.x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 WAREZ MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY WAREZ MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #25 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 06/02/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that are fit to print." Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stu Pid Fewl Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer ____________ News Updates ============ -Welp, I did it, I INSTALLED WIN95, I feel so stupid. -(20 hours later): I've UNINSTALLED WIN95. It was PISSING me off SO FUCKING much. My comm program, which ran fine at first, just decided to lock up, under win95 only, and so many other retarded things. I couldn't stand wait- ing forever to boot up and looking at that ugly ass logo, just so I could shell in dos. It was just so stupid. I like my system the way it is, let them make programs to support me, and not me have to support them to run their crap. And don't tell me it's b/c I have a 486, it had nothing to do with the speed , it just sucks, let all the fucking macintosher's go use it to move over to pc's but I'm not going to fucking use it. I might install it sometime in the future when I have more time to fix the crap up, but not now. -Feel free to send in your win95 game reviews to my email address. -Tons of shit this week, although half didn't work or wasn't poor quality, so excuse me for any errors or not correctly installing because I was rushed into getting this one out. -The Toshinden move list is in the closing section. ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: -------------------------------------------- (WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review? The Game Review (c) Ionizer, will) (be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by /m ionizer xdcc send #1) OR #1 My home page (New GFX, Java scroll, animated gifs) (Thanks to Agile & Ent) http://ns2.clever.net/~ionizer (Note: Contains all issues and is always up to date.) OR #2 E-Mail AUTO Responder (Thanks to Malk and Mael) Just write mail to tgr@inforelay.com . (Note: Only for the NEWEST TGR out.) NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in `ity'. These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow nfo directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Earth Worm Jim ][ DOS Crack fix [01/01] I thought I'd finnaly be able to review this one, but apparently not. First there was the crack.exe, which wouldn't work because it was meant for the original .exe. Then came the cracked ewj2.exe, but when I ran this one, it said, "The file ewj2.dat has incorrect timestamp. Get the right one." Kind of a rude message, get the right one, ahah. Anyway, we're still on the look for a working crack/fix to make it work in dos. RATING: STILL NA/100 ����������������������������[xx/10]� ���������� ����������� �����۲�� p* ���������� ����������� �����۲�� RN ���� ���� ���� -96- ET ���� ���۲ ���� � ��۲ ����� SS ���� �۲� ���� � �۲� ���� E* �[aCTION eURO sOCCER]���-[25-05-96]� If you follow the directions exactly you'll be able to get this one working. The menus and stuff are in german though. You should still be able to set it up. Ignore the music/sfx test in the install, it doesn't work. Once you install it, you load it up, and can play. It's a pretty good soccer game, nice and close up views. However I got divide overflow errors and stuff, and it's a pain in the ass to run everytime. A nice simple easy to use English version would be nice. Still a good soccer game though. RATING: 57/100 ____ ______ _____ _____ / __ \_ __ \____ \_ __/ ___/ _____ \__ \___/ \\/ \/ _/ _// \ _/___/ __/ / __________/\/ \__\ \ \_ \___ \ \___ / / \__________/____/ \__ / ____/ <===\__/=/______\====[2ooo]========\__/====> EXTRA ORDINANCE SUB 688-A [oX/13] <========[WE SCARE YOU WITH QUALITY]=======> Must be a fake, it came with like 13 nfo's each slightly renamed, none of which explained what to do, just some lame ads for a bbs. The other files were of some unknown compression . Therefore it must be a fake (or packaged by people who hang out in channels like #exceed). They scared me with crapity, not quality. RATING: FU/100 _____ /\. _ __ ._/|______|\___. \__ \/ | /_\ | \| _ __/ _ | | _ _ |/ | \| : | | | |__| | \/ | _ \ \ | | |___ | |__||__|__|__/__|\__|__|__| ____| +--=[XX/57]========PresenTs=\/===--+ | The Conquest of Silver Eye | | (c) WizardWorks Diamond Software | +--==============================--+ ONLY 57 disks, this one sure wasn't worth it. It's an adventure game where you roam around a bunch of caverns and do the usual use/look/move/take/etc. Not much fun, although the graphics are pretty good, music is lame. Sure as hell is not worth the 192 megs it takes up. I don't know what your point is, but it has to do with like getting some pirate's treasure or something. So here's a salute: `Yo-Ho-Yo-Ho, if you d/l 57 disks for this, then you're a shmo!' (Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney world song). RATING: 41/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Earth Worm Jim 1 for DOS [X/6] +------------------------------------------+ This one works fine, only wish #2 did too. By now I think we all know wtf this is. For you tarts who don't it's an excellent platform game, with a a worm with an attitude. You got a whip and gun, you shoot, you climb, you beat one enemy to go the the next. It's a great game to have and keep. See previous issue #5 <@ web page> for a more detailed look at this. RATING: 73/100 DiCE A WOMAN II, SEXY KNiFFEL - CD-RiP �� ����� �� �� ����� ����� ����������� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��D �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ����� ����� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��S �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ����� � � � � ��� � ����� �� 27/05/96 ����� EOD � VORTEX � DYTEC ����� �� ��� ��� - - -- --- ---- 26 of 26 ---- --- -- - - This is supposed to be the SW version with the ability to put in a reg. code and have the full version, but there is no reg. code given in the nfo. It doesn't really matter though, b/c this game is in German and the object is not clear. You role some dice, and pick some crap from a bunch of choices. I guess if ya win, that's if ya know how, then the girl will undress or some- thing. It's hard to tell what the point is, but unless you speak German don't bother, you'll be clueless. You can still look at a few decent pics . RATING: 20/100 -Robot Hunter (c) FT Power (Action) (Chi)- �� ����� ���������� ��� ������ ��� �����ͻ �;:����� ���:��� ��:���:::����:��������:;� �::���������:������:���:::����:���� ���::� �::���������:��� ��:���:::����:���� ���::� �;:����� ���:������:�����:����:���� ���:;� �[Game]���������������������������[/o8]� -[o5/26/96]-----(�����y�H)--------[Cyber]- The CDX.EXE has the Burglar virus in it, didn't want to play around w/ this puppy, just like I didn't want to catch any virii from your mom and/or sister. RATING: NA/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ JOSEPHINE (c) Media Age Software [10/10] This is one of the WORST doom'ish type games I've ever seen. Not only are the graphics ugly, but the movement is terrible. It's a pathetic piece of garbage, and I don't understand how any company could make a cent off of it. I'd rather spend my time reading a book then play this one. RATING: 26/100 __/\_____/\ ____/\_____/\_____/\ \ __ \_ _ _ \_ _ \_ _ / \ / | \_/___ / __/ ____/ \ / / | \_ | \_ | \_ | \/ \ \____ /| / / / \ / \___/\___/\___/\___/\__/\__/__\ Shadow of Dreaming [4/4] Uhhhh, 4 .IMG files. And I'm supposed to do ...what with this? No .nfo, nothing to uncompress with. Only two .exe's for board ads in it. RATING: NA/100 Virtual GameBoy Games A-B Emulator for DOS and OS2 included ����� ����� ��۲� ����� ����� ����� �� ������ ޲���� �� �� ������ �� ����۲� �� ��������� ����۲ݲ���������߲����� ��� ������������������������޲���������۲����� ߲���N!� ��� ����� � ��� ��۲� � ��� [29/05/96] [1/3] Here's a nice easy to use, not complicated gameboy emulator for dos and os2. It comes with a decent assortment of games, although half of them don't work. To use it just type "vgb-dos.exe D:\path\of\game.whatever". It has sound, which I don't believe previous versions did. It almost brings a tear to my eye to recall these games.....over the fact that I spent 80 bucks on that FUCKING B&W hunk of junk! If you like the old gameboy games and think it would be cool to keep on your computer, as cool as reading books, then this is for you, otherwise, you might want to get it, try it out and just trash it. RATING: 46/100 ---------------------------------------- SSSSSSSS &&&& GGGGGGGG SS && && GG SSSSSSSS &&& && GGGG SS &&&&& &&G GMM MM SSSSSSS&& && &&GGGGGGGMMM MMM & && MM M M MM && && && MM MM MM &&&&& && MM MM ---------------------------------------- [50/xx] SpAm & seMaGEvaS d� mEkUN eKuD ---------------------------------------- Wow this group has mad skillz to write shit backwords. Anyway this is the complete set of saved games for every level, including 2 bonus levels. That's all. RATING: DN3D/100 ��������������������������������������ķ �CEScesCEScesCEScesCEScesCEScesCEScesCE� ��������������������������������������Ķ � Daggerfall � � The Elder Scrolls Chapter 2 � ����������������������������[XX/o8]���Ķ ��������������������������������������Ľ Not only is this a demo, but the install you need to use doesn't work right. RATING: NA/100 Warbirds 1.03 (c) Interactive Creations �������������������������������������� ��������������� ��� ������ ۲�� ������������� � ۱�� ���� '96 � ۱�� ����� ۱�� �� ۲�� ۲�� � � ۰�� �� ۰�� ۰�� �� ۰�� ۱�� � � � ۲�� �� ۲�� ۲�� ���۲�� ۰�� � � � ۱�� �� ۱�� ۱�� �� ۱�� ۲�� � � � ۰�� �� ۰�� ۰�� �� ۰�� ۱�� � � ���� ������� ۱�� �� ۲�� ������sz! �[05/30/96]���� ���� ��������[xx/05]� ����- TOTALiNG THE COMPETiTiON ����- This is just another version, but I was going to review it anyway. However, it needed some dsound.dll or something and it wouldn't run (Hey I'm new to this win95 shit, I'm still exploring ) RATING: NA/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ SHELL SHOCK FINAL (C) CORE DESIGN 15/15 This is the "final" version supposively. It was released a while ago back around TGR #12 by some group called "Death Zone". It was the same size, 15 disks, but apparently some final changes have been made. It's a pretty good tank simulator, here's the review from that issue: "This is a pretty good tank shoot em up. The graphics for the intro and game over part is pretty good. The actual game play doesn't have the best graph- ics, but they are still ok. To get started quickly, go to the briefing room on the right, then go inside the next door, and your mission begins." RATING: 71/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ The Settlers II (English) (c) Blue Byte 1/7 Kept asking for the CD, tried the usual fakecd, subst, loading cd, putting cd in, etc. Nothing seemed to get this mofo to work. RATING: NA/100 H2O (c) WEBFOOT TECHNOLOGIES [X/4] _____________________________________________ \__� - ________� ./__� - ________� __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] H2O is the most diabolic game of the decade! [================================[05/31/96]=] This is very similar to lemmings, except it's with water droplets. You use bombs, bricks and blocks to direct the water to a safe passageway, a drain. You have a little character dude who floats around on the screen and you con- trol him with where you want to put shit. Controls: w= block, x=bomb, and the bricks are kinda weird, you need to hit c then like move to where you want it to go and then hit v . This one will keep ya busy for a bit, even though it's nothing great. Cute idea though . RATING: 62/100 TRONIC (c) ILK GAMES [XX/02] _____________________________________________ \__� - ________� ./__� - ________� __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] If you like Arkanoid, You'll Love Tronic! [================================[05/31/96]=] Here's another arkanoid type game. It's got the usual weapon assortment and little fly around the screen annoyances. Not much to say about this, ark- anoid, game we liked 10 years ago, under the titel PONG, until that one day that guy's eyes fell out from playing it too much. If you're looking for a good arkanoid game here ya go, otherwise, screw it. RATING: 48/100 WORLD RALLY FEVER - CD-RiP *CRACKED* [04/04] �� ����� �� �� ����� ����� ����������� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��D �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ����� ����� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��S �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ����� � � � � ��� � ����� �� 31/05/96 ����� EOD � VORTEX � DYTEC ����� �� ��� ��� This is a neat little racing game, only downside to it was I couldn't get my SB16 to work, even though that's what it says it supports. It's a good rac- ing game with jeep'ish cars. You have a jump and shoot button, a variety of people to pick from, and tons of courses. The left and right steering in this game is very sensitive, it only takes a tap to turn either way, but you might find it OVERsensitive and therefore harder than if it wouldn't make the turns at all. Worth the small size, but it does install to 28 megs. RATING: 60/100 OFFENSIVE *ENGLISH* (c) OCEAN CD-RIP [19/19] �� ����� �� �� ����� ����� ����������� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��D �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ����� ����� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��S �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ���� ����� � � � � ��� � ����� �� 06/01/96 ����� EOD � VORTEX � DYTEC ����� �� ��� ��� Offensive is an excellent war game. You move your troops aruond on nicely detailed land, and you attack the other dudes. You are given real life his- torical scenarios to play on. It is a little difficult, but it's got good graphics and nice narration and music. It's a good quality war game, but those of you who like the itty bitty details might find it too simple minded. RATING: 71/100 Due to aborted downloads Win95sucks I was unable to get the SNL and PSG games/stuff. They will of course be in the next issue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>THE GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There wasn't really one game that dominated this week, so this week's GOTW goes to PRESTIGE for SHELL SHOCK FINAL and also to DYNASTY for OFFENSIVE. Both are pretty good games worth checking out. Although they are not exactly the best games, they are still pretty damn good. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spycraft: The Great Game Rebel Assault 2 Brain Quest Lev 1 & 2: Panic In The Park: Deathkeep: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -All projected dates are as of MAY 31ST 1996, 8am (EST) and based on store release dates. The information in this section is updated WHEN AVAILABLE. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD Date | Name of Game | OS | Company ----------------------------------------------------------- 96/06/04 DRAGONLAIR2 DCD READY SOFT 96/06/04 SHELLSHOCK DCD U.S. GOLD INC. 96/06/04 DEATHKEEP DCD STRATEGIC SIMULATION 96/06/04 AH-64D LNGBW DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/04 GENDERWARS DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/04 SETTLERS 2 DCD BLUE BYTE 96/06/05 DEADLINE DCD VIC TOKAI 96/06/06 BIG HURT DCD ACCLAIM 96/06/07 PGA96:SAWGRS DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/07 MORTIMER DCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/07 FINAL DOOM DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/10 WING COMM IV DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/12 LINKS LS DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/06/14 RENEGD:JACOB DCD MINDSCAPE 96/06/15 HIND DCD INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/06/15 CIV WAR MED DCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/06/15 ALIEN TRIL DCD DIGITAL PICTURES 96/06/15 BTLCRSR 3000 DCD TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE 96/06/15 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/06/15 CAS CHMP2PKR DCD INTRACORP,INC. 96/06/18 AFTER LIFE DCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/19 PRO PINBL:WEB DCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/06/19 MEGA RACE 2 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/06/21 HARVESTER IBCD MERIT SOFTWARE 96/06/21 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/21 KINGDOM MGC DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/22 BULL FROG PK DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/24 MECH 2 NET DCD ACTIVISION 96/06/25 FIREFIGHT DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/28 LST ADV LEGND DCD RANDOMSOFT 96/06/28 SPACEHULK 2 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/07/01 PELICAN HILL DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 GRAND PRIX 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/07/01 PINEHURST DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 OVER REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/07/20 AD&DCORERULESDCD TSR 96/07/28 QUAKE SHWR DCD ID SOFTWARE 96/08/01 JETFIGHTR III IBCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/01 WARHAWK DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 TWISTD METAL DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 MAST/ORION 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/08/01 METAL LORDS DCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 LOST ADMRL II DCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/08/20 NEED SPEED SE DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/09/01 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/01 GOLF NICK P DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/01 POWERSLAVE DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/11/15 RAW PURSUIT DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 97/01/01 DEADLY SKIES DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 96/06/15 FTSY FBALL96 HCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/06/24 ELK MOON #1 HCD ACTIVISION 96/06/07 MORTIMER MCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/18 AFTER LIFE MCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/24 MUPPETS TRSR MCD ACTIVISION 96/06/30 GAB KNIGHT 2 MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/01 TORIN'S PASS MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/01 PELICAN HILL MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 PINEHURST MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/01 EMPIRE II MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 HERO MHT MGC MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/23 9 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 MORT KMBT 3 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/21 NETSCAPE NAV MAC VENTANA PRESS 96/06/01 GREGNORM GLF2WCD GROLIER ELECTRONIC PUB. INC. 96/06/04 JEWEL BUND WCD MICROFORUM 96/06/04 CATZ WCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/05 MCKENZ/FRNDS WCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/06/10 WARHAMMR 40K MINDSCAPE 96/06/10 VOYEUR II WCD PHILIPS INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/06/12 SCIFI TRIVIA WCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 96/06/15 QST.GLORYCOLL.WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/15 HOYLE-BLKJAK WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/15 HOYLE-SOLITREWCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/15 WOOD SHIP MEN WCD AVALON HILL 96/06/19 MARLOW WCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 96/06/20 STORM WCD AMERICAN SOFTWORKS CORP. 96/06/24 CIVIL WAR:LEE WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/24 MUPPETS TRSR WCD ACTIVISION 96/06/30 FPS BASEBAL96WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/30 LIGHTHOUSE TCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/30 INDY CAR 2 HCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/30 URBAN RUNNER WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/01 SHAKII WOLF WCD MICROFORUM 96/07/01 BTLGRD4 SHILH WCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/08/01 DAGGERFALL DCD BETHESDA 96/08/23 9 WCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/05 DUKE SCNSVR W3 FORMGEN 96/05/30 CRL WP 7.0U W5C COREL SYSTEMS 96/05/30 ARCADE CLS W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/05/31 AMER CIVLWAR W5C INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/06/04 FLIGHT UNLMT W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/05 SIMISLE W5C MAXIS 96/06/10 ULT DOOM W95CD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/10 DOOM II W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/06/20 TRIP PLAY 97 W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/24 MISSION FORC W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/25 CLOSE CMBT W5C MICROSOFT 96/07/10 DIABLO W5C DAVIDSON 96/07/15 STAR CONTR 3 W5C WEA VIDEO 96/08/01 HEXEN W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/08/15 MORT KOMBT 3 W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 MORTIFICATOR W5C PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/10/01 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 97/01/01 MINDWARP W5C MAXIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I'm surprised no one caught this, but last issue while trying to brag about their being no corrections, "I am once again a leet perfectionist", I actual- ly mispelled once and wrote one, isn't it ironic....dontch'a think? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN EMAIL PERMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -As promised here are is the moves list for Battle Arena Toshinden. *** BATTLE ARENA: TOSHINDEN Character Moves *** *** Basics Moves (All Characters): *** Forward Dash: tab F twice Run Forward: tap F, hold F Backstep: tap B twice Roll Sideways: tap D twice Throw: (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash/Hard Kick Note: Desperation Moves can be performed only when life gauge is red *** Character Specific Moves: *** EIJI RekkuuZan: D, DF, F + Slash HishouZan: F, D, DF + Slash Ryuseikyaku: (while jumping) D, DB, B + Kick or D, DB, B, UB + Kick Shugekidan: DF + Kick Desperation Move- Hyakki Moshuu Ken: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash Secret Move: U, D, U, D, F, B, F, B + Hard Slash KAYIN: Sonic Slash: D, DF, F + Slash Deadly Rays: F, D, DF + Slash Scottish Moon: (while jumping) D, DB, B + Kick Leg Crush: D, DB, B + Kick Desperation Move- Hell's Inferno: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash Secret Move: F, DF, D, DB, B, F, B + Weak Kick + Hard Kick SOFIA: Thunder Ring: D, DB, B + Slash Aurora Revolution: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash Rattle Snake: D, DF, F + Slash Laugh Taunt: F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + Hard Slash + Weak Kick Desperation Move- Call Me Queen: F, B, F, B + Hard Slash Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + Hard Slash + Hard Kick RUNGO: Fire Wave: D, DF, F + Slash Power Thrust: F, D, DF + Kick Batter Up: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash Fire Strike: D, DF, F, B + Slash Desperation Move- Mega Fire Wave: B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B + Hard Slash Secret Move: UF, U, UB, B, DB, F, B, D + Hard Slash + Hard Kick FO FAI: Mystic Sphere: F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash Pagoda Kick: D, DB, B + Kick Sphere Burst: (while jumping) F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash Traveling Sphere: B, DB, D, DF + Slash Claw Slide: D + Hard Slash Small Fart: F, UF, U, UB, B + Weak Slash + Hard Kick Laugh Taunt: F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + Hard Slash + Weak Kick Desperation Move- Do Do Don Pappa: F, B, DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash Secret Move: Weak Kick, Weak Slash, Hard Slash, Hard Kick, B, F, B, F + Hard Slash + Hard Kick MONDO: Goriki Tenbu: F, D, DF + Slash Goriki Fujin: B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash Goriki Raijin: (while jumping) D, DF, F + Slash Shippu Tsuki: D, DF, F + Slash Shippu Tsuke: D, DB, B + Slash Desperation Move- Goriki Daibutsumetsu: D, DF, F, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash Secret Move: F, UF, U, UB, B, F, DF, D + Hard Slash + Hard Kick DUKE: Southern Cross: B, F, DF, D + Slash Cyclone: D, DF, F + Slash Head Crush: (while jumping) D, DF, F + Slash Knight Strike: F, DB, D, DF + Slash Desperation Move- The End: DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, D, B, F + Weak Slash + Hard Kick ELLIS: Tornado: D, DB, B + Kick Flaming Crescent: F, D, DF + Slash Air Dance: (while jumping) D, DB, B + Kick Arc Slash: (while jumping) D, DB, B + Slash Ribbon Toss: F, UF, U, UB, B + Weak Slash + Hard Kick Desperation Move- French Kiss: F, B, F, B + Slash Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + Hard Slash + Hard Kick GAIA: Full Steam: B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash Sea Slash: F, B, DF + Slash Arm Blast: F, DF, D, DB, B + Kick Desperation Move- Next!: F, DF, D, DB, B, F + Weak Slash Secret Move: DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + Hard Slash + Hard Kick SHO- Double Rekkuzan: D, DF, F + Slash SHINJO: Shouzan: F, D, DF + Slash Angled Shouzan: B, D, DB + Slash Leg Crush: D, DB, B + Kick Ryuseikyaku: (while jumping) D, DB, B + Kick Scottish Moon: (while jumping) D, U + Kick Eiji's Throw: (when close) B + Hard Slash Kayin's Throw: (when close) B + Hard Kick Desperation Move- Hyakki Moshuu Ken: F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash Secret Move: D, F, UF, U, UB, B, D + Hard Slash + Weak Kick -Ionizer (Game Reviewer /\ MLC/RZR/RoR/PNC/LGX/MSQ Courier) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939