Calif. mom gives birth on front lawn by herself

Thu Aug 14, 3:05 PM ET

Alone and in labor, Jessica Higgins found the first place she could to give

birth her front lawn.

The 36-year-old was driving home from the mall Tuesday when little Mary Claire

gave her the shock of a lifetime by deciding to arrive six weeks early.

Higgins with her 2-year-old son sleeping in the back seat called 911 as she

arrived at her Fullerton home, but she had already pushed her daughter out when

police arrived.

"She was just standing in the driveway rocking the newborn, who was still

attached to the placenta," Officer Manny Ramos said Wednesday.

Higgins' husband, Jeff, arrived in time to cut the baby's umbilical cord under

the front-yard ficus tree.

The proud mother, who was recovering at a hospital Wednesday, said "everything

happened so fast." She said she had her son's portrait taken at the mall

earlier in the day and was on hold with the doctor's office when the baby

started pushing.

Mary Claire was born at 5 pounds, 11 ounces and was doing fine at St. Jude

Medical Center, Higgins said.