Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Strictly������������������������������������������������������By James Hetfield ���������Text����������������������������"Urinal Horrors"���������������������� ��������������Distribution��Issue Six������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease Urinals, we all have grown to love them. The ability to not have to sit down to get a quick leak out has warmed the hearts of many a male adolescant. But sometimes, experiences in urinals can ruin one's whole perspective on the lovely pieces of technology. My experience I am about to share really did happen. It took place a few weeks ago, and only now am I courageous enough to share this horrible tragedy with the world. I had to build up my strength, for when you hear the story you will understand. It was a typically average day, and I was in the boys' gym locker room. I felt the familiar urge, and I proceeded toward the bathroom area. When I arrived there, I found a person using the left urinal, a person using the right urinal, and the middle urinal unoccupied. Three people were standing around, seemingly waiting to use the urinals. Why, I pondered, were they standing around to use a urinal when one is open and ready for buisness? I proceeded with caution to the middle urinal. When I got there, and began to unzip my bugle boy jeans, the guy at the right urinal finished up and left. The guy on the left urinal looked at me strangely, than said, "Can you move over?" Needless to say, I had already begun my little task. I wasn't about to walk a foot and pee all over the bathroom. I said politely, "Excuse me?". He replied, "Can you move over? I cannot pee with you next to me." He then walked backward a few steps. I had no choice but to tell him the honest truth. "I'm sort of busy at the moment. Give me a few seconds." I told him as I finished up. After doing my little wiggle, to get the little extra urine off my wee-wee, I zipped up my bugle boy jeans and stepped back. The guy then went back to the left urinal and started to ... well ... urinate. Now, what most people don't seem to understand is a man's urinal is his secret spot. He finally has some peace and quiet there while he does his buisness. And this guy, who broke my concentration by talking to me, he entirely changed my perception of reality. How will I ever pee in a public place again? Sigh. Life is hard. [�File 06�����������������������������������������������������������������] [���������3621 bytes������������������������������������������������������] [����������������Urinal Horrors�������������������������������������������] [�������������������������������By James Hetfield�������������������������] [�������������������������������������������������04/14/95����������������] [�������������������������������������������������������������������������]