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I know we've been missed during our brief hiatus; I've even heard that some chauffer in Paris was so forlorn about our lack of work in the recent months that he got drunk and drove around Princess Dian... Ooh, a joke in bad taste! Really though, have you been watching CNN the past few days? Isn't English Royalty the stupidest thing you have ever seen? I saw videos of Queen Elizabeth with a crown on her head and she was carrying a sceptre. Doesn't she feel like an idiot? She should. She should feel like a pompous little eight year-old playing dress up, because that's exactly what the whole royal family reminds me of. You know what pisses me off more? The people here, in America, who feel sympathetic toward this whole fiasco. The only difference between Diana and a volunteer giving clothes out to homeless people is that the volunteer in Minessota who makes less than $20k per annum doesn't have cameras permanently sewn up her ass. Maybe I'm way off base, here -- but hey, fuck you, I'm Mercuri. Enjoy the issue. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "RAD News" As broadcasted by Mercuri E-mail: mercuri@rad.edu Silly Cat Comix, drawn by Puck, is now being published by Radioactive Aardvark Dung E-zine (HEY, THAT'S US!)! Make Puck feel good about himself, read them and tell him how much you absolutely love them! They're available at: http://sillycat.rad.edu/ [-----] Phew. Yes. We're late. Please deal with it. Next time you find yourself going through RAD withdrawl, step away from your keyboard and do something else. Because if you're anything like the people at Dummercon, I don't even want you reading RAD... that is, unless, of course, I can change your life and make you more like the writers here at RAD. Here's what I mean. Stop reading RAD if: A) You're drastically underweight. B) You're drasicatlly overweight. C) You can't remember what a woman (or man!) looks like. D) You look like any of the DTO Inner Circle &/or its readers. E) It hurts to lift your keyboard. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Guess what's in this issue, dear lovable reader? I bet you can't guess! Oh wait, you did? Well, by all means, read on & see if you were correct. We won't spoil the surprise by telling you now. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Toilet Humor" Flushed by Mercuri E-mail: mercuri@rad.edu A couple weeks before school ended, I was sitting in German class when I felt the incredible urge to take a shit or, perhaps, I would soil my newly-acquired underwear in front of all my peers. So I interrupted the teacher's lecture and asked him for a pass to go to the bathroom, after assuring him it was definitely an emergency. So I set off like the determined Mercuri that I am to find a bathroom that was empty so I could move my bowels in peace. I checked two bathrooms: one was locked, and people were using all the stalls in the other one (I had no idea that moving one's bowels during school hours was so popular). I found an empty bathroom in the math hallway; how silly I was to not think of that before -- no one leaves math class: it's too much fun. So, being quite content with my "campsite," I did all necessary things to begin a bowel movement. Mere seconds into my movement, the principal walked into the very same bathroom and glanced in my direction. He started to unzip and use the urinal. Keep in mind that there were no doors on the stalls. Principal: Kinda peaceful in here, isn't it? Mercuri: Yeah ... heh. (GET OUT OF HERE) Principal: I was walkin' down the hall & I thought I was gonna wet myself... Mercuri: (Politely) Heh. (CANT YOU SEE WHAT I'M TRY TO DO?) Principal: I figured that wouldn't be a good image I want to project to the students or faculty. Mercuri: (Somewhat sarcastically) No, sir! (HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY?!) Principal: So what are you doing this summer? Mercuri: Oh, I don't know. I might try to get a job. (OH GOD, MAKE IT STOP) Principal: I still remember the job I had in college ... I helped build houses, the pay was real good. Sometimes I think the experience was worth much more than the pay, though, you know? Mercuri: Yeah... (I DONT CARE) Okay, at this point I just wanted him to finish his business or shutup. I cannot move my bowels whilst someone is talking to me, nor can I imagine letting someone hear the sploosh of my feces as I speak to him. Principal: Well, it was nice talking to you. Mercuri: UH YEAH, DITTO. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "In Retrospect: Dummercon" Reviewed by Mercuri E-mail: mercuri@rad.edu I was supposed to write an extensive review of Dummercon. Oh well. Here's what I thought of all you cool zine people who attended: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU ARE ALL LOSERS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLUS, YOU'RE ALL UGLY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! UGLY UGLY UGLY UGLY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WEAK! WEAK! YOU'RE ALL EITHER CRACK WAIFS OR FATASSES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IF YOU HAD FUN AT DUMMERCON, YOU HAVE NO SOCIAL LIFE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "More Dummercon Reviews" by TMM Email: tmm@rad.edu I didn't go to Dummercon for the second year in a row. I, unlike our naive friend Mercuri, didn't think it would be cool. I was really surprised when I was told by an actual "normal" person, Mercuri, that it sucked really badly. Zine people are losers; it doesn't take seeing them in person for me to come to that conclusion. Thank you very much. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "The Final Word To Sum Up The Last 3 Articles" by TMM Email: tmm@rad.edu When I said "Zine people are losers," I wasn't including the staff of RAD. To put it bluntly, we are in no way, shape or form losers. Shut up, I know you don't believe me. I mean, it would be RIDICULOUS for me to ADMIT that I, as well as the rest of the RAD staff, am a loser. Of course, it's easy to just SAY I'm not a loser, but _everyone_ says that, right? Well, I have proof, crapface. Go to the RAD Homepage (http://www.rad.edu) & go to the Member Photos area to see all of our pictures (excluding Phorce & Intrepid who, for all I know, could very well be losers. They don't ACT like it, though) for your very own eyes. "Well, I still think you're a loser, TMM." Note my prom date in my picture. Have you ever gone out with someone equally as attractive as her? I think we both know the answer to that. Besides, my friends were mad because I wasn't going with the normal type of girl that I date, which are supermodels. Hey, I just didn't want to put up with all their crap. Always wanting sex & stuff. It just gets to be a little too much sometimes. I guess that's just the sacrifice you make for being a RAD writer. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Igneous Rocks Are Cool" by Styx Email: dropdead@mindspring.com Earlier today, while I was going through my sister's room looking for anything remotely interesting (she's out at the Ozzfest), I stumbled upon my mother doing the same thing. Soon, we found a test my sister had discarded. It was from her General Science course in high school. She's a freshman. According to my mother, she has completely given up on the class because science just isn't her forte. Anyway, there were six essay questions she had to answer. Not only does my sister kick ass, but she's funny! Behold! [-----] 1. Describe the 2 types of magma. Include what each is made of and the volcanic cones they would form. Well, see when you scientifeicly research the magma cones, you realize what they are. they are formed from ice cream. ice-cream cones, that is. i eat them. 2. How does cooling time effect crystal size? Give an example of one rock type that cooled quickly and one that cooled slowly. When they cool slowly, the elements have more time to move around. so it changes the shape of the crystal. 3. How do we know the Earth's core is very dense? Well when the earths core is made of peanuts, it makes happy men sad, so it makes it dense. 4. How do we know the Earth's core is solid? if the Earths core was mushy like melted marshmellows, it would fall apart and we would all float away. 5. How does the formation of igneous rock differ from the formation of metamorphic rock? igneous rocks are cool. they listen to cool music & wear cool clothes but the metamorphic rocks are all dorks. They wear thick glasses & they eat cheese on ice cream & wear there pants above their ankles, and have pocket detectors, So no one steals their $50 dollar pens. 6. How does the formation of clastic sedimentary rock differ from the formation of chemical sedimentary rock? clastic sedimentary rock compares to the growth of old tomato mold, it turns green with age. the chemical sedimentary rock, however, compares more to old apples and banannas, they get kind of mushy, like how the earth's core isn't. i am very sure i got an A+. [-----] All spelling and grammar mistakes were hers, but who cares?! Thanks to the grade curve, she got a 22 out of 98. The teacher then added one point for creativity. She got a 23! You can find pictures of my sister at: http://www.dto.net/~styx/pix.html ============================================================================ ============================================================================ So whatever happened to Hypercolor t-shirts? Do they still make them? If so, where can I buy them? Do they have any new colors? All of these are questions that need to be answered. Email me, tmm@rad.edu if you have any ideas. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "The Mountain Men" Spelunked by Mercuri E-mail: mercuri@rad.edu I spent the last week in one of our countries least populated states: Montana. Being the country boy I am, I enjoyed the solitude and roughness of the countryside. What makes Montana cool? When we exited our plane I could not believe the size of the airport; it was literally a cabin. It had two baggage claims and four gates. I'm used to Chicago's O'hare -- the biggest, busiest airport in the world. There were heads of wild game on the walls, and I'm guessing about 50 employees total. There's not enough traffic there to even have two seperate bathrooms: it's just a unisex bathroom. Montana doesn't have speed limits. So I was thinking it's gonna kick ass to max out the rental car: it's not mine, & it's insured. The friendly Avis employee looked at me, smiled, and handed me the keys. I look down in my hand. I read it & mouthed "Geo Prism." Fuck. Now, if you don't know much about cars. Let me explain something, Geo Prisms are not "fast." They speedometer only goes up to 110, and it's a 2 cylinder engine. On the way to my encampment, people were passing me with dirty looks and I just wanted to yell out the window, "I'D DRIVE FASTER IF I COULD, BUT THIS IS A PRISM! A PRISM!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! A PRISM! I'M SORRY!" Going up the steep mountain roads I would literally push the pedal to the metal and nothing would change except the sound of the engine. No acceleration whatsoever. I travelled 7 miles going 38mph up a mountain road. Oh, they don't give tickets out in Montana for parking in a restricted zone -- they just smash the passenger side winshield. Yes, it happened. So I called Avis and they said they would take care of it. I asked for a car with a little more power. Once again, I looked at the keys to the new car and faced disappointment. "Toyota Corolla." Fuck. Avis: "It's all we have on the lot." It did have more power, though: I got up to a mean 48mph on the 7 mile stretch of mountain road in this car. I had fun, however. Montana just feels like "the real America." Rugged individuals out there. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Recall that I, TMM, have seen "Deliverance" over seventy times. Mercuri is a much different person since he got back from Montana. What happened? Only he & the John Birch Society will know for sure. [-----] * Mercuri's Note: GUNS GUNS GUNS!!! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "The Most Dangerous Place to Live in the Entire World" As identified by TMM Email: tmm@rad.edu [The following conversation took place between me & this "Guy"] TMM: So where do you live? Guy: South Dakota. TMM: Sounds boring. Guy: Actually, it's kind of cool. TMM: HOW?! Is it something like "A River Runs Through It" where everyone fly fishes & becomes an alcoholic? Guy: Well, yeah, a majority of people, but the Dakotas can be exciting too. TMM: I guess you didn't listen: HOW?! Guy: Well, it's kind of a long story. TMM: Tell it then! Guy: Well, if you drive around the Dakotas you'll notice huge chain-linked fences with barbwire around the top with huge signs everywhere that say: "PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. DO NOT TRESPASS" & these are-- Hippy: Whoa, do they grow weed out there, maaann?? TMM: So you were saying. Guy: Yeah, well, it turns out that the Dakotas are basically huge grids of chain linked fences. TMM: I don't understand. Guy: Well, all of the US's ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) Nukes are set up in huge grids all over the Dakotas. TMM: Whoa, that might explain some things. You guys get lots of radiation exposure I bet! That's pretty cool! Guy: But that isn't even the best part. TMM: WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE COOLER THAN RADIATION EXPOSURE? Guy: If you were a country that wanted to go to war with the US, what would be the first thing you'd take out first? TMM: Well, the nuclear weapons. OH, WAIT! HOLY SHIT! Guy: Exactly. TMM: I can't talk to you anymore, I'm too disturbed that you find that INTERESTING & not a REALLY GOOD reason to just move away. [-----] The "Guy" died two weeks later of cancer. The autopsy revealed that outrageous amounts of radiation exposure caused him to become one big tumor chock-full of cancer. Fish heads, fish heads, eat 'em up yum! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Spiders and Other Crazy Crap" as told by an arachnaphobic Skrubly Email: skrubly@rad.edu The setting: Davis, California. (Motto: "It's flat AND hot.") I was visiting friends a few weekends ago that attend the hallowed halls of UC Davis (actually, "attend" is to strong a word; "live on campus and occasionally show up for class" would be a better way to put it) and was happily engaging in the various acts of smoking cheap cigars and attempting to flirt with people who were really stoned. Consequently, I got very sweaty (I tend to do that for some reason. I think the sun might have something to do with it.) and therefore had an intense desire to take a shower. Unfortunatly, I had brought no supplies with which to do this (i.e.: towel, shampoo, inflatable rubber duck, etc.). I was forced to do the only honorable thing. I stole my friend's towel and all of his showering supplies, except for the condoms. The showers in the dorm that I were staying at were actually fairly nice, all things considered. Not a huge percentage of sharp objects that can cut you on the inside of the stall, nobody playing "drop the soap", etc. After entering the stall and placing all of the appropriate shower- like things within reach, I turned on the shower itself. After a few minutes of attempting to turn the knob to produce water, I discovered this was the pull-out kind. Not unlike attempting to use a phone while drunk and eventually figuring out it's a rotary instead of a touch-tone. Once safely inside the semi-darkened abode of the shower stall, I attended to all of the vital issues of cleansliness, and then slowly relaxed against the back wall. It was at that point that my day became unnecessarily exciting. Perched upon the ceiling a mere two feet from the top of my head was a fairly large black spider. It hung with its large bulbous body downwards, and why the fuck it had decided to build a web in a shower stall was beyond me. Then a startling realization struck: it had been surviving off of inattentive and most likely inebriated college students! I don't know what kind of spiders everyone else in this world has, but where I live in California there are basically two kinds: 1) Daddy Longlegs, and 2) Black Widows. And like any other hip and with-it California guy, I am scared of only two things in this world: 1) Multinational corporations, and 2) Things that will kill my ass. The spider hanging from the ceiling certainly fell into the latter catagory of fear. It was at this point that I voiced aloud my concern for sharing showering quarters with such a spider. ("Agughghhh!!") Little did I realize at the time that another unwary student had entered the bathroom. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I gathered water in my mouth from the shower head and attempted to squirt it at the spider with enough velocity to kill it. Now, before we go any further, let's go over a couple of crucial points. First of all, I am actually able to squirt water through my two front teeth fairly well courtesy of a neato game of hide-and-seek that involved a light pole as "base" when I was five years old. ([bongggggggg!] "ack.") Second, what purpose would squirting water at the spider serve? I doubt I would have sufficent velocity to even annoy the spider let alone kill it. The only other option would for it to drop down onto my naked, frantic form and kill me. Nonetheless, because my fear-addled mind was working in overdrive, I proceeded to begin making semi-obscene squirting noises while attempting to hit the spider with the water. Bear in mind that the other student was still in the bathroom and probably wondering what the hell was going on in that shower stall. Because I couldn't quite seem to get the water all the way up to the spider, I began to hop up and down inside the shower stall. Now although the floors are pretty well made, they tend to make a wet sort of smacking sound. It was at this point that the other student made his presence known to me while I was making wet-sounding squirting, smacking, and occasionally grunting noises. He said "Is everything okay in there?" I immediatly stopped all of my activities and shifted my attention to the dark form on the other side of the shower curtain. "Just fine, thanks." Pause. "Ok ... just checking." I have to wonder what the look on his face was like. Once I heard the outside door open and slam (either he had left, or a whole troop of people had come in to hear the squirting-smacking-unfing-guy- in-the-shower-stall show.) I quickly attempted to turn the water off, and since this was the pull-out kind, the only thing that happened was that the water got to be the temperature of molten slag and almost burned my nipples off. Holy geez. After finally manage to turn the water off, I looked up at the spider again, and having regained my composure noticed that it hadn't moved a damn bit. I gathered my clothes up quickly and left the bathroom with a towel around my waist and started to trudge down the hall. I felt pretty damn silly, as you can imagine, getting all worked up over a little spider like that. It probably wasn't even a black widow. I mean, it didn't even look ALIVE for that matter, let alone wanting to eat me. Then I noticed something scrawled on the chalkboard at the end of the hall. "CLEAN UP ALL HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS IN THE HALL AND BATHROOMS!! THIS MEANS YOU!!" ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "A Fourth of July DISGRACE" as belched by TMM On July 4, a holiday that exists for the sole reason of celebrating the independence, patriotism, & general righteousness of the United States of America, there was a hot dog eating contest in New York. These contestants vied to set the new world record for most hot dogs eaten in three minutes, & the old record of 17 was indeed shattered. The leading US contender, a 330 pound construction worker from Queens, New York finished with 20 hot dogs in his stomach, shattering the world record. Unfortunately, he didn't win, he lost to a 130 pound Japanese man from Tokyo, who ate 24 hot dogs. If this isn't a complete DISGRACE & PERVERSION of the historical tradition of the Fourth of July, I don't know what is. [-----] UPDATE: The Japanese winner was beaten savagely by a still unknown 330 pound man immediately after the competition. He is recovering in Bethesda Hospital in New York & will be deported as soon as he is concious. His room number is coincidentally 24. Ouch! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Strange occurances in the world of sporting goods" Submitted by Tungsten E-mail: unknown Well, for all of you out there who are considering a career, or even a summer job in sporting goods, I have made this brochure. It has been made to prepare you for the world of old people, yuppies, and confused parents. The pay is average, the job isn't very taxing, and it is money, after all, and just a job. However, upon having worked in such an environment for about a month, I feel it to be my DUTY to let others know of the strange people they will be facing. The following stories are all true, but the names have been changed... well, no, let's just embarass the hell out of these poor souls anyway. Mr. Walton has come to the store looking for hunting equipment. He is extremely old; his hands noticably shake when he picks up a pair of boots. He begins talking to me about his large arsenal of guns that he has at home and all of his various trophies of the hunt. Well, he asks to see an expensive pair of binoculars and I ask them if they will be for hunting; to this, he replies, "No they're for looking at my neighbor: she's got a great set of knockers." It is at this point that I notice the smell of whiskey on his breath. He then looks through the binoculars to see how well they work and I see him focusing on a woman bending over while trying on shoes on the opposite end of the store while chuckling to himself. His wife then walks up to him -- she's apparently finished finding the best deal on socks and has saved herself a shiny nickel after half an hour of comparing. She begins yelling at her husband in a high-pitched voice and looks at me with an accusing stare as if it is my fault that I gave him the binoculars. Somehow I should have known that he has some kind of history of this kind of thing. Our next story may get a little graphic, so brace yourself. Another fine day underneath the glow of the singing lights. As I am staring off into space wondering where it all went wrong, a young Asian boy approaches me. He looks around and asks me, "Do you have cock?" I stare at him with a look of confusion; he sees this and quickly asks again. "Cock with feather, I want to see cock and feather." My co-workers are now suggesting that I show him my personal collection of "cock." The boy becomes frustrated with the laughter of the fools that I work with, and runs off to get his dad. His dad comes over, and apparently he is equally adept at English as his son. He says to me, "You guys have cock here, show me where." Now, all this while, I know he's talking about shuttlecock, but I am just so bored that I want to see what he will say next. I show him the shuttlecocks and they leave probably thinking how stupid we Americans are. Then of course there are the countless instances where a yuppie comes into the store rambling on and on about how he is going to use his new two hundred dollar running shoes to stay fit when we both know that all he is going to do with them is sit around his house all day in them and try to look cool for his dog. And the overweight people who try to somehow fool themselves into thinking that they will somehow be able to lose all of their weight by buying a pair of 10 pound weights. Oh, and I mustn't forget the kids who come into the store and ask to try on four hundred dollar pairs of rollerblades and tell their parents that they only cost one hundred dollars, whom are suddenly shocked when they go to the register. And you certainly must watch out for your fellow co-workers, who are in their mid-thirties and try to tell you how they could have been a big- time athlete, but mysteriously ended up working in a sporting goods store; gives them some kind of edge, I imagine. I won't mention the countless times that a fine girl has walked in and I've stared blankly at her face while drooling and mumbling. And you can only begin to imagine the entertainment that a busload of Japanese tourists gives you when they proceed to walk in and trash the entire store five minutes before closing. Also, be wary when you are telling weight-lifting guys that the pair of shoes that they are looking at is a ladies shoe and they give you a coy smile and ask for it in a lady's size. I hope this has been informative and will help to prepare you for the world of sporting goods sales. May you never be asked to model athletic supporters by an elderly woman seeking sporting goods for her teenage grandson. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ It has come to our knowledge that certain people in the e-zine "scene" view RAD as childish, juvenile & uncreative. The High Society's only response to that assertion is that they must be jealous of our outrageously large penis sizes. Who's juvenile & childish now???????? You are, you small-penised heathens!!!! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Ouch" Discovered by Ap0c (from www.bizzarre.com) E-mail: ap0c@rad.edu In Crown Point, Indiana, police have reopened the case of a man who died from 32 hammer blows to his head. The cause of death had been ruled a suicide, in spite of the county coroner's opinion that a man simply could not remain conscious long enough to hit himself in the head 32 times... 25, 26... wait, how many was that? [-----] * Merc's note: Both me, Ap0c, & Handle live in Crown Point, Indiana. * TMM's note : The slang term for Crown Point, Indiana is Cow Point, Indiana. * Merc's note: It can also be called Corn Pit, or Corn Point. It's inter- changeable. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "fear the sheep" as scrawled by ninja e-mail: ninja@rad.edu i'm sick of this. everywhere, .. everywhere i look. there they are. talking, running, laughing, crying, frolicking around. everywhere. those damn humans. they think they're so bad. they "run" this planet. they build shit, they tear it down. all in all, i hate them. i'm sick of seeing them. everywhere. so forth i call, to my brothers. let us not hide anymore! let us show our true faces! these humans no longer deserve to be without us! they have shown no reason for us not to come forth! i'm talking to you, my fellow weresheep! step forth now! talk freely among the human race! "bahhh bahhh!" i call! we shall conquer this planet! the mountains, the plains, all of it! it can be ours if we strike now! grass! ohh, the abundance of grass that will be ours! eat! eat freely! and we shall free our captive brothers, the goats! go, now! cut the fences! let them roam free! this planet shall be ours & ours alone! this is the time! now i ask for you to show your true colors! red, purple, yellow - whatever color your sheeply side may be, let it be free! i shall become a sheep at this very instant, and when i have finished my transformation, i will proudly continue to type out our plan! here i go! transformation, commence!! irts sreally jkindfa ghard 2 typoer as aaa SHEheep aswww cfuck my daamnb feett arrre 2 bbig kkeepo in mindsa ghthat oncewww uu turnm intog a shEEEpkjcv,. u loozae urrtypiNGfff ABIlitiezjs ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Eskimos" As canucked by Intrepid E-mail: intrepid@rad.edu It never fails; every year, from the time I started school to my current grade, my history teachers make the same point. "Twice the Americans have attacked us, and twice we've repelled them!" I suppose this is supposed to instill a patriotic fervor in me, but unfortunately, it fails. Miserably. We'll forget the fact that both attacks took place a long time ago, and the fact that we imported eskimo ninja assassins to help with the defense. Anyways, my curiosity was piqued. What makes us canucks so vastly superior? Well, there are many parts to this answer, and I'll explain them all. Eh. First off, we all know mobility is one of the key assets of winning any military conflict. By doing away with all unneccesary equipment (tanks, jets, guns, ammunition, and uniforms, for example), we travel quick and light. Deadly. Eskimos. Yes, Eskimos. To many americans, this is a word, little- used, but often-feared. And with good reason. Brutal killers, raised in a harsh environment, and fed seal blubber since birth, these deadly fighters obey no code but their own. We all know it, experience counts. When our "boys" head into their first battle, they come packaged with plenty of it. Taking the cream of the crop, we scour the prison systems, gutters, and all sorts of unsavory places for the best of the best. Even our peacekeepers are deadly! If a group of four Canadians can kill a malnourished, unarmed, adolescent somalian with THEIR BARE HANDS, imagine what they'd do to a trained soldier! Bam! Eh. A little known fact, but "eh" is a word in an amazing twenty- seven languages. We can ask for 'toast' in France, and we can tell those haughty cambodians exactly what there mother did in that closet. And last, we get respect. Canadians are so incredibly nice. C'mon, burn our flag! Burn it! We don't care! Yah! It is physically impossible for a Canadian to insult anyone. Put our flag upside-down at the Olympics, we don't care! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "An Exerpt From 'Menace II Society'" as exerpted by TMM Email: tmm@rad.edu *TMM's note: This is as correct as I remember it, if I'm just a little bit off, shut up. [-----] Crackhead: Yo, O-Dog man! O-Dog: Yeah, man, whassup? Crackhead: You got any more rock, man? O-Dog: No man, you got any cash flow? Crackhead: Naw man, I got this cheeseburger! O-Dog: Fuck that shit, niggah. Crackhead: Please man, you gotta help a niggah out. O-Dog: I don't gotta do shit, man. Get outta my face!@$#% Crackhead: Please man, I'll suck yo' dick! O-Dog: You'll what?! Crackhead: I'll suck yo' dick man, just gimme some rock! O-Dog: Suck on this! O-Dog: Anybody want a cheeseburger? ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Woo!! A new writer! Check out what our dear friend Iggy wrote for us. Iggy is one of the more learned writers for RAD. He is now TMM's roommate (not the one whom TMM wrote about previously) & also a debater at the same school that TMM goes to. TMM & Iggy debated together for a large part of last year & were quite successful. Watch out, ladies! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "After a Pleasant Summering in Martha's Vinyard I..." as told by Iggy Email: iggy@rad.edu ...decided to get a summer job. Which was, of course, the worst decision of my life. I thought I would see if I could get a job working for this news- paper that I wrote for last summer, but the manager of a fast food restraunt that I got my very first job at (sniff! sorry, I hate that nostalgia thing) asked me if I wanted to work for her and I decided I'd take the job and not go through the hassle of actually applying for a job. Big mistake. Listen to me, oh ignorant soul, never, under any circumstance work for a fast food restraunt. I thought that I would like having a brainless job where I had no responsibilites, but I learned that you should never, under any circumstance, work for a fast food restraunt. Never ever never never ever never. I go to school with TMM and therefore have to at least have half a brain. When the manager found out that I wasn't the ordinary, run-of-the- mill high school brat she usually hires, she made me assistant manager, for $4.75 an hour. I am the only person in the city of Troy who manages a fast food restaraunt and gets $4.75 an hour. That sucks! That REALLY sucks! So while I'm on the subject, did I mention that you should never work at a fast food restaraunt? So now I am this managerial type person, but I still get paid minimum wage. Do you think my lacky co-workers who I order around respect me? No. They make just as much money as me. That really sucks. I just got home from work where I had to mop the floors because some dickhead who has the IQ of a pile of shit "forgot" to do them. By the way, this shithead is about 40, she has just broken up with her live-in boyfriend of 9 years and is in the process of moving into a new house which she can't afford so she is trying to get a loan while working for minimum wage and trying to get into the pants of her ex-boyfriend, whom she has no plans of seriously dating anymore. By the way, she has a bad back and "can't mop floors," even though she does them every night when I'm not working. People who suck suck. Whew! All that in three sentences. Oh yeah, before I forget: never get a job at a fast food restraunt. So after I mopped the floors I balanced the store's books, wrote a note to tell the manager that the guy who got fired today for cursing out one of the other assistant managers gave his shirts to the new girl who works up front and dates a guy whose nickname is (and I'm not making this up) "Crack Baby," shut everything down, realized that I had to go into the computer (a 186 -- I think -- that has less ram than my calculator) and change somebody's hours because they forgot to clock in, turned everthing back on, went to print out the changes, realized that the printer was out of ink, changed the ink cartridge, realized that they had ordered the wrong toner cartridge, cursed a lot, and then came home. But I get free drinks. Whupty shit. Did I mention that you should never work at a fast food restraunt? [-----] Well, it is the day after I wrote the first rant about my fast food experiences and things are a little better. I got a raise! Now I am an assistant manager and make $4.90 an hour. I almost wet myself. Never work for a fast food restraunt. [-----] You remember that 40 year old dickhead who had the IQ of a pile of shit and wouldn't mop the floors? Well, she got fired today because she didn't show up for work. Turns out she went to Atlanta to party. Wish I could have gone, but I had to work. Working? The irony is bewildering! That's the good news. The bad news is that the manager who usually has to deal with her has to fill in for her in the kitchen. Guess what that means: now I have to come in on my days off and work for the manager who is filling in for the dickhead who wouldn't do floors and got fired because she didn't show up for work. The moral of this little story you ask? Working for a fast food restaraunt sucks. My advice? Never, under any circumstance, work for a fast food restaraunt. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ I think we should get "Crack Baby" to write for RAD. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Is it me or is there a disturbingly prevalent crack motif going through this issue? I don't know what the rest of these crazy cats are doing with their summers but it sounds SICK to me. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "TechTales" as told by TMM Email: tmm@rad.edu So I'm doing this simple little job that I'm getting paid $20 an hour to do, which is to walk into this office building place, unpack the two new workstations that have just arrived via FedEx & switch them with two existing workstations. Simple enough? So I walk into one of the weirdest places I've ever been in. It's called "Country Companies Insurance" & the people are fucking ridiculous. & I wasn't on LSD at the time, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. Anyways, the following people are in the office: Secretary #1: A chain-smoking ugly old hag. Probably around 50 years old who laughs a lot & coughs every time she laughs. She's new & doesn't have any idea what she is doing or supposed to be doing. Secretary #2: A young, semi-attractive female. She's been working there a while & is apparantly Secretary #1's daughter. Weird. Owner: A fat old guy whose workstation I'm switching. He's fat & makes bad jokes. He tried to talk to me but I just scowled at his bad joke & didn't reply. He grabbed some pretzels off his desk & left. Other Insurance Claims Guy: At least 600 pounds of smelly, bad joke- telling, bad pickup lines on Secretary #2, pathetic waste. He's Owner's son & he sucks. He left to get Chinese food while I was there, but alas came back too soon for me to escape. So I walk in, unpack the workstations that arrived & walk into Owner's office to change the workstation. I ask what the problem is; he replies, "The damn thing doesn't work! I don't know what's wrong with it!" I turn it on & it works, except for a small little sound of sparking/ shorting inside the computer itself. I look down & see coffee spilled all over it. "Hmm, I wonder what the problem is..." I say, insinuating that he's a fat, inept fool. "I dunno!!" He replies & dies laughing. So I change the workstations & start working on installing them on the network. My boss calls & he helps me with some stupid problem I was having (the coffee spilled on the token-ring adapter too) & then I tell him about the coffee. He asks to immediately speak to the Owner, but the Owner is gone & his son is back & is cramming his face with Chinese food. They proceed to get in a verbal fight, complete with yelling. I get called inept & I leave. The good part? I was there for two hours. Forty bucks in my pocket. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "The Second Coming!" Retold by Mercuri E-mail: mercuri@rad.edu So I was at a three way stop in the official RAD Hate Buggy (a 93 Jeep Wrangler Sport [just as a side note, the RAD Hate Buggy USED to be a Hummer until I let TMM take his girlfriend for a ride in it -- he let her drive and she ROLLED it. SEVEN-FUCKING-TEEN TIMES! Yeesh. Women drivers. *shakes head* Actually, it's not her fault. TMM is, ah, rough on his women. Yeah, that's a good way to put it.]) So anyway, I was at this stop, and across from me I wave a guy through because it was too-close-to call. So he waves back, and as he's rolling away from me on my right I notice his plates; they said "JESUS". Folks, I'm not a very smart man, but wasn't he the Son of God? The guy who, according to most prophecies, will be coming to judge the living and the dead in the very near future? Yes! The Son of God doth driveth a trucketh! Repent, compact car owners! Repent! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Doesn't everyone watch PBS? Well, since everyone does, you know what the hell Riverdance is. Don't deny it, loser, go find that tape that's hidden in your closet. You know you watch it, so put it in. Look really close; push your ugly face right up to the screen. Now don't stare at the chicks -- look at those guys. Do they remind you of certain e-zine writers? No? Well then, you are mistaken. Our hard-working writers here at RAD have another passion. Now, if you ask these guys if they know of this Riverdance, they'll call you "forkin' losers," because, yes, they are ashamed. Isn't that sad? These guys are ashamed to be onstage cloggging in front of a bunch of old women that watch their bods. Wouldn't you pay hard money to watch these writers entertain you? Well, guess what. You don't have to, all you have to do is send e-mail after e-mail to your favorite RAD writer. Beg and plead with him to give you free tickets. He will, really, so do it. Have a nice time at the show. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ "Editor's Corner" Edited by Phorce E-mail: phorce-gets-all-the-wacko-email@rad.edu Now that school's back in session, everyone's eager to start using their college's e-mail capabilities, right? Everyone's so happy to use the "information superhighway" as a means of communication, eh? Well, not me. I've just discovered the negative effects of having your own .edu hostname: everyone mistakes you for a *REAL* college. But since Raleigh Art and Design (RAD) doesn't really have that many students, I start getting all these crazy e-mails to rad.edu that I frankly don't want to read. I mean, once you've read one e-mail that wasn't addressed to you, you've read them all. "how is it going olivia???" the person asks. "how is everyhting? jjust wanted t oknow if this was your emaill address write me back if you get this." And I'm getting a ton of these. Apparently, a lot of colleges have a radiology (?!?) department -- and this radiology department has so many students that it needs its very own mail server (really!!!). For example, RAD.UCLA.EDU. Also, all these artsy acid-usin' graphic design people at Ringling School of Art and Design (RSAD.EDU) are sending me their marijuana-inspired rants because of a simple typing mistake. So I'm getting all these private, confidential e-mails that have mistakenly arrived in my mailbox. What a better thing to do than print the best ones in RAD? LEGAL NOTE: All of the following e-mails were mailed to rad.edu, making them the property of me, recipient of the messages. Therefore, there should be nothing standing between me printing them here, uncensored. Please don't sue me. [-----] This is pretty much the average kind of e-mail I get every day. [-----] Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:50:39 -0400 From: john To: erich@rad.edu Subject: hello hey wanna have lunch? [-----] Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 11:22:40 -0700 From: mAURA hARRINGTON To: cassels@rad.edu Subject: HELLOO!!! Dear Helen, Is this your damn address?? I have tried everything else. Please respond and I'll give you all the news. Your loving cousin, Maura [-----] Apparently, this guy's planning an African safari. Wow. [-----] Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 18:07:00 -0700 From: NADINE DAVIDSON To: JGOLDIN@MAIL.RAD.EDU Subject: SOUTH AFRICA SAFARI Dear Dr. Goldin: I just heard from Alison that you did not get my first E-mail yesterday. We did have some trouble with our linkage although I thought this message went through before that. In any case, here is where we stand on the South Africa arrangements. The air is confirmed for eight people departing on Dec 27 via AA to JFK and SA to JNB. Returning on June 7th from Capetown via SA to Miami and AA to Lax. at 1564.45 round trip. And for you, the same schedule except departing on Dec. 26th. They do not have to be ticketed until November but fares are subject to change until ticketed. Once tickets are issued, they carry a penalty of 25pct for cancellation or change. Langolosi is not available except for one room in the main lodge on Dec 29,30,and 31. I have waitlisted five rooms, although it's not clear who is sharing and who is not.( I only have last names for a couple of the travelers.) I do know that there are at least three couples, but Alison wasn't sure about Dr. Michelle Melani and Dr. Hart, if singles or sharing. In the meantime I have a hold on five rooms at Tanda Tula in the Timbavati section of Kruger Park. This is a small privately owned game reserve on the western boundary of Kruger Park. There are 8 rondavels with air conditioning and bathroom en-suite. There is also a swimming pool. This is the place where it is possible to see the rare white lions. I understand that it has won the "Best of Africa" award two years in a row,and they are noted for excellent cuisine. I have a hold on this space until Wed, July 23. And in the meantime, we are trying to see if the rooms at the Langolosi are all under deposit or if we can shake some loose. In the mean time, if there is any other camp, you prefer to try for, let me know . E-Mail is tvlstore@aol.com. Phone is 310-575-5540. [-----] It looks like this guy had a little too much to drink one night. The real mystery: is "Pat" male or female? Gay or straight? I guess the only way to find out would be to e-mail this Walter guy... Hmm... [-----] Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 06:22:49 -0400 (EDT) From: walterp@fourbrooks.com To: devtemp5@rad.edu Subject: Last night Pat I was going to talk to you some more until I was rudely told I could not have a second drink. I don't know who that waitress thinks she is but that was unbelievable! I was standing there eating my food I had talked to you and was minding my own business etc that place I don't think I'll be visiting there again. However I would like to have coffee or a drink with you sometime if you would like. I have several e-mail addresses that all end up in the same place. This is my personal one so you can use the one I gave you or this one here. I'll talk to you soon. Walter [-----] This guy's the best of them all. He's just ASKING for your e-mails, loyal RAD readers. [-----] Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 16:31:35 PDT From: Ryan Jones To: kitty200@rad.edu Subject: CYBERSEX ;-) Hi Kitty, Enjoyed talking with you today in chat. i said i would e-mail I would like to communicate with you and hopefully we'll have some fun together, some great sex, and both CUM as much as we like too. Let me tell you a few things about myself and see if your interested in pursuing a conversation. My real name is George, live in New Jersey,age 48, white, 5' 9", 165lbs., physically in good shape, not bad looking, etc., etc. Do you go to chatropolis often ? Which room(s) do you visit and any particular name(s) you use in addition to kitty or cat? I started going about two weeks ago and find it can become quite addictive. Hard to get work done sometimes :-) I always use the name jersey(m). It's a great service they provide, I have had some great sex there, even if it's only fantasy. Also, where or how else would I get a chance to communicate with someone like you, who as I am,looking and willing to explore our sexuality/fantasies in a very safe, discreet environment without the fear, embarrassment or whatever of being caught or judged by friends, spouse, lovers, etc. Would you like to tell me anything about yourself ? If so, only honestly and if not that's OK too. I would be interested in knowing anything at all about you. Race, nationality, you said you were single, ever married, children, physical measurements, etc., etc. Not that it's important but I guess I'm trying to get a mental image of you. I know you must be very sexy just for your willingness to try a sexual e-mail affair :-)) Do you feel yourself to be sexy ? I don't think there is anything wrong with a good, hard, quick and passionate fuck your brains out affair. I prefer a slow, sensual, romantic affair. Strictly physical can be great but I think the physical along with the emotional and mental joining of two bodies is much more satisfying when each is seeking to give pleasure to the other. In fact as I'm writing to you I'm starting to get a hardon. I only wish you were here so I could lay you down on this blanket by the lake and slowly and passionately KISS your lips as my hands explore your sexy body, and as my hands move under your blouse and gently squeeze your tits our breathing becomes a little more rapid. Then my hands begin to move gently down to your waist and then reach for your lovely ass and then we pull each other closer and you can feel my cock pressing against you as we breath even harder. I gently push you away so I can remove your clothes and as I begin to rub your thighs you begin to moan slightly causing my cock to ache even more. I start putting my hand on your wet, hot pussy and you begin to squirm as your aching body feels my finger gently playing with your pussy and barely entering you.Ohhhhh, you feel so good. I move my face to your cunt and begin to lick your clit and then begin to tongue fuck you.Ummmm, your juices taste so good. You move your hand to my cock and feel the semen oozing to the head of my prick and this excites you even more so you move my lips away as you want my prick in your hot, wet mouth and you begin to suck it so good. We're both as hot as a fucking firecracker, as you spread your legs and tell me to shove my prick in you. As I begin to fuck you I can't believe how good and warm your pussy feels around my shaft. I start pounding my prick in you harder and harder and you are pushing yourself harder into me with each thrust of my cock. It starts slowly at first you feel it beginning in you toes and that feeling gradually and warmly starts rising in your body and begins to peak deep inside of you .As you start having an orgasm and I continue to fuck you and we're both groaning as my cock begins to explode inside you....You feel the hot cum as I'm squirting it in you and this excites you again....and you begin having another orgasm, Ohhhhh you moan as I keep my cock pushed inside of you and we continue KISSING & HUGGING each other as only two lovers can. I have to go for now...WRITE SOON...I hope Hugs & Kisses......George P.S. i hope my age doesn't turn you off, i would love to communicate with a young lady with an open mind and be able to talk about anything honestly, life, sex, whatever & maybe bridge the generation gap, i'm also very curious about your fantasy or r/t domination need, i know it's common but i wonder if the seeds of that need were planted from r/t experience or ? of course you don't have to answer any of my questions as i know it's none of my business [-----] There we have it, RAD readers: send your cybersex requests to jersey100@hotmail.com. A 48 year-old white guy is waiting for your love! And he doesn't mind bondage!@ Lookout! ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Radioactive Aardvark Dung E-Zine :: ISSN 1092-5449 Issue #18 % Released September 23, 1997 WWW Site :: http://www.rad.edu FTP Site :: ftp.openix.com/ftp/phorce/rad To Subscribe To Our Distriution List: subscribe@rad.edu To Unsubscribe To Our Distribution List: unsubscribe@rad.edu Send Us Your (Funny) Submissions! :: submissions@rad.edu To Send Us Comments, Fan Mail, or Suggestions: feedback@rad.edu RAD E-Zine :: PO Box 584 :: Crown Point, IN :: 46307 ATTN SysOps :: Be Sure To Read DISTRO.APP This month's anagram :: Ravaged Air-raid Vodka Cunt. Try to hack this :: http://www.rad.edu/rhs Without Prejudice and Explicit Reservation of All My Rights, UCC 1-207 (C) 1997 Aardvark Industries ============================================================================ ============================================================================