01 DEADLY SKIES DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 97/01/01 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 97/01/01 LANDS OF LORE2 DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/09/12 LIAM IMO BND HCD DAVIDSON 96/09/12 CUBS & BABYAGA WCD DAVIDSON 96/10/01 MOTHER GSE LRN HCD MATTEL 96/10/01 FSHRPRCE PARNT HCD MATTEL 96/10/07 CRYSTAL SKULL HCD MAXIS 96/10/09 PYST HCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/10/24 SIM PARK HCD MAXIS 96/10/31 WRD BLSTR WCD DAVIDSON 96/11/15 GEOMBLST HCD DAVIDSON 96/11/15 HUNCHBCK ASB HCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/08 CRTE WEB PGE WKND PRIMA PUBLISHING 96/10/01 SIDWNDR GAMEPAD MICROSOFT 96/10/10 STEEL PNTHRS 2 HB PRIMA PUBLISHING 96/10/17 WARCRAFT BNDL HB PRIMA PUBLISHING 96/09/01 HTWHL TOY CAR WCD MATTEL 96/10/01 BARBE PRN&PLY WCD MATTEL 96/10/01 BARBIE DESIGN WCD MATTEL 96/10/01 SCRABBLE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/03 QCKN 6 WCD INTUIT 96/10/03 QCKN DX 6 WCD INTUIT 96/10/07 WOOD SHIP MEN WCD AVALON HILL 96/10/14 ULT YAHTZEE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/14 CLUE WCD HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/10/15 NOIR WCD CYBERDREAMS 96/10/20 MS VIS J++1.0W5C MICROSOFT 96/10/25 TTAX 96 HS DX WCD INTUIT TAX PRODUCTS 96/10/29 COLLEGE FTBL WCD DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/31 ST ATLAS4 WCD DELORME MAPPING 96/11/01 HOT WHEELS MOUSE WCD MATTEL 96/10/03 QCKN 6 W3 INTUIT 96/10/15 UNINSTALLER 4.0W3 MICROHELP INC 96/10/25 TTAX 96 HS W3 INTUIT TAX PRODUCTS 96/10/25 TTAX 96 HS ST W3 INTUIT TAX PRODUCTS 96/01/07 GARFIELD W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/01/15 SACRED POOL W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/09/01 NEVERHOOD W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/14 AUTOMP TRP5.0 W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 MS PICTURE IT W5C MICROSOFT 96/09/15 CRL MEGA GAL W5C COREL SYSTEMS 96/10/03 ACE VENTURA W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/10/03 NORT UTL2.0 U W5C SYMATEC 96/10/04 PROCOM + 4.0 W5C DATA STORM 96/10/07 OIL CHANGE WCD CYBER MEDIA 96/10/07 TOTAL WAR W5C MICROSTAR 96/10/07 PILOT TOYBOX W5C MICROSTAR 96/10/07 NECRODOME W5C MINDSCAPE 96/10/08 G-NOME W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/10/08 SLAM SCAPE W5C VIACOM 96/10/08 DESTINY W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/10/09 WESTWORLD 2000 W5C SIMON & SCHUSTER 96/10/09 HOYLE CASINO W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/14 CASINO DLX 2 W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/14 DIE HARD TRL W5C FOX VIDEO 96/10/15 WORLD SERIES W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/10/15 WIN ARCADEPK W5C WIZARD WORKS 96/10/15 TROPHY BASS 2 W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/15 AMOK W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/10/15 BTLGRD:ANTIETM W5C ENTERACTIVEINTERNATIONAL 96/10/15 CLANDESTINY W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/17 SPUD W5C PHILIPS INTERACTIVEMEDIA 96/10/18 ZPC W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/10/21 AIR WARRIOR 2 W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/10/21 HYPERBLADE W5C ACTIVISION 96/10/22 FULL TILT 2 W5C MAXIS 96/10/22 POWER CHESS W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/22 TEMPEST 2000 W5C INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/22 VIRT NIGHTCLUB W5C PHILIPS INTERACTIVEMEDIA 96/10/22 CIRCLE/BLOOD W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/23 ARCH DYNASTY W5C BLUE BYTE 96/10/23 WARWIND W5C MINDSCAPE 96/10/24 VIRT PRO PINBL W5C INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/10/25 SIMCOPTER W5C MAXIS 96/10/25 ROBOTRON X W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/10/25 ROCKET JOCKEY W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/10/28 NBA HANGTIME W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/10/28 HARPOON 97 W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/10/28 KILLING TIME W5C THE 3DO COMPANY 96/10/29 LORDS/REALM 2 W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/29 CREATURES W5C WEA VIDEO 96/10/29 COLD SHADOW W5C DISNEY SOFTWARE 96/10/29 DEATH DROME W5C VIACOM 96/10/30 3DO DECATHALON W5C THE 3DO COMPANY 96/10/31 LEISURE/LARRY7 DCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/31 RAMA W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/10/31 DAYTONA USA W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/10/31 VIRTUA CITY PD W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/11/01 DOMINION W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/11/01 SIMGOLF W5C MAXIS 96/11/01 DIAMONDS 3D W5C WIZARD WORKS 96/11/01 DIABLO W5C DAVIDSON 96/11/01 HUNTER HUNTED W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/11/01 REVERENCE W5C CYBERDREAMS 96/11/01 TERRACIDE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/11/03 HEXEN W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/11/04 NAVY FGHTERS97 W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/11/05 PINBALL BLDR W5C THE 3DO COMPANY 96/11/05 SCORCHED PLNET W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/05 GOLDEN NUGGET W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/05 AGILE WARRIOR W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/05 PUZZ/TRILOBYTE W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/05 ENEMY NATIONS W5C VIACOM 96/11/07 METALWERKS W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/11/07 THREE/DWARVES W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 96/11/12 TITANIC W5C GTE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/11/18 BATTLESHIP W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/11/18 RISK W5C HASBRO INTERACTIVE 96/11/19 THE DIVIDE W5C VIACOM 96/11/19 ELEVENTH HOUR W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/11/19 C&C RED ALERT W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/12/01 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/12/01 DEATHTRP DNG W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/12/03 COMMAND/CONQR W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/12/12 FRONTPAGE 97 W5C MICROSOFT 96/12/12 FRNT PG 97U W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/01 MINDWARP W5C MAXIS 97/01/01 GALACTIC MRAGE W5C VIRGIN GAMES 97/01/01 CADDY HACK W5C VIRGIN GAMES 97/01/07 SEGA RALLY W5C SEGA OF AMERICA INC. 97/01/10 OFCEPRO 97 UPG W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/10 ACCESS 97 FLVS W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/10 ACCESS 97 UPG W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/10 OFFICE 97 FVS W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/10 OFFICE97 UPG W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/10 OFFPRO 97MSE U W5C MICROSOFT 97/01/30 PWRPT 97 UP W5C MICROSOFT 97/03/01 MORTIFICATOR W5C PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE 97/04/01 GRAND SLAM 97 W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/10/01 WIN 95 EXP W53 MICROSOFT 96/10/15 CLNSWP 3.0 W5C QUARTERDECK 96/10/31 HLTHY PC 1.0 W3 SYMATEC 96/11/01 ACT 3.0 W53 SYMATEC 97/01/10 MSWORD 97 FVS W53 MICROSOFT 97/01/10 MSWORD 97 UPG W53 MICROSOFT 97/01/10 EXCEL FVS 97 W53 MICROSOFT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -One last time of being perfect before TGR continues in 1997. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN EMAIL PERMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. OK IM GOING TO WRITE THIS IN ALL CAPS SO THAT I DON'T HAVE PEOPLE ASKING ME WHERE THE NEXT ISSUE IS, FOR 3 MONTHS. THIS IS THE ***LAST*** ***TGR*** ***UNTIL*** SOMETIME IN ***JANUARY***. REASONS WHY: (1) AS I SAID BEFORE, I HAVE 7 COLLEGE APPS TO FILL OUT, AND ADDED TO SCHOOL WORK, LEAVES LITTLE FREE TIME. (2) I GOT A LOT OF OTHER SHIT I HAVE TO DO FOR SCHOOL. (3) MY 1.2 GIG DRIVE HELPED "ICE THE CAKE" ON MY DECISION WHEN IT DECIDED TO HAVE A BUNCH OF BAD SECTORS AND START FUCKING UP ON ME. THEREFORE I ONLY HAVE 90 MEGS ON MY OTHER DRIVE TO WORK WITH, WHICH IS OF COURSE NOT ENOUGH. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT TGR IS *NOT* DEAD, AND I **PROMISE** IT WILL BE BACK! I HEREBY *DO NOT* AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO `TAKEOVER' THE CONTROL OF TGR. -Ionizer [THE GAME REVIEWer] (Sorry for the caps) -Ionizer (The Game Reviewer) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO GAME REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939