TCAHR - Better Living Through Memetics Issue 11 Anatomy of a Meme 12/18/00 ------------------------------------------------------------ Hopefully, issues 9 and 10 have wetted your appetites for memetics. While ProgHu introduced specific techniques and CEORp1 showed the long-term memetic techniques, TCAHR has decided that taking you through the lifespan of a meme and its viral shell will serve to promote TCAHR's ideas and philosophy. The dissection of one of our most popular memes will lead to the destruction of its effectiveness, however I believe that in this case the ends justifies the means. PHASE ONE -- INSPIRATION A while back, I visited the website Gothic.Net ( Gothic.Net decided to change its visual style from one that was based on Egyptian philosophy to one that resembled old-time freak show advertisements. The response was less than fantastic. Visitors to Gothic.Net bitched and moaned about how clowns and carnivals were not Gothic. This gave me an idea on the construction of a viral shell made to spread the following meme: What is Gothic? PHASE TWO -- MEME Anyone who answers the question "what is Gothic" in broad terms, has also subconsciously decided what is not Gothic in broad terms. If we look at the trappings and symbols Goth has defined itself with, we can easily manipulate that data to "prove" other data. If Goth symbology is based on darkness, Goth cannot define light. If Goth philosophy is depressing, then Goth philosophy is devoid of happiness. If Goth beauty is based on pale, thin women, then Goth ideas of ugliness can be defined as dark skin or males, or being overweight. Therein lies the danger of painting something in such broad terms. I decided to expose the stupidity of this by writing a little rant now known as "A Letter on Gothic Racism". PHASE THREE -- VIRUS SHELL I knew racism was a hot button. This made racism the perfect shell to host the "What is Gothic" meme. The whole MopeyGoth/PerkiGoth rant has been done to death. Weight? Boring subject. Darkness of the soul? Stupid role-playing crap. But racism in Goth is a dangerous subject, especially since the events in Littleton. It was the emotional drive of this event and racism in general which powered the virus. So I took the idea of "what is Gothic" and embedded it in a rant accusing Goth of racism. PHASE FOUR -- INITIAL INFECTION For the virus to infect many people (or "hosts") as possible, it must infect a target market or environment where the overall sensibilities further its cause. In other words, my Goth/racism virus had to be implanted into a Goth environment. To be fair, I had a few failures in this department before hitting paydirt. My first two attempts were were total failures due to bad research. I finally achieved initial infection when I sent this virus and a few others to Darksites ( as articles. PHASE FIVE -- FEEDBACK Luckily, Darksites has feedback forms and counters. I was able to gauge how many people have read my virus and their reactions. I couldn't have been happier with the results. Discussions on what Goth is and isn't appeared. I received e-mails of praise and hatred about what Goth is and isn't. I then used someone's angry feedback to launch the "My Apologies" virus that lives on this page. I would have to rate my "what is Gothic" meme and its virus a success. I'm almost sorry I killed it here. However, if the readers of this, ProgHu, and CEORp1 are inspired to launch their own virus against stupidity, then this little butterfly didn't die in vain! Okay, this is the last of these kinds of articles. TCAHR will return back to its plans for world domination as of the end of this sentence. ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2000