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THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Engineering By ExiSt --------------------- _,.-�'^'�-.,_,.-�Intro�-.,_,.-�'^'�-.,_ Welcome to my first TEk Zine! These are my first writtings.. I will start with a bit about myself. I am ExiSt, Founder of The Elite Krue. Our "krue" is also known as Three Elite Killaz.. The group was started, based on the fact that there was a group of us here in our hometown, all very much into h/p, that did shit together all the time, the creation of TEk was just a formality, to give us a name. TEk is: ExiSt, Mind Flayer and Elektrik Tide. Although our group tends to lean very heavily towards the Phreaking Scene, we still relate as a H/P group. Our skillz combined have brought us close to ownership of our local TelCo, and our city. _,.-�'^'�-.,_,.-�Artikle�-.,_,.-�'^'�-.,_ Hmm, it's hard for me to really choose a certain oNE thing to write about, because our group is into so much. But, I decided to write about Social Engeneering, because it is a quality of mine that I enjoy. SOCIAL ENGINEERING: What is it? Okay, lets say you need some info, ie: You just scanned a bunch of 800 numbers, and, while listening to the scan, you heard a voice say "Welcome to the AT&T Conferencing Service" blah blah blah.. Cool, you have the conf number... but, now what to do? Do you have to be an AT&T member? Do you need an AT&T Calling Card? Visa? Master Card? Do they need your name? How about your address? These are all possible questions that operators can and WiLL ask you.. so, you social engineer.. Call them up, ask them, "What kind of information will I need to setup a Business Conference, later this evening?" blah blah blah Now, I must warn you, social engineering isn't for everybody. Think about yourself. Are you a friendly person? Do you like to talk to people? or are you shy? Do you have a clear, confident voice? Or haven't you hit puberty yet? It takes some courage at first.. You're not going to be talking to a Computer.. they won't give you a "NAME PLEASE" prompt.. you will be talking to a live operater (or whoever you're calling), and they get suspicious, and they ask questions.. So, now that you're ready, here's some pointers: Obvious Pointers: -Get a real sounding name.. Objew Jahosaphat just doesn't cut it, neither does Jow Smith.. get real. -Make sure your address sounds smooth.. none of this 1117 Milk Way or #2, 110 Main Street.. look it up in a fone book or something.. -REAL Phone Number.. make sure you give them a Real Pre-Fix for the Area Code you give them.. don't say 815-290-4312, because 290 isn't an 815 Pre-Fix, and they just might realize that.. -If you're giving a CC Number, and it's a Real Info card.. for heavens sakes make sure it's someone of YOUR Sex.. nothing sux more than being �->� this close to a conf, and then realizing your CC Card is for Jolene McBirstene..it gets really annoying, trying to tell the operator she's your wife, G/F etc.. My Pointers: -If you're setting up a conf, get a Real business, and make sure it's a GOOD business.. would Fannies Flowers really be setting up a Conf? I didn't think so. -Try, if possible, to get a Real, Full Info CC Number.. generated are a hassle. -Be friendly, talk to them about stuff, don't try to be all "eleet" infront of friends.. If you sound like you have a bad attitude, then the operators will have a bad attitude. -Have all the info on you, on a piece of paper, or in your head.. don't be last minute scrounging for an address or fone number..;) _,.-�'^'�-.,_,.-�Outro�-.,_,.-�'^'�-.,_ Well, that was fun.. hope you learned some shit from there.. if not, then you are as leet as me..;) Anyways, take a look at my next article, on how to Set Up a Conference.. I'll include some numbers to call, names to use etc.. ExiSt TEk Check me out on Undernet @#Phreak @#TEK @#WCA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secrets from a BCTel Dumpster -------------------- By MiND FLaYER Since Exist decided to write his first article on Social Engineering, i thought it would be a good idea to follow up with a list of handy little things i have recovered from a BCTel dumpster that might aid some of you in your social engineering. The following is a list of Employees that work at BCTel, along with their employee #'s, payroll #'s, etc.. they are good if you need to impersonate a BCTel employee over the phone... here they are.. remember, each piece of paper that contained this info also contained in big block letters "PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL" Employee Name Employee # Payroll # ------------- ---------- --------- A L Garcia 476826 J11 Rick C Fadden 484210 Q70 W F Lindsay 473945 Q70 M Cooke 567577 J22 G A Shimoyama 445502 J11 S V McPetrie 405305 J31 M T Houchen 596670 J31 B G Halen 410184 J11 A J Baker 529627 J22 C H Hine 463974 J11 There ya go, that should be a great help if you are an imaginative phreak with good social engineering skills.. be creative people, social engineering is another one of the greatest phreakers tools. Here is an example of a good social engineering ploy(Over the phone of course). PHREAK: Hello sir, is this Mr.Whatever? VICTIM: Yes it is, may i ask who is speaking? PHREAK: I am calling on behalf of BCTel security, and we have reason to believe that your calling card is being used for fraudulent purposes. VICTIM: Oh my! Really? It couldnt have been me, i would NEVER do that! PHREAK: Well, we have reason to believe that your calling card is being used by a gang of calling card thieves, we have had several reports of stolen cards. and after a slight investigation, all stolen cards were being used to call the same numbers overseas, over and over again. We have done a routine check on all of our kamloops 374(Whatever prefix it is that you victim has) costomers and we found that the same calls were being billed to your card. VICTIM: My My, that is HORRIBLE! What happens now? PHREAK: What i need to do now is deactivate your card, and issue you a temp card, but before i do this, i need to verify that it is in fact YOU that i am talking to, so i need you to read me the last 4 digits that appear on your Calling card(As you already have the first 10 digits which are your victims PHONE NUMBER digits) VICTIM: Ok, hold on a sec....ummm.... here ya go, the last 4 digits are 1907. PHREAK: Thank you Mr. Whatever, we will send you your temp card in the mail and it should arrive within 3 weeks. We'll contact you if there are any more problems. Bye. VICTIM: Thank you. Bye. There ya go, you just nabbed yourself a calling card that is usable for at least 3 weeks.. and trust me, you can bill up a lot of LD charges in 3 weeks. Thats my little tidbit on social engineering, hope you liked it and found it informative. MiND FLaYER T e K 1 9 0 7 Copyright 1996 TeK Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BCTEL AREA SWITCHES +++++++++++++++++++ This is a list of cities and what type of switches they run on. CITY SWITCH TYPE DATE STARTED USING SWITCH TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT EDWARD(628)................RSU/GTD5...............SEP.20/93 ABBOTSFORD(853,859).............DMS100.................OCT.10/93 SURRY/NEWTON(590,591,594,596)...DMS100.................OCT.17/93 BELLA COOLA(799)................DMS10..................NOV.15/93 KITKATLA(848)...................UNKNOWN................NOV.30/93 D'ARCY(452).....................RSC/DMS100.............FEB/94 HAGENSBORG(982).................DMS10..................FEB/94 BRIDGE LAKE(593)................RSU/GTD5...............MAR/94 BURNS LAKE(692).................RSC/DMS100.............MAR/94 FRASER LAKE(699)................RSC/DMS100.............MAR/94 VANCOUVER(261,263,264,266,267)..DMS100.................MAY/94 FERNIE(423).....................RSU/GTD5...............JUN/94 FORT FRASER(690)................RCU/DMS100.............JUN/94 KELOWNA(764)....................RSC/DMS100.............JUN/94 BURNABY(430,434,437,438)........GTD5...................JUN/94 *KAMLOOPS*(372,374,828).........GTD5...................UNKOWN List Compiled by MiND FLaYER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Numbers to call and hax0r By MiND FLaYER This is a small list of cool numbers to call and fuck with.... Defcon Voice Bridge(Place where H/P's Hang out)-----1-801-855-3326 MasterCard Credit Card Verifier---------------------1-800-268-2530 (Lets you verify if a MasterCard # is valid) PiN: 0971-1490 ViSA Credit Card Verifier---------------------------1-800-663-3631 (Lets you verify if a ViSA card # is Valid) PiN: 867-606 InterCall Teleconfrencing---------------------------1-800-374-0586 (Lets you set up a Teleconfrence, you need a full info Credit Card) 2600 Voice BBS--------------------------------------1-516-473-2626 (Listen to voice msg's left by Hackers/Phreaks) Some PrePaid Calling Card Dialup--------------------1-800-213-0304 (Requires a 10 digit PiN #, Try and crack a code) Some PrePaid Calling Card Dialup--------------------1-800-868-9871 (Requires a 9 digit PiN #, Try and crack a code) Free ANI(Automatic Number Identification)-----------1-800-223-1104 (Gives info about the phone you are calling from) There ya go, have phun with those #'s. The Visa and MasterCard verifiers are pretty elite, so dont abuse the privleges. MiND FLaYER T e K 1 9 0 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A great way to get info by MiND FLaYER ----------------------- Here is a list of manuals that BCTel uses to train its linemen, switchmen, cable splicers, etc.. abc of the telephone, Vol. 1-Telephone theory, principles and practice. abc of the telephone, Vol. 2-Station installation and maintenance. abc of the telephone, Vol. 3-Central Office Plant. abc of the telephone, Vol. 4-Outside plant, engineering and practice. abc of the telephone, Vol. 5-Cable, inside and out. abc of the telephone, Vol. 6-Understanding Station Carrier. abc of the telephone, Vol. 7-Understanding Transmission. abc of the telephone, Vol. 8-Transmission Systems. abc of the telephone, Vol. 9-Design background for telephone switching. abc of the telephone, Vol.10-Principles of Switching. abc of the telephone, Vol.11-Data communications practice. There are also alot more, you can order these manuals from abc TeleTraining, Inc. Editorial Office Box 537, Geneva Ill. 60134 There is alot of knowledge to be gained from those mauals. MiND FLaYER T e K 1 9 0 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well kids, thats it for this issue, stay tuned for issue #3 which should be out soon, we are still waiting for ELeKTRiK to get off his ass and write and article, so hopefully there should be some info from him in issue #3. Remember, dont feel bad about fucking with BCTel, they have been stealing from you and your family for years, its payback time. MiND FLaYER T e K 1 9 0 7 Copyright 1996 TeK Inc. EoF