All is not What it Seems. Always Remember, One love. ################################################################################################ ###################_______________######################______________########################## ##################/____ ____/#####__________######/_____ _____/########################## ######################| |###########\ ____\#####__###| |################################ ######################| |############\ \########| |##| |################################ **********************| |___ ___ ____*\ \**____*| |**| |*____*************************** **********************| || |_| || __/**\ \| __ || |**| || __ |************************** **********************| || _ || =_____\ \|__|)| |__|_ |((__))************************** ********************** .__. | | | ||___\_________\___.|______/ |.____.************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%---%---%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%____| |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\______.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -=.ThE SoLJo.=- :ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNDoN JoUrNal: :Number #7: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brought to You By Fallen Angels Publishing (Part of The Syndicate Of London) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :DO NOT READ DIRECT FROM THE WEBSITE! DOWNLOAD ME NOW!: :July 00, Seventh Release "No Submission, No Law Suit": :"Red is The Colour of Money. Trouble is the colour Orange": :Subscriptions. Submissions. And Silent Bob To...: ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ================================================================================================ ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN - Lam3 SofTwaRe PiRaT3s NoW And FoREvEr - PrEsEnTiON In ASCII-ViSIOn ================================================================================================ SolJo Issue #7 STafF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not The Editor : PaRiS Not The Dept. Editor : llama Not A Software Developer : Nurgle Not Living in London : JerichoZZ Not a Millonaire : Chicken Soup Not Got a Thing About KlaiRe : Comrade ================================================================================================ >>> MEnEFeSTo <<< ------------------------------------ ThE SoLJo: FuNny, InforMaTivE, Useful and l337 E-ZiNE FoR EvERyOne Who iS EVeRyOnE Or WaNtS To BE. PrOdUceD WhEn EvEr We HaVE EnOuGh STuFF To MaKe It WoRTh WhIlE YOu DoWNLoADinG It. THIS IS NOT A HACK ZINE! ITS NOT TRYING TO BE, AND NEVER WILL BE. ThIs ZiNE FocuS'S On AlL AsPeCTs Of UnDerGroUND CuLTuRE, RaNging From HaCkING/Phreaking etc to Philosiphy AnD coMeDY: In A StYlE TaKiN' Us All bAck to ThE OriGiNz Of ThE SCenE - PiRaTEz EvErYwhERe... W3rD. ------------------------------------------------------------- SOl SOL? Sol!! soluk! soll! SOlll!! solsolsol! SSSSSSSSSOOOOLL! Soll!!!! sOl sol! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOLLLLL!! SOl ! !SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOLLL! SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!! SSSSSSOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! SSSSS.. OSSSSS .,SSS! SSSS:: .,OSSS,. ::L!! SSS:::.,,OOSS!S,.::::!! SSSSSSSOOOOLSO!!IILLO!!O! SSSSSSSSSOO:!!:!!ILLLLOO! SSSSSSSSOOSSSOLLLLLOO!! SSSOSSSSSSSLLLOO! SS SOSSSSSSSLLLLLO! OO SSOl IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO SSS.SSOl O O SSSS Sol SSSSSSSOl OOOOOOOOO SSSSSol SSSSSSOl SSSSSSS SSSSSol OO! SOl ---------------------------------------------------- ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LOnDoN Established. 1992 - Reformed. 1998 "Giving you the ph34r since dat l337 year" -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: SOL and Fallen Angels Publishing cannot be held responsible for the validity of articles printed within the SOLJO. SOL is a small non-profit organisation, any querys or problems regarding articles; be they copyright, or validity issues should be directed to SOL Admin at Where appropriate mistakes/ommissions/copyrighted material will be removed from back issues and SOL will cease to distribute them. This is all we can do; we do this for fun, we ask why YOU do it? ================================================================================================ Small>>> ================================================================================================ : ~~~~~~~~~~~ Small ----- Contents - Fallen Angels Publishing Editorial - PaRiS Large ----- 1. Where the Internet went Wrong... - PaRiS 2. Those Shootings... - Nurgle 3. Clips From the Net... - SOL 4. Napster - PaRiS 5. Know YOUR Terrorists: ABU NIDAL. - JerichoZZ 6. Knowing Me, Knowing You, Knowing... - EPSiLON 7. Merchandising! - JerichoZZ 8. Quantum Computing... - M. Mitchell Waldrop 9. Emoticons... - JerichoZZ 10. Tell you what Really Pisses Me Off... - PaRiS 11. Thomas Pratchett... - SOL 12. Mission Report (June London) - JerichoZZ 13. Story Time: Pint Glass... - Chicken Soup 14. Using the SID chip in C64 BASIC... - Comrade 15. Mp3 List... (Not for use on Napster) - Noone 16. The Real Underground (Please Stand up) - PaRiS (All you Eminem fans take a peek) Regular ------- Shit of the Issue - SOL The Projects - Fallen Angels Publishing Links - Luckstruck Design Shouts - SOL Final Thought - PaRiS * Please direct all SUBSCRIPTION requests and BACK ISSUE requests directly to SOL ADMIN at Alt; Visit for Back issues etc. ================================================================================================ 2000: The Evil Emperor of the Net has proclaimed death to anyone distributing the sacred MP3 "Jade" without his express permission. Many of the lands greatest hero's flocked to challenge this unfair and greedy judgement; all were destroyed by the Emperors Champions (The Supreme Court). Now, without the MP3 "Jade" to give happiness, the peasents have become unruly, bands of villans and robbers stalk the land, hacking and random piracy are common place; anarchy has come. But, in all this chaos, there still may be, one... Last Hero on DALnet. [Que bad "Chinnese Style" "Ting, ta-ta-ting-ting-ting-tong-ting" Music. Some kind of, possibly anacronistic train station. JerichoZZ stands, with bad hair (Jet Lee Style) and a bunch of flowers. Everything is spoken in Japanese, and subtitled in Welsh and English. The Music ends.] Jericho: It has been a quiet day today. [On Que, a man is randomly thrown through an improbably "light wight" and thin wall of bamboo shoots. He is followed by NURGLE, COMRADE and JADEFALCON.] Nurgle: Now you take back what you said about my monkey! Comrade: Yeah! Jade: er... Yeah! [Jericho raises an eyebrow and the unruly actions of the three "Robbers." He moves into a "haha" stance, common in alot of Kung-Fu movies. Or so Im told. ] Nurlge: What you looking at? Jericho: You have made your point. Now leave. Comrade: Or what? Jade: Er... yeah... what they said. [Note that the dialogue is not at all consistant with the actions of those involved. Nurlge runs at Jericho and lightening fast blows are exchanged; all blocked by Jericho's 'leet "AOL" Skillz. Nurlge steps back and does that "wooooooaaaaaaahaowwwwwwaa" thing which involves spinning around your hands alot.] Nurgle: Now you DIE! Comrade: Er... Jade: Thats a bit harsh man, wheres HMV? [BADGER walks in and looks at the scene... Glancing to JADEFALCON. He points to a large 18th century Japanesse building.] Badger: Its over there. Hey... Is this Two Armed Boxer One? Jericho: *Shakes his head* Nope. Its One Armed Boxer Two. Nurlge: *Ceases his fighting stance* I thought it was Two Boxers Armed with One? Jade: One what? Comrade: Arm? [There is an embarissed Silence. PARIS enters from off stage left. BADGER fades in a cloud of Puff. *Why not?*] Paris: See. This is what happens when you have a movie parody thats really obscure. And One that Im not in as a main part. This is cleary "Last Hero in China". And just to annoy and confuse you all further... I call into effect "KRULL". So fuck you all. [Everyone makes "Not that" noises] Paris: Yes, that. [Mark Fowler (From Grange Hill, Krull, and then Easterenders; in that order) leaps onto scene from nowhere. Smiles. Nods. Then leaps off.] Nurgle: *Watches Fowler go, shakes his head and looks back to Jericho before resuming his fighting stance* Lets GO! *Draws a long sword and does some impressive shit with it* Comrade: Er yeah... *Takes a knife and flings it around abit, loosing his grip it flys off into the distance, un-beknown to him some way off; it hits LLAMA and knocks him out. Lifes a bitch.] Jade: *Waves his hands about in an unconvincing manner* Jericho: *Flys into the three with the aid of strings, an impressive kung-fu fight begins, with all the general "Spinning", "Kicking" and "ahahahaha-ing" that that usually intails.* [PARIS watches the fight with his arms folded, unbeknown to everyone else he calls into effect the Mortal Kombat Card.] Nurgle: Dont do that, that film was crap! Paris: I didnt say I was going to do it yet. Comrade: But you did. [The fight scene has come to an end. COMRADE, JADE and NURGLE are but a foot away from JERICHO, all standing in semi-sighting pose.] Paris: So I did... *He Jonny Cage Shadow Kicks JADE throgh a wall; Jade hardly notices, mumbling something about how kinky his Girlfriend is.* Nurgle: I call into effect THE MASK OF ZORRO! Comrade: Yeah... no.... actually... Nurgle: Shut up *Slaps Comrade un-concious* Jeriocho: That was harsh. Nurlge: *Shrugs* [PARIS who had slipped off while no one was looking, returns on a big black horse; he is followed by a number of "Mexican Bandits" and the bloke who fired the guns up in the air outside Bully's (His fist Cameo Appearence)] Paris: Latin Thug! *Shoots Nurlge* Jericho: I've had enough of this... [The bandits crush the train station place and its revealed that we are in a dessert, with HMV in the distance. The bandits circle JerichoZZ.] Jericho: Right, Paris called in Krull and Mortal Kombat, Nurlgle Called in the Mask of Zorro, I call in....... THE MUMMY! You lucky you all my boys. *He whistles loudly*. [In the distance, 100 or so Afagaistani Riders appear, lofting their AK47's in a worry manner and crying the now traditional "lalalalalalalalallaallala!" Arab Battle Cry. The bandits turn, kiss their teeth and do that thumb thing. Jericho joins in the "lalalalalallala-ing".] Paris: Bloody Hell... er... Wasnt this supposed to be a cynical reference to the out lawing of Napster? Instead its decended into a Rankin-like-riot scene... *Frowns* Jericho: Shit... if this is a Rankin like scene.... Paris: What...? [ But it was too late, and the Emperor had already sanctioned the use of Carpet bombing.] ================================================================================================ Editorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ez now... Been an eventful few SOL weeks for everyone I think; but it looks as though in terms of setting things up, re designing concepts etc, we have climbed the hill and are now looking at a long and dangerously steep slope on the other side. Nice. As many of you will already know KlaiRe "Destroyer of Technology" totaled my laptop (and is trying to have a conversation with me on the phone while I type this...) with a glass of orange juice so, in a nut shell, Fallen Angels Publishing Music production have been put on the back burner for now; untill we can retrieve them from the fucking laptop stupid connection HD. Fuck Tosh, a plague on all their houses. etc. Also note that the WOD RPG IRC server has also been placed on the back burner untill we have everything else under control (All this website/promotion shit takes some effort and we are ALL lazy; and most of us now in full time employment, its all very easy to run SOL when your a student, but quite something else when you are working 9/5). Anyway... We have finally got a Weekend "BBS" Network running, and since we have a server running 24/7 anyway ( some ppl have asked whats the point. And we are still thinking of one, however, I think at weekends its nice to have a more "Private Server" up with msg's, announcements etc, just as a SOL community thing; so it shall stay on line at weekends (if not just for the channel BOT Majestical - which I know is going down quite well) and hopefully we shall reason out a purpose for it eventually. Or not. And yes ppl, Admin had "Big Changes" in mind for the 7th month of 2000, so this upheaval was needed; as was the mothballing of the luckstruck site which in our opinion had out lived its time. Last saterdays shoutcast went okay as well... Although a few more SOL visitors wouldnt have been a bad thing. Last thing to say is: Big shouts to Sanction, and thanks for the space boys. Nuff said, check the network, send us submissions, and prepare thyself. ================================================================================================ MOLE. MOLE. VOLE. VOLE. BOWL. BOWL. GOAL! ================================================================================================ Large>>> ================================================================================================ Finding a New Medium for the Underground - Where has the Internet gone wrong? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the creators of the internet get together these days they have upon their faces and souls an expression of loss, and one of resentment. Much like any hack/phreak meeting Ive been to in recent years; and you know why, the two sets of ppl are one in the same. The expression of both sums up feeling toward the internet and the sad fate it has suffered at the hands of corporate commercialism; drowned in its prime. These visionarys of their generation's, of whom very few have actually made the millions that e-commerce "pioneers" (or "Internet Rapists") such as Bill Gates has, now look at their creation in almost contempt. A recent interview on Radio 4 saw three of them *almost* say this. And where did it all go wrong? When analising this we must first go back to the early days; and what the internet was actually created for. The origins of the internet lie in two places (arguably more but in essense, two). The American Military ARPA net, and a British experiment into Networking. Both occuring in the 60's. Without going into great detail: ARPAnet was intended to provide scientific transfer of data from computers, for primary use by the military, but also for civillian benefit. The project was funded by the military BUT carried out by various university staff all over the USA. The ARPAnet and the internet, contrary to popular belief had nothing to do with creating a communications network that could withstand a nuclear assault (officially anyway...) and anthough this was one of the noted benefits of the network system we now know as the Internet, it was not a primary objective. The British project was more subtle, and involved only one building and was funded by the British government and in essense the British Intelligence Service's (Although I doubt that's official). Basically: The ARPAnet provided the idea,the British project provided the means, the British reseachers coming up with the now generic "packet" transfers we are all so familiar with. (all be it on archaic equipment and at comparitively laughable speeds). My conclusion of the initial concept behind the internet? It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the aquisition of money, or the advitisment of products by ANYONE. The internet was created as a communications tool; to allow the transfer of data quickly, easily, and more importantly; without media censorship (this was even one of the American Military goals concerning the ARPAnet... The idea at the time being that they could use the internet as a weapon against communism: which it eventually did, but not in the way they had intended at all). My point? Look at the internet today; you cannot jump one HTML transfer without meeting an advert for a commercial product. You cannot get on the net without paying a commercial company. You cannot broadcast what you want to without the permission of a commercial company (your ISP or you web space provider). You cannot even LOOK at certain sites because they are deemed to damage other COMMERCIAL/ETHICAL (which is more often than not a prefix for political) interests. This surely goes against the very principles that the internet was created to serve? And the only ppl who go about using the net in the way that it was intended to be used? The Underground. The Hackers, the phreaks, the criminals, the ppl who the commercial companys want so badly to purge; and have done a great job of destroying the communitys of (and I have no doubt that the stratagy although subtle, is quite diliberate). How? No, they have not stepped up a campaign of Anti-Piracy arrests, and although most governments legislation has tightend concerning computer crime; clean up rates have not changed anywhere outside the USA (it should be added: home of commercialism and indeed Capitalism). This is not how they have currupted the underground. The internet in the early 21st century has become accessable to the "Man on the Street". In essence, and principle, a good thing. In practise however; it can mean only one thing. You know it, I know it. We all know it. That "we" being everyone who KNOWS about the origin of the underground; who sat at our 16 BIT/8 BIT machines checking out pirate games and softwaer; logging on the painfully slow BB's because the only way we could afford to run a computer was by pirating software and the only way we could learn more about our systems was by making them do things they were not suposed to do. Those of us who sat through the reigns of such legends as the Pompey Pirates and whatever American equivilents their were. EVERYONE WHO HAS SOMETHING TO LOSE. YOU know who you are. They have stolen our Internet. YOU know who you are. So what do we know? The internet is full of lamers. Those interested in hacking etc are far more numerable now; but it is still the same small proportion that actual have the talent and ability to UNDERSTAND the priciples behind the underground. And what priciples are those? Simple; FREEDOM. Freedom of thought, speech, experimentation and entry. If you can. Do. "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law." - Crowley. Commercilism has taken over the internet, and we, the underground, are never going to take it back. We lack the talent (for most of the true talent become part of the corporate scene long before they understand the underground - More $, thats all that matters to some ppl, or so it seems...), we lack the commitment and we lack the financial backing. And that ppl is what the net is all about these days; money. And it should make you all sick. And I know SOMEone has to be paid to run ISP's, I have never disputed that, or any other obvious and needed source of employment/commerce/revenue by the internet; its the excess of these money making schemes and rampant commercialism that is the problem; it corrupts on a biblical scale. Example (one of hundreds in my head): Commercial pr0n companys all offer "illegal" pictures, If you look hard enough (I say name and fuckin' shame them). How can that be seen as right compared to hacking? I dont know, but somehow it is. Mitnick ends up in prison, the owners of these companys end up on the New York Stock Market. Its sick, nothing more and nothing less. So the Internet is lost, what can we do? The underground existed long before the internet did. And certainly long before the net was accessable to those early hackers and phreaks. So... what did we all do before the internet you 'lil script kiddies ask; not being able to fucking comprehend the idea of no IRC in hacking, no just emailing something to someone, no downloading of warez from an easy to reach website, no NOTHING you are used to, or every likly to have to get used to?!... well. We distributed manualy. Thats right. Hand to hand. Through friends (Thats why we're not all assholes like you AOL-Generation fuckwits - We needed the contacts.) And as for hacking and phreaking? Phreaking need have nothing to do with the net, and although hacking as a medium generally needs to use the net these days (Corporate/uni BB's now being rare). Their are other ways... So whats he ranting about now? The net is lost; maybe its time the underground found an alternative medium, and defended it with far more vigor than we ever did the internet; because I phear that if we cannot find some way round, or though this sick commercialism, the underground will cease to exist in a haze of lamers and script kiddies. ================================================================================================ 9 09 090909 090909 090909 090909 090909 090 90 909 09 09 09 09 09 0909 090 909 09 0909 0 909 09 09 090 909 09 0 091091019090 909 090909 09 878 686 86 876 86 86 786 786 68 6 7867867868678678 6 88 7980 80 890 890 8 98 98908 088 908 9880808 088988 8 089 8 98 90 888089 89 8 8898 98765 3 345 435 35 3 5 3 5 43 5 76 765 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 65 7 5 7 5 76 5 7 5 6 34 3 4 2 4 3 24 2 4 2 9 09 090909 090909 090909 090909 090909 090 90 909 09 09 09 09 09 0909 090 909 09 0909 0 909 09 09 090 909 09 0 091091019090 909 090909 09 878 686 86 876 86 86 786 786 68 6 7867867868678678 6 88 7980 80 890 890 8 98 98908 088 908 9880808 088988 8 089 8 98 90 888089 89 8 8898 98765 3 345 435 35 3 5 3 5 43 5 76 765 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 65 7 5 7 5 76 5 7 5 6 34 3 4 2 4 3 24 2 4 2 9 09 090909 090909 090909 090909 090909 090 90 909 09 09 09 09 09 0909 090 909 09 0909 0 909 09 09 090 909 09 0 091091019090 909 090909 09 878 686 86 876 86 86 786 786 68 6 7867867868678678 6 88 7980 80 890 890 8 98 98908 088 908 9880808 088988 8 089 8 98 90 888089 89 8 8898 98765 3 345 435 35 3 5 3 5 43 5 76 765 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 65 7 5 7 5 76 5 7 5 6 34 3 4 2 4 3 24 2 4 2 9 09 090909 090909 090909 090909 090909 090 90 909 09 09 09 09 09 0909 090 909 09 0909 0 909 09 09 090 909 09 0 091091019090 909 090909 09 878 686 86 876 86 86 786 786 68 6 7867867868678678 6 88 7980 80 890 890 8 98 98908 088 908 9880808 088988 8 089 8 98 90 888089 89 8 8898 98765 3 345 435 35 3 5 3 5 43 5 76 765 7 56 7 56 7 56 7 65 7 5 7 5 76 5 7 5 6 34 3 4 2 4 3 24 2 4 2 ================================================================================================ Those Shootings... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last year, 2 students walked into their school and decided to kill everyone. This is not a Good Thing (tm). Since the incident, everything from music to religion has been blamed. Christians have blamed the atheists for their actions, atheists have blamed the Christians. This is 100% bullshit. The people who should be blamed for the shootings are the kids who took the guns to school. However, what caused them to take the guns into school in the first place? Was it a desire to kill anyone with any religious tendencies at their school? I don't think so. Eric Harris and Dylon Klebold exhibited a different way thinking, and everyone know people are scared of what is different. As a result of this, everyone, with no exceptions, will challenge change. I do it, you all do it. To challenge this change, some people resort to plain ol' persecution to prevent it from happening. Now, as a result of this persecution, some people feel isolated, and resort to desperate measures to make their voices heard, be it running into a school armed to streaking accross a football game. Eric and Dylon (I'm not justifying their actions in any way here) wanted to be heard, and they could only think of one way of doing it, by lashing out at the people who persecuted them for being different. How do I know all this? Because 2 years ago I nearly did exactly the same thing. All through my high school years I was persecuted for being who I was, and I isolated myself from society. However, instead of lashing out against the society I was hiding from, I decided a better way of making my voice heard was to say "fuck it" and just be myself at all times. Now, I still get persecuted, but now I can just sit there smugly knowing that I'm better than them, and let their petty insults just bounce right off me. 1 last point I'd like to make on the subject: Marilyn Manson was blamed for the high school shooting, but anyone who has ever listened to any of his music (I mean really listened) will know that this is wrong. Take, for example, the song "The Beautiful People". At first, this song sounds like a "I'm gonna kill you all" sorta song. WRONG. Listen closer. IMNSHO, this song is about the people who persecute those are different. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clips from the Net... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [#Amirc DALnet are Idiots] * Thrax is investing some $ into amiga SDK cool me and three others or going in on it. just to check it out. * Thrax just wants to draw pictures... so what ever the kit holds will be real foriegn to me. what do the other 2 want if for? the free porn if=it didn't you know that? free??? damn and I been paying all a long.... The Amiga needs a new way to make money, so they're becoming a porn empire. :) * DanDude--away Ha, ha, you are sooooooooooo funny!! Why do you thing they're doing so much to remarket themselves as a sleazy backstabbing business? oh, really??? it's obvious, porn is where the real money is on the Internet. surley you jest. Thrax: I kid you not. think about it, Amiga means girlfriend... yup, he's delirious. they're developing a new high-powered websever just to cope with all the traffic. cuck-coo hey If they can generate some money from a bunch of deprived ppl... wtf? let them take all the cash they can. i mean, how much would you pay for Amiga branded hardcore lesbian sex? matbe it will lower the price of their products. maybe the names sells, and Amiga will use the name in as money (true) Amiga unrelated ways as possible. money=manuy many damnit i'm drunk i can't type I won't. coffee? your loss gimme the car keys, sleep on that vomit-sofa over there. my loss of coffee? * Godfree^ vomits on DanDude--away [I bet he Was] When British Prime Minister Tony Blair was embarrassed by the leak of an internal document, a politically digestible explanation was needed. Since computer attacks are hot news, it seems that diverting political embarrassment to the computer underground offers a convenient relief from the public heat. [Credit to HNN -] Interesting Article on so called "New Breed" Hackers.,4586,2605327,00.html [A Sound Argument] A Murderer who killed and ate a priest said he would not commit the same crime again because he had become a vegetarian. After being freed from prison after 12 years, Noberto Manero said: "People need not fear me for I eat only cabbage and lentils. In jail, I converted to Islam and became a vegetarian so it would be strickly against my beliefs to eat anyone at all now." He also asked his parole officer to move hom to the north of the Phillippines because there were very few priests there. - Metro 26.07.00. [Well thats okay then - PaRiS] [Since Britain passed its Regulation of Investigatory] Powers (RIP) Bill, security experts have examined the technology behind the e-mail snooping that is allowed in the law. Allegedly, the technology is extremely easy for savvy computer users to avoid (i.e. the sort of people that the government hopes to catch in illegal acts). If the cybercriminals can bypass the tap with ease, then whose e-mail gets scanned? Answer: ordinary people. That's why a number of experts are explaining to citizens what steps are necessary to remain invisible to the RIP's black boxes. [Regulation? We Doubt it...] Over 100 countries lack the laws necessary to fight crimes committed via the Internet, law enforcement officials say. And the Internet offers the unique opportunity to commit a crime in a given country remotely, thereby avoiding any local laws that may apply to the illegal activity. As supporting evidence for the concept of an international law, the U.S. Department of Defense claims that it has fended off over 22,000 attacks in the past year. - CNN. [I bet.] <----- Auto Away/DOP Script. stars OH OK top secret stuff AFK_Boy that was 3r33t [lol] *** BRasC0 ( has joined #radio1 [lol - Again] *** FoxyLady ( has joined #ungabunga *** ChanServ sets mode: +o FoxyLady [FoxyLady] the darlin of xnet *** ChanServ changes topic to 'Amiga goods for sale (see --> ) or email (Sterri)' [FoxyLady] lovable hoe of DALnet [lol - He said it, not us] *** esprit ( has joined #radio1 [He Speaks] Exercising his newly granted freedom to speak publicly, Kevin Mitnick has agreed to give the keynote address at a Los Angeles conference in September. Mitnick plans to give the audience advice on security threats, vulnerabilities, and how to think like would-be attackers. Under previous legal restrictions, Mitnick was not allowed to speak at conferences, consult, or benefit in any way from his knowledge of computer security. [SOL's How Lame can we get Part 1: Mass Advertising] I am banned from half of dalnet lol <|PaRiS|> Shut up BOT :p <|PaRiS|> oh they have gone now. <|PaRiS|> hmm. *** Majestical has quit IRC (Killed (Shariar^ (Mass Advertising/messaging/inviting is not permitted on dalnet))) [WE'RE Annoying?!] *** You were kicked from #another_damn_teen_room by ^-Kitty-^ (ur annoying [-S.�.t.A.N Scr�pT-] v1.0) [I wonder if actually saw this...] "THES SIET HAS BEEN HAX0RED BY JEFF K.!!!! HAHAA LOESARS" - [Aug, 03 2000 - 23:12] (So Leet He dont have to spell anything right... JUST LIKE ME!- Ed) [ICQ Lameness] Comrade: hello kalobus: do you by any chance deal drugs? Comrade: lol kalobus: no? Comrade: not personally kalobus: do you smoke weed? do shrooms? Comrade: why ? kalobus: because i'm very interested. :) please tell me Comrade: well no kalobus: ok, thanks. bye. i was just looking for fellow drugs users in area ================================================================================================ "Motorcycle: Increasingly popular sexual venue; which combines the symbolism of the horse with leather gear" - The Joy of Sex (1972 Edition) ================================================================================================ Napster... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for a long time I wasn't at all sure if I was for the whole Napster thing; after all I write music myself, would I be happy distributing my stuff for free? Then it his me. I would be happy; I have always said Im in anything for the fame not the money. And this "Consideration" proved that to me. And although Napster to me has always sounded a bit like Warez for complete lamers, I digress, if I was opposed thousands would lable me a hypocrite. Piracy is Piracy after all but wait... Lets put this in perspective; and from my own personal view. Theoretically I could download any alubum/song ever produced. Someone somewhere would probably have it. However. I dont. I still buy CD's. Why? No... Im not mental. I actually like the CD's. Possession of a thing is a big consideration. Or should be. And as for the artists who are complaining about Napster; You in it for the money? Or in it for the love? Maybe you should ask yourselves. (And BTW... Napster is still up; despite the ruling. If they think its going anywhere they are sadly mistaken.) ================================================================================================ Know YOUR Terrorists: ABU NIDAL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there ever was a terrorist group to read about this is it... I reckon this group was more like SOL than any other... To prove, I had added my own commentary in brackets. ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: AN INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATION LED BY SABRI AL-BANNA (AKA ABU NIDAL "FATHER OF STRUGGLE"). SPLIT FROM FATAH IN 1974. COMPOSED OF VARIOUS FUNCTIONAL COMMITTEES, INCLUDING MILITARY, POLITICAL, ETC. (- Basically, they are hard and brainy with much respect to daddy -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITIES: THE ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION IS BELIEVED TO HAVE CARRIED OUT MORE THAN 90 TERRORIST OPERATIONS SINCE 1973-74 IN APPROXIMATELY 20 COUNTRIES, KILLING OR INJURING ALMOST 900 PEOPLE. THE ANO PRIMARILY TARGETS THE UNITED STATES, UNITED KINGDOM, ISRAEL, EUROPEAN NATIONS, JEWS OF ANY NATIONALITY, THE PLO, VARIOUS ARAB NATIONS. THE ANO'S METHODS OF OPERATION INCLUDE ARMED ATTACKS ON AIRPORTS, HIJACKINGS, ARMED ATTACKS ON PUBLIC GATHERING PLACES, BOMBINGS, ASSASSINATIONS, AND KIDNAPPINGS. THE GROUP'S ATTACKS ARE NOTED FOR THEIR FEROCITY AND THEIR INTENTIONS OF CAUSING MASSIVE CASUALTIES. (- Rule number 1 of starting a terrorists group, attack USA... even if has nothing to do with your cause. Rule number 2, big up your status to other groups fighting the same cause, and kill them -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTH: SEVERAL HUNDRED PLUS MILITIA IN LEBANON, PLUS AN OVERSEAS SUPPORT STRUCTURE. (- I reckon the next SOL meet should be in Lebanon, we could start our own group against libertysurf or something. -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION/AREA OF OPERATION: THE ANO WAS HEADQUARTERED IN IRAQ (1974-83) AND SYRIA (1983-87); CURRENTLY MAINTAINS A PRESENCE IN LIBYA WITH A SUBSTANTIAL PRESENCE IN LEBANON. THE ANO ALSO MAINTAINS A PRESENCE IN ALGERIA AS WELL AS IN OTHER NATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA. SOME ELEMENTS OF THE ANO MAY HAVE RELOCATED TO IRAQ FROM LIBYA IN MID-1990. THE GROUP HAS DEMONSTRATED ITS ABILITY TO OPERATE OVER A WIDE GEOGRAPHIC AREA, INCLUDING THE MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE, AFRICA, AND ASIA. (- A well guarded caravan (with toilet facility) moving around the Arab badlands with 700 soldiers -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL AID: THE ABU NIDAL ORGANIZATION HAS RECEIVED CONSIDERABLE SUPPORT, INCLUDING SAFEHAVEN, TRAINING, LOGISTICAL ASSISTANCE, AND FINANCIAL AID FROM IRAQ, SYRIA, AND LIBYA. THE GROUP CONTINUES TO RECEIVE SUPPORT FROM LIBYA, IN ADDITION TO CLOSE LOGISTICAL AND OPERATIONAL SUPPORT FOR TERRORIST OPERATIONS. (- A government run terroist group, is that possible??? -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL OBJECTIVES/TARGET AUDIENCES: *PLACE THE "ARMED STRUGGLE" AGAINST THE "ZIONIST ENEMY" AS THE FIRST PRIORITY OF THE PALESTINE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT; *UNDERMINE EFFORTS TO NEGOTIATE AN ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PEACE BY TERRORIZING PRO-ARAFAT PALESTINIANS AND BY ATTACKING ISRAELI AND JEWISH TARGETS; *THREATEN OR ATTACK "REACTIONARY" REGIMES IN EGYPT, JORDAN, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, AND THE GULF SHEIKDOMS; *AFFIRM ARAB COMMITMENT TO THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL; *INTIMIDATE THOSE NATIONS CURRENTLY HOLDING ABU NIDAL OPERATIVES IN PRISON INTO RELEASING THEM. (- Kill thew Zionist's, erm who are they exactly, doesn't matter kill them any way! -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: A REJECTIONIST AND EXTREMELY VIOLENT TERRORIST GROUP, THE ANO OPPOSES ALL EFFORTS TOWARD POLITICAL RECONCILIATION OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT. THE GROUP CONTENDS THAT BOTH INTER-ARAB AND INTRA-PALESTINIAN TERRORISM ARE NEEDED TO PRECIPITATE AN ALL-EMBRACING ARAB REVOLUTION THAT ALONE CAN LEAD TO THE LIBERATION OF "OCCUPIED PALESTINE." (- Of course, an Arab revolution... any one seen 'The Siege'?? -) THE ANO IS THE MOST DANGEROUS TERRORIST GROUP IN EXISTENCE, AND ITS AREA OF OPERATIONS IS ONE OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE. THE GROUP MADE ITS INITIAL APPEARANCE AFTER THE OCTOBER 1973 ARAB-ISRAELI WAR WHEN YASSIR ARAFAT DECIDED TO RESTRICT TERRORIST OPERATIONS TO ISRAELI TARGETS. ABU NIDAL DECIDED TO FIGHT ANY EFFORT AT MODERATION BY CONTINUING INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS AGAINST ISRAELI TARGETS AND BY TARGETING PRO-ARAFAT PALESTINIANS AND MODERATE ARAB STATES. THE RIFT BETWEEN ABU NIDAL AND ARAFAT BECAME SO INTENSE THAT ABU NIDAL WAS TRIED IN ABSENTIA AND SENTENCED TO DEATH BY ARAFAT. SINCE ITS FOUNDING, THE ANO HAS ALSO TARGETED THOSE NATIONS HOLDING ITS OPERATIVES AS PRISONERS. (- Their mothers tuck them in at night and read bed time storys. They refuse to sleep without their teddy bears -) AS ABU NIDAL'S FOLLOWING GREW, THE GROUP'S OPERATIONS AGAINST PALESTINIAN MODERATES ESCALATED. DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 1978, THE ANO ASSASSINATED THREE PROMINENT PLO OFFICIALS, WHO WERE ALLIES OF ARAFAT. ALTHOUGH A TEMPORARY RAPPROCHEMENT TOOK PLACE IN 1978, THE ANO CONTINUES TO TARGET MODERATE PALESTINIAN ELEMENTS. (- Kill the zionists and fight the PLO, how hard are we?? -) DESPITE ITS SUPPORT BY A SUCCESSION OF STATE SPONSORS THE GROUP MAINTAINS ITS OWN POLITICAL AGENDA. ALTHOUGH MANY OF THE ANO'S OPERATIONS COINCIDE WITH THE INTERESTS OF ITS SPONSORS, THE GROUP ALSO CONDUCTS INDEPENDENT OPERATIONS. (- Yes give us money, we'll do what we want with it -) THE ANO IS FINANCIALLY SOUND AND MAY BE ONE OF THE MOST ECONOMICALLY VIABLE OF ALL TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. THE GROUP IS BELIEVED TO DRAW ONE THIRD OF ITS INCOME FROM PATRON STATES, ONE THIRD FROM GRAFT OR BLACKMAIL/EXTORTION, AND ONE THIRD FROM ITS OWN NETWORK OF BUSINESSES AND FRONT ORGANIZATIONS. (- zionists don't want to live on Handouts, sending just �5 a month will help the ANO to help zionists to kill themselves... -) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTED INCIDENT CHRONOLOGY SEPTEMBER, 1973 - WHILE STILL AFFILIATED WITH FATAH, ABU NIDAL MOUNTED AN OPERATION, SEIZING THE EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA IN PARIS, AND DEMANDING THE RELEASE OF ABU DAWUD, A FATAH TERRORIST BEING HELD IN JORDAN. (- Whoo dahh bad man !!! -) OCTOBER, 1974: ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF FATAH OFFICIAL ABU MAZIM. ABU NIDAL WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH IN ABSENTIA BY FATAH FOR THIS ATTEMPT. (- attempted and failed, bummer -) SEPTEMBER, 1976: ATTACK AND TAKEOVER OF THE SEMIRAMIS HOTEL IN DAMASCUS (- " service, can I have a few ak-47's and some explosives please... yes I want to take over the hotel..." -) OCTOBER, 1976: ATTACKS ON SYRIAN EMBASSIES IN ISLAMABAD AND ROME. (- It seemed like a good idea at the time. -) NOVEMBER, 1976: ATTACK ON THE INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL IN AMMAN. (- "... room serivce, may I have the same again..." -) DECEMBER, 1976: FAILED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AGAINST SYRIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN DAMASCUS. (- He looks like a zionist. -How?- His hair, quick kill him!!! -) OCTOBER, 1977: ANOTHER FAILED ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE THE SYRIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, THIS TIME IN ABU DHABI. THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES MINISTER OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS WAS KILLED. (- It was only a joke, I mean getting carried away like that -) AUGUST, 1978: ATTACK ON THE OFFICES OF THE PLO IN PAKISTAN. (- They wouldn't tuck me in at night with Mr. fluffy-bunny so I threw grenades at them -) JULY, 1980: ATTACK ON THE CHILDREN OF A JEWISH SCHOOL IN ANTWERP. (- Children in the playground can be so cruel, Mr. fluffy-bunny was innocent but they had to laugh at his ears... -) JULY, 1980: CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MURDER OF THE ISRAELI COMMERCIAL ATTACHE IN BRUSSELS. (- Did we do that? Dunno? Could have done? I think we did it but not sure, will phone you back -) MAY, 1981: MURDERED A VIENNA CITY COUNCILMAN AND THREATENED TO KILL AUSTRIAN CHANCELLOR KREISKY. (- They said the big bad wolf ate all the pigs, so I killed him. -) AUGUST, 1981: MACHINEGUNNED A VIENNA SYNAGOGUE, KILLING TWO AND WOUNDING SEVENTEEN PEOPLE. (- anything better to do today? -) JUNE, 1982: ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF SHLOMO ARGOV, ISRAELI AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED KINGDOM. (- Yea get the UK involved too -) JUNE, 1982: MURDERED A PLO OFFICIAL IN ROME WITH A CAR BOMB. (- You cannot be called a terrorist group if you don't use car bombs -) AUGUST, 1982: ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) CONSUL IN BOMBAY. (- I caught him with one of my wives, you know how it is -) SEPTEMBER, 1982: ASSASSINATED A KUWAITI DIPLOMAT IN MADRID. (- He had one of my wives too -) OCTOBER, 1982: KILLED ONE CHILD AND INJURED TEN PEOPLE IN A GRENADE AND MACHINE-GUN ATTACK ON A SYNAGOGUE IN ROME. (- Bored again, what shall we do? -) APRIL, 1983: MURDERED PLO OFFICIAL ISSAM SARTAWI AT THE SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN LISBON. (- ok you get the picture, they is so am is are the bad mans. See you at the end -) OCTOBER, 1983: ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THE JORDANIAN AMBASSADOR TO ITALY IN ROME. OCTOBER, 1983: SEVERELY WOUNDED THE JORDANIAN AMBASSADOR TO INDIA IN NEW DELHI. NOVEMBER, 1983: ATTACKED SECURITY GUARDS ASSIGNED TO THE JORDANIAN EMBASSY IN ATHENS, KILLING ONE AND WOUNDING ANOTHER. DECEMBER, 1983: BELIEVED RESPONSIBLE FOR BOMBING THE FRENCH CULTURAL CENTER IN IZMIR, TURKEY. FEBRUARY, 1984: IMPLICATED IN THE PARIS MURDER OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE. MARCH, 1984: ASSASSINATED A BRITISH DIPLOMAT IN ATHENS. NOVEMBER, 1984: ASSASSINATED THE BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER IN BOMBAY, INDIA. DECEMBER, 1984: MURDERED ARAFAT SUPPORTER ISMAIL DARWISH IN ROME. MARCH, 1985: KIDNAPPED BRITISH JOURNALIST ALEC COLLETT IN BEIRUT; COLLETT WAS REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED ONE YEAR LATER, BUT INFORMATION IS INCONCLUSIVE. MARCH, 1985: ATTACKED THE ROME OFFICES OF ALIA, THE ROYAL JORDANIAN AIRLINES, WOUNDING THREE PEOPLE. ALSO BELIEVED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS ATTACKS ON ALIA OFFICES IN ATHENS AND NICOSIA. APRIL, 1985: FIRED A ROCKET AT AN ALIA AIRLINER AS IT TOOK OFF FROM ATHENS AIRPORT. ALTHOUGH THE ROCKET DID NOT DETONATE, IT LEFT A HOLE IN THE FUSELAGE. JULY, 1985: BOMBED THE BRITISH AIRWAYS OFFICE IN MADRID, KILLING ONE AND WOUNDING TWENTY SEVEN. FIVE MINUTES LATER ATTACKED THE MADRID OFFICES OF ALIA, TWO BLOCKS AWAY, WOUNDING TWO PERSONS. SEPTEMBER, 1985: GRENADE ATTACK AGAINST THE CAFE DE PARIS IN ROME, WOUNDING THIRTY EIGHT PEOPLE. SEPTEMBER, 1985: HIJACKED AN EGYPTIAN AIRLINER TO MALTA, WHERE SIXTY PEOPLE WERE KILLED DURING A RESCUE ATTEMPT BY EGYPTIAN FORCES. DECEMBER, 1985: ATTACKED THE AIRPORTS AT ROME AND VIENNA, KILLING SIXTEEN AND WOUNDING SCORES. CLAIMED BY THE CELLS OF THE ARAB FEDAYEEN. SEPTEMBER, 1986: ATTEMPTED HIJACKING OF PAN AMERICAN FLIGHT #73 AT KARACHI, KILLING TWENTY TWO PERSONS. SEPTEMBER, 1986: LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS AFTER THE KARACHI ATTACK, ANO OPERATIVES ATTACKED THE NEVE SHALOM SYNAGOGUE IN ISTANBUL, KILLING MORE THAN TWENTY WORSHIPPERS. JULY, 1987: CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR BOMBING A RESTAURANT ON THE WEST BANK OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, WOUNDING FIFTEEN. NOVEMBER, 1987: CLAIMED TO HAVE SEIZED A YACHT OFF THE COAST OF ISRAEL AND TAKEN ITS EIGHT OCCUPANTS HOSTAGE. MARCH, 1988: A LONE GUNMAN ATTACKED AN ALITALIA AIRLINES CREW ABOARD A COMMUTER BUS IN BOMBAY, SERIOUSLY WOUNDING THE CREW CAPTAIN. MAY, 1988: IN KHARTOUM, SUDAN, ANO OPERATIVES KILLED EIGHT AND WOUNDED TWENTY ONE IN SIMULTANEOUS ATTACKS ON THE ACROPOLE HOTEL AND THE SUDAN CLUB. JULY, 1988: FOLLOWING THE PREMATURE DETONATION OF A CAR BOMB AT AN ATHENS PIER, IN WHICH TWO ANO OPERATIVES WERE KILLED, ANO GUNMEN ABOARD THE DAY CRUISE SHIP "CITY OF POROS" ATTACKED THE PASSENGERS, KILLING NINE AND WOUNDING NINETY EIGHT. JANUARY, 1991: ABU IYAD, CONSIDERED THE SECOND MOST SENIOR OFFICIAL OF FATAH AFTER YASSIR ARAFAT; AND ABU HUL, COMMANDER OF THE WESTERN SECTOR FORCES OF FATAH, WERE ASSASSINATED BY AN ABU NIDAL OPERATIVE. (- And to finish off with a quote with no reference to the above terriost group -) WOO HAA, WOO HAA, I got you all in check - Busta Rhymes Next Terroist groups profile is gonna be you, the readers choice. All you have to do is email in the group you wanna know more about... number -1- ARMENIAN SECRET ARMY FOR THE LIBERATION OF ARMENIA number -2- DEMOCRATIC FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE number -3- Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity Till then, you power hungry capitalist pigs. ================================================================================================ "Soho Smack boys... yeah, starring Ant 'n' Dec..." ================================================================================================ Knowing Me, Knowing You, Knowing EPSiLON... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Year of Joining SOL: 1999 Original SOL Nick: EPSiLON Nick: EPSiLON Sex: Alternative. Age: 120+ Involved with other groups: Who knows? EPSiLON is a man of mystery, but the words UNCLE and Fairlight have been mentioned, along with many others... *His* SOL Job Description: Am I in SOL? *Our* SOL Job Description: Our man on xnet. Accomplishments: Being regarded for many years as "The most sinister user on DALnet" and without question now regarded as "The most sinister user on Znet; perhaps the entire Internet." Hobbys: Unknown, a large interest in Warez. He Says: "I hate that Bot." *After three hours of silence. SOL Says: No user should be in more than 8 Channels at one time. Heaven is: Flossy. Beverage of Choice: Flossy. Shoes or Trainers?: Carpet Slippers and a Pipe (Possibly) Bus or Car?: Flossy. On a Final Qu/n-ote: "Paris is writting me sheep poetry on ICQ. Its quite good." [ Next Issue... The leet one Nurgle - Ed ] ================================================================================================ Merchandising! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A message to all SOL members... Ok I reckon membership will grow if we get in to merchandising and advertising... Imagine, SOL the desktop theme... pics, sounds, icons, pointers etc. SOL the WinAmp Skin... more than one is ok... SOL the offical advert banner... SOL the T'Shirt... yes tried this before, but with new logo got to be a hit. SOL the inflatable doll... we'll need some research in this area... SOL action figures... How cool would that be... SOL the Movie... Paris, write the book first, even more money then... SOL the mIRC Script, ok one of these is already floating about but needs updating. SOL offical members badge... we had these in the Teenage mutant hero turtles fanclub... erm... I don't know how I know that... SOL the video game... nurgle can start that... SOL the board game... running low on imagination here... SOL the bog roll holder... imagine the fun while shitting... SOL his n hers underware... imagine, ahhh imagine... you get the point... Elect an idiot to manage this shite, members can submit blue prints, even finished goods in the form of internet shite (WinAmp skins, MIRC scripts, desktop theme...) livid... ================================================================================================ "Virginity: Have a bit of respect for this." - The Joy of Sex (1972 Edition) ================================================================================================ Quantum Computing... (Submitted by JerichoZZ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Computers that tap the bizarre properties of subatomicparticles might calculate with awesome speed-cracking codes that stymie conventional machines. By M. Mitchell Waldrop "Every so often," says Isaac Chuang, sitting in his office at IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, "something new comes along in physics, and everybody says 'Wow!' Then they get caught up in a whirlwind." In the 1970s, the whirlwind was chaos theory. In the late 1980s, it was high-temperature superconductivity. And now? "Quantum computing," says Chuang, a slender, soft-spoken physicist who has already emerged as one of the leaders in this esoteric-sounding field with potentially enormous impact. A quantum computer operates by the rules of quantum weirdness, down in the subatomic realm where our everyday intuitions are violated wholesale. This is a world in which an electron can be in two places at once, in which an atomic nucleus can be spinning clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time. It is a bizarre world in which matter itself dissolves into a ghostly blur of possibilities as soon as you try to look at it. And yet this surreal world is one in which you can do computing, insists Chuang, whose group at Almaden is one of several that have demonstrated the basic principles in the lab. If he and his fellow researchers can ever scale up their demonstrations into practical machines, the payoff will be enormous. Quantum computers could tackle problems that would stymie their conventional counterparts-easily cracking, for instance, the most sophisticated encryption schemes now in use. Hence the new whirlwind. "It's easy for quantum computing to sound like a fanciful theorist's dream," says physicist Neil Gershenfeld of the MIT Media Lab. "But just extrapolating Moore's Law, the scaling relation that says microchips shrink by a factor of two every two years or so, somewhere around the year 2020 or 2030 is when we hit one bit per atom-and when a new semiconductor fabrication plant will cost the gross national product of the planet. So if we really want to keep getting faster, there aren't many other places to turn. Quantum weirdness is essentially the only resource we have that's still untapped for computing. It's the only big thing that's left in the universe." A New Kind of Bit Actually, when quantum computing started out, it was a fanciful theorist's dream-the late Richard Feynman's, most notably. The famously whimsical Nobel laureate first started pushing the idea in 1981, following an earlier suggestion by Argonne National Laboratory physicist Paul Benioff. Others quickly followed Feynman's lead. And by the time Ike Chuang first encountered quantum computing in the late 1980s, shortly after receiving his undergraduate physics degree from MIT, a cadre of at least half a dozen physicists and computer scientists were actively working in the field. Certainly Chuang was smitten. "I've always wanted to know what information is in a physical sense-and to understand what physics is in terms of information," he says. Quantum computing seemed like a completely new way to understand them both. Take this business of encoding information, he says: The subatomic world is full of yes-no choices that make it downright easy. Most particles-including electrons, protons and even the ephemeral packets of light called photons-possess a kind of built-in rotary motion known as "spin." So if your subatomic computer used electrons, for example, you could say that an electron spinning in one direction represented a binary 1, while an electron spinning in the opposite direction represented a 0. And once you encode the information, says Chuang, the subatomic world also offers any number of ways to process it. By manipulating the magnetic environment of electrons, say, or by routing photons through an array of polarizers, mirrors and beam splitters, you could subject your quantum bits to all the operations required by a digital computer. But there would also be a critical difference. Conventional computers followed the rules of binary logic, governed by an ironclad either-or distinction: Each bit of information is either true or false, on or off, one or zero. To enforce this distinction, conventional machines represent each bit as the presence or absence of a few zillion electrons collected in a tiny silicon transistor, so that the zillions are either there or they are not. But once you get down to the level of individual particles, says Chuang, almost nothing is absolute. An electron, for example, could be spinning one way or the other-but it could also exist as a kind of mixture of spins. According to the laws of quantum physics, you could say the electron has a probability of spinning one way or the other. But unless you actually made a measurement and forced the issue, you couldn't know which it was; in a sense, the electron itself would be undecided. And that, in turn, means that each bit of quantum information could be undecided. Instead of being either-or, a quantum "qubit" could be both-and: representing 0 and 1 simultaneously. This ambiguity has a powerful consequence that becomes more apparent when you think of not one but two qubits. These qubits could simultaneously exist as a combination of all possible two-bit numbers: (00), (01), (10) and (11). Add a third qubit and you could have a combination of all possible three-bit numbers: (000), (001), (010), (011), (100), (101), (110) and (111). This kind of system scales exponentially: n qubits can stand for 2n numbers at once. Line up a mere 40 qubits, and you could represent every binary number from zero to more than a trillion-simultaneously. Furthermore, says Chuang, just as a collection of quantum qubits could represent a huge array of numbers simultaneously, a quantum computer could process every possible input simultaneously-the most perfect form of parallel processing imaginable. Given the right kind of problem and a sufficient supply of qubits, a quantum computer could outpace its conventional counterparts by many orders of magnitude. "I read about all this," says Chuang, remembering his first encounter with Feynman's articles around 1987 or so, "and from then on, I wanted to build a quantum computer." Algorithm Attack But how? Feynman and the other theoreticians had focused on quantum computing as a mathematical abstraction-and with good reason. "Building a real quantum computer is a viciously difficult task," says Chuang. Everything depends on making sure the qubits retain their incredibly fragile quantum-mechanical mix of 1 and 0-what physicists refer to as staying "coherent." One bump from a stray air molecule, one twitch in the magnetic field, one ricochet of a random photon, and coherency vanishes. Let that happen in a quantum computer and your qubits will instantly collapse from both-and to either-or-meaning that you will suddenly find yourself looking at an ordinary computer full of ordinary 1s and 0s. "Quantum mechanics goes away when you look at it," sighs Chuang. "So you have to make sure that the computer is extremely well isolated from the rest of the world." But the isolation can't be total, either, since you still need to put data in and read out the results. "This," Chuang declares, "is the discord that stalks quantum computing. How can you control it if, at the same time, you have to leave it alone?" As the 1980s became the 1990s, many researchers continued to grapple with the problem. Chuang even made it the subject of his doctoral dissertation at Stanford. But nothing they proposed seemed feasible. And with no compelling application at hand, quantum computing seemed destined for the same cul-de-sac as countless other exotic pieces of science. Two developments-one theoretical, one practical-have rescued quantum computing from irrelevancy, explains MIT physicist Seth Lloyd. On the theoretical side, it was a factoring algorithm discovered by Peter Shor of AT&T Research labs-an achievement that went right to the heart of modern cryptography. In most current encryption schemes, including those used to send credit-card numbers and other sensitive information across the Internet, an eavesdropper can break the code of a given message only by factoring a very large number. Now, factoring small numbers is trivial-grade school kids learn that 12 = 2 x 2 x 3. But factoring large numbers is one of the quintessentially hard problems in computer science. No matter how clever the algorithms, in fact, the time required to factor larger and larger numbers grows exponentially. Go beyond a few hundred digits, and even the fastest machines in the world will be overwhelmed: The factoring time will vastly exceed the lifetime of the universe. Or rather, it will with a conventional computer. Shor proved that a quantum computer could factor large numbers in a time that increases only as some power of the numbers' size-rapid growth, to be sure, but not remotely as explosive as exponential growth. Indeed, a conventional computer would need to crank away for billions of years to factor a 400-digit number. A quantum machine could do the job in about a year. The implication was that "unbreakable" codes might now be breakable. And with that announcement, the National Security Agency, the Pentagon, the cryptography community, and indeed, the whole computer community woke up to the fact that quantum computing wasn't a theorist's plaything anymore. Peter Shor was holding out the possibility of a real and critically important application. Meanwhile, on the experimental side, quantum computing was beginning to look much more possible in the lab. In 1993, for example, Lloyd brought the mathematical abstractions down to earth when he showed how quantum computation could be carried out by qubits arranged in a regular array-just the kind of quantum computer that might actually get built. Then in 1996, Chuang and MIT's Gershenfeld made things even more concrete when they suddenly saw a way to build it. "I went into Ike's office on a Monday and didn't emerge until Friday," laughs Gershenfeld, thinking back to the quantum computing conference that brought him to the University of California at Santa Barbara and the Institute for Theoretical Physics, where Chuang had a postdoc appointment. "We got this feeling that comes along only rarely, that there was this beautiful structure already existing in the world, and that we were seeing it for the first time." That structure became apparent as soon as they decided to forget about electrons or photons, and instead make their qubits at the heart of the atom: the nucleus. Actually, it is the nucleus's building blocks-protons and neutrons-that have spin. While individual spins tend to pair up and cancel each other out, in some isotopes a few are left over, leaving a net spin in one direction or another. Nuclear qubits were appealing for several reasons. First, you can make a perfectly fine qubit out of any nuclear isotope that has a spin-as many do. Second, says Gershenfeld, "this is the most coherent system in the universe." Every nucleus is protected from outside disturbances by its dense cloud of electrons. That means that once you get its spin lined up, it will stay that way for hours or days-an eon in computer time. Third, nuclear qubits are incredibly easy to assemble. "Instead of trying to nanofabricate nanostructures," says Gershenfeld, "we can just use the ones nature gave us: molecules." Moreover, he points out, the nuclear spins inside a given molecule tend to interact nicely. Take chloroform, for example, a molecule consisting of a carbon atom attached to three chlorine atoms and one hydrogen atom: When the hydrogen nucleus and the carbon nucleus are spinning the same way, their energy levels will be measurably different from when they are spinning opposite from one another. Finally, says Gershenfeld, the technology for manipulating these nuclear spins is already very mature. It's called nuclear magnetic resonance, or NMR, and it is routinely used in chemical analysis and in hospital magnetic resonance imaging scanners. It's a simple matter to adapt commercial NMR spectrometers to do quantum computing. Say you want to carry out a logical operation using chloroform-something like, "If carbon is 1, then hydrogen is 0." You just suspend the chloroform molecules in a solvent, and put a sample in the spectrometer's main magnetic field to line up the nuclear spins. Then you hit the sample with a brief radio-frequency pulse at just the right frequency. The hydrogen spin will either flip or not flip, depending on what the carbon is doing-exactly what you want for an if-then operation. By hitting the sample with an appropriately timed sequence of such pulses, moreover, you can carry out an entire quantum algorithm-without ever once having to peek at the nuclear spins and ruin the quantum coherence. So there it was, Chuang and Gershenfeld realized: NMR was a natural for quantum computing. They were not alone. Chuang remembers being "surprised and delighted" to learn that Harvard University NMR expert David Cory and his colleagues were independently making exactly the same proposal. For researchers of Cory's caliber to enter the field constituted more of an endorsement of the NMR idea than a rivalry, Chuang believed. In any case, there was plenty of work to go around. By this point, Lloyd recalls, with researchers having identified a real application for quantum computing plus a feasible technique for making it work, "all hell was breaking loose" in the field. "All of a sudden there was this wonderful new game to play." The game has only gotten better. In just the past few years, for example, Shor and others have shown that quantum computers needn't be as fragile as researchers once feared; a variety of quantum error-correction schemes will allow the devices to undo the damage caused by environmental perturbations and restore their qubits to full coherence. Lov Grover of Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs has discovered a quantum search algorithm that is substantially faster than its best classical counterpart. Chuang himself has used NMR to demonstrate Grover's algorithm, first on a two-qubit quantum computer-a chloroform molecule-and more recently on a three-qubit molecule. Along the way, Chuang and Gershenfeld's partnership has expanded into a nationwide consortium for quantum computing research, including members from MIT, Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley, IBM and several other industrial partners. Cory's team, which is working on an NMR demonstration of Shor's algorithm, has likewise broadened into a Harvard-MIT collaboration. Both groups are among those getting money from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency-the arm of the Defense Department that essentially invented the Internet-as part of the first significant federal funding initiative for quantum computing. Making "Magic" None of this means that we'll be trading in our PCs for quantum laptops anytime soon. Quantum computing is barely into its proof-of-principle stage, with a long way to go before it evolves even to the qubit equivalent of World War II-era vacuum-tube machines like the ENIAC. Much more likely are quantum add-ons to conventional machines-"coprocessors" that will perform specific tasks in the same way that a graphics card takes over the most difficult display chores. What exactly those tasks will be, however, is an unsettled question. MIT physicist Edward Farhi points out that the study of quantum algorithms is still in its infancy. The two best ones discovered so far-Shor's and Grover's-will doubtless be followed by many more, opening up applications that go well beyond factoring and searching. Nonetheless, says Farhi, "a quantum computer isn't necessarily fast. It's a device that attacks problems in a different way. We're still trying to understand what makes a problem amenable to that kind of attack. You have to choose your problem carefully to take advantage of the quantum magic." In practice, adds Farhi, how quantum coprocessors are used could depend a lot on how much they cost. And that's a complicated issue. At IBM Almaden, for example, the core of Chuang's quantum computer is small and inexpensive: qubit-containing molecules dissolved in a few drops of colorless solvent, encased in a glass tube smaller than his little finger. But the NMR spectrometer that makes the computer go is a silvery, 10-foot-tall cylinder surrounded by great thickets of wires and plumbing-most of it required to service the liquid helium that chills the spectrometer's superconducting magnets. If future quantum coprocessors follow this pattern, they will be huge, multimillion-dollar behemoths that fill up whole rooms, and that only governments can afford. In that case, quantum computers may well be restricted to hard-core national security tasks such as cryptography and intelligence-gathering. But such an outsized contraption may not be inevitable. Gershenfeld's group at the MIT Media Lab is working on a compact, room-temperature NMR computer. They hope this device will be a prototype of a quantum coprocessor that will power inexpensive little gadgets-peripherals that will sit on the desktop like a modern-day printer or scanner. If that proves to be the pattern, then we could see a new generation of quantum hackers going to work in much the same way their forebears did at the beginning of the personal computer revolution, creating a profusion of innovative quantum software. In the meantime, however, Chuang and his fellow experimenters are far less concerned with their machines' physical size than with their qubit count. "The first year we had lots of wonderful one-qubit machines popping up all over the place," he says. "Now at IBM we have a three-qubit computer, and we're planning even larger computers." In March, Los Alamos National Laboratory announced a seven-qubit NMR computer, and Chuang is confident that one lab or another will soon be demonstrating molecules with as many as 10 qubits. He concedes that this will be a tricky task, however. "Say I want a molecule with certain properties. When I draw it and go to the chemists, they just laugh: 'That's not real!' They call it a 'physicist's molecule.'" One complication is that carbon, the key ingredient of all complex molecules, almost invariably occurs as the isotope carbon-12-which is spinless. Chuang's chloroform computer worked only because its molecules were made with the rare and expensive isotope carbon-13, which does spin. Yet a truly useful quantum computer will need hundreds or even thousands of qubits. Presumably, says Chuang, that means some kind of long-chain polymer. But developing the right kind of polymer, figuring out how to stabilize it, and then learning how to do NMR with it-that all adds up to many more years of research. And that's if NMR is the final answer for quantum computing-a prospect that is no more guaranteed than that vacuum tubes were the final answer for conventional electronic computers. Ultimately, a practical quantum device might take some other form entirely. In the "ion trap" approach, for example, the qubits are ionized atoms suspended in an oscillating electric field. This approach has proved fiendishly difficult to implement, despite some preliminary success by physicist Christopher R. Monroe and his team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colo. But if the ion trap idea ever pans out, it will be a remarkably clean and elegant system to program. Alternatively, there are "quantum dots" in which the qubits would be electrons trapped in an array of tiny structures etched onto the surface of a silicon crystal (see past issue: "Quantum Dot Com," TR January/February 2000). Then there is the liquid crystal approach, the crystal lattice approach-on and on. The myriad possibilities are limited only by your imagination, says Gershenfeld-which is precisely why quantum computing has stirred up so much excitement. "This has the feel of being a whole new science," he declares. "Computer scientists are having to learn physics, and that doesn't quite fit into their intellectual framework. Physicists are having to learn computer science, and that doesn't quite fit into their framework. Quantum computing breaks down the institutional boundaries at almost any institution you can name. And every side is the richer for learning a new language for describing the world." But perhaps an even deeper reason for the excitement is the way quantum computing expands our intellectual horizons. "I'm not just doing this for the sake of quantum computing," says Chuang. "I'm doing it because so little is known about computing in general. For 50 years we've just focused on one technique in computing": that is, microchips based on the on-off dichotomy of binary logic. The pursuit of quantum computing, Chuang believes, addresses a fundamental issue: "What does it take to perform a computation-and how can we manipulate nature's laws to perform the computation we want? That is the more basic question that quantum computing brings out." On the Quantum Quest Organization Key Researchers Focus IBM/MIT/Berkeley/Stanford Isaac Chuang (IBM) Neil Gershenfeld (MIT) "Enabling technology" for NMR-based quantum computing; scale up to 10-40 qubits Harvard/MIT/Los Alamos David Cory (Harvard) Quantum algorithms and NMR-based systems NIST Christopher R. Monroe Ion-trap quantum computing; demonstrated a two-qubit device using trapped barium ions Caltech/MIT/USC Seth Lloyd (MIT) M. Despain (USC) H. Jeff Kimble, John Preskill, and Steven Koonin (Caltech) Algorithms and quantum error correction Oxford University David Deutsch, Jonathan Jones Ion-trap and NMR implementations; quantum information theory ================================================================================================ Emoticons... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :) Happy. :> What? :@ What? :D Laughter. :I Hmmm... :( Sad. :[ Real Downer. :< What? :{ What? :O Yelling. :C What? :Q What? :,( Crying. [] Hugs and ... :* Kisses. |I Asleep. ^o Snoring. (-: User is left handed. %-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight. :*) User is drunk. [:] User is a robot. 8-) User is wearing sunglasses. B:-) Sunglasses on head. ::-) User wears normal glasses. B-) User wears horn-rimmed glasses. 8:-) User is a little girl. :-)-8 User is a Big girl. :-{) User has a mustache. :-{} User wears lipstick. {:-) User wears a toupee. }:-( Toupee in an updraft. :-[ User is a vampire. :-E Bucktoothed vampire. :-F Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing. :-7 User juust made a wry statement. :-* User just ate something sour. :-)~ User drools. :-~) User has a cold. :'-( User is crying. :'-) User is so happy, s/he is crying. :-@ User is screaming. :-# User wears braces. :^) User has a broken nose. :v) User has a broken nose, but it's the other way. :-/ User is skeptical. :_) User's nose is sliding off of his face. :<) User is from an Ivy League School. :-& User is tongue tied. =:-) User is a hosehead. -:-) User is a punk rocker. -:-( Real punk rockers don't smile. :=) User has two noses. +-:-) User is the Pope or holds some other religious office. `:-) User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning. ,:-) Same thing...other side. |-I User is asleep. |-O User is yawning/snoring. :-Q User is a smoker. :-? User smokes a pipe. O-) Megaton Man On Patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver) O :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least). :-D User is laughing (at you!) :-` User spitting out its chewing tobacco. C=:-) User is a chef. :-S User just made an incoherent statement. :-X User's lips are sealed. :-C User is really bummed. <|-) User is Chinese. <|-( User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes. @= User is pro-nuclear war. *<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat. :-o Uh oh! (8-o It's Mr. Bill! *:o) And Bozo the Clown! 3:] Pet smiley. 3:[ Mean Pet smiley. d8= Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat. E-:-) User is a Ham radio operator. :-9 User is licking his/her lips. %-6 User is braindead. [:-) User is wearing a walkman. (:I User is an egghead. <:-I User is a dunce. K:P User is a little kid with a propeller beenie. @:-) User is wearing a turban. :-0 No Yelling! (Quiet Lab) :-: Mutant smiley ; the invisible smiley. .-) User only has one eye. ,-) Ditto...but he's winking. X-( User just died. 8 :-) User is a wizard. -=* :-) User is a TeX wizard. ================================================================================================ "2pac... A man who knew what was going on." ================================================================================================ Tell you what Really pisses me off... (Mindless Rantings of a bitter man) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Its a state which is hard to describe, but one that everyone of you will I have no doubt be familiar with; and then realise the implications of. You know what Im talking about; when you look at someone, and you KNOW they think that have gotten one over on you. They wont say it, hell, most of the time they wont even talk to you; but you know what they are thinking. That SMUG look. Smugness is perhaps the most annoying thing that the human pyche is guilty of creating; and we all do it. Lets face it during our lives we will all do just about everything that a human can? (With the exception of certain explicit sexual act which are well, more a matter of preference than anything else...). But its those people, and you KNOW who you are that are for certain times in thier lives are constantly smug and conceited about everything that REALLY piss me off. In my opinion in comes down to a "Stop/Start Self-Confidence", which produces confidence and paranoia in obscenely unbalanced preportions at any one time. ie. The individual is either really over confident, or sadly under confident. The real fucker about this is the fact that they usualy dont see it like this, and thus are really unwilling to change it. Perhaps because the people close to them only notice them (and thus their crappy behavior) when they being over confident assholes (This not looking after your mates is however another matter, and does nto excuse anyones malicious behavoir); and by then a kind of social battle ground has usually been created. A waste of youth, time and effort. And lets not delude ourselves, or them; these people usually spend about 80% of their lives really pissed off, with no self confidence before to occational something will happen, by accident rather than design in most cases that will change this, a new GF, a new found sense of "Im funny". Whatever. It can be anything and then... THEY ARE OFF. The phrase "ego-trip" does not even come near what will happen in the next few weeks or months. The tragedy of these people is that they dont REALISE that the reason they spend 80% of their lives in the shit is because they are such an asshole when they aint there and people are forced to put a stop to their sucess when they achieve it because they are so, so, so SMUG about it. And usually dont think twice about fucking other people over if they think their social position can be improved by the act in question. Its the same principle with "Im God" @'s in channels on IRC (Notably #radio1 on xnet but if you want a more historical reference take #amirc on DALnet). These people DELIGHT in putting others down; because they are having what they see as a moment of glory. Makes you wonder why they feel the need to come on IRC? Just to put people down? Act "Big"? Surely that gives us an insight into their irl social lives, and then you can do nothing but either laugh or feel sorry for them; or both. Its a twisted world in which we live. Behavior such as this is a social disease and I honestly feel that its the root of most problems. And what does it boil down to? Jealously - That inherent "Blip" in humanity which screams that an individual wants more, or wants to FEEL more than his fellow man - A Shakesperian tradegy if EVER I heard one and a theory which can be closely related to the age old statement "The roots of a mans destruction can be found in his own evil". And the REASONS? The pychological analysis? These people constantly feel that they have to prove something to everyone; "Look how hard I am", "Look how kool I am", "Look how fit my Girl friend is" (Which is really fucking funny when she is a minger). The word insecure is the only one that goes far enough to describe why they do it. And there is nothing wrong with being insecure. It only becomes a problem when an individuals insecuritys start to affect the happiness of others; its only THEN when act of ANTI-Social behavoir such as "Smugness (aka Hidden Jelously)" becomes a real issue. Lets face it no one really gives a fuck unless they are feeling it? You know what I mean? Which brings me to my sad conclusion. "No mattah how much we see those playah haters in disguise". We aint never gonna be able to stop' em. Because, in doing so, we would be no better than they. Instead we can only feel sorry for them; and brew away at the wickedness of the world, and watch who sides with them. Because ladys and gents there is only one thing worse than a real grade A playah hater. And that my friends is a sheep. Last comments of a man on a defeated battle ground? Well, I see it all, and Im still smiling; I wonder how long they will be? ================================================================================================ Thomas Pratchett... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOL would like to take this oppurtunity, after receiving an Email from Mr. Pratchett, to apologise for the publication of "Virtual Angel" in Soljo Issue #4. This publication was an apparent breech of copyright, and even though the document that came into our hands was not copyrighted in anyway, SOL and FAP have now edited all their versions of the soljo #4 so that they do NOT contain any of Mr Pratchetts work. We would like, however to state that at no time did we actually believe the file was authentic in origin (ie. Thomas Practhetts), and nor did we believe it to be under copyright. All submissions to the Soljo should be from "THE PUBLIC DOMAIN" or written by the subscribee, and from now on; this is the standard to which SOL will try to work towards. - Admin. ================================================================================================ Mission Log... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The SOL missions Log... *** *** corny intro *** These are the voyages of the of the SOL, its continuing misson... to explore strange new bars, to seek out new drinks and drink them... To boldy get as pissed as no man has got before! *** Misson number 53674: This has no relevence... but it is necessary *** *** Primary Objectives *** 1) link up - JerichoZZ + |PARIS| + crew 2) Get sloshed *** Secondary objectives *** 1) For some reason we all seem practically married, [Some of us to more than one girl at a time :)) - Ed] so no bird pullin? 2) Start a fight, Well why the fuck not! *** Status *** Ok, its June 2000, I is still livin in France. I gots to back to London to do some shit for other people... independent brain thought occurs, I must re-live the session! I Phonez |PARIS|, meeting Friday in pub, not our usual (closed down - turning in to O'Niels) but our old meeting place, an Irish pub with (crap) live music. I said I would meet another friend there also... her friends didn't show and she mix well with the crew so she left early. Leaving me without obligation to get phucked. *** RESULT *** We arrive at said pub and start to consume, lots. I remember not having any money (I hadn't been in paid employment for 5 months). Thus a change in roles had occured, |Paris| now money making was sponsoring me... As well as the rest of the crew buying me drinks for old times sake... |Paris|'s new-sort-of-seeing-but-gives-good-head-bird was there so he was not really going talent spoting. Me being tied up with Missus back in France and my desire to be a good boy ment that we were limited to drunkeness and having a laugh... this is also something never before tried. Many discussions arise on why I am in France? Why I shouldn't be in France? And how I should be back in London keeping it real? but alas I am on a mission at the momment, tring to obtain the easy life. Having had free drinks thrown at me it is now closing time and I is sloshed... but the night is not over... refusing to allow ourselves to fall below the standard and show ourselves at local club, we walk by laughing... I speak to Bouncer friend of mine, he offers |PARIS| new job with more money... |Paris| is still in negotiations I believe. We look to go to late licence Austrialian pub... why not? many a good night was had in the past. |Paris|'s new-sort-of-seeing-but-gives-good-head-bird left to do something else. We arrive at cab office... |Paris| tries to get a cab by demanding an innocent person with no affiliation any cab firm other than prehaps a paying customer takes us to said pub and attempts to barter for a good price... this man is clearly stoned and laughs at him, meanwhile a less drunk member of our party gets us a real cab... As all this is going on I get in to conversation with random people, I confinced one bloke I was going to be in involved in an orgy that very night, I dunno how but random bird started taking a liking to me and as I was talking, her boyfriend got closer and closer hugging her until she was completly enveloped by him thus canceling conversation. This didn't bother me for she was fuckin ugly... We get in cab... We pull faces at other cars we pass, much laughs occur. We arrive in our rude boy fashion, but settle down as we remember that if you are not Austrialian then you get your head kicked in... We remember old days on a previous session (seesion log 35647) When we arrived at this same pub (RedBack) and left without even queing because we saw a sign sayin "Abba night". We check sign, it didn't mention any form of Abba, we stayed in que. Bouncers came and spoke to us, they were unusually nice... I think nothing of it, and find out the the que is 30 mins long. 2 minutes later more bouncers come over and are even nicer to us, we query the bouncer. JerichoZZ s'up? security1 LISTEN UP PEOPLE PLEASE STAND BACK AGAINST THE WALL. DO NOT URINATE IN THE QUE. WE HAVE PROVIDED TEMPORARY LOOS HALF WAY DOWN THE LINE, AND AT LOCAL PETROL STATIONS. DO NOT DRINK IN THE QUE. <|PaRiS|> What the fuck??? No pissing, he is watching ya! We are under risk of losing our licence, please take one of these leaflets... * We all throw them on the floor. No littering, We have had complaints that people are urinating in gardens on the way home. We have provided a Bus free of charge to take you anywhere (within 3 miles). What fuckin bus??? <|PaRiS|> Will it take us to front of the que? *Points across the road* That's is there, and no its really only for show so we can keep our licence. That messed up Transit Van??? Errr yea... have a leaflet! I have one... Have another!! Yes sir.! I am going to use the loo. Look how convienient, its right next to the place we normally piss. I'll shall go too! * We in turn use these port-a-loo's what fun, We meet 2 Kiwi's in the line...amongst the regular shit we talk came a list of things that you could do with an electric toothbrush... I refuse to mention. 45 mins later... we are still in que... we sober up... this is shit... whats going on... |PaRiS| then notices work collegues, and leaves us to take the piss out of them, they were 10 people further back in the line... |PaRiS| then tries to come back... He is denied by a tall and fat twat... "No no your not pushing in fart fart bollox bollox..." So |PaRiS| is forced to wait even longer as we enter... The drinks are in, the coats are neatly put away in cloak room... Drunkeness sets in quickly as the alcohol levels are already quite high... |Paris| joins us just in time for our second round... We dance in the usual cramped fashion that the establishment allows to live music, then to DJ playing commerical dance. More drinks arrive, then the place tries to close... we leave sharpish having achieved sloshed and wanting a cab rather than walking. |Paris| sits in the front of the cab, he is gonna pay with the last of his money. We joke and laugh, and we remember the driver from another night when he took us home... he knew where to go and everything... how proper was that... The Crew part, leaving |Paris| and I to crash, but before crashing we require lunchables... we check his house... they was none to be found... we do home made ones with philadelhpia and french toast, with proper ham... We then go to crashing area with home made lunchables... I take the floor, |PAris| takes the bed. We munch. He phones his new-sort-of-seeing-but-gives-good-head-bird she is in bed with her mate (mate = fit as fuck and female) which provides an interesting conversation. |Paris| gives her ideas with an electric tooth brush... She declines. |Paris| falls unconsious... I can munch no more... I crash out... We awake with headachs... No major fights started, but a few hard pushes on the dance floor and argument with Mr. FATS in the que... Too sloshed to mention... *** Mission sucessful *** ================================================================================================ "In mutual masturbation to orgasm you take out your need to move on your partner" - The Joy of Sex (1972 Edition) ================================================================================================ Pint Glass... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Camera focuses on an empty pint glass that slowly fills up. Throughout the scene the pint glass is followed by the camera the rest of the "action" takes place in the background with a slowly emptying glass (or two) in the foreground. The barman hands over the full glass to Ian.) IAN: Cheers mate (He takes a sip and puts the glass down on a beermat.) IAN: Do you want one Dave? DAVE: Do I ever say no? IAN: Another one please, barman. (Pause) Did you see the game last night? DAVE: Oh yeah, what a cracking goal. That'll win Goal of the Month. (Another pint is put next to the other; the shot changes to a wider angle) IAN: Cheers. I dunno mate, his goal the other week was a bit tasty as well. DAVE: I know but the angle, the technique! I don't think I've seen many better. (One of the glasses is removed from shot and returns a little emptier) IAN: You know, you're probably right, as usual. DAVE: As usual. (Both glasses disappear and return emptier there is an 8-second pause in conversation.) DAVE:'s work? IAN: Not bad...yourself? DAVE: Yeah, not bad. (Once again a glass disappears returning emptier. There is another pause in conversation.) IAN: Do you fancy a spot of pool? DAVE: O.K. Take the pints over and over and I'll get the cues. (The glasses are transferred to the pool table and placed on the edge.) IAN: Shall I break? DAVE: Go on. (The sound of the balls being broken can be heard. Suddenly one of the glasses is knocked over. It falls in to slow motion and as it falls the hubbub of the pub is silenced until the glass shatters on the floor.) DAVE: Shit! IAN: Don't worry I'll get you another. (The camera stays on the broken glass and then fades to black.) ================================================================================================ "Why did the Terrorists want to kill you?" ================================================================================================ Using the SID chip in C64 BASIC... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Spectrum may have given many gamers years of fun (and frustration) myself included but it has to be said - they were crap. Never owning a 128k model I could never experience programming in basic without looking to see which key had 'poke' written on it for 2 minutes. The only BASIC most of us wrote on the 48k was 'Load ""'. If you were lucky, and you needed to be, you might then successfully load a program. Like all great (was really) things it didn't last forever because 1984 had seen the launch of the Commodore 64 and 6 years later even I had one. With it's superior graphics, technically advanced sound, and 'positively elephantine' 64k of memory (their words, from an advert, I kid you not) it was more desirable than the 48k speccy in every respect apart from the lack of rubber keys (grr). Suddenly there was (almost) good sound and music to be found on a computer; the vast archives of sid tunes on the net are evidence enough of the chip's popularity. Games like 'Creatures', 'Creatures 2' (not the recent PC bollocks) and 'Mayhem in Monsterland' demonstrated what the SID chip could really add to games. Resurrected in the form of plugins and emulators you can now experience the sound all over again, reasonably authentically. (Admit it, playing a console game without taking a cart out of a box and slotting it in is nowhere near as much fun. Kids these days don't know what they're missing) About time I ripped some specs. I've been talking about the 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). 3 tone oscillators, 4 waveforms per oscillator (they will provide some fun later), 3 amplitude modulators, 3 envelope generators, oscillator synchronization, and ring modulation. Now that's made things a little clearer. Besides the better technology and reliable loading, C64 BASIC was easier to use than what had been available to most before, and by default, all in upper case! You must code in upper case for authenticity. As the proud owner of a C64 manual, I have recently been looking at chapter 8 - "Making Sound and Music" and I think I should share some of it's content (before you can say 'copyright infringement') Not misguided enough to needlessly complicate their implementation of BASIC, Commodore provided no separate BASIC commands to interface with the SID chip so we have to poke memory addresses - 54272 to 54296. In order to 'play' a note you have to poke the high and low frequency registers. Each requires a value from 0-255 depending on which frequency you want. (0-64kHz) In order to determine what values to use, you can use these formulae F = (Your Frequency) / 0.06097 HI = INT (F/256) : REM must be an integer LO = F - (256 * HI) I haven't worked out what F represents; it's possibly related to the wavelength, but you know how to do it now anyway. If you do know you might tell me. Once you've got those values and poked them you have to poke the control register, which triggers the envelope generator. You poke it once to start the note and once again to stop it. (Yes, it's as bad as that) You may manipulate the envelope generator by poking to alter the attack, decay, sustain, and release of the note. The waveform used is specified when you start the note by poking the control register; you may choose from Triangular, Sawtooth, Pulse (pulse width is variable), and white noise. You can also set the volume (0-16) and all this (minus the volume) is specific to one of three voices, depending where you are poking (watch where you do :) ). Now a much needed table and example: |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Volume Control POKE 54296 O (off) to 15 (loudest) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |To Play note POKE C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B | |Hi Freq. 54273 33 35 37 39 42 44 47 50 53 56 59 63 | |Lo Freq. 54272 135 134 162 223 62 193 107 60 57 99 190 75 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Waveform POKE Triangle Sawtooth Pulse Noise | | 54276 17 33 65 12 | |(Any of these start the note, use 16 to stop it) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Pulse Rate (Pulse waveform) | |Hi 54275 0 to 15 | |Lo 54274 0 to 255 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Attack/Decay POKE ATK4 ATK3 ATK2 ATK1 DEC4 DEC3 DEC2 DEC1 | | 54277 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 | |(Add any of these together to produce combinations) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sustain/ POKE SUS4 SUS3 SUS2 SUS1 REL4 REL3 REL2 REL1 | |Release 54278 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 | |(Add any of these together to produce combinations) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| That octave is just one of 8 available (the sixth I think). To access the second voice, add 7 to every address, and 14 for the third. I had to reproduce the hilarious 'try these settings to simulate different instruments' table. |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Instrument | Waveform | Attack/Decay | Sustain/Release | Pulse Rate | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Piano | Pulse | 9 | 0 | Hi-0, Lo-255 | | Flute | Triangle | 96 | 0 | n/a | | Harpsichord | Sawtooth | 9 | 0 | n/a | | Xylophone | Triangle | 9 | 0 | n/a | | Organ | Triangle | 0 | 240 | n/a | | Colliape(?) | Triangle | 0 | 240 | n/a | | Accordian | Triangle | 102 | 0 | n/a | | Trumpet | Sawtooth | 96 | 0 | n/a | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| I'm not doing any more ascii tables for a long time. Remember you specify the waveform when you start playing the note. The other parameters must be poked before. The following plays the scale of C major: (code originally by unknown but modified by Comrade) NEW 5 FOR L = 54272 TO 54296 : POKE L,0 : NEXT // clear SID chip 10 POKE 54296, 15 // set Volume 20 POKE 54277, 7 : POKE 54278, 133 // set a/d/s/r 50 READ A // read hi-freq 55 IF A = -1 THEN END // not C++, is it? 60 READ B // read lo-freq 80 POKE 54273, A : POKE 54272, B // poke them 85 POKE 54276, 17 // start note with triangle wave 90 FOR T = 1 TO 250 : NEXT : POKE 54276, 16 // wait, then stop it 95 FOR T = 1 TO 50 : NEXT // time between notes 100 GOTO 20 // oh dear. Not my code... 110 DATA 16, 195, 18, 209, 21, 31, 22, 96 // 5th octave C - 6th 120 DATA 25, 30, 28, 49, 31, 165, 33, 135 999 DATA -1 There are a few other things like filtering, but if you're serious about making music or sound effects on the c64 you should get an emulator and download one of the specialist c64 programs. Like to take the opportunity to annoy PaRiS and say greets to Klaire. ?DOS MISMATCH (73, CBM DOS V2.6 1541) ================================================================================================ "Quick fetch the Badgers for the Badger Parade!" ================================================================================================ Mp3 List... (Not for use on Napster) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DJ Dee Kline - I Dont Smoke The Reefer Wookie - Whats Goin` On (Vocal Mix) 2pac - Hit 'Em Up 2Pac - Nothing To Lose 2Pac & Outlawz - Lost Souls Azzido Da Bass - Dooms Night (Timo Maas Club) Baby - Jesus Christ Super Devil Baby D. - Let Me Be Your Fantasy Busta Rhymes Feat Janet - Whats it Gonna Be (Micky Finn Drum n Bass Remix) Chemical Brothers - Setting Sun Craig David - Fill Me In (Artful Dodger Remix) Cypress Hill - Rock Superstar DJ Dee Kline - I Dont Smoke The Reefer DJ Krush - Dig This Vibe DJ Krush - Edge Of Blue DJ Krush, DJ Shadow & Roni Size - Freestyle Master Blaster - DJ Luck & MC Neat DJ Oxide - Express Da Funk DJ Oxide Feat. Neutrino - Bound 4 Da Reload Down 2 Earth Featuring Rome - Fightin' a War Dreadzone - A Dream Within a Dream Dreadzone - Brazen 'Weep' Dreadzone - Cave of Angels Dreadzone - Chinese Ghost Story Dreadzone - Life, Live and Unity Dreadzone - Out of Heaven Duncan Sheik - In The Absence Of Sun Electro Mix - Brazen 'Weep' Eminem - Kill You Eminem - Stan Eminem - The Real Slim Shady EZ-Rollers - Tough at the Top (Origin Unknown Remix) Freestylers - Ruffneck Freestylers - Warning.mp3 Freestylers Meet DJ Z-Trip - Check the Skillz.mp3 GodsGift - MIC Tribute.mp3 Hole - Celebrity Skin.mp3 Incubus - I Miss You.mp3 Incubus - Make Yourself.mp3 Incubus - Pardon Me (Acoustic).mp3 Incubus - Pardon Me.mp3 Incubus & DJ Greyboy - Familiar.mp3 Incubus- No Scrubs (Rare, live, acoustic TLC cover).mp3 Kym Simms - Too Blind To See It 2000 (Tactical Remix).mp3 Limb Bizkit - Crushed.mp3 limb bizkit Break Stuff.mp3 Limp Bizkit - Mission Impossible II.mp3 Limp Bizkit - Rearranged.mp3 Live - I Alone (Acoustic).mp3 Live - I Alone.mp3 New Order - Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix).mp3 Nightmares on Wax - (Man) Tha' Journey.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Bless My Soul.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Cruise (Dont Stop).mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Dredd Over Board.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Gambia via Vagator Beach.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Groove, St.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Me + You.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Mission Venice.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Nights Introlude.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Pipes Honour.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Rise (Reprise).mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Rise.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Stars.mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Time (To Listen).mp3 Nightmares on Wax - Wait a Minute (Praying for a Jeepbeat).mp3 Nightmares on Wax - What am I feelin' (Good).mp3 Offspring - Basket Case (Live).mp3 Orbital - Halcyon & On & On.mp3 Prodigy - Funky Shit (Sweep Mix).mp3 Prodigy - Mindfields.mp3 Prodigy - Out Of Space (Techno Underworld Remix).mp3 Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up.mp3 Shola Ama - Imagine (Asylum Remix).mp3 Ventura's Underworld Mix - Brazen 'Weep'.mp3 Wolfpak - Gangsta Bounce.mp3 2pac - Changes.mp3 ================================================================================================ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Bush1do...... Th3 code of the Samura1... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] "A Samuari will always choose the most direct r00t. Because the art of warfare is the immediate. Not the road of stratigic delay." *************************************************** ================================================================================================ The Real Underground (Please stand up) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (May I have your attention please, will the real hackers in the house please stand up. I repeat will the real Pirates in the house please stand up. Hey Bill, We're gonna have a problem here...) Y'all act like you have'nt seen a m0dem before, Jaws all on the floor, like Bill Gates with a Mac just walked in the door, And he started whippin' its ass first and before, He burst in to commerce; dont give a damn about the core, kicked our ass out the door; like a lil money whore. ('aaaaaight) Its the return of the; "Oh... Wait no way, your kidding, He did'nt just say what I think he said, did he?" And Terry Cooksey said... Nothing you idiots, Terry Cooksey's dead He's locked in my cripted harddrive with that other Fed! Script Kiddie's love SOL-SOL-SOL-SOL "We're sick 'o them, look at them, walking around; printing you know what, and making a lamer of you know who..." ("Yeah But PaRis is so cute though!") Yeah, an I prolly gotta couple of screws up in my head loose But no worse than whats going on in your daddys net cash', "stoosh", Sometime's I just wanna get on IRC and let fly, but I cant, But its kool for #radio1 to sell out... let the feeling die. Why? (My sniffers on your IP) (My sniffers on your IP) "And if you lucky you might just give it a little test." And thats the message we deliver to be the best? and expect Kids to not be so lame, you know what that is? Hypocrits. Of course they gonna know what nuking is by the time they hit forth grade! They got AOL and a browser dont they? But hey... We aint nothing but criminals, digital animals. Well... some of us are cannabals, who hack other users; Like fucking child abusers... But if we can hack each other, and chat in irc, fuck, it dont matter?! (Yeah right; you fucking lamers...) Their aint no reason that Microsoft are gonna see, if you and me keep acting up like a we gotta lil p', But if you feel like I feel you got the anti-dote, sing with me now, and girls clear ya' throats... (Dont talk with your mouths full) Because, Yes, We're the real underground, yes we're the real thing, All you other lil lamers are just immitating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? Cos we're the real underground, yes were the real deal, All you other lil lamers are just irritating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? Please stand up? "CF^ dont have to look for Warez." Well we do, so fuck you, and fuck them too. You think we give a damn about your last hack? Half of you critics cant even read, with ya long black mac... Thinking you a phreak, or wishing you was black... Why? So you can immitate the trench coat mafia, and end up dead in a sack? With a hundred fucking fed's now breathing down our backs! Be a gangster? Sit me here IRC, next to Pretty_Girl_Dee, Well lucky me, But She had better swap seats with Dysfunti0n, or so we hear... Give a remark about who she cyber fucked first, Then stear... The conversation to radical motivations of phear, Well -hey- who ever gaves a fuck - Because hoe, your not really here! (Damn...) Little girl; putting up ya' shit on my web... Well you don't, never have done G. Fuck fooling me. "Dont trust no one" Thats the key... "Yeah he's cute but he'll never be with me..." I should upload a log of you, and let them see, "Hey Mark I love you, would be with you..." - But which one bitch? So lets leave it now - you know the word "ditch?" I'll show the whole world how you think you be playing him, and me too. So fuck you. ('aiiiiiiight) Im sick of you little script kiddies and scene whores, All you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you, And there's a million of us, just like me, who cuss like me, who just dont give a fuck like me, who dress like me, walk talk and act like me, They just might be the next best thing but they not quite me... Cos' I'm the real PaRiS, yes Im the real thing, All you other lil lamers are just immitating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? Cos were the real underground, yes were the real underground, All you other lil lamers are just irritating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? Im like a head fuck to listen to; Because Im only giving you things you friends dream about and watch in videos Are my words offending you? And the only difference is I got the balls to print, say it in front of y'all, And I aint gotta be false or sugarcoated at all, I just get on the keybored and spit it, Whether you like to admit it, I just hit it, SOL's better than 90% of you groups out tdere. And the only one saying this shit here... ('aiiiiiiight) Yes I'm the real PaRiS, yes Im the real thing, All you other lil lamers are just immitating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? Cos were the real underground, yes were the real underground, All you other lil lamers are just irritating, So wont the real underground please stand up, please stand up? (W3rd. Obvious Respect to Eminem.) ================================================================================================ Regular>>> ================================================================================================ Link Directory... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ SOL Online ] [ Essential News Items ] [ Quite a phatt Web Server ] [ 2600 Magazine ] [ Nurgle's Place ] [ JerichoZZ's drum ] [ The DVD Appeal ] [ US Governments definitions + ] [ Mythology Database. ] [ ATARI ST! Emulators, pirat3 sh17 ] [ The Mighty Fairlight ] [ The Pompey Pirates ] [ #Hackerzlair ] [ Firetrack of "The Kingston 4" ] [ The lil Green Desktop (Atari ST) ] [ Free Web Mail. ] [ Pokemanaic Sit3 of l337ness ] [ Bouff is fit ] [ Manga Film ] [ /strategy1/kingsbounty.shtml PC! ] www. [ Cracks 'n' Serials ] [ The Sanction ] [ IRC Scripting ] #Luckstruck [ SOL Info Chat and Broadcasts ] #Hackerzlair [ ] #Vampirehall [ RPG ] #Hack [ ] #Ungabunga [ ] ================================================================================================ Shit of the Issue... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lam3rz of the Issue: -------------------- 1. 90% of the users on #radio1 xnet. 2. The Drum and Bass net radio station. "Tis phatt". Kool Shit of the Issue: ----------------------- 1. Napster (As if you all didnt know?) 2. Incubus (Phatt songs) 3. Last Hero In China - With Jet Lee 4. Ghost In The Shell (Manga Vid) Shit we Miss: ------------- 1. How #Radio1 used to be. Shit we Need: ------------- 1. A Half Decent Domain name to redirect to Angelfire (which Redirects to Dynamic Server IP) 2. Someone to to some more Artwork for the Site (Know what we want, just need it done) ================================================================================================ ThE ProJeCts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Syndicate Of London ----------------------- - SOL Internet Page. (And Network Link) Luckstruck Design: ------------------ - Luckstruck's SOL Director. #Luckstruck - Luckstruck IRC Channel (DALnet). - SOL Mailing List. SOL Network IP/Luckstruck.Html - SOL Network Page. Majestical - SOL DALnet Channel BOT (Weekends) Fallen Angels Publishing: ------------------------- SOL Network IP/FAP.Html - SOL Network Page. Ganja Media: ------------ SOL Network IP/Ganja.Html - SOL Network Page. SOL Network IP/gradio.Html - Ganja Internet Radio Page. World Of Darkness London IRC Server: ------------------------------------ SOL Network IP/wod/ - WOD Dedicated RPG Server. Neville - RPG Server Operations BOT. [Typing "!IP" in any channel that Majestical is in will give you the current IP of The Syndicate of London Network. Site thus equals Http://IP.] ================================================================================================ Memberz... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l337 AdmInZ: PaRiS Admin. Accountant [1992] ----------- Llama Games Workshop Manager [1992] Jerichozz Farmer [1998] Nurgle Internet Security's [1998] lee7 MeMberz (KillA Bee'z): EPSiLON (a) Accountant [2000] -------------------------- Comrade (a) Student [1998] DS_Mycroft (u) Senior Buyer [1994] JaDeFalcon (a) Unknown [1998] Comrade (a) Student [1998] InfinityMatrix (a) Bum [2000] Chicken Soup (u) Student [1999] MeMberz (WannA Bee'z): ThE AC. (u) Butcher [1992] ---------------------- Evil Gnome (n) Student [2000] LoNdoner17 (u) International Mystery G' [1998] Retribution (a) Internet Advisory's [2000] BaDgEr (u) Entertainment's Industry [1999] DJ_Moomen (u) Student [1999] Carly (u) Entertainment's Industry [2000] Klaire (a) Student [1999-2000] Those We Lost Along The Way (Mema-Bee'z): Captain Cake [1995] ----------------------------------------- Hitesh [1995] Ben K [1996] Hasseb [1996] Danny K [1996] Me2 [1996] TC [1997] Cripter [1997] Nark [1997] Sunwlf [1998] Miracle [1999] Urza [2000] Northern B1rd [2000] Rigadon [2000] ThE_BeAR [1994] SLiPPer [1994] (Un)Offical Mascot's (HuniE Bee'z): Tickle Me Elmo ----------------------------------- The Elephant of Decision The Cat of Fate (Thanks Klaire) The Mongoose of Destiny The Vibrating Badgers The Baby Cats The Turtle Of Suprise ================================================================================================ Shouts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big Shouts to JerichoZZ, Nurgle, DS_Mycroft, Comrade, The AC, KlaiRe, EPSiLON, JadeFalcon, InfinityMatrix, DJ Moomen, BaDgEr, Slipper, C-dnB-P0rnsta, L17, Rigadon, The Evil Gnome & Everyone on the Mailing List... Hackerz; 2600, #Hackerzlair DALnet, #Hack Xnet, Shr0ud, Discordia Krew, Kleptic, Cronus, fwaggle and The Notorious Kingston Four (Nirv, Firetrack, Wacka & 1-Can-2-Birds-42-Tents-Shamen), Pirates; The Brotherhood of Warez, SaNcTiOn, The Pompey Pirates and Anyone else involved in Software Piracy/demo scene on the Atari ST & Amiga Back in The Day... London Massif esp; Dulie, Miracle, Nark, Cripter, Dr Trey, Captain Cake, BenK, Hass, Hitech, Danny K, The Other Kingston Krew and Me2... Up Norf Massif esp; RobinB, Sterri, Crash22 and Troyswoosh... Soufhcoast Massif esp; Soufhampton Posse, 4th Floor Krew, 1st Degree Records, The Juggler, Jimbob and Northern B1rd... Hertfordshire Massif... World Wide Massif esp; TC, Xnet O-line Posse, G-Shock, Morghen_Wylde (aka ^Masked^), Harlequin, Sunwlf, Gepper, The Spirit, Sproutlore, ^^C'man, #Atari DALnet, Dysfunkti0n, Kane66, Judas_C, Urza and anyone we may have forgotten. ************************************************* ************************************************* *** Established 1992 - Reformed 1998 *** *** ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN *** *** "G1v1ng u the Ph43r s1nce 'dat l337 Ye4r" *** *** *** ************************************************* ************************************************* ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ThIs DocUmEnt Is (P)Pirate Rite, 2000, Now and For3vah. Dis7ribu7e in Or1ginal Form lik3 the Orig1nal NattAh. PeAce To Ya'll. We ShaLl ReTuRn. Ph34R NevEr SleePS. Fallen Angels Publishing (MM) ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <|PaRiS|> I have the best firewall... It dont let anything in or out :/ W3rd d00d. <|PaRiS|> Er... no... Thats quite a bad thing... er... you cant... oh, forget it...