___________ /\ __________ ____________\\ \ / \/ //_________/\_ \\ \ / // __|__ ____________ \/ _____ ________ __|_____ ___\ _/_________| / __/____/\__\\ |___ __//______| _ / \ \_____ / | /________ / _// _) | _ | / / |_____ / /__ __/_____ \| |________| | | \_/___/ |_____/ |_____| \______| \__________|____| ________ ___/\__ ____ _______ ______ _____/\__________ __\ ___//__\\__ /_\\___)__ __/______| //__\\__ / __ /___ \ _______/ _/ | / \ / | | __/ __/__ /____/ | \______| |____|_______/____\ /_________|____\ /__________| \_______| \/ \_____/sh! | | ______ ..system failure.. __/\__ | | \ // \ 0o / | \\________\\//_______________//______oOOo(____)oOOo______// \/ /___\ U ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � System Failure: Issue #1 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ HI@#$!#@!$#@%$#%^#%^$#!%!@#! Welcome to the first issue of System Failure. We've spent quite a while making this zine and making it as informative as possible. To all those who have been waiting for it for a while now: sorry for the long-ass delay in releasing it. A lot of it is my fault (yeah, I'm a flake), but some blame does go to others who were extremely late getting their articles to me (you know who you are). Let me know what you think of this zine so far, and please submit if you think we have a shot in hell of sticking around. Find me on IRC in #rock or #peng (that goes for most of the writers as well). FLAP. --Logic Box [6/22/97] ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � http://www.penguinpalace.com/sysfail/ � � [system.failure@usa.net] � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � CONTENTS � � � � AT&T Teleconferences by Pinguino � � How to Make Social Engineering Work for You by Saint skullY the Dazed � � The Defcon Experience by Pinguino � � US-West Field-Accessed Service Tools by Mr. SoniK � � Everything in a Nutshell by Andrax � � Setting Up Call Home America 800's by Dark Hour � � Abusing Your Education by Pinguino � � Preventing Computer Viruses by Colaytion � � Five-Finger Discounts by Pinguino, Dark Hour, and Netmask � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AT&T Teleconferences by Pinguino (pinguino@uix.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Set up a conf. Do a conf tonight. Go set up a conf. Are you sick of people asking for confs all the time? Are you the person begging?? Here is an easy way to set up your conf, and it doesn't involve credit cards, real inpho, or sacrificing sheep. 1. Find a payphone. It's not too hard. Most look like payphones, are labeled "Phone" and have dial tones. It needs to be a COCOT though.. so not like a US West or PacBell or NYNEX phone. Get the number to the phone before you start. 2. Dial 1-800-232-1234 3. Follow this conversation: Op : Hello, AT&T Teleconferencing, how may I help you tonight? You: I'd like to set up a teleconference please Op : Can I have the names and numbers of your party? You: No, I'd like a dial-in Op : Your name? You: Diane Smith Op : How many participants? You: 11 Op : When do you want this for? You: 8:30pm pacific Op : Duration? You: four and a half hours Op : Can I have the number to your location? You: 619-598-7128 Op : Alright, I'll call you back with the host and participant pins 4. Hang up. Wait for like 5-10 minutes. It's cool to have a friend with you so you're not totally bored. You can beat up local shrubbery while you wait or something. Riiiiiiiiing riiiiiinng 5. Answer it. You're a company. You: Hello, Datatek, how may I help you? Op : Hello Diane, this is Mary with AT&T You: Hi Op : Your 800 number is 800-403-1021. Your host pin is 738 846. Your user pin is 539 427 You: Alright, let me verify those numbers. 800-403-1021. Host 738 846 and user 539 427? Op : Yes, have a nice day. Thank you for using AT&T *click* You: Yeah, thank you for abusing AT&T =) 6. Some important things to remember: a. Don't let warez pups on. They'll tone it to death. b. Don't give the info to people you don't know. c. Don't call on the host pin from home. d. Set the conf to run past 12:30 am so it autoextends. Have fun. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- How to Make Social Engineering Work For You by Saint skullY the Dazed (ibaiba@dnsi.net) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ok, so you're sitting there, wondering just how you can learn those evasive little telco secrets. You've read every text file you can get your hands on, but none of them cover things useful for your area. Well get off your lazy ass and collect the info yourself! To get that ereet 0-day telco info, you have several options. You can go to your local bell yard and do some looting/trashing. You can also just try to figure it out on your own. But by far the easiest (And safest) way is to Social Engineer the info using your phone. It's actually pretty easy to get a lot of telco info over the phone. All ya gotta do is get your local billing office number. Let's say you want to get your local CN/A number. You call your billing office. Explain to them that you're So and So in Bumfuck, Egypt, and you lost the CN/A number for your city. Here's an example. *Dials 1-800-244-1111* *Punches in keys until he gets a live operator* Operator: May I help you? Phreak: Hello? CN/A? I need the name for 541-555-1212 Operator: I'm sorry sir, this is *some bullshit department* Phreak: Ohh, I'm sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. Just to make sure I have the right number, can you verify the CN/A number I have? Operator: It's 800-555-3333 Phreak: Uhh, yeah, that's what I have. I must have misdialed. Sorry for mistake. Operator: No problem. Yes, it really is that easy. You can do that for other numbers too. CN/A, FACS, RCMAC (only if you're smart enough to know *how* RCMAC works though). You can also pretend to be a tech from another area and tell them your local directory is outdated. Here's an example script: *Dials 1-800-244-1111* *Hits keys for op again* Operator: May I help you? Phreak: Yeah, this is Roy here in Boise, ID. My listing for the CN/A number for Oregon seems to be out of service. Could you please give it to me? It should be in your handbook. Operator: Ok, the number is 800-555-6666 Phreak: Thank you Operator: You have a nice day Sometimes they will act confused. Just insist they have the information you need and that it is in their HANDBOOK. If one operator is too dumb to give it to you, just call back and get a different operator. It won't work every time, but it should work enough of the time for you to get the info you're looking for. Be sure not to make these calls from your own phone or one that can be traced to you. If you do, make sure you op divert your call. To op divert, you pick up your phone, dial the operator, and say "My 8 key isn't working right, could you please dial this number for me?" This will make it harder for Ma Bell to track you. To contact skullY, just email ibaiba@dnsi.net or go see his page at http://www.dnsi.net/~ibaiba/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Defcon Experience by Pinguino (pinguino@uix.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In the widely accepted sense of the word, I am not a hacker. I don't know UNIX as well as I do DOS. I don't break into systems. I don't crack password files. I fit in the category as a person with an abnormally high intrest in computing and telecommunications. As one who is not a regular on #hack, #phreak, or #2600, I was unsure of who I would meeting or what to expect. Tymat originally offered to take me to Defcon, and the offer was extended by my good friend Teklord. Curious as a cat, I decided to drive, splitting the chore with Teklord's friend and business associate Cheshire. Teklord also invited this really annoying weird chick named Cathy, but I'm sure she's described in other files. We also had to drive Tymat there *getting him out of San Diego and removing him from my life* I invited my friend Shadow Dancer to go. Teklord and his other friend HiVoltage flew in the comfort and coolness of an airconditioned plane. I have the best of luck. My car ran out of gas in the middle of the friggin desert, with the gas gage reading a good quarter tank. We walked forever to a gas station in the middle of buttfuck Egypt, and solved the problem with a nervous mindset. Las Vegas was nothing like what I expected. The glitter, the glam, the lines of people... it was all a facade. Fake. A front for the greed and corruption that makes only a few become wealthy and the many poor. It was also way too hot (I thought that San Diego was hot) like the temperature was 120 average and 90 at night. Dust blew into your eyes, blinding you from the glittering lights and forcing you to stop all activity to brush it from yourself. Vegas sucks. :p :( :) :D :) :P gUi H/\X0r! :) :( :D :P :) :( #etc.. Las Vegas also has a rather large problem with SPAM (SYNTHETIC PORK AIN'T MEAT!). They were everywhere... and we only saw 5 cops the entire 6 days we were in Vegas, thats less than 1 cop a day.. and in a downtown area! The SPAM there have all the power. I personally hate SPAM, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth -cHeSHiRe! ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Defcon was a large banquet hall lined with tables and computers. Hackers stood in groups, some looking quite confused. The next room was a speaking hall with room for about 100 people. The actual convention was boring, but it was the people who made it interesting. I met Holy Cow, Steggan, BinHi, Elfguard, Tekgirl, Knarph, Lefty, Biohazard, and some others. We ran aaaround the hotel stealing phones and creating general chaos. By the end of the week, there were 3 curtosy phones, 6 handsets, stacks of level 23 room keys, free soda, and trashing treasure info. We had bought cell phones and elite pagers (From Elite Cellular, $7/mo). We partied, beiged multiple lines to the hotel rooms, and got harassed by SPAM. We trashed Sprint and got caught by SPAM, so we left really really fast. At the end of the trip, Knarph had to carry a payphone out to the parking structure. He accidently got off the elevator on level 2, where Defcon was held. It was 5 am. We got caught by SPAM hardcore. They claimed that the phone was stolen and what we were doing was wrong, even though Monte Carlo phones were gold and white, and this one was a regular cocot. Additionally, this cocot was from 714 (L.A., California) and 10 years old. They took names and ID, and some of us got to leave. There was a guy named Slappy whose parents got called in because he had lied to the SPAM about his age twice. We broke into the maids room at the Monte Carlo. That was interesting, since we didn't know if anyone would walk in. The carts had the keys slipped under bottles of shampoo and stuff, and the walls were lined with interesting things to steal. We couldn't get the room keys to work, but have some ideas about reprogramming them Even though a lot of bad stuff happened and Vegas as a whole sucked, Defcon was totally worth going to. I highly recommend it, especially if you want a safe place to just go agro on everything. It's an event that goes on every year, where people with similar interests gather and share ideas. It's a place where you can wear your Free BSD or Qualcomm shirt that you wouldn't be caught dead in at school, and feel accepted. It's a place that wakes up at night. It's a place where curiousity isn't condemned. Paging Kevin Mitnik... ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- US-West Field-Accessed Service Tools by Mr. SoniK (zigy@teleport.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I first learned about Field-Accessed Service Tools (FAST) one day while I was playing with a lineman's handset I had recently stolen from a Bell truck. I was dialing the speed dial numbers from the handset's memory, and one number that I dialed rang and asked me to enter a six-digit security code. I was wondering what this thing was and what it did and who owned it. I figured it was US-West, because I had stolen a US-West handest, but it still didn't say what RBOC operated it when I called it. I tried entering random numbers at first and found that if it wasn't a valid number, it would read it back to me. At first I used this as a poorman's DTMF decoder to decode the rest of the speed dials in my handset. After I had decoded all the numbers, I had two six-digit numbers from the speed dial. I called FAST again and entered the six-digit number, and BINGO, it was a valid badge number of a lineman. Now I had to get past the second step to get into the system. One day I was bored so I decided to hack the FAST system, so I started entering random six-digit numbers. I got one valid badge number by guessing numbers, but since I was on my home phone, I didn't want to go any further. Once I got to a payphone I decided to enter the password I had guessed, but instead of asking for a password it told me that it had expired and I had to choose a new one. One Major fault of the system was that it failed to ask me for the old one before I changed it. I realized that this was a major security hole so I shoved it into the back of my head to remember. Anyway, after I changed some poor lineman's password, I messed around with the voice prompts. I found out about all the neat stuff I could do, like change the status of a cable pair and other neat things like make LFACS inquiries, which means basically the same stuff as regular FACS offices but completely automated. I decided I was onto some big shit and wanted to know as much as I could about this thing. One day I got my big break when I learned that skullY, one of my good friends from 541, had looted a truckyard a couple of weeks after I first learned about FAST. skullY had scored a little peice of paper that had a neat little menu thing that documented all of FAST's features. I was really happy when he showed me this and I realized what it was and what the system was capable of. The paper looked like a map of directories you might see on a Winbloze 3.1 machine when you open the File Manager and get a map of the hard disk's directory structure. Field-Accessed Service Tools Security Code: (6 digit Employee Badge#) Password: (4-7 digits) NOTE: Your first "Temporary" expired password is the same as your security code. After entring an expired password, you are asked to choose a new one (4 to 7 digits). Passwords expire every thirty days. FAST Main Menu: (There is no 6, I don't know why) 1 Facilities Inquiry 2 MLT Test 3 Cut to new Facilities 4 Change status of Cable-pair 5 Test Caller ID 7 Cable Transfer (for splicers) 8 Administrative 9 News and Documentation 0 Connect to call help line I'm not going to list all the little details of every menu, it's too much information. I am just listing the main menu and the contents of each sub-menu. *** Section 1: LFACS Inquiry 1. by phone number 2. by cable-pair *** Section 2: MLT test 1. quick 2. loop 3. full 4. add tone 5. remove tone *** Section 3: Cut to new facilities 1. Service order 2. trouble ticket 3. soft dial tone 4. cut to new OE *** Section 4: Cable-pair status 1. change status of cable pair to defective/non defective 2. clear defective pair for order 3. LFACS shows as working status *** Section 5: Test Caller ID 1. enter seven digit telephone number to test ID *** Section 7: Cable splicers only *see quick refrence for cable splicers* *** Section 8: Administrative 1. change password 2. change area code 3. make area code permanent 4. results by voice *** Section 9: FAST news *** Section 0: FAST help line FAST TIPS: if you are entering variable-length data, like a cable name or your password, you must end your entry with a # sign. If you are not asked to enter the #, FAST expects a fixed number of digits (e.g. 3-digit area code or 7-digit telephone number). Don't enter a # after these. To enter one or more characters that are not numbers, press the * key then use the following codes: - =11, . =12, + =13, a =21, b =22, c =23, d =31, d =31, e =32, f =33, g =41, h =42, i =43, j =51, k =52, l =53, m =61, n =62, 0 =63, p =71, q =01, r -72, s =73, t =81, u =82, v =83, w =91, x =92, y =93, z =03. Press * to return to number entry. For example, to enter the cable name IPG42, you would press *437141*42#. You may hang up at any time without creating a problem. Whenever you are given a menu of choices, pressing 9 will return you to the main menu. US-West Communications Confidential QuickRef 09/27/96 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everything in a Nutshell by Andrax (e-mail system.failure@usa.net to contact) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are a good number of reasons that the human situation is currently at its level of dysfunction, one is simply that we are too much for our level of ignorance, but that isn't a problem, it's a symptom. We love to ignore the things which most affect us, in order that we may pay attention to a mock-up of our idealized models of our view on a situation. We look at the shadow of a facsimile of a reflection on reality and apply it in such a way that makes it seem to be the all-important factor of realizing our activities. So far removed from what is, we can alter our perceptions to what we think should be instead. In this way we exert control over all things. We see something how we believe we want to, and act upon it accordingly. A fine temporary system, as, it allows for guidance of those who do not understand the situation immediately so that there can be motion toward the goal of those enlightened few who can control the masses, while the timely explanation of the goal is slowly forthcoming as the activities culminate. However, if the goal is too far, and the machine too large, the explanation may never become apparent enough for the machine's little individual parts to understand the purposes of going toward it, and the goals shall change. This is the current state of existence that we as a species are experiencing. The overall meaning of the system is so lost to its parts that they can now actually quibble over where they think it should be put on course for. The machine itself has awakened to its own very existence, and like any of its parts, wants more than it needs, or even could have. It has understood its own death, and that inevitability has frightened it, so it clambers to escape its own ending, and we, being tiny far removed reflections of it, and it, being a distorted abstract reflection of ourselves, do the very same. That which we fear, we seek to disbelieve. If it is insistent on making itself seen, we seek to destroy it, and it is this very instinct that forms the system to begin with. The beginnings of society were much like an animal pack, the most fit to lead naturally rose to the top and lead. The group needed a leader, not because they were interested in following anyone, but because if everyone got their own way, and many did, the group would become unstable with the bickerings of it's members. If one member had an object, and wanted to keep that object, and another also wanted the object, there would be a fight, as, the extremely emotional nature of simple survival assures that those who act in appropriate during a given situation are more likely to continue to exist, and thus pass on their traits. Emotions were the simplest and probably earliest expressions of the internal condition to even the least cogniscient of conscious creatures. The dominant member was able to hold the most power over the finality of the situation, however it may present itself. Often this meant that the member of the pack who had the most highly developed system with the most diverse capabilities, would, one way or another, become the "Alpha" or leader of the group. It is this micro-evolution system that began the ever-diversifying complexities of the social order. The more desire an individual has for some object, the more willing they are to alter their level of complexity in order to get that object. The more diverse your arsenal of abilities, the more complex the order becomes. The human animal has risen to the top of the species hierarchy, and within human society there is a steadily changing complexity of hierarchy as well. The rich, charismatic, handsome, intelligent, perceptive, quick-witted liar is the current top of the crop, and it is the ultimate goal of this creature to do nothing more than constantly gain power. It has become a desirable trait, in human society, to be able to alter ones perceptions so that the system seems to be the devine object in the semi-conscious mind of the individual. You accept your role and squeeze yourself into the common mold that your precise levels of diversifications are worked perfectly into it, that it may gain all or most of that individuals powers over the world, and over other individuals. Nature displays its most complex design in one of the simplest acts observed, and to this I deduce, we can trust uniformity. Just as simply as all things seperate each other by order of ability to manipulate, they also live and die. All things that are, once were not, and must some day return to not being, as, it is the death of a thing that allows, by evolution, the birth of the next. Also, as nature shows, that which is the most diverse, and the most dominant, will pass on its traits to the next generation. In this way, one day, the entire system will culminate into complete efficiency, if nature is allowed to take its course. I, in the natural cycle of things, and being a part of the nature machine, am terrified of absolute efficiency, and wish to postpone reaching that point forever, if possible, and if all else fails, destroy the possibility of reaching it at all. To do so means stopping the machine by giving it a new task, but this means I must ignore the truth of my situation, which, being a part of nature, limits my diversification, thus disallowing the very thing I strive for, causing myself to fail rather than the nature machine, it would beat me in the very way I would beat it, ironically. Instead I must use its own fate against it. I have to accept the impossible task of enlightening all the individual parts as to the goal of the machine, and, ironically, have them split the machine apart in chasing its own goal. For, if all the parts seek the goal of the whole, the spell of the machine's existence is undone as it dies while passing on its traits in the final feat of diversification. After that, it begins again, in multitude, as the nature must do, else it never have existed. For, to thwart it is only to default it. Pure irony. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Setting Up Call Home America 800's by Dark Hour (darkhour@underworld.net) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Making Call-Home America numbers is very easy. It's just a matter of finding information and talking to an operator. You'll need a valid name/address/phone number. You also need an SSN, but you can make this up, it doesn't have to be valid. After you get this information, call 1-800-594-3000. This is how a usual conversation with the Call-Home operator goes: Oper: Thank you for calling Call-Home America, this is Twee, how may I help you? You : Yes, I'd like to set up an account with Call-Home America. Oper: And do you have a Call-Home brochure? You : Yes, but I seem to have lost it. I did, however, read all of the information from the brochure. Oper: We can still set up an account.. You : Good. Oper: I'll need your home telephone number, area code first.. You : Sure. That would be 501-834-2043. Oper: And your name is? You : Mike Hunt Oper: Ok, Mike, and your address is? You : It's 1721 ibaiba rd. Oper: The city? You : West Roy Oper: The state? You : Arkansas.. Oper: And the zip code? You : 31337 Oper: Which major credit card would you like to place this on? You : Would it be possible to direct bill? Oper: Certainly, I'll need your social security number, for security and verification. You : Sure. It's XXX-XX-XXXX. Oper: I'll need to enter this information. If you have any questions, please ask.. [after a second or two you say:] You : Oh yea.. I read that I can set up additional pins to other numbers. Oper: Yes. I'll take those numbers when I'm done taking down this information. You : I'll wait.. [wait until she's done..] Oper: Ok, I need the first other number, area code first.. You : Sure. The number is 501-794-0123. Oper: I'll need a short description for this number. You : Sure. That will go to a Chris. Oper: are there any others? [If so, say yes, and give her the others. You can have up to nine.] You : No, that's all of em. Oper: Do you have a pen or pencil? You : Sure. Here it is.. Oper: I'm going to give you your account number. You : Ok, I'm ready. Oper: It's 0202-XXX-XXX. You : Ok, got that.. Oper: Here's your 1-800 number. It's 1-800-XXX-XXXX. You : Thanks.. Oper: This is your home pin. It's XXXX. You : Ok, got that. [The operator will proceed to give you any other pins you have set up.] Oper: Finally, should you have any other problems, the customer service number is 1-800-594-5900. Your 1-800 number will become active within 72 hours, not including weekends. You : Thanks very much. You've been very helpful. Note: Even though the operator says it'll be 48 or 72 hours, the numbers will be up within 10 minutes of the completion of the call. The Callnet Card ---------------- Call-Home America also offers a calling card, called the Callnet card. This is a calling card, which also has some advanced features. Some of these are news&weather, teleconferencing, speed-dialing, and message-delivery. Getting the number is a two-step process. First, call the Call-Home customer-service number, and talk to the operator. You : Hi. My name is Mike Hunt. I recently set up a Call-Home account, but I forgot to tell the operator that I wanted to order a calling card. Can you possibly place the order for me? Oper: Sure. How many cards do you need? You : Oh, just one card. Oper: I need your account number. You : Sure. It's 0202-XXX-XXX. Oper: I've placed the order. Your card should arrive within 7 to 10 business days. You : Thanks a lot. Bye. Oper: Thanks for using Call-Home America. Now, call the customer service number (1-800-594-5900) again. Make sure you get a different operator. Your conversation should go something like this: Oper: Thank you for calling Call-Home America Customer Service. My name is Betsy, how may I help you? You : Hi, my name is James. I ordered a CallNet card about two weeks ago, but it never came. Can I possibly get my card number? Oper: Oh. Sure. Can I have your account number? You : Sure. It's 0202-XXX-XXX. Oper: Your calling card number is XXXX-XXX-XXXX. You : Thanks a lot.. Have a nice day. Oper: Good Bye.. Should you wish to use your calling card, dial 1-800-594-5001. You will hear one tone. Enter the number you wish to call. Next, you'll hear a double-tone. Enter your calling-card number. Flagged Numbers --------------- If a number is used to many times, it will become flagged. Flagged numbers have a tendency to go down. If you must set up a flagged number, don't plan on your account being up very long. Below are some common flagged numbers: Defcon..............(801)855-3326 8 Ball..............(702)748-7448 Hotel California....(607)252-6000 Closing ------- That's how to set up a Call-Home America number. Remember that often-used numbers become flagged. I.E. You can set up a number to Defcon, but it'll only stay up for ten minutes or so. If you have questions, comments, or find any of this information to be false then email Dark Hour at: darkhour@underworld.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Abusing Your Education by Pinguino (pinguino@uix.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I've been in Journalism for years. I've been an office aide in High School. Here's an easy way to get info if you get into those positions, or meet people who are. Most people don't realize that you can use the Journalism phone during school hours from any classroom. Find an empty classroom and call the main office. Look in the newspaper for a name, and then tell the person you're Blah from the Journalism class (preferrably an editor that you sound like) and you need to place a long distance call. They transfer your call, and only listen for like half a second. If it's an office aide, they usually don't listen. Both Journalism and office aides have free access to school info, which is printed out. Every student. It's not uncommon to be missing a file. Nuff said. These files have the kid's number and name, address, parents' names, parents' work number, birthday, and social security number. Office aides have it easy. After a while, the secretaries really stop watching you. Secretaries are oftentimes clueless, and you have access to keys to cabinets. I'm sure that a lot of locked cabinets have info, as well as supplies. Journalism kids can get mail sent to them. Just tell your editor that you might need to get mail sent to the school cuz your parents are mean and look through all your stuff. Secretaries are notorious gossips. Good blackmail-worthy info is gathered in the office while the important people are gone. You can also steal passes to get out of class, and get people out of class for "interviews." My last year of school was soo cool cuz I was never in class, legit. =) These classes can be pretty promising. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Preventing Computer Viruses by Colaytion (civilwarfreak@hotmail.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What is a computer virus? A virus is a program that, unbeknowest to you, enters your system and begins to feast on the files you have worked painstakingly to develop. To watch you computer slow down, get buggy, start crashing, and then go kaput has to be one of the worst feelings in the world. In the following article, I will endeavour to explain the virus, and teach you how to prepare yourself for an eventual attack by one. Computer viruses and other malicious software all basically affect the computer in the same way, and one must know how they perform this to get a better understanding of what they do. Computer viruses affect computers by first infecting the computers, and then detonating programs to cause damage. The infector portion of viruses replicate so that they can spread via floppy disks to floppy disks, or networks to networks. Viruses can only infect executable programs or the area of disks called the boot sector. The boot sector on the disk is the program and data area. It contains a small program essential to the initial boot-up or login process of the computer. Executable programs are those with COM, EXE, SYS, BIV, or OVC extensions. An example is COMMAND.COM: the .COM at the end of the program makes it an executable program for the virus. The detonator is the part of the virus that does the actual work, setting the virus in motion and causing the damage. The detonator goes into action once the computer is infected. The hardest part of dealing with computer viruses is not getting rid of them, but preventing them. Viruses can be prevented by being more careful with software and by using antiviral programs. Software management, more control of what software computer users buy and use can prevent many viral attacks. Computer users should not use programs when they do not know where they came from. It is the same as when your mother tells you not to touch something because you do not know where it has been. Use the same philosophy with your computer software. These programs could be infected with computer viruses, and users should not risk getting infected with them. In addition, computer users should not let others run their programs on their computers, since users do not know where others' disks have been. Such disks could have been infected in other computer systems. Backing up hard disks and storing them in safe places is also a good preventive measure. This can save computer users, because if their disk does become infected, back-up disks will contain unharmed information that was lost on infected disks. Generally, you should do a major back up of your system once a month, and back up your important files at least weekly. These are just a few of the numerous ways that we as computer users can protect ourselves from getting infected with viruses. There are computer programs out there that can help prevent a user's computer from being infected, and that is through antiviral programs. Antiviral programs are used as preventive measures against viruses and gets rid of them also. There are three different types of antiviral programs: - Infection prevention - Infection detection - Infection identification Infection prevention programs prevent the replication process and keep viruses from infecting the computer. Infection prevention programs remain in the computer's memory at all times. They monitor the computer's systems, watch for signs of replication, and check all requests for operating system services. They even monitor the loading of programs in and out of the computer's memory. In essence, virtually every aspect of the system's activities is monitored and checked as it occurs. However, some normal computer functions can cause some viral programs to think that a virus is present, sounding a false alarm. Another problem with infection prevention programs is that they cannot keep boot sector virus infections from happening. Because boot sector viruses act as the system is booted up, the infection prevention program has not even been loaded yet, and therefore is powerless. Infection detection programs detect virus infections, and identify what specific area of the system has been infected. The programs identify what specific area it is in by tracing the changes in the system made by the virus during the infection process. The infection detection programs work in one of two ways: through vaccination or through the snapshot technique. Vaccination works by modifying the programs in the computer to include a self-test mechanism within each program. This self-test runs each time the program runs and checks the program to see if any changes have been made since the last time the program has run. If it is any way different a warning will be given. The other way that an infection detection program works is through the snapshot technique. The snapshot technique works by logging all critical information in the system at the time of initial installation. Periodically, a check routine is run and is compared to the original snapshot of the computer system. If traces of infection are detected, the area of the computer is identified and the user is notified. To date, infection detection programs are the most protective guard against viruses. Norton AntiVirus runs in this manner. The last type is the infection identification antiviral program. It identifies the specific viral strain already infecting a system, and usually removes that virus. These programs scan the system for the infecting virus and, when the virus is found, it is tracked down and removed. However, this system fails to keep up with the ever-changing computer virus field. Infection identification programs just can not keep up with the number of virus strains out there. All of the viruses that I have spoken about above are for PCs and compatibles. You apple users don't need to worry to much about viruses, because there are only about 5 known Apple viruses. This is because of how difficult it is to program for a Macintosh in the first place. Unix users, I have yet to hear of a virus for you, most likely because people who are using Unix just aren't that kind of person and are usually quite intelligent. So, computer viruses and other malicious software can be harmful but they can be kept under control if computer users take the time to find out what computer viruses are, how they affect computers, and how to prevent them. There are numerous antiviral programs out there and now many computers have antiviral programs pre-installed when you purchase them. Antiviral programs can be very useful, but can be used to their fullest only if users take the time to prevent the transmittance of the viruses on their own. One must still be careful with their disks, computer systems, and who uses their things, so they will not be infected with computer viruses and other malicious software. So remember: YOUR DISK WILL BE MIXING WITH EVERY OTHER DISK THAT HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THAT HARD DRIVE. THINK ABOUT IT! Check out these sites to outfit yourself with anti-virus software: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/index.html :: Symantec anti-virus center http://www.hitchhikers.net/av.shtml :: The anti-virus resource center http://www.mcafee.com/prod/av/av.html :: McAfee Anti-Virus Software http://www.drsolomon.com/ :: Virus info & More http://www.eliashim.com/ :: Computer Security & AntiVirus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Five-Finger Discounts by Pinguino (pinguino@uix.com) Dark Hour (darkhour@underworld.net) Netmask (andy.scott@omn.com) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Old people clip coupons. Cool people get the special five-finger discounts. "How do I get one? I'm ooberelite!" Listen, it's not as easy as clipping something from a newspaper, or anything. There's a technique to it. We'll also give you a list of easy stuff to steal. The "Innocent" look Are you young and clean cut? Do you wear tighter clothing than most people? Take smaller items and pocket them, or hold them in your hand. When you snag, pull the item from its wrapping. Slip stuff into your purse or backpack; since you're so squeaky clean, you won't be suspected. The "Bad Kid" look Do you LOOK like a thief? You either need to have sleight of hand, or you get to be the distraction while your friends raid the place. You can also go to the less populated areas of the store, and fill your many pockets. You might need to try to look like an "Innocent" kid as well. The "I Belong Here" look Going to a Star Trek con? Ren Faire? Those places always jack up the prices. You and a friend need to dress up (not too well) and go to one, then have your friend talk to the dealer (old Star Trek vs. new Star Trek or some other hot topic) while you steal. Barnes and Noble Get books here. Info. Books, books, lots of books, and 2600! =) Slip them under your shirt, front and back, and arms. Carry a notebook and put magazines in it. Sometimes you can put stuff into a backpack. I've been able to have a large book, put my notebook over it, and walk quickly out the door. With B&N you sometimes need to watch out for those tags, they're inside the book, and will fall out. Leave them in and the alarm will go off. We stuck one to Insight's butt and the alarm went off, and the cashier looked up and said "It must be your beeper, sir." Best Buy You know, off the top of my head, I can't think of a better store to steal from than Best Buy. They have small, easy-to-steal items that are worth a lot of money. You can get a couple of movies, CD's, and N64 games all from the same store! One of the best things about Best Buy is they don't put those damned plastic things on their CD's and tapes. There is only one security measure you need to get past. On the outside of most all items at Best Buy is a small white rectangle thingie. What you need to do is get a magnet. Pick up all the items you need and head back to the refrigerator/kitchen appliances section (there usually aren't too many people around here, you could also try the bathroom) and rub the magnet on the white thing. Now you can walk out the door without being caught by the false alarm things (I'm not sure about everywhere else, but around here the alarm malfunctions often anyway, so what you might want to do is buy a small item and walk out, the alarm goes off almost every time I go through but I haven't been searched once). Small, Independently-Owned Stores This should be self explanatory. Unless you are a complete m0r0n you can steal from these mom-and-pop places. They usually have no type of security at all. Just pick it up and hide it. If you want, have a friend talk to the cashier while you do it. Natural Disasters If you are ever in a store during a fire/earthquake/tornado, don't be among the stupid little people running about. Use the chaos to your advantage. Grab everything you can and run. w00p. Sears Roebuck and Co. Ok, what can I say? Sears, this 124 year old company, is a bunch of stupid fucks. Most of the older stores have no cameras and no security. The new stores have some cameras, but most (90%) do not have any kind of Gate Security. All the glass cases (like in almost any store) are a sinch to open without the key. There are two kinds that are mainly used. The first is the one where the lock piece slides onto the rigid piece of metal attached to the bottom inside piece of glass. On these, either get a good hold of the glass section WITHOUT the lock on it, lift up, and take it out of the grooves. If that's too hard, pull the one WITHOUT the lock out about 1/2 an inch and push the other one in 1/2 an inch, then slide it open. For the ones where the lock is built into the metal piece on the bottom of the glass, just do the same as the last idea for the first kind. Pull one piece out, push the other in, and voila, it's open. Also, If you find a register that is nowhere near anyone.... walk up to it, hit Return to get the screen saver off, then hit "5" (NO SALE). When it asks for your Associate Number, type in "75" (this is a # that is used by ALL sears nationwide). This is the one that returns are done on; all the commission fraud happens with that #. Anyway, open it up and take the cash. If you wanna have fun with phones, pick one up, hit 80, and start talking (intercom). Here's how to crack the default code on all locked doors (been the same at 8 Sears I've been to): there is a round circle of buttons. Here is a ascii diagram.. X X 1 1 2 X You hit both 1's at the same time, then while holding those, hit the 2, then turn the diamond-shaped knob. Most of these are unlocked anyway. The cameras you often see sitting on top of the TVs, displaying their output to the TVs, do not record; these are measures employees use to see if managers are coming down the halls. If you actually want to purchase something, always ask if there are any returns or anything on major markdowns. Also ask if there is anything in the stockrooms over 2 years old. The computers there mark down prices every month. I bought a 32-inch TV for $200. Sears is an easy place to fuck over. After ripping it off, get a job there. Food Well, if you live in a big city, as I do, you will never have to pay for food again. There are over 300 fast food restaurants around Denver, such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, and lots of place with a drive-up that are busy as hell (most everything I say here works better if you go inside). For McDonalds, You can usually just cruise up to the drive-thru, and say "I came through here yesterday at lunch time, and I ordered a Arch Deluxe with bacon, supersized. You guys gave me a Arch Delux without bacon, and didnt supersize my fries OR my drink." And they almost ALWAYS say "Just pull up to the second window, and they will give it to you there." Burger King and Wendy's are pricks about this, so what you do is this: call down there before you go, and tell the manager that same story, but dont say Arch Deluxe, becuase they don't have it!@#@!# Hehe.. anyway, they will say just come in and ask for -manager's name here-. Also, in your local supermarket (King Sooper's, Market Basket, Gerbes), if you just need milk or something, go to customer service and say "I bought milk here yesterday, and it tastes disgusting, so I threw it out. Can I get that replaced?" and they will usually say "Go get another gallon and come back here." You can also make up stories for bread and all perishable items. Office Supply Stores Not the small ones with like paper and stuff, think Office Depot and Staples. Chances are, you really have never been in one, but they have a ton of cool computer stuff. They have NO security. You can also get a large item and put a receipt on it, and walk out. Wal-Mart You know those domes on the ceiling? Half don't have cameras in them (if you look carefully, they have 2 screws) and half are real (4 screws). They go to one monitor at customer service and the logs are kept for 30 days and recorded over. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-E-O-F-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-