PropheZine #67 November 1, 1998 Bob Lally Publisher Mimi Nila Senior Editor Rick Woodcock Asst. Editor Abraham George Asst. Editor Lori Eldridge Asst. Editor HTTP:// ARTICLES Bill Koenig.................Man comes to the rescue: Is this the time before the great storm? John L. Terry, III.............Seeing in Troubled Financial Times W. B. Howard.................Is The Russian Bear Ready For God's Hook? David Wilkerson...............Very Good News for Perilous Times! Berit Kjos.....................No Place to Hide? PROPHEZINE COMMENTARIES John Loeffler............................ Paradigm Lost Christian Financial Concepts............. A Billion Here, A Billion There Lee Underwood ...................F.Y.I. - Israel in the News Rexella Van Impe............ Are You in Contact With Your Spirit Guide? Author Unknown...................My "Never Again " List ************************************ Greetings! I want to take a moment to thank the Lord for blessing PropheZine with a wonderful staff. It is so nice to have so many people catch the vision. We have 3 new Prayer Warriors who are eager to pray for you. Head on over to the PropheZine Prayer Board and post a prayer request - Public or Private. The PropheZine Discussion Board is very active with 400 visits daily. We recently added another 1,200 documents to our extensive Y2K library. We now have 3,000 documents relating to Y2K. May this letter find you at peace with the Lord, Bob Lally Owner/Webmaster ************************************ Hello Everyone, This newsletter's subject is about the End Times Economics and how prophecy relates to our current events in the economy. Bill Koenig from has written an exclusive article for Prophezine on the status of World Economy and possible upcoming events for the Worlds financial stability. John Terry provides you with a Prophecy perspective as it relates to Y2K and other Financial turmoil in current events. I hope you will enjoy this issue, as always, please keep in mind PropheZine may not entirely agree with some of the authors and their beliefs presented in the newsletter or on the PropheZine site, but we feel that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (in other words, "agree to disagree") as we present other biblically based doctrines out of a sense of fairness... Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph 4:3 In His Service, Mimi Nila |================================================ | | Man comes to the rescue: Is this the time before the great storm? | By Bill Koenig | Over the last two years I have heard prophetic predictions that there would be two large stock market corrections in the United States before the year 2000. I heard these predictions from people in Australia, New York, and other areas around the world. These predictions rang true to my spirit when I heard and prayed about them. With the serious nature of the recent downturn and the magnitude of the events happening worldwide, things looked ominous in size and significance. There was a bombardment of negative news throughout the world. I felt, as did many others, that if the markets did move up again it would be short-lived and would be followed by another large dip. The recent correction began in late July. In a period of 75 days, the U.S. market lost $2 trillion in market capitalization; the world markets lost another $2 trillion, and kept heading further down. Most of the news we received for a period of 75 days or so was bleak and ominous. We saw currencies around the world get pushed down as the dollar strengthened. The large hedge funds were blamed for the large drops in values of the world currencies. We saw riots and violence in Indonesia, and increased crime in China, Russia, and other locations around the world because of economic hardships. We saw a political crisis developing in Washington, and a nationally televised, defiant message to the nation on August 17. After that came the vote by the House Judiciary Committee to pursue impeachment hearings after the elections. We had a large hedge fund need an emergency $3.5 billion bailout arranged by the Federal Reserve of New York, top Wall Street leaders, and leaders of some of the largest banks in the United States. According to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, if the fund had failed it could have inflicted serious damage on many market participants, and "could potentially have impaired the economies of many nations, including our own." Then we heard of the crisis scenario in Brazil and South America. Brazil said they would need up to $30 billion to meet their debt obligations. We also received the news that the oil producing countries around the world had lost $80 billion in much-needed revenues because of a worldwide glut of oil. Most major news and business magazines in the United States predicted a recession or possible depression, and Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, Business Week, Esquire, and others had cover page stories on the state of world financial markets and the gloom that lay ahead. We heard how the money for many commercial real estate projects had been cut off in a matter of days without any notice. The money dried up for REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts). And we also heard of the liquidity crisis impacting small and large businesses because of the concerns that bankers were having with the direction of the economies and the concern with the loans on their books. We also had large job layoff announcements by corporations and Wall Street firms and major banks. We even heard on CNBC from some of the top Wall Street economists that, yes, we are in the beginning of a bear market, and that the Dow Jones Industrial Average could fall into the 6000 to 7250 range in the near future. (This was when the Dow was trading in the 7400 range.) Then there was a "quick change" of direction without much notice. The Dow Jones average rallied, stocks began moving up again, and renewed confidence came to the markets. Then there was a week long lull, with very little market movement, waiting for news. This week it was one "good news" item after another. Yes, compressed into one week, after a period of 90 days of gloom and doom. The good news came from many troubled areas of the world. We heard of the "final status talks" in the Middle East after nine days of meetings at Wye Plantation between Arafat, Netanyahu, and Clinton. We heard from the Fed that they will continue to lower interest rates to keep the U.S. economy from going into a recession; it is even believed that the Federal Reserve policy-makers will trim interest rates another quarter percentage point when they meet next on Nov. 17, to counter trade weakness and a likely scale-back in additions to inventories. Fed Director Kelly said he was "cautiously optimistic" that Y2k wouldn't cause a recession in the U.S. We heard positive news about Japan's $500 billion in public savings bailout of their banking system. Russia's Prime Minister Primakov (the former KGB spymaster) introduced plans which included tighter state controls on the economy; the measures included a gradual cut in income tax, limiting monthly inflation for 1998 to 5% and annual inflation next year to 30%, and allowing the ruble to find its own level under the watchful eye of the IMF, which is waiting to release an additional $4.5 billion in aid. Brazil agreed to large and significant commitments in order to appease the IMF and international bankers, in exchange for the IMF's $30 billion commitment. Then on Friday, October 30th, the G7 (top seven industrial countries in the world) announced a plan to stop future international swings; the plan would create tighter global financial regulation and a big bailout fund to head off future economic crises. UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, who is currently chairman of the G7 finance ministers, said that the reforms were designed to "strengthen the global financial system" and to head off future economic crises. The centerpiece of the G7's proposals is a new facility for the International Monetary Fund to lend money quickly to countries facing financial market problems, rather than having them drag out as they have the last year. They would set up a new IMF fund worth $90 billion for emergency lending to stop a crisis from spreading into other economies. The money is to be complemented by private sector contributions. There would be tighter regulation of the world's international capital markets to prevent a repeat of the recent financial turmoil. A code of practice for private banks and businesses, designed to regulate highly leveraged companies like hedge funds, would be instituted. There would be "transparency rules" for companies in order to make financial transactions and dangers to the markets more visible. An international code of conduct for monetary and financial policy in G7 countries would be established. There would be new rules for monitoring international capital flows. A new World Bank welfare fund would be established to alleviate economic suffering among the most vulnerable people in the emerging economies. We even received news Friday in the United States that our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) experienced a 3% gain in the third quarter, after a 1.7% gain in the second quarter. Also, lenders began loosening credit to help deal with the liquidity crisis that has affected companies in the last 60 days. To many who heard this news this week, it seems that "man" has come to the rescue of the world markets again and has given people much confidence in the economy and in the markets. This comes after bad and even horrible news of intense magnitude; then, in a week, one positive news story after another. This is remarkable, to say the least. There was even a commitment by the Fed to keep this economy churning by lowering interest rates further if needed to fend off sluggish growth and to revitalize the economy. This has been a very good week for positive news. If I didn't know what I know, I could be pulled into this optimism, too. Optimism is much more enjoyable than pessimism, and very contagious. Yet below I have provided reasons to be cautious in the months and year ahead. == Cracks in the Foundations of Japan and Russia There are still many cracks underneath the surface in Japan and Russia: � Japan's problems will take at best 5 to 7 years to fix in normal circumstances. � A majority of Japan's large banks are broke and in need of a massive bailout. � Japan's bad debt is now estimated at over $1.2 trillion. Some even say that, despite their massive private savings ($11 trillion), their corporate, government, and private debt makes them technically broke. � Japan is also reliant on the U.S. and Western Europe to keep buying their exports to avoid a further and deeper correction. � Russia has technically filed for bankruptcy, by defaulting on its massive international debt. � Over 40% of Russia's economy is run by corrupt underworld figures. Russia has a former communist leader (Primakov) running the country because the president is too ill to attend meetings. � They fear a cold winter, they have many in the military going without food, and they still have over 20,000 nuclear missiles in place. � Parliament is demanding that Primakov reassert state control over wide sectors of the economy, spend more on welfare, and pay back wage arrears, while the IMF is insisting on urgent fiscal reform, tight money, and spending cuts. � Although Primakov has brought Russia some much-needed political stability, he has so far served up little more than platitudes on the economy. == Things That Could Happen "in the Blink of an Eye" "For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark." -- Matthew 24:38 (NIV) � Further large hedge fund losses could threaten the world's banking system. � Major loss potential with $10 trillion in financial derivatives coming due in Southeast Asia by the end of the year; huge financial exposure for four major American banks. � The repercussions of an unsuccessful completion of the Middle East final status talks. � The political fallout potential with the Clinton impeachment hearings and the opening of hearings on Al Gore and the China fundraising situation. � A potentially unsuccessful and complicated Euro introduction, beginning January 1, 1999, and its impact on our world financial markets. � The worsening of the Russian financial crisis, their potential move back to communism with Primakov already in place, and concerns over their 20,000 missiles. � Increasing concerns over the prospect of nuclear war between India and Pakistan. � Concerns over the prospect of bio-terrorism attacks in the United States; Department of Defense teams in cooperation with the National Guard will have people in place in 20 states by the end of 1999. � Concerns over Iran's growing nuclear capabilities. � Iraq's refusal to work with the UN teams who are tasked with examining their biological weapons buildup and its potential implications. � The heightened probability of communication satellites being temporarily or permanently disabled by solar flares, meteor showers, or sunspot-related phenomena, and the affect of such disruptions on business. (The loss of Galaxy 4 knocked out 90% of the pagers in the U.S. for a day or so.) � The beginning of the manifestation of Y2k problems in the first quarter of 1999. � The impact that people's planning and preparing for Y2k will have on the economy. � The impact that bank runs could have on the U.S. economy. � The downturn in consumer confidence (two-thirds of the economy is consumer driven) and its impact on the American economy and the world economies. == Plan and Prepare "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it." -- Proverbs 22:3 (NIV) Whatever transpires, it looks as though we might see some positive things happen in the financial markets in the near term. But, as listed above, things could change "in the blink of an eye" as they did in the last 90 days. Man is not going to solve this huge problem of great magnitude; you can count on that. Yet, recent improvements might seem to many to be a vote of confidence that man is resourceful enough to solve any world economic problem. After the negative activity of the last 90 days, combined with the good news of the last week on the economic front, that swagger and confidence of man seems to be coming back. We all must remember that the Lord is in total control. He has allowed the greatest economy in history to be developed. He has allowed man to fix the short-term problems and to develop a renewed confidence in the system and in his own ingenuity. He can also allow it to come unraveled by removing His protection from a nation and a world that is idolatrous and so undeserving of economic prosperity. As many are saying, the judgment of the Lord is at hand. Only through our faith in Him and our true repentance will we be able to survive the coming storm. Only those whom the Lord has quickened through the Holy Spirit even sense what is ahead. Pray for the Lord to continue guiding and directing you in the days ahead. Pray that He will provide you the discernment that you will need as you enter 1999. God bless you all. ********** Koenig's International News Koenig's International News focuses on news of prophetic significance. The daily news service has readers and e-mail subscribers in 50 states and 79 countries. The web site provides daily News Briefs, a News Alerts / Countdown 2000 section that focuses on key events that have an opportunity of transpiring between now and January 1, 2000, an Intelligence Section, a Y2k section, and other offerings. |================================================ | | Seeing in Troubled Financial Times | By: John L. Terry, III | | In Revelation 3, Jesus advised the Laodecian church to "buy medicine so you can truly see" and chastised them for saying, "I am rich and wealthy and have need of nothing." He cautioned them they were really poor, naked, and blind. It is in these times of economic uncertainty that we truly need to see with "Spirit eyes" to discern truth when things around us are not as they seem to be. Just a few months ago, the Far East experienced what I have been calling for since mid-1997, the "popping of the bubble". An economy which has a history of corruption and mismanagement came crashing to the ground as their improper practices came to light. Stock prices around the world began to spiral out of control. Shortly thereafter, Russia began to suffer the economic pains of their move to a free market, as planned reforms failed to relieve the plight of their people. Then Central and South America's financial future began to unravel and talks of currency devaluations sounded in earnest. In the United States, one of the world's largest hedge funds, which was leveraged at 26:1 in many of these ailing markets, staggered and was poised to bring the economies of the world to their knees. Only through intervention of the Federal Reserve (and ultimately through the American taxpayer) was this hedge fund propped up. The economies of the world stand, but their foundation is far from sound. In an effort to stem the stock market declines brought about by ailing foreign economies, the Federal Reserve has initiated two interest rate cuts which has helped (at least in part) to turn the tide of the market, at least for a season. The International Monetary Fund and key government officials have announced changes in financial policies which should, at least in their words, minimize any future market effects and provide for long term market stability. What these rumblings have shown us, at least those of us who are looking, is the revelation of Jesus to the Laodecian's being played out before our eyes. There are NO assets backing the currency of the U.S. (or any major country for that matter). Our U.S. Dollar once read, "In Gold We Trust". Now it reads, "In God We Trust" (and today, I question even that). The value of the U.S. Dollar, as well as the value of all major world currencies, is NOT gold, silver, or any other tangible asset. The value of the world's currencies is simply the relative value of each countrie's debt in comparison to that of its neighbors. If you pay off all the debts of the world, there would be no value to our major world currencies. Our money would be worthless. Look closely again at Jesus' words in Revelation 3:17, "You say, 'I am rich, and have become wealthy and do not need anything.' But you do not know that you are really miserable, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked." (NCV) In verse 18 of the same chapter, Jesus tells the Laodecians to buy medicine for their eyes so they can truly see. I believe the state of the Laodecian church is prophetic in the respect that it describes the spiritual and physical state of the last church which Jesus will find on earth as He returns to this planet. Yes, there will be a remnant of the true and faithful, but what the world calls the church today, is more representative of Laodecia than the true Church of the Living God. The recorded words of Jesus teach more about money and economic issues than any subject. Jesus knew the place money would have in our lives and sought to teach us how to control money, lest money control us. Sadly, as the economic reports of the recent days indicate, money is controlling us. Consumer saving is at an all-time low in the United States. Shoppers in America spent more money than they earned in the last 30 days as reported on CNBC today. Another report stated this past October was the best performance for the stock market since 1952, spurring a upturn in the markets. In Genesis 41, Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh. He saw 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine which would be so severe the years of plenty would be forgotten. Joseph saw with "Spirit Eyes" the economic opportunities which lay ahead and through the wisdom God had given him, acted on these opportunities and saved a nation from starvation (while amassing a great fortune for the Pharaoh in the process). The Asian crisis is far from over. The effects of the Far East markets is just now beginning to be realized. Central and South America are drowning in debt which they are unable to pay, so the IMF continues to loan them money so they can pay their bills. Russia now talks of a return to Communism, threatening market reforms and free trade. The United States has experienced a bull market unlike any in this country's history. Many financial experts, as well as a number of respected ministers and prophets, say the days of the bull market are numbered...and more than a few are saying it is already over. I believe the United States is going to experience an economic downturn, with seasons of relief, as we draw closer to the return of Christ. The U.S. is the one last superpower with national sovereignty. For the One World government to succeed, we must have the cooperation of all nations, including the U.S. A global economic catastrophe, or even a long term decline in markets, could bring this to pass. However, for the Christian who truly has "Spirit eyes", a number of opportunities will present themselves in this time. As God did with Joseph, He will reveal his plans and His purposes to those who have not sold out to the world's economic plan. During the plagues which almost wiped Egypt from the face of the earth, God's people continued to prosper, and they left with the wealth of Egypt as their spoils. God makes one last cry to His people in these last days to prepare, as He did to Joseph. The days of famine are coming, and they will be so devastating the days of plenty will be forgotten. However, those who have spent the time in prayer, Bible study, and communion with God, have had their eyes "salved" so they can truly see. These men and women will see opportunities to not just survive, but to succeed, in the days, weeks, and months ahead. As He was with Joseph, God will give creative ideas and will bless the efforts of those faithful ones with great success. It is through the efforts of these "Joseph's" in these last days that the work of the ministry will be financed God will use them to save a family, a community, a state, a region, and a nation. Jesus' words to the Laodecians cries out to His people today. He longs to create a new generation of Joseph's in the coming financial crisis to pour creative ideas into so a nation can be spared and His children can be fed. God desires to turn the captivity many of His children find themselves in, as He did with Joseph, to one of a vessel of honor for His kingdom. Joseph was faithful, even in prison, and kept the salve of God's spirit on his eyes. Joseph started where he was, used what he had, and trusted God for the increase. God honored his faithfulness and placed him over an entire kingdom. The financial picture of this world is about to change. When it does, the Joseph's will rise. Opportunities will present themselves to the child of God who has the salve of the Spirit on his/her eyes, even in the midst of a famine. Not for our own glory, but for the glory of God. I share this as a word of hope, for hopelessness is the friend of famine. When the stock market crashed in the late 1920's, people were jumping out of windows and panic ensued. When financial turmoil again strikes, hopelessness will again raise its ugly head and strike at unsuspecting victims, dragging them to the pit of despair. Jesus' words in Revelation 3 both warn us of the dangers we must avoid and instruct us of the actions we must take. Let us, like Joseph, rise to the challenge and see the opportunities God has awaiting us, even in the midst of the storm. =========== John is a managing director of TCA Financial Management, UBO and the News Director for Prophezine. John is a registered representative with Rushmore Securities Corporation and the author of "Dollars and Sense, A Kingdom Perspective on Finances." John has also authored "Y2K...Myth or Mayhem" a PowerPoint presentation for churches and church groups which explains the Y2K problem and the church's response. Editors note: ( This PowerPoint presentation is an excellent intro to the Y2K problem for anyone..I highly recommend sending the link to friends who are new to this problem, especially people who may not be technically inclined. ) This slide show is available on the PZ Website TCA Financial Management, UBO is a financial services firm providing a number of consulting services to individuals and businesses. TCA is also the Creator and General Partner of the Y2K Hedge Fund. For investment opportunities, contact John Terry or Rick Cogburn at TCA Financial Management, UBO. John Terry Rick Cogburn Or, visit their website for more information: |================================================ | | IS THE RUSSIAN BEAR READY FOR GOD'S HOOK? | By W. B. Howard | The strange and significant events happening now in Russia, 1998, could well be the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, as found in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. This amazing prophecy indicates a battle will be fought in the Holy Land, either just before the Rapture, or soon after it, with Russia and Israel taking the major positions. Russia today is in turmoil, almost bankrupt, with new frightening leaders taking their places in history. There are conflicting remarks being bandied around on the Ezekiel prophecy about Gog Magog, our readers will do well to study Scripture for themselves in order to grasp what the Bible actually does say about Russia. May God help us to help you in this matter. HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE BIBLICAL PROPHECY IS ABOUT RUSSIA ANYWAY? Read the two chapters carefully. The Ezekiel passages describe an invasion into Palestine by a certain wicked nation, it is north of Israel and the battle takes place in the latter days. It gives the identity of the invaders, they are called the land of "Magog." Why is Magog considered to be Russia by Biblical scholars? The proofs of this are historical, geographical and linguistic. The proofs show quite clearly that the Ezekiel verses refer to the Communistically inclined Russian Bear. Let us look firstly at these proofs. Wilmingtons' Guide to the Bible, Scofield's Bible Notes and Larkin's teachings are references: HISTORICAL PROOF: Josephus, the first century AD historian, who was Jewish, assures us that the descendants of Magog (he was Japheth's son and Noah's grandson) was an immigrant to an area NORTH of Palestine. Before Josephus, the Greek historian Herodotus, in the fifth century BC, wrote that Meshech's descendants settled NORTH of Palestine (Gen.10:2). GEOGRAPHICAL PROOF: Ezekiel gives us the details of where this wicked nation is situated. In three passages it is made clear by God - 38:6, 38:15; and 39:2. The invading army is said to come from "uttermost part of the north", this is how, scholars tell us, the original Hebrew text renders it. We only have to examine a world map to know that no other nation but Russia could fulfil the prophecy about Magog. LINGUISTIC PROOF: Language soon indicates who this invading army will be. In Ezekiel 38 we see "the prince of Rosh." "Rosh" is the root of the modern day "Russia." Gesenius the famous lexicographer, gives assurance that "Rosh" is an early form of the word which is now "Russia." The word "Mesheck" is used in Ezekiel, which is similar to the modern day name "Moscow', and "Tubal" is mentioned as well, which is one of the Asiatic provinces of Russia, now called "Tobolsk." Ancient words have often come down to us with the consonants remaining the same, and the vowels are changed - i.e. "o" in Rosh becomes a "u" in Russia, with a suffix added. So, the three proofs - historical, geographical and linguistic all agree that Ezekiel 38,39 indicates the wicked nation is RUSSIA! WHY WILL RUSSIA INVADE PALESTINE? The reasons are given to us by God. Russia wants to get the riches of the Holy Land (Ezek.38:11,12). There are vast mineral deposits in the Dead Sea, a treasure chest, and the oil in the Middle East is a huge drawcard. Russia is very poor in our day, could she be about to fulfil prophecy by trying to take away the riches of the Holy Land? Great gain is to be had by controlling the Middle East. THE BRIDGE OF THE MIDDLE EAST leads to three continents. Those who would seek to control these continents, must first control this bridge-area. Europe, Asia and Africa are those continents, of course. Another reason is given in Scripture, Russia will want to invade Palestine because that country will want to challenge the authority of the Antichrist system, the New World Order (Daniel 11:40). The Antichrist is not yet revealed, but his power is already stretching across the globe. WHAT WILL HAPPEN? The Bible gives definite indications, but the details will only become crystal clear as the events occur. This is a possible scenario, based on various commentators: 1. Egypt attacks Palestine from the south (Dan.11:a); 2. Russia then invades Israel from the north by land and sea (Dan.11:b); 3. Russia is not satisfied with Israel, but goes southward and occupies its own ally's territory, Russia double-crosses Egypt. (Dan.11:42,43). 4. Russia hears disturbing news in Egypt, this news comes from the East and North. So Russia returns to Palestine. The Bible does not tell us what that news is per se, although there are educated theories on the subject. One is that news reaches them that the Antichrist system is making a counter attack, under the western leader who will be the Antichrist. WHAT HAPPENS TO RUSSIA? The defeat that happens is nearly the end of Magog, for the victory over them is appalling! The events that lead to this defeat are all caused by the Lord God Almighty: 1. There is a great earthquake (Ezek.38:19,20); 2. The Russian troops turn against the leaders (38:21); 3. There is terrible illness through a plague amongst the Russian troops (38;22). 4. There are floods, a mighty hailstorm, fire and even brimstone (38:22;39:6). COULD ALL THIS BE HAPPENING AT THE END OF THE TRIBULATION? No, for this is not Armageddon. Armageddon happens in the plain of Megiddo, and the battle of Magog occurs on the mountains of Israel (Ezek.39:2 compare Revelation 16:14; 19:17). Armageddon is west of Jordan in the plain of Jezreel. WHAT ARE RESULTS OF ALL THIS? 1. 83% or five-sixths of the Russian troops are killed (Ezek.39:2). 2. The first awesome "feast" of a wrathful God occurs (Ezek.39:4,17,18,19,20). Let the reader take note, for we Christians serve a Holy God, and He is to be worshipped. Another hideous feast will take place at the end of the Tribulation period, at the battle of Armageddon (Rev 19:17; Matt.24:28). There will be ravenous birds which will eat the flesh of dead men in both the Magog war and the war of Armageddon! 3. It will take seven months to bury the dead (Ezek.39:11-15). It may well be that the whole population of Israel will take part in burying the bodies of the slain (Ezek.39:13). Travellers who are passing through the area where the skeletons or corpses are lying will have to, by law, put up a sign to indicate where these are (v.15). The place will be called "Hamon-Gog" or Gog's multitude, to remind people of God's destruction of them (v.11). 4. And it will take seven years to get rid of the weapons of war. These will be weapons that will burn, most likely being the advanced guns which are not metal, but a combustible substance. These are now in use in our world. Walvoord tells us: "A reference is made to bows and arrows, to shields and chariots, and to swords. These, of course, are antiquated weapons from the standpoint of modern warfare. The large use of horses is understandable, as Russia today uses horses a great deal in connection with their army. But why should they use armor, spears, bows and arrows? ...Ezekiel is using language with which he is familiar - the weapons that were common in his day - to anticipate modern weapons...." (This could well be!) WILL THERE BE OTHER COUNTRIES WHO WILL JOIN RUSSIA IN THIS BATTLE? There will be a number of countries who will join with Russia. The Bible lists five of them. This seems to be the consensus on who these will be: 1. Persia - modern Iran; 2. Ethiopia - the black African nations (South Africa); 3. Libya - the Arabic African nations (North Africa); 4. Gomer - East Germany; 5. Togarmah - southern Russia, the Cossacks possibly, or Turkey. WHAT ABOUT THE "HOOKS" IN RUSSIA'S "JAWS"? God says in Ezekiel 38:3,4: "Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army..." To lead up to the battle in the Middle East on the mountains of Israel, God will take Russia to her destiny by forcing her like an animal to go to Palestine! He will "put hooks into thy jaws." What is this exactly? Easton's Dictionary tells us this: "HOOKS: 1. Heb. hah, a "ring" inserted in the nostrils of animals to which a cord was fastened for the purpose of restraining them (2 Kings 19:28; Isa. 37:28, 29; Ezek. 29:4; 38:4). "The Orientals make use of this contrivance for curbing their work-beasts...When a beast becomes unruly they have only to draw the cord on one side, which, by stopping his breath, punishes him so effectual that after a few repetitions he fails not to become quite tractable whenever he begins to feel it" (Michaelis). So God's agents are never beyond his control." A "hook" in the JAWS of Russia! WILL GOG AND MAGOG EVER BE SEEN AGAIN? Yes, for the Bible shows Gog and Magog in Rev.20:7-8. After a thousand years of Christ Jesus' reign Satan will be loosed from his prison in the bottomless pit (Rev.20:1,2), and will vent his wrath on the nations of the earth. Here we see the complete doom of Gog and Magog. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "GOG" AND "MAGOG"? GOG is the leader and MAGOG is the nation. Here is a little information from Easton's Dictionary. "GOG: 1.A Reubenite (1 Car. 5:4), the father of Shimei. 2. The name of the leader of the hostile party described in Ezek. 38,39, as coming from the "north country" and assailing the people of Israel to their own destruction." "MAGOG: Region of Gog, the second of the "sons" of Japheth (Gen. 10:2; 1 Car. 1:5). In Ezekiel (38:2; 39:6) it is the name of a nation..." WHEN AND WHY WILL THIS BATTLE HAPPEN? There are a variety of views of when the Gog and Magog battle will happen, some excellent commentator's view the battle as happening in the middle of the "week" of seven years (the Tribulation). Israel will be dwelling in relative peace (Ezek.38:8), the Antichrist will have confirmed a peace covenant with Israel, see Daniel 9:27. Then the covenant will be broken, and the obscenity of war will engulf the Holy Land again. It seems from Daniel 11:41 that the invasion from the North could be an event in the breaking of that covenant. Others see the confirming of the covenant happening AFTER the Magog battle, because of the devastation caused by the Magog war in Israel. We must bear in mind that the seven years of getting rid of weapons in the Holy Land could correspond with the seven years of the Tribulation. It hardly seems likely that the weaponry-being-burned episode could extend into the Millennial Reign of Christ, which would be the case if the battle happened too far into the Tribulation's seven years. Rev. Bill Thitchener tells us in "Ezekiel's Endtime Evidence" (p.5), on the subject of the burning of weapons: "It has been reported that advanced nations today are researching the use of compressed wood instead of steel in the manufacture of weapons. It is said that this has become necessary due to the world's dwindling supply of mineral resources and has become advisable due to the greatly reduced weight of weapons manufactured from compressed wood as opposed to steel. Here (v.9) we discover the discarded weapons will supply city-dwellers with sufficient fuel for their domestic needs for seven years, dispensing with the necessity of laboriously winning timber from fields or forests (v.10)." No matter when exactly the Gog and Magog battle happens, we know that all indications in the world today point to the fact that RUSSIA may soon be forced into a battle in the Middle East, by God Almighty. How close, then, is the Rapture of the Church? These strange plagues and the intervention of the Lord at the time of the Magog war are seen by some to show GOD, the LORD of Israel, taking up Israel again, as He did in Egypt, where plagues occurred to defeat their enemies. God will NOT take up Israel again in a religious sense until AFTER the Rapture! when the Church Age is closed. The Church Age will close at the Rapture itself. Could Russia's odd rumblings in 1998 point prophetically, then, to an imminent Rapture? -------------- e-mail We are a non-profit organization which provides resources and information on the New Age New World Order, which expose and refutes the globalization plans of the New World Order and World Federation. Info. and documentation available to instruct and aid the Christian in warning and alerting others. We also publish `Despatch' magazine issued quarterly, in length approx. 60-70 pages, annual sub. $30 [inc. post in Aust.] Please adjust these cost for your different currency (Post overseas usually $35 Aus Curr.) visa payment available as yet. e-mail us at for more details Available are Videos, ....audios, ....booklets and leaflets on the deceptions and infiltration of the New Age New World Order in Society and our Protestant churches. |========================================== | | No Place to Hide? | By Berit Kjos | Surveillance is becoming a normal part of life in the "free" nations of the world, and America is leading the way. Surveillance cameras like those I saw along streets in Australia some years ago are now posted in schools, hospitals, and workplaces in this country. But such visible signs of a watchful Big Brother pale in comparison to a greater threat. Beyond the sight of ordinary Americans lurk vast interconnected systems of private, state, federal and international databanks. Their fast-growing files of personal information about ordinary citizens are now shared, sold, distorted, and often used to monitor, manipulate, and manage lives in ways we can hardly conceive. Long before The New York Times (July 20, 1998) announced President Clinton's plans for "a giant medical database" with the "unique health identifier" needed to monitor people "from cradle to grave," 1 these invasive databanks were eroding our freedom. In The Sale of Privacy, a 1992 book exposing this growing threat, Jeffrey Rothfeder tells the story of Ernest Trent who was severely injured on his job and received Workman's Compensation. This personal information was sent to a large databank accessible to potential employers -- but not to Trent. Needing a less physically demanding job, he began his search and faced nearly 200 rejections. His qualifications were excellent. Why, then, would no one hire him? Finally a friend with a small business checked his file in the databank and saw the problem. Though Trent had done nothing wrong, he had been "blacklisted". Long-established private databanks may betray our trust and spread false or incriminating data. But even more alarming is the fast-growing union of federal databanks tracking American citizens. (See "A National Information System" at our website) In flagrant violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, 2 the IRS, FBI, CIA and other federal agencies have been gathering and sharing electronic files on countless millions of Americans. Many who, like myself, question the growing power of our federal government are apparently included in this massive surveillance system. 3 "The numbers [of databanks] are staggering," wrote Rothfeder. He explained why: "The 178 largest federal agencies and departments maintain nearly two thousand databanks, virtually all of them computerized and outsize, containing tens of millions of files each. Peppering these records are mind-boggling permutations of Social Security numbers, names and addresses, and financial, health, education, demographic, and occupational information-- obtained from individuals themselves and from external sources such as state government files, the Census Bureau, the credit industry, and insurance companies... Meanwhile, outsiders who have no legal right to know about these databanks or their contents are inexplicably given free access to them..." 4 Rothfeder pointed to the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCID) as an example of the malignant expansion of these databanks. Keep in mind, this was written in 1992: "At its inception in 1967, NCIC had about three hundred thousand records, mostly about people involved in robberies, auto theft, and stealing license plates. NCIC has grown nearly twentyfold since then. It currently maintains records on twenty million Americans in more than a dozen categories... "The FBI wants to implement the most massive NCIC expansion to date. New proposals would turn the computerized criminal records index into a monstrously huge national databank with tentacles that reach into virtually every information storehouse in the government and the private sector... "Not only does it provide access to records of criminals, it also supplies files on people with radical political leanings... And because the database is such a wide-open, virtually unregulated forum of criminals and suspects, it has led to serious invasion of privacy based on mistaken identity and an unwillingness by many authorities to remove a name from NCIC once it's there." 5 The missing link in these huge data collecting systems has been a fail-safe "identifier", a uniform computer code that would clearly identify every person and help standardize information in a massive new government-and-private tracking system. So, in 1996, our Republican Congress passed a law that called for such an identifier. 6 Like most steps toward greater government control, this "personal identifier" was promoted under the noble banner of a public need: a coordinated health care system in which a job change would not cause the loss of insurance. It was now up to the Clinton administration to "assign codes, as law requires, to create giant medical database." According to The New York Times article titled "A Unique Personal Identifier", "every person would be given an electronic medical identification code." 7 It would enable the vast system of federal databanks not only to monitor us "from cradle to grave," but also assess compliance with the evolving global standards for politically correct values and behavior -- a process essential to the sustainable development of human as well as natural resources. This "identifier" could use Social Security numbers or a new "composite number" based on personal history, or it could be a "'biomedical marker,' like a thumb print or an electronic scan of the retina." 8 Mental Health. Keep in mind, "health" includes mental health. And the political and education leaders who intend to mold human resources for the 21st century community are more interested in your mental health than in your physical health. (See "Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values" and "Local Agenda 21") This massive identification and tracking system would be implemented by Secretary Donna Shalala and her Department of Health and Human Services. Its health guidelines -- including mental health -- match those established by the World Health Organization (WHO) half a century ago. Psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, former chief of the WHO, summarized these international guidelines back in 1946. Notice his hostility toward biblical absolutes and values: "The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly on the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, economists, and politicians must face this responsibility... "Prejudice, isolationism, the ability emotionally and uncritically to believe unreasonable things... They are all well known and recognized neurotic symptoms... "When we see neurotic patients showing these same reactions in their private affairs we may also throw up our hand and say "human nature".... or we may go to work to try to help the person in trouble to grow up over again more successfully than his parents were able to do... (pages 5-6) "Man's freedom to observe and to think freely... has been destroyed or crippled by local certainties, by gods of local moralities, of local loyalty, of personal salvation... frequently masquerading as love... (8) "The re-interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training... these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy. "If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil, it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility. ... (9) "Can such a program of re-education or of a new kind of education be charted?" (10) "Re-education" is key to the preparation of human resources for the "sustainable communities" outlined by the President's Council on Sustainable Development. 9 Everyone must embrace the beliefs and values needed for global unity and compliance with the national-international management described in its report, Sustainable America. The attitudinal and behavioral changes Dr. Chisholm recommends have become the primary goals of UNESCO's program for "lifelong learning", which is being implemented in our American schools through Goals 2000. To finish the transformation according to the blueprint for Total Quality Management, every human resource must be assessed, monitored, and re-educated when found non-compliant. The rate of change must be measured. A reliable personal identifier is essential to an efficient, standardized, and inclusive TQM monitoring system. The national guidelines for mental health go far beyond the traditional meaning of mental illness. Through the American Cancer Society, our Department of Health and Human Services provides national health standards that call for the same politically correct attitudes and group thinking students must learn before they can earn their work certificates and win entrance to college and good jobs.10 A National ID. Compliance with the new standards will be rewarded, 11 and the proposed National ID cards will show who conforms. The two alarming proposals -- a "unique identifier" and a National ID -- seem made for each other. U.S. Congressman Ron Paul saw the danger. On September 18, 1998, he sent an urgent warning to his colleagues, asking that "language forbidding the expenditure of funds to implement either Section 656 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 and Section 1173 (b) of the Social Security Act... be included in any omnibus budget considered by Congress this year." Then he summarized the threat to American freedom: "Unless Congress acts to stop this scheme, no American will be able to get a job; open a bank account; apply for Social Security or Medicare; exercise their Second Amendment rights; or even take an airplane flight unless they produce their federally-approved state drivers' license..." "These provisions represents a major power-grab by the federal government and a major threat to liberty. As the law stands now, the federal government will have the ability to inappropriately monitor the movements and transactions of every citizen. History shows that when government gains the power to monitor the actions of the people, it eventually uses that power to impose totalitarian controls on them. "The Clinton administration has even come out in favor of allowing law enforcement officials access to health care information, in complete disregard of the fifth amendment... "Some claim that the problems can be fixed by passing "privacy protection" legislation. However, legislative attempts to protect the privacy of information collected by, or at the command, of government officials are likely to be ineffective at protecting citizens from the prying eyes of government officials. "...the only effective way to protect privacy is to forbid the government from forcing citizens to accept a national identifier. Persecution. Surveillance is nothing new. The twentieth century created some effective ways of identifying and monitor citizens, especially those who might resist a new ideology. Look at the first three decades of the Soviet Union. Its pioneering strategies for molding the minds of its people, monitoring compliance, and punishing non-compliance modeled government control to other totalitarian regimes around the world. Soon China, North Korea, and other Communist nations followed suit. So did Nazi Germany. According to a display in the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, "the Gestapo gathered much of its information from private citizens.. even children were taught to report on their parents. The Gestapo's main sources, however, were Nazi party officials and SS men who constantly monitored the activities of all citizens." What surprises me is the reluctance of Americans to believe that it could happen here. When it does, there will be no place to hide -- other than in Jesus Christ. But that's no small promise. The Lord -- the mighty King of heaven and earth -- has promised to be our Shepherd, our Provider, our Peace, and our Hiding Place. David knew it well, therefore he could sing with joyful confidence: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? ...Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war should rise against me, In this I will be confident... For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me... Therefore... I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD." (Psalm 27:1-6 ENDNOTES 1 Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Health Identifier for all Americans Runs into Hurdles," The New York Times, 20 July 1998. 2 "Legislation adopted to 'provide certain safeguards for an individual against an invasion of privacy.' The law says the government may not maintain secret databanks, and mandates that all information the government collects about Americans be kept confidential. Under the legislation, people have the right to know about records pertaining to them, and they must be told who else sees them and how they're used. Without a written consent an agency is prohibited from sharing an individual's record s with anyone else and from using them for a secondary purpose." The Sale of Privacy, p. 125. 3 See "A Terrorist? Me?" at our website: 4 Rothfeeder, p. 126. 5 Ibid., 129-130. 6 Section 1173 (b) of the Social Security Act 7 Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Health Identifier for all Americans Runs into Hurdles," The New York Times, 20 July 1998 8 Ibid. 9 See "Local Agenda 21" at our website: 10 Visit the website for the Department of Health and Human Services, then find "The National Health Education Standards" and read the definition for "Health Literacy." () Each item refers to thinking skills needed for compliance with the consensus process and to mental preparation for the new sustainable communities. (See "Local Agenda 21" and "Character Training for Global Citizenship") 11 College and better jobs will be reserved for those who qualify for the various certificates based on conformity to politically correct attitudes, values, and group thinking. Non-conformists who cling to biblical values and individual thinking will fail the test for mental health. They must be remediated, and their permanent personal data file will describe their problem attitudes: uncooperative, intolerant, independent.... (See "Zero Tolerance for Non-Compliance" and "Character Training for Global Citizenship" at our website.) |========================================== | | Very Good News for Perilous Times! | Without Fault Before the Throne of God - | By David Wilkerson | These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God" (Revelation 14:4-5). My wife and I were having dinner with a family friend not long ago, a woman we've known for some time. Suddenly, in the middle of our meal, our friend began to voice the kinds of thoughts I've been hearing from Christians all across the country. She said to us: "As you know, my husband is an oculist. He makes and fits glass eyes. We've both worked hard all of our lives, and we've been able to save some money. We've also built up a small retirement fund. "But now, just as we're beginning to think about retirement, we're seeing things that scare us. Nations all over the world are falling into depression. Look at what's happened to Russia, with its shaky economy and its political upheaval. "America can't help but be affected by all of this. Then there are all kinds of terrorist acts taking place, like those U.S. embassy bombings in Africa. And now, here in America, everybody's talking about the great harm that Y2K, the year-2000 computer disaster, might bring. "My husband and I just can't take hearing any more news like this. Every time we listen to the news or pick up a newspaper, another awful thing is happening somewhere. "I know Christians are not supposed to fear, but it's hard not to be scared when we see all these terrible things going on. I struggle with fear every time I think about our mortgage and car payments. After all, who knows if people are going to buy glass eyes when the economy takes a downturn? "I have to fight off these fears daily. I feel bad about even having such feelings, because I know I should be trusting the Lord. But, frankly, things are becoming so frightening, it's hard to keep all of my fears at bay." I believe our friend was voicing what multitudes of other sincere Christians are going through - a struggle to keep fear out of their hearts. Like her, most Christians who write to our ministry sense intuitively that our nation is disintegrating, and that some kind of ominous disaster is looming on the horizon. Now, as they hear all these terrible reports of what's happening in America and around the globe, they struggle just to rest in the promise of God's keeping power. Many believers write that they can't help being gripped by a very human fear, because they think they're not prepared physically for whatever perilous circumstances the economic collapse will bring. Others write that they're making all kinds of preparations for their physical survival, because they're convinced the financial holocaust will usher in social chaos as well. Even the federal government is preparing for upheaval. For example, the U.S. Secretary of Defense announced that 120 top military units, specially trained for riot control, are standing by to move into our major cities in the event of riots or mass hysteria. Then, on August 20, 1998, the Federal Reserve announced it was preparing to inject an additional $50 billion into circulation, because it's anticipating a huge run on banks just before the Y2K problem hits. The Fed reasoned that if 70 million households withdrew an average of $450 to pay for necessities such as food and gas, it would deplete all the cash reserves. Even the $150 billion in existing reserves wouldn't cover the demand at ATMs. The fact is, no matter how righteous we may be, and no matter how strong our faith is, all these frightful uncertainties coming to pass cannot help but affect our human emotions. It's all very scary. And the worst part is, things are going to grow even more ominous in the days ahead. But for the overcoming Christian whose sins are covered by the blood of Jesus, there is very good news. And I believe if we keep our eyes focused on this good news, meditating on it night and day, no evil report will ever faze us. Here is the good news God wants us to know: We're All Going to Die! And, Even Better, We're All Going to Stand Before the Throne of Judgment. Now, if this "good news" sounds a bit bizarre to you, I understand. But the truth is, if you're a Christian, this kind of news shouldn't sound bizarre at all. God's word declares very clearly: " is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). I'm convinced that just one moment into eternity, we're all going to realize how unimportant and fleeting our present fears and trials have been. We'll also see just how present the Lord has been with us the whole time, watching over us with his saving and keeping power. As scripture testifies, our lives here on earth are like grass: one day we're here, growing and thriving, and the next day we're fading away with the season. We're like the vapor of breath we see on a frosty day - here one moment, gone the next. At this point, I can imagine you may be thinking, "Brother Dave, how can you expect me to accept this as 'good news'? I'm trying to rid my heart of all my fears about the coming depression, and all the violence that's going to follow. Yet here you are reminding me I have to stand before the judgment seat and give an account of my life to the Lord. "What kind of comfort is that? The day we stand before Christ's throne is going to be one dreadful time. We're going to have to give an account of our every deed and thought." I know that many sincere Christians have this same feeling about the judgment. They tremble inside every time they think about it: "How can I ever give an account of all the millions of sinful, un-Christlike thoughts I've had? How can I answer for all the thousands upon thousands of idle words I've uttered? How can I face all my evil deeds - my sins of omission, my carelessness, my complaining, my apathy, my sins against the light, the sins of my youth? "How will I ever be able to look Jesus in the eye on that day? How can I avoid trembling in fear when such a time comes?" I bring you good news - glorious news - that will help you combat all of the bad news you've been hearing. And I believe this news will keep your heart and spirit peaceful, even joyful, through all that's coming upon the earth. Here is this good news: If you have repented and you are trusting in Jesus - believing in his cleansing blood, submitting daily to his lordship - you're going to stand before his throne without fault or fear. In fact, you're going to be acknowledged before everyone present - every human, every angel and every demon in hell - as the precious bride of Christ! I hope to prove to you that you won't have to face even a single sin against you, nor be exposed for any failure - but that you will be able to stand without a fault or blemish. On the day of judgment, all your evil works will already have been done away with. Not a single sin of yours will be mentioned. Instead, only your good works - including your faith in Jesus Christ - will be expressed to the multitudes gathered before the great white throne. Now, I don't want to go into a discussion of exactly what the judgment is going to be like - such as whether there will be one or two judgments, a subject biblical scholars continue to debate. Some say there will be one judgment, while others claim there will be two - one for believers, and a separate one for everyone else. The Puritans and other theologians throughout history have taught that there will be one general judgment, and that the judgment seat of Christ and the Great White Throne judgment are one and the same. Suffice it to say, we all must give an account of our deeds, whether those deeds are good or bad. Scripture tells us, "God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil" (Ecclesiastes 12:14). You may wonder, "But, Brother Dave - you just finished saying the sins of the saints won't be mentioned. How can this be, if the Bible says every work, whether good or bad, is going to be brought to judgment? How can we stand before God without fear if our bad works are going to be brought into the light?" Keep in mind, there will be two groups at the judgment - sheep and goats. And these two groups will stand before the Lord separately on that day, one group on the right and one on the left: saints and sinners, sons and slaves, the faithful and the unfaithful, the wise and the foolish, believers and unbelievers. And the bad works referred to, which will be exposed on that day, are only those of the wicked. Scripture says all the evil deeds of the godless goats will be brought into the light and exposed. Every wicked thought, every secret desire, every lust, every vile imagination, every denial of Christ, every curse word - all will be proclaimed and judged. And after these hidden, wicked deeds are made public, they will pursue their perpetrators into eternal damnation. On the other hand, no evil deed of the righteous will be mentioned on that day. Instead, every good thing about their lives will be brought into the light - every holy thought, every charitable act, every sacrificial work. That's right - our Lord is going to make known to all who are present every prayer, every heart-cry, every tear, every fast, every groan of the spirit, every trial and suffering, every word of praise and thanksgiving of the righteous while they lived on the earth. He will recall every cup of cold water given to the thirsty, every morsel of bread given to the hungry, every piece of clothing given to the freezing and naked. He's going to bring everything good out into the open - and that will be one glorious moment! The fact is, as we stand before our Lord at the judgment, we will be complete in him. This means that anything we've ever done, including any sin we've ever committed, will already be covered under his blood and never mentioned again. In short, there is no condemnation to the righteous - none at all. Jesus tells us, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). The Greek word Jesus uses for "condemnation" here is "judgment." He's saying, "If you believe in me, you won't come into judgment, but will pass from death over to life." Indeed, scripture tells us from cover to cover that once the Lord forgives our sins, he wipes them from memory: * "I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins" (Isaiah 43:25). * "I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee" (Isaiah 44:22). * "...I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more" (Jeremiah 31:34). * "I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 8:12). * "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 10:16-17). * "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea" (Micah 7:19). Here is abundant good news for every Christian who's ever sweated, striven, or worked to mortify the deeds of his flesh in his own strength. Does this include you? How many times have you tried to bite the bullet and plow ahead toward victory in the Christian life? How many promises have you made to God only to break them? How many times have you tried to please the Lord by fighting off your lusts and habits, only to fail once again? Here is your good news, reported in the book of Micah: "I, the Lord, will subdue all your iniquities!" God has given us image after image in these passages of how he wipes our sins from memory: he blots them out, he remembers them no more, he buries them in the sea, he "subdues" them, meaning, he chases them down and captures them. Isaiah even tells us God takes our trespasses and flips them over his shoulder: "...thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back" (Isaiah 38:17). This means God will never look at our sins or acknowledge them again. Now, let me ask you: If God forgets our sins, why don't you or I? Why do we always allow the devil to dig up some muck or mire from our past and wave it in our face, when all of our sin is already covered by Christ's blood? The cleansing, forgiving power of Christ's blood is all-encompassing. It covers our entire lives! All the "Books" Are Going to Be Opened and Examined on That Day. John writes of the judgment: "I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works" (Revelation 20:11-12). Notice John says in this passage there are many books and there is "a book" at the judgment. What are the first "books"? They're records of the life of every single sinner - every goat - who stands before the judge. You see, every unbelieving person has a book of works and deeds that's being recorded in heaven. Every page of his book is a record of how he lived. Can you imagine what it's going to be like for a transgressor when he stands before the Lord on that day? Every thought, word and action in his life will be brought out into the open, exposed for its evil, until finally the sinner has to scream, "No, no - enough! No more!" For the righteous there will be only the book of life. When that book is opened, we won't hear one word, one account, one record of a single sin or failing of any of God's people. Why? All of their sins are covered under the blood of Jesus. The only thing that will appear in that book will be our names. In fact, it will contain our new, heavenly names - and God himself is going to reveal to us what our new names are. You may ask, how does our name get recorded in the book of life? Our names are recorded in this book at the moment we believe with all of our being that Jesus Christ shed his blood for us. It happens as we claim the victory of his cross, and determine to seek him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, submitting to his lordship in all things. That's right. God offers a wonderful promise to all who were guilty of horrible, scarlet sins...whose acts were blood-red with the stench of hell...who abused their bodies with alcohol, drugs, perversions, fornications...who blush when they remember their past...who gulp when they think of how close they came to falling headlong into hell. God's promise to these is that they can stand assured, with great joy, on the day of judgment, without a trace of fear. He pledges: "...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18). Having repented and forsaken their sins, trusting in his forgiving grace, they were reconciled by faith to him. You see, no matter what your past is like, God no longer sees you as you once were. You're no longer a junkie in his eyes. You're not an alcoholic, an adulterer, a prostitute, a tax evader, a corporate crook. Instead, you've been transformed into his precious, lovely, spotless bride. And he is awaiting your presence at the jubilant marriage feast, where you'll be joined to your bridegroom. Think about this for a moment: Will a bridegroom who is anticipating his wedding day suddenly charge his bride with iniquity at the judgment? No, of course not. You may ask, "But isn't Jesus going to judge all wickedness? Isn't he going to judge sin?" Yes, he is. But the Christ you're going to meet on that day is the same Christ who has called you, saved you, forgiven you, purchased you with his own blood, cleansed you, branded you on your forehead as his own, and interceded for you all these years. As you stand before Jesus, you're going to see him as your husband, your redeemer, your friend, your advocate - and your intercessor still. And, in that moment, you're going to stand "complete" in him. You're going to appear without fault - without spot or wrinkle, holy, unblameable. "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses" (Colossians 2:13). "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy" (Jude 24). We are Christ's body - bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. Do you think for one minute he's going to mutilate his own body before all the hosts of devils and wicked men and women gathered before God's throne? No, never! He's going to love and care for us who comprise his own body. And he won't sever it from the head. Besides that, Jesus is also the cornerstone of the whole church. Do you think he's going to remove himself from that building, and bring the whole place down, after he's placed you in it so strategically? It's impossible! Now Allow Me to Bring Down the Hammer of God's Word and Completely Smash All Your Fears About Standing Before Christ's Judgment Seat, So From Now on You Can Anticipate That Time With Great Joy and Thanksgiving. I want to give you from the Bible three irrefutable reasons why we have no reason to fear, but every reason to rejoice at the coming of the judgment day: 1. Fear is not compatible with all of the wonderful relationships the Lord has proclaimed in his love for us. God has defined who he is to us - and that definition is not compatible with fear. Throughout the scriptures, he describes all the facets of his relationship to us: He's our father, our brother, our friend, our bridegroom, our head, our husband, our advocate, our kinsman-redeemer, our provider, our refuge, our shepherd - and much more. He has established all of these glorious relationships with us through the cross. And now he's urging us to know, "This is who I am to you." Do you think he's suddenly going to wipe out all these relationships with his people on the day of his judgment? Never! How can a father reject his offspring in the child's hour of accountability? No, even as the book of life is being opened, he will still be your father, your advocate, your intercessor. Nothing can take away that relationship with you! 2. Fear cannot be present on the day of your restitution and coronation. "He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities...As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:10, 12). Our minds can't begin to fathom how far the east is from the west. And that's just God's point in this verse: He has removed our sins beyond our capability ever to call them back. You may wonder why I call God's day of judgment our coronation day. It's because Isaiah says of that day: " the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee" (Isaiah 62:5). As you stand before your Lord then, you'll recognize his eyes of love for you. Then, in front of the entire multitude of transgressors, he will reach out to embrace you, his bride. So, I ask you - how can you fear when your Lord is gazing upon you with love and rejoicing? You'll still be the apple of his eye! 3. The Lord will do no less himself than what he requires of us here on earth. God doesn't require anything of us in his commandments that he isn't willing to do himself. And one of those requirements is to hide, cover and pardon the sins of our brothers and sisters. "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother" (Matthew 18:15). I believe that if there's going to be a separate judgment for Christians, as some teach, this is the area of life where it will take place. God is offended when we expose the weaknesses and infirmities of other saints, especially before the eyes of the wicked. And I believe this judgment must be a private, one-on-one, intimate encounter. Jesus is going to say to us very lovingly: "I cannot allow you to bring this baggage with you. I want to show you what you missed on earth, and how some of your works were done in the flesh without my Spirit. Yes, you're my precious bride, and there is nothing but glory ahead for you. You're under my blood covering, without a single spot or wrinkle. But all your works done in the flesh must burn." His word already tells us, "The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression" (Proverbs 19:11). "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing..." (Proverbs 25:2). Now, in a private moment on that day, Jesus is going to show us how he covered and pardoned our sins, when we least deserved it. He's going to reveal to us how his mercy and grace alone allowed us to pass over from death to life. "All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him..." (Ezekiel 18:22). Our sins are forever blotted out by his blood, never to be mentioned again. And so should our attitudes be toward our brothers and sisters who have offended us. I Bring You This Message to Anchor Your Soul and Prepare You for Any Unseen Calamity in the Dark Days That Are Coming. Martin Luther, at the height of all his trials, testified, "Lord, now that you have forgiven me all, do with me as you please." Luther was convinced that a God who could wipe away all his sins and save his soul could certainly care for his physical body and material needs. In essence, Luther was saying: "Why should I fear what man can do to me? I serve a God who can cleanse me of my iniquity and bring peace to my soul. It doesn't matter if everything around me collapses. If my God is able to save and keep my soul for eternity, why wouldn't he be able to care for my physical body while I'm on this earth? Oh, Lord, now that I'm pardoned, forgiven, and able to stand before you on judgment day with exceeding great joy - do with me as you please!" Brother, sister - rejoice. This present life is not reality. Our reality is eternal life in the presence of our blessed Lord. So, keep the faith. Things are winding down. But we are going up! --- Used with permission granted by World Challenge, P. O. Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771, USA. =========================================================== When in New York City Visit Times Square Church Located at 51st Street & Broadway (Manhattan) Schedule of Services Sunday Morning.................................10:00 Sunday Afternoon............................... 3:00 Sunday Evening................................. 6:00 Tuesday Evening [Prayer, healing, communion]... 7:00 Thursday Evening [Intercessory Prayer]......... 7:00 Friday Evening................................. 7:00 =========================================================== <<<<<>>>>> The David Wilkerson Times Square Church Pulpit Series is sent out every three weeks free-of-charge by regular mail and by e-mail subscription. [E-mail subscription instructions follow.] You may be added to our growing list of readers and receive these messages on a regular basis.* Send your request to: World Challenge P.O. Box 260 Lindale, Texas 75771 903-963-8626 903-963-5601 (Fax) *NOTE: Please mention that you received this information through the Internet ministry of The Missing Link, Inc., so we can continue enjoying the Times Square Church Pulpit Series on the Internet. Please mail your personal feedback to David Wilkerson at the above address and encourage him with the effectiveness of his ministry on the Internet. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROPHEZINE NEWSLETTER - Commentaries ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Paradigm Lost by John Loeffler - Colorado Christian News It has become fashionable for people on the left to chirp "extremist" at any viewpoint on the right opposing their belief. Consider however that the great and good of today's moderation movement are the radical leftists of thirty years ago. "Extreme right" today actually describes much of the mainstream culture three decades back when radical left flower children commenced their rabble-rousing change of society and started a love movement by calling the police "pigs." This was the same crowd that spat on U.S. soldiers to oppose an immoral war. Since then academics -- to the cheering of the media -- have pounded the culture with a constant socialist, left-leaning drumbeat. Generations educated by this drumbeat began moving leftward and assumed their view to be the cultural mainstream. Now, they have discovered a whole crowd of people who didn't move left with them -- the new "radical right." "Moderation" has become the left's mantra of choice. What this really means is that the right should take a neutral position, allowing the great and good of the left to pursue their agendas unimpeded. Really now. Was the civil rights movement of the early 1960s a moderate movement?. Absolutely not. It was driven by people standing for a political change they believed was essential. What about the various anti-war and university protests that dotted the 1960s and 1970s? Were they moderate? Hardly. Moderation -- taking no strong position on anything -- is a combination of I'm O.K., you're O.K. psychology combined a no-such-thing-as-absolute-truth philosophy. Even Christians -- who should know better -- have gotten sucked up into this bizarre mode of thought and actually think it's biblical. Notice there are never condemnations of those who are extreme about their "moderation," which is really a form of militant mediocrity. Since there is no such thing as absolute truth, the reasoning goes, no one should believe anything too much. Therefore all ideas have equal weight, all cultures are equally good and no one should criticize anyone else since all our ideas are wonderful -- insert warm fuzzy group hug here -- and peace on earth is just around the corner. The real consequences of such pabulum are staggering. The entire culture has been placed on an ocean of floating, contradictory values which are determined by pop fads of the moment rather than solid moral concepts of right and wrong. It is becoming pernicious in the judicial system where legal precedent is thrown to the dogs in favor of political activism. Here's moderation in action: Feminists argue strongly in favor of a woman's right to choose? Are they in favor of a woman's right to abort a female fetus because it's a girl? Why that would violate the fetus's right to be a female. A fetus then has a right to be female but doesn't have a right to life. The very same people telling you the public has no right to tell a woman what to do with her body start telling women what to do with their bodies. Ah but that's the fun of making up truth up as you go. The contradictions of relative truths flooding the culture, especially the judicial system, are dangerous to future stability. There are no rules except that we have no rules except toleration of all rules except those rules that say we mustn't tolerate something, and we can't tolerate that; that would be intolerant. Did you follow that? Good. I didn't either but that is the nonsense being foisted on us today by the great and good. For a Christian, the argument should NEVER be over whether or not there is an absolute truth -- the Bible tells us there is. The argument is over whether or not our ideas, views, theology and philosophies come close to that truth. This provides us with fixed moral references in an ocean of constantly changing public values. The next time someone says to you "that's just your truth" or "there is no such thing as absolute truth," ask them to hand over YOUR money which is in THEIR wallet. You'll see quickly what they really believe about absolute truth. I guarantee it -- absolutely! ========= Steel on Steel is a popular hard-hitting news and interview program on subjects, which aren't politically correct. WWW.STEELONSTEEL.ORG Steel On Steel Inc., P.O. Box 3358, Hayden, ID 83835-3358 TAPE SUBSCRIPTIONS We'll send you a complete program on a single tape for FREE so you can test Steel on Steel's value as a news and information program. You will also receive a complete catalog of our available programs and materials. Inside the U.S., toll-free: (800) 829-5646 Outside the U.S.: (208) 765-8337. Subscribing guarantees regular delivery of the program and reduces your cost. There are several subscription plans: A tape a week: We send you a complete program each week by first class mail. You receive all 52 Steel on Steel programs a year: $20.00/mo. + $2.75 postage A tape a month: We ship you the best program of each month for a total of 12 tapes a year: $5.00/mo. plus $1.08 postage ************************************ A Billion Here, A Billion There Consumer and Financial News for the Week Ending October 17th, 1998 From Christian Financial Concepts With Election Day bearing down, the Republican-led Congress and the Democratic White House hammered out a $500 billion budget accord, with each side claiming victory. Fiscal conservatives, however, were unhappy with the deal because, as The Wall Street Journal put it, the new budget plan "[blows] a hole in the balanced-budget proudly announced just a year ago." In the end, after almost three weeks of Pennsylvania Avenue give-and-take, President Clinton won large spending increases for education and the environment, while Republicans gave up any hope of getting a significant tax cut. The GOP's consolation prize was the extension of certain existing tax breaks. That wasn't enough for some conservatives. "[This is] a liberal, big-spending bill," complained Rep. David McIntosh (R-Ind.), leader of a group of dollar-conscious House Republicans. Even longtime participants in the federal budget process were amazed at how much extra spending was piled on in the final hours of negotiations. "Everybody got just about everything," said Rep. James Moran (D-Va.), a member of the Appropriations Committee. For his part, President Clinton described agreement on the massive spending plan as "a very, very good day for America." Loss Of Interest Taking the markets by surprise, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan ordered another cut in short-term interest rates, the second reduction in three weeks. The quarter-percentage-point decrease, combined with a like reduction in late September, is designed to "sustain economic growth," according to a Fed statement. Many economists think the Fed may cut rates several more times in the coming months, in an attempt to stave off recession and calm nervous financial markets. Slumping Sales? With Americans still reeling from a huge stock market drop, retailers are growing concerned about upcoming holiday season sales. Consumer spending is a key factor in the strength of America's economy, but the recent $1.5 trillion stock market decline took a lot of potential spending money out of investors' hands. In July, August, and September, U.S. households lost $1.2 trillion in personal wealth. Japan Struggling To Regain Its Balance In the current global economic crisis, many eyes are on Japan. What happens there affects much of the rest of the world. The Japanese economy, the world's second-largest, is in its deepest recession since World War II. For the year, Japan's economy is expected to shrink by 1.8 percent, and it may shrink even more in 1999. According to newly released figures, business bankruptcies in Japan numbered 1,518 in September, almost 18 percent higher than September of 1997. Unpaid debts left by bankrupt companies totaled more than $25 billion. Trying to address the continuing financial crisis, the Japanese government created a $500 billion plan to bail out its struggling banks. It also has formed an institution similar to America's Resolution Trust Corporation, which dealt with bad debts from the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Trouble At Home The financial turmoil in Japan and other parts of Asia is creating trouble for many U.S. companies. * California-based LSI Logic Corporation, which makes high-performance semiconductors, has been hurt by diminishing sales. The company has announced the termination of 1,200 employees -- 17 percent of its workforce. * BankBoston Corporation says it is closing branches in Japan, Taiwan, India, and the Philippines and cutting 111 jobs. Among the employees being terminated, 99 are employed in Asia. In other bad news for U.S. companies, the nation's largest stock broker, Merrill Lynch, is eliminating 3,400 jobs. Meanwhile, BankAmerica Corporation, the country's second-largest bank, reported a 78 percent decrease in its third-quarter earnings. Much of the blame for the decrease goes to a $599 million loss on securities trading in world markets. BankAmerica also lost $372 million due to bad loans made to a New York-based investment bank that had been dabbling in speculative hedge funds. Ford, Apple Issue Encouraging Reports Third quarter net earnings for Ford Motor Company, the nation's second-largest auto manufacturer, were up 10 percent compared to the same period in 1997. During the first three quarters of the year, Ford earned a record $4.9 billion. Good earnings news also came from Apple Computer, which reported its best fiscal year since 1995. The company, which earned $106 million in its fourth quarter, has benefited from the popularity of its new iMac computer, which sold 278,000 units in its first six weeks on the market. I raise you 1.3 percent Social Security recipients next year will get their smallest cost-of-living increase in more than a decade -- only 1.3 percent. The rate of increase is based on annual changes in the Consumer Price Index. With prices rising only slightly this year, the cost-of-living raise is small. The 1.3 percent increase will mean that the average Social Security benefit for retirees will grow from $770 to $780 a month. Y2K Defense On The Offense The new budget accord hammered out by Congress and the White House (see story above) included new money for Year 2000 fixes. An additional $1.1 billion was earmarked to help the Department of Defense (DOD) solve its Y2K troubles. Without repairs, many defense computers and systems won't be able to read dates correctly after December 31, 1999, resulting in breakdowns that could affect military readiness. Meanwhile, Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre announced that DOD should have about 95 percent of its "mission critical" computer systems "Y2K-compliant" by January 1999. The claim appears to fly in the face of a recent "report card" from a House subcommittee, which gave the Defense Department a "D" for slow progress against the Y2K problem. Mr. Hamre conceded that the 95-percent-completion scenario could be based on overly optimistic progress reports generated by workers simply trying to meet a reporting deadline. To ensure that the reports are accurate, DOD "will impose a fairly hard-edged review," he said, quoted by Federal Computer Week. We're in the same boat now At the the Global Year 2000 Summit, a London conference sponsored by international Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank, the British official in charge of Y2K preparations warned of systemic failures. "A supply chain can only be as strong as its weakest link," said Margaret Beckett, head of Year 2000 readiness for the British government. "[I]n a global economy, other countries' problems are our own," she said, quoted by Reuters. Some European nations, including Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, are lagging far behind in Y2K fixes, according to Cap Gemini, a technology consulting firm. A Reuters report described the OECD summit as "the first time major multinational governmental organizations and business have met specifically to discuss the [Y2K] issue." ====== As a nonprofit ministry, which is sustained through the prayerful support of God's people, Christian Financial Concepts receives donations in two primary ways. 1.By Telephone - To make a credit card donation, please call 1-800-722-1976. 2.By Mail - To donate by check or money or for the Monthly newsletter order, please write to Christian Financial Concepts PO Box 2458 Gainesville, GA 30503-2458. As always, you should consider supporting CFC only after financial obligations to your local church are fulfilled. Thank you, and God bless you! NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to: ----------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F.Y.I. - Israel in the News ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Week Ending: 31 October 1998/11 Cheshvan 5759 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "For the L-rd has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. 'This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.'" Psalm 132.13-14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TERRORISTS STRIKE: In the words of Tzvi Katzover, Mayor of Kiryat Arba, "The ink on the agreement isn't yet dry, and yet more Jewish blood has been spilled." At 7:30 am Thursday, a Palestinian suicide bomber attempted to direct his explosives-laden car alongside an Egged bus full of schoolchildren on their way from Kfar Darom to Atzmona. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) jeep accompanying the school bus blocked his way; the car hit the jeep, which went up in flames, killing one soldier -- Alexei Naikov, 19, from Haifa -- and injuring two others. The bus continued on to Atzmona, where teachers and psychologists counseled the children. One Palestinian was wounded when he ran away from the scene of the bombing, refusing to adhere to IDF soldiers' instructions to stop. Incredibility Palestinian Authority (PA/PLO) police then shot at the IDF soldiers! The explosion shattered windows in the adjacent community of Kfar Darom. The suspected mastermind behind the suicide bombing is Mohammed Deif, the head of the Hamas military wing, who has been wanted since 1992. Earlier in the week, a 29-year-old Israeli security guard was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists. Danny Vargas, who lived in Kiryat Arba with his wife Tali (who is pregnant) and one child, was driving home from his place of employment at the electric station outside Kiryat Arba when he was accosted by the killers. They shot him four times, threw his body out of the car, and drove off into PA/PLO territory only several feet away. Tuesday, the PA/PLO announced that they apprehended Vargas' murderer. He was identified as Jamil Jadalla, 27, from Beit Lechem, who has recently been living in Hebron. The PA/PLO claimed that he also admitted to killing Itamar Doron at Moshav Ora and seriously injuring Ilan Mazon on October 13 [F.Y.I.-17 Oct 1998]. Supposedly he had an accomplice, who has not yet been captured. (ARUTZ-7, HEBRON PRESS OFFICE) ARAFAT 'CRACKS DOWN' ON HAMAS: In response to Thursday's bombing, PA/PLO leader Arafat has arrested more than 100 Hamas activists, including senior members. Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was put under house arrest, his phone line was cut and PA/PLO 'guards' were placed at his door. In a statement faxed to news organizations, the group praised Thursday's suicide bombing as a "heroic operation". However, true to past performance, PA/PLO police have released a number of the Hamas terrorists that were arrested. They include Ismail Haniyah, a leading member of Hamas, along with Nafez Azam, a senior figure in the Islamic Jihad terrorist group. Arafat had promised after signing the Wye Memorandum that he would not do this anymore. The Israelis have expressed doubts about the willingness of the PA/PLO to take effective action against Hamas, and have warned that further attacks could upset the peace accord reached earlier this month. (JERUSALEM POST, BBC, AP) PA/PLO RATIFIES WYE: The PA/PLO Cabinet has ratified the Wye Memorandum with Israel, although some ministers are reported to have voted against it. The Cabinet said it would present its action plan on fighting terrorism to the United States by Monday, as promised. "We are committed next week to sharing our security plan with the Americans," said senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. "This does not mean submitting the plan to Israel or to anybody else" [Article II A.1.b "A work plan developed by the Palestinian side will be shared with the U.S. ..." The agreement does not mention sharing any security information with Israel]. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will not make independent judgments on Palestinian security compliance during the 12-week implementation period, according to Dennis Ross, US special envoy to the Middle East, HA'ARETZ reported. Rather, Ross will serve as the main interpreter of the CIA's data to the Clinton administration, which will determine PA/PLO adherence to security obligations. The Israeli Cabinet may not vote on the Memorandum in time to meet the accord's Monday starting date. The Cabinet convenes Sunday, but Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said he would not show his ministers the agreement until the Palestinians had submitted a security document on fighting terrorism. Netanyahu also has said he would not begin implementing the accord without Cabinet approval. (BBC, ISRAEL LINE) 'THE G-D OF ISRAEL IS YET TO BE HEARD FROM': "It's All Over, Except For The Shouting! Or Is it? One of the factors that was completely ignored at Wye, by William Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu, was the G-d of Israel. It was as if there was no Old Testament, and no Exodus of the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land. Instead there was an attempt to ignore the nature of this Holy Land, a re-writing of history. Fortunately, the G-d of Israel is yet to be heard from." (WOMEN FOR ISRAEL'S TOMORROW/ICEJ) RABBIS CALL AGREEMENT "FORBIDDEN": The Union of Rabbis for Eretz Yisrael, headed by Rabbi Shapira, convened in his home Monday, and released the following statement: "We hereby declare that the current withdrawal agreement -- providing for the transfer of large parts of the Land of Israel to foreigners and enemies of Israel -- is a degradation of our national pride, is against Halakhah (Jewish Law), and is in violation of several Biblical prohibitions. In addition, it is in direct opposition to what was promised to the public. The implementation of this agreement will abandon the blood of our brothers, the residents of the many communities that will be surrounded by enemy rule. In addition, this agreement endangers the entire Israeli populace. We therefore declare that it is forbidden to cooperate with this terrible agreement. We must act for the advancing of the elections in order to choose a new leadership that will be loyal to the Torah of Israel, the People of Israel, and the Land of Israel." Present at the meeting were Rabbis Dov Lior, Zalman Baruch Melamed, Chaim Druckman, Eliezer Waldman, and others. (ARUTZ-7) ARSON MAPS FOUND: A detailed plan for a campaign of arson attacks against forests in the Mt. Gilboa region was discovered by JNF (Jewish National Fund) workers after they tackled a blaze in the area on Tuesday evening. JNF spokesman Moshe Pearl said "On Tuesday evening, a team of JNF foresters on fire-watch duty on Mt. Gilboa spotted smoke and raced to the scene of a blaze that had broken out. They saw a number of people running away. After they extinguished the fire, they found the wallet with the map and the plans for the arson campaign inside it. The site where the blaze occurred was one of those listed on the plan." Pearl noted that the JNF had boosted fire-watch patrols and observation posts following dozens of fires which had destroyed hundreds of dunams of forest and natural brush in the Mt. Gilboa area in the past few weeks. He said the action had paid dividends on Tuesday evening and that the team on duty at the time had spotted the fire managed to extinguish it quickly. "We also now have an indication that the previous fires were not accidental, nor the result of negligence, as well as a clue as to who was behind them," said Pearl. (JERUSALEM POST) ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: A Givati Brigade soldier was seriously wounded in a mortar attack on an IDF outpost in the western sector of the Security Zone during fierce fighting in the region Wednesday. Later in the evening, four South Lebanese Army (SLA) soldiers were wounded -- one of them seriously -- in bombardments in the eastern sector of the Zone. The attacks by Hizb'Allah and apparently Amal were the most concerted in several weeks and prompted heavy return fire by the IDF. Residents of northern Israel spent Tuesday night in bomb shelters fearing the possibility of their region being shelled following an attack in Lebanon on Mahmoud Majzoub, the leader of the militant Islamic Jihad, MA'ARIV reported. Majzoub was seriously wounded on Tuesday when his car exploded in Sidon. Majzoub's wife and child were also injured in the explosion. Israeli officials denied accusations by Islamic Jihad members that Israel booby-trapped the car. Israeli security officials said that the attack was due to an internal conflict between Lebanon's Shi'ite organizations. The head of the Lebanese delegation to the Monitoring Group for the implementation of the Grapes of Wrath understandings, admitted that the firing of shells into Israel two weeks ago by Hizb'Allah was intentional. This is in contrast to previous statements given on this subject. The Monitoring Group condemned the attack and determined it an intentional violation of the understandings. The Monitoring Group emphasized the need for action to be taken in order to prevent the recurrence of such attacks. The Lebanese representative promised that Lebanon would take steps to ensure that Hizb'Allah will act in accordance with the Grapes of Wrath understandings. The Monitoring Group has concluded its review of the five complaints filed by Israel and Lebanon. It also acknowledged Israel's violation of the understandings, in the SLA's firing at the Lebanese villages of Dalfi, Binafoul, and Kalia. (JERUSALEM POST, ISRAEL LINE, IDF SPOKESPERSON) VATICAN OWNS UP: The Vatican said Thursday it had to take responsibility for the Inquisition, rather than try palm off blame onto civil authorities for one of the darkest eras in Roman Catholic church history. Many Jews were forcibly converted to Catholicism during the Inquisition, and many -- Jews and Gentiles -- accused of heresy were tortured and killed. According to the ENCYCLOPAEADIA JUDAICA, tens of thousands of victims were burnt alive at the stake. The Vatican set up a special court, whose activities reached their climax in the 16th century, to counter "heresies". Among its targets were promoters of the Reformation, and the astronomer Galileo, who was condemned for claiming that the earth revolved around the sun. During the Inquisition, church officials reportedly began to count on civil authorities to fine, imprison and even torture accused heretics. An infamous Index of Forbidden Books listed books which Roman Catholics were not allowed to read or possess on pain of excommunication. The Bible was included. A three-day symposium opened Thursday to examine the Inquisition. Some of its conclusions are expected to be included in a document in which the Vatican is expected to ask forgiveness for past errors, as part of celebrations for the year 2000. (ICEJ) WYE DOESN'T INTEREST GULF STATES: Most Gulf Arab states are not expected to respond favorably to a call by the US to move to normalize ties with Israel after its latest peace accord with the PLO, diplomats and officials said Thursday. Some of the six conservative states feel that considering such a move should only follow a breakthrough in Israel's stalled peace talks with Syria and Lebanon, diplomats said. The US Monday told Arab states it expected gestures toward Israel in recognition of the commitments Israel had made in last week's agreement with the PLO, but Arabs responded with a frosty silence. The six, pro-Western Gulf Arab states are firm political and financial backers of the US-led Middle East peace process but they do not have diplomatic ties with Israel. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain have no public contacts with Israel. All six states have said Israel must unconditionally withdraw from the Syrian Golan Heights and southern Lebanon as part of a comprehensive Middle East peace deal. (REUTERS) AGREEMENT REACHED IN MISSILE ACCORD: Saturday Israel and the US agreed to fight proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and work together on strategic matters. Under the terms of the agreement, Israel and the US will establish a joint strategic committee to oversee enhanced technological, strategic, and military cooperation between the two countries. The US would consider the regional deployment of ballistic missiles of intermediate or greater range in the event of a threat to Israel's security. "In the event of such a threat," the text of the agreement reads, "the United States would consult with Israel with respect to what support, diplomatic or otherwise, it can lend." But US embassy spokesman Larry Schwartz said the pact was not a guarantee of US military assistance in the event of ballistic missile deployment targeting Israel. (AP) DEFENSE DEVELOPMENTS: The IDF is testing a laser-guided anti-tank missile that can fire from 105mm and 120mm tank guns. Israel Military Industries has released details of its new 5.56mm Tavor Bullpup assault rifle. The weapon, which is 30.4 inches long, has been developed in close co-operation with the IDF. (JANE'S DEFENSE WEEKLY) POLLARD WAS READY TO GO HOME: Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard believed he was going home as a result of the newly signed Mideast peace agreement. He even had his bags packed, THE JEWISH WEEK reported Friday. Netanyahu pushed for Pollard's release and insisted he be pardoned by President Clinton. In a separate agreement between the US and Israel, the US agreed to review Pollard's case. Clinton has said the administration would conduct an investigation into whether to grant Pollard clemency. Pollard also heard he would be released quietly 20 days after the signing of the Wye Memorandum. The release of Pollard was originally suggested not as an 'add-on' to the withdrawal agreement, sources say, but as an integral part of the agreement: in exchange for Israel's willingness to drop the demand for Jabali's extradition, the US would release Jonathan Pollard. The Americans agreed, but Clinton later reneged on the agreement. Pollard, 44, said he was told he was not released because CIA officials had pressured President Clinton not to free him. ISRAEL RADIO quoted a senior advisor to Netanyahu as saying Clinton had agreed to free Pollard, but changed his mind because of fears it would hurt the Democratic Party in the imminent US mid-term elections. Pollard's supporters have argued that he gave Israel critical information the US should not have been withholding from a key ally in the first place. They have also compared his case with that of other convicted spies in the US who have received considerably lighter sentences -- even those who spied for enemy countries. (AP, ARUTZ-7, ICEJ) SETTLEMENTS TO BE BUILT: A new neighborhood of 55 units is currently under construction in the Jordan Valley settlement of Tomer, the home of IDF soldier Michal Adato, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist on October 9. Netanyahu's settlement advisor, Ya'ir Ma'yan, said that this is part of a new government policy to respond to murderous terrorist attacks by building a new neighborhood in the victim's settlement. Additional housing is being built in Yitzhar following the murders of Harel Bin-Nun and Shlomo Libman in August, and the previously "illegal" community of Rechelim (established in memory of Rachel Druck, another victim of Palestinian terrorism, and Rachel Weiss, killed by a terrorist with her three children in Jericho) was upgraded to "legal" three weeks ago. (ARUTZ-7) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FYI - Israel In The News "For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1 'F.Y.I.' may be reproduced & distributed in any form. Please give proper credit. Send comments to Lee Underwood at: (Do not send subscription requests here) To subscribe/unsubscribe, go to: Web site: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Are You in Contact With Your Spirit Guide? He will guide you into all truth! By Rexella Van Impe We're hearing so much in this day about the New Age Movement and how we should be in contact with our "other self" through our "spirit guide." These concepts are being taught in our public schools, even at the lower grade levels. Misguided, deceived individuals are teaching our innocent children about transcendental meditation, yoga, and the spirit world. Numerous celebrities, such as Shirley MacLaine, Linda Evans, and John Denver, have publicized their involvement with such fearsome ancient spirit guides as Ramtha, Spectra, and Lazirus, who supposedly possess supernatural knowledge and can assist them in making important decisions and choices. The truth is that most of the spirits out there are not holy. It is vitally important to recognize this fact. Sadly, too many people do not realize that when they participate in activities like "channeling," trances, seances, etc., they are opening themselves up to all kinds of demonic spirits. Often, people actually give themselves over to evil spirits, with tragic results. Our Guide As Christians, our Spirit Guide lives within us. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you (1 Corinthians 6:19). Therefore, if our Spirit Guide is within us, we have no need to go outside ourselves for guidance as others suggest. He is all we need. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come (John 16:13). Imagine, you have access to the greatest Spirit of all -- the precious Holy Spirit. You can possess, and be possessed by, the most powerful force in all the universe, the omniscient, omnipresent Spirit of the eternal God. Shirley MacLaine and others talk about their spirit guides being so special because they are ancient. But our Spirit Guide -- the Holy Spirit -- helped create the world, even man. Genesis 1:1,2 says, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So the Holy Spirit was there at the dawn of creation -- as a part of the Trinity. He is from the beginning and predates all other spirit guides. We can have contact with this Holy Spirit and be guided by Him, but first we must possess Him. The only way that can happen is by the illumination of His Word. He must convince us of the truth. John 16:8 says, And when he is come, he will reprove [convince] the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. He convinces us that we need Him and guides us to the born-again experience. Thank God, the Spirit does strive with us and illuminates the truth to us. Our Intercessor Not only does the Spirit convince us of our need of Christ, He also creates intercessory thoughts in us. There are times when we don't even know what we need -- what is good for us. So many times we may not even know how we should pray or what we should ask for. So we have to join our spirit with the Holy Spirit to seek out God's best plan for our lives. Romans 8:26 says, Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. There are times when we come to God, praying only for what we want -- asking for His approval -- instead of seeking His will for our lives. I'm convinced that on those occasions when we come to God, asking selfishly, the Holy Spirit is saying, "No, Father, no." When we do not ask within the will of God, then the Holy Spirit, in His mercy, intercedes for what is best. As a young bride, I had an experience like this. I wanted a baby so much that I begged God to let me have one. I refused to consider how much a child would have hampered and burdened my calling and ministry, which at that time required me to live "on the road" for months at a time. I avoided thinking about how cruel and unfair my work load and life-style would be to a helpless, wholly-dependent little one. Even after I knew that motherhood was not God's will for me, I asked anyway. But the Holy Spirit, in His goodness, interceded for me -- for my own good. And now, when I can see things clearly and in perspective, that knowledge brings me great comfort. There may also be times when we experience a yearning for something that is undefined and inexpressible. It's a hunger or yearning we simply can't understand. At times like these, we can join our spirits with the Holy Spirit and let Him create intercessory thoughts within us. Then we can have peace that what is being sought in our behalf is for our good...and will be done. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (1 John 5:14,15). Allowing the Holy Spirit to create intercessory thoughts and prayers brings such satisfaction and fulfillment. It goes beyond our understanding or ability to put it into words. It is so beautiful and powerful. Our Comforter Then, the Holy Spirit comforts us. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you (John 14:18). I love the story about a very sad unbeliever who was seated next to a Christian man on a train. During the trip, the unsaved man began to cry and weep. The believer said to him, "I see you are troubled and sad. Is there some way I can help you?" The sorrowful man replied, "I've just lost my wife. Our home seems so empty. All I have left to keep me company is her parakeet." The believer replied, "Well, as a Christian I have the Paraclete -- the Holy Spirit. He never leaves me. And He will meet your need if you'll allow Him to." Paraclete, in the Greek, means "comforter" and is the name given for the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we have the constant, unfailing presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us. Our Spiritual Gift-giver The Holy Spirit also controls the spiritual gifts bestowed upon the body of Christ, the Church. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of another another the gifts of healing... to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: but all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). God gives these gifts to each believer, as He wills. Each of us has been given a very special gift -- and the Holy Spirit will guide us into a place of service using the particular gift He has chosen for us. He will also give us power when using that gift. Peter had the gift of communication -- the ability to preach. But after he was filled with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:8; 2:4), he not only had the gift but also the fruit... boldness (see Acts 4:13). So the Holy Spirit not only gives us spiritual gifts, He also gives us the ability (fruit) and strength to use them. Spiritual gifts are not given to hoard for our own benefit or enjoyment. They are given to enable us to minister to others. And the Spirit will provide the opportunity -- He will definitely show us our place of service. I believe there are times, depending on the circumstances, when more than one gift of the Spirit may be exercised through you. A situation may arise where there is no one else to depend on and the Holy Spirit manifests (or works) a particular gift through you to meet a particular need at a particular time. It may be a gift that has never operated in your life before, but when the Spirit puts you in a situation, He will illuminate your mind to meet the need. You will discover that where God guides, He provides. The Holy Spirit is our Keeper Not only is our Spirit Guide with us in life, but He remains with us even after death. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman relates a beautiful story about how he personally discovered this thrilling truth. He was sitting in his home, reading an address delivered by Dr. Moorhead at a Bible Conference. Dr. Moorhead declared that when one becomes a child of God, the Spirit of God comes in to dwell in that person and will continue in that body until the Resurrection. Even after the human spirit has departed to be with the Lord, the third member of the godhead remains with that body until the Resurrection. Dr. Chapman said that as he thought about this, he started to cry. He said, "We hitched the horse to the carriage, and my wife and I rode out to a little graveyard where we had buried our firstborn son. As we stood there beside that little grave, we said, 'Thank You, Lord, for keeping watch.' Immediately the peace of God flooded our souls." He went on, "Later, when I stood by the grave of my mother, again I said, 'Thank You, Holy Spirit, for staying with Your temple and keeping watch.'" What a comfort! On the day of Resurrection the Spirit will touch the body with new life, reunite it with the soul, and sweep our triuned body, soul, and spirit to be with God. How amazing and beautiful! I encourage you today to get in contact with your Spirit Guide. But don't be fooled by the false teachers of the so-called New Age Movement. Satan always has a counterfeit for the real and profitable things in life. He would like to deceive you into listening to his emissaries of evil and guide you into darkness. But he is no match for the real "Spirit Guide" -- the Holy Spirit, who will always guide you into all truth. Remember, Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). ===== Ministries of Jack Van Impe Ministries Production of Bible-based printed materials, audiocassettes, and videocassettes. Free Literature distribution to chaplains who minister in jails, prisons, convalescent homes, nursing homes, hospitals, rescue missions, branches of the military, etc. Free Literature distribution of overstock items to Asia and Africa through Gospel Revival Ministries of Fruitport, Michigan, Biblical Counseling-correspondence and referral, Church referral and visitation request (248) 852-5225 In the United States: Jack Van Impe Ministries PO Box 7004 Troy MI 48007-7004 In Canada: Jack Van Impe Ministries International PO BOX 1717 Postal Station A Windsor ON N9A 6Y1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My "Never Again " List FIRST: Never again will I confess I CAN'T for I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. (Phil 4:13). SECOND: Never again will I confess LACK, for my God shall supply all of my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19) THIRD: Never again will I confess FEAR, for God hath not given me the Spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7) FOURTH: Never again will I confess DOUBT AND LACK OF FAITH for God has given unto every man the measure of faith (Rom. 12:3) FIFTH: Never again will I confess WEAKNESS, for the Lord is the strength of my life (Ps. 27:1) and the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan. 11:32). SIXTH: Never again will I confess SUPREMACY OF SATAN OVER MY LIFE for greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) SEVENTH: Never again will I confess DEFEAT, for GOD always causeth me to triumph in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 2:14) EIGHTH: Never again will I confess LACK OF WISDOM, for Christ Jesus is made unto me wisdom from GOD (1 Cor. 1:30) NINTH: Never again will I confess SICKNESS, for with His stripes I am healed ( Isa. 53: 5) and Jesus Himself took my infirmities and bare my sickness (Matt. 8: 17). TENTH: Never again will I confess WORRIES AND FRUSTRATIONS, for I am casting all my cares upon him who careth for me (1 Pet. 5: 7) in CHRIST I am " carefree". ELEVENTH: Never again will I confess BONDAGE, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3: 17). My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. TWELFTH: Never again will I confess CONDEMNATION, for there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8: 1) I am in Christ; therefore I am free from condemnation. -- Author unknown ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++