.x$$$$$$$$x. .d$$$$$$$$$$$$b. .x$$$$$$$$$$$$$$xx. .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. .$$$$$$$P~~~~4$$$$$$$$x .$$$$$$$P~~ ~~4$$$$$$, .$$$$$$P~ ~~4$$$$$$ $$$$$$$~ `$$$' $$$$$$P $$$$$x $$$$$$P $$$$$$b `$$$$. x$$$$$$$$x $$$$$$b $$$$$$$b. `$$$' x$$$$$P4$$$$$x $$$$$$$b. .. `$$$$$$$$bx. .$$$$$P~ ~4$$$$$. `$$$$$$$$b.. .d$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$bxx.. .$$$$$P 4$$$$$. `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bx. $$$$$P 4$$$$$ `4$$$$$$$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bx. $$$$$b d$$$$$ d$$$$$$$P~~~ `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$b d$$$$$' d$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$b. .d$$$$$' d$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$bd$$$$$' $$$$$$$P mu? x$$$$bx `$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$b d$' `$$$x 4$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$bx.. ``'.xd$$$ . d$$$$$$$$$$' .xxd$$$$$bxx. `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $. d$$$$$$$$$$' .xd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bx. `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $$b. .d$$$$$$$$$$' .xd$$$$$$P~~ ~~4$$$$$$$bx. ~~4$$$$$$$$$$P~~ $$$$bx..xd$$$$$$$$$$$' .d$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$bxx. .x$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' .$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$bxx.. .xd$$$$' ~4$$$$$$$$$$$P~~ $$$P~~ `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$P~~ Sloths over Ethiopia #0002 $$ May 12, 1996 Sloths over Ethiopia is a dto [doomed to obscurity] production $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ alice walked out of the bar and started playing with her thighs. she was wearing tight, tight leather, revealing her curvy curves. murry came up on his harley and saw her. he started talking. "my, alice, you have one nice set of ass cheeks." "why thank you, murry! i never knew you cared." "well, i do. hop aboard, let's go have sex." murry took alice back to his place and they had lots of good sex. it was good for both of them. they both thoroughly enjoyed it. "murry, i thoroughly enjoyed this sex." "so did i, alice. i also thoroughly enjoyed this sex." "murry, let's have some more sex." "that's fine by me. let me fart first." murry farted and then they had more sex and enjoyed themselves once more. the sex the second time around might have been better than the sex the first time around. it's hard to say. "you know, murry, the sex the second time around might have been better than the sex the first time around." $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ i have a pair of scissors in my drawer and i could probably hurt somebody with them but that would be not good for them. it might be good for pat sajak he likes it when i hurt people. $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ _________________ Rotary Exchange Student | $$$ | 1992-1993 | $$$ | |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$| MARKUS VIRTANEN | $$$ | |____$$$__________| Sponsor: Home Address: Host: Rotary Club of Lakitie 6A 19 Rotary Club of Laajavuori, Jyv�skyl� 40800 Vaajakoski Flower Mound, TX District 1390 FINLAND District 5790 FINLAND Tel: (358)-41-665398 U.S.A. $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Sloths over Ethiopia #0002 $$ May 12, 1996 Sloths over Ethiopia is a dto [doomed to obscurity] production Sloths over Ethiopia welcomes all submissions under 3k. Any submissions over 3k will be returned because that's just way too damn long. And for that matter, submissions should be limited to approximately 2,200 bytes. All Sloths over Ethiopia releases will be less than 5k, for no reason. You may reach us at Sloths over Ethiopia by mailing doomed@voicenet.com, the official address of dto [doomed to obscurity] productions. Check out other great releases by dto [doomed to obscurity] productions, which are practically guaranteed to be better than anything you may ever see in Sloths over Ethiopia, which is really just pretty fucking stupid. Sloths over Ethiopia is dedicated to the memory of the late Soe Naing. $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$