=============================================== PropheZine #60 Thursday, July 02, 1998 Bob Lally Publisher Mimi Nila Senior Editor Rick Woodcock Asst. Editor Bob Lally..........................Introduction Mimi Nila..........................Brief Message ARTICLES Ellen Craswell......The Biblical Basis for Christians in Politics and Government Berit Kjos..................... Touched By An Angel - But Which Kind?. R. g. Wallace...................WHEN ARMIES MOVE (PART 2) A Dissertation on Armageddon from the Pre-wrath Perspective Barry Chamish..................Why Rabin Was Murdered Ken Onweller.................The Seven Letters To The Churches Don D. Srail ...................Know Where The Last Jihad Takes Place E. Lee Audirsch..................."The Room" PROPHEZINE NEWSBYTES Joseph Farah.........................Panic In The Year Zero Part 4 Family Research Council..........Zero Tolerance For Guns, Drugs And Prayer? ReligionToday.com...............Arrests shut down the church in Saudi Arabia David M. Bresnahan.......................National ID card on fast track Bob Cohen - Editor...................ITAA's Year 2000 Outlook Jim Garamone..................Some Critical DoD Systems Won't Make Y2K Deadlines Lee Underwood ..............................F.Y.I. - Israel in the News Terry Denbow ���������.Proverbs 31:4&5 ************************************* Greetings in the Name of Jesus! When it rains it pours. The Lord has been raining blessings on PropheZine and I want to share what the Lord has done. First and foremost I receive many emails from people around the world telling me how PropheZine has touched their life and the lives of others. I receive so many emails on a daily basis letting me know how grateful people are that PropheZine exists; that we are on track in providing sound biblical information dealing with bible prophecy. It is emails such as these that really help keep me going. We are all running the good race. What's that saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get on their knees and pray"! In these end times we certainly need to pray now more than ever. I am in the process of adding an additional 200 audio messages to the site. Thank you God's News Behind The News for allowing PropheZine to put this valuable information on the net. PropheZine now has consistent visits from 90 countries. Last month we had 40% growth with 38,000 visits (250,000 hits). I do not even venture to guess where the Lord will take us in July. We have a staff of 33. We need additonal Assistant Editors so if the Lord is nudging you in this direction please contact Mimi at meems@ibm.net. Please continue to pray for the PropheZine Staff. I was interviewed for CNN and will be interviewed for the LA Times in the next few days. When I receive the published articles I'll pass them on to you. Battle, after battle, after battle. Sometimes it seems like it will never end. Always remember the blessed hope of our savior and redeemer Jesus, the Christ. There is soon coming a time when we will live for eternity in rest and peace! But until that time, run the good race with perseverance and the knowledge that the Lord is always by your side. Bob Lally Webmaster ************************************* Hello to everyone, Greetings and blessings to you on the July 4th holiday. I apologize that this newsletter is late. The enemy is working overtime in this country to destroy what was built upon Gods word. Please keep your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer. Christian persecution worldwide is greater than at any other time in history. I pray that this newsletter will enlighten you to current events and bring you ever closer to knowing that our only hope is in Jesus Christ our Lord. May He Bless you and keep you, In His Service, Mimi Nila Mnila@ibm.net ************************************ The Biblical Basis for Christians in Politics and Government by Ellen Craswell As our campaign for Governor grows, many people are interested in the Biblical basis for Christian involvement in politics and government. This was the true driving force behind America's founding fathers (who based the Constitution on specific Biblical, Judeo-Christian principles). It is also the foundation of this campaign and of my service as Governor, should God see fit to place me in that office. Regarding the principles in this article, I am very grateful to Pastor Thomas Minnick, whose Biblical teaching has helped to bring these truths to life in me and in many others. Why Get Involved? Crisis and civic duty are inferior and ineffective motivation for Christians who take seriously their charge to seek God's will for their lives. Why participate if this is not surely God's desire? Sadly, 20th century preaching often discouraged our involvement in the "worldly" business of politics and government. Yet Christians have not always hesitated to "get involved" in American civil government. Rather, for much of our history, Christians were deeply committed to this role. In fact, most of our founding fathers were outstanding Christians (as opposed to the very few deists, agnostics or atheists constantly highlighted by today's anti-Christian elite). More Christians must now realize the Biblical basis for involvement. It then becomes a matter of obedience to God. As Christians consider their responsibility, there are three vital principles to remember. First, government is God's institution! Civil government exists and functions by God's command, not because cave men created a social contract. Civil government began in Genesis 9:1-7, when God instructed Noah after the flood. In Exodus 20-22, God through Moses gives a specific pattern for civil government. Scripture is full of God's sovereignty and interest in civil government. In Daniel 2:20-21, God removes and sets up rulers. In Proverbs 21:1, he turns a ruler's heart. In Romans 13:1, He ordains civil powers. Clearly, government is not a secular institution but a God-ordained institution. A second key principle is that God has every right to direct His institutions. Indeed, Scripture reveals God's will, rules and leadership qualities for the home, the church... and the government! Christians are quite familiar with Biblical expectations for the family and the church. Yet many are amazed to realize that our country's Constitution and many of its laws and punishments are based on civil government rules of conduct that are spelled out in the Bible. Exodus 21-22 addresses manslaughter, premeditated murder, assault, kidnapping (and slavery), abortion, infanticide, property crimes, criminal negligence, assaulting parents, robbery and bestiality. Leviticus 13, 20 and other passages address such issues as public health laws and homosexuality. In Deuteronomy 17-22 are laws regarding violation of a court order, perjury, malicious accusations, building codes (no regulatory scheme, it just sets the standards for responsible conduct and punishes wrongs), juvenile delinquency and rape. God also gives qualifications for leadership, both in the church (1 Timothy 3:1-7) and in civil government (Exodus 18:21). Imagine our state and nation under leaders with these Biblical qualities: "able" and "fears God" and speaks "truth" and "hates covetousness"! The third vital principle to remember is that secularizing government is an affront to a Holy God! We are often told that government and politics should be secular. But would we allow Biblical Christianity to be excluded from our homes or churches? So why quietly capitulate to arguments saying we should keep God's Word and God's people out of God's institution of civil government? We need to petition God for revival before privatization of our faith results in complete secularization of government. Biblical Governing Once Christian involvement in the political process bears fruit in the election of a Godly person, it is crucial for that individual to understand and obey Biblical principles in office. Among these are four principles. First, we must understand that civil leaders are "ministers of God" (Romans 13:3-4). This relates to the principle of ACCOUNTABILITY. The role of a civil leader is to enable government to fulfill God's purposes. Civil leaders are doing the will of God in establishing justice and maintaining civil order. They are accountable to God for the faithful discharge of their ministry responsibilities. A person's behavior in office is positively affected by knowing that he must answer to God. A second principle, that of DESTINY, understand the reality of sovereign appointments. A civil leader serves at God's pleasure! "...He (God) removeth kings, and setteth up kings..." (Daniel 2:21). "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another" (Psalm 75:6-7). God places people in leadership for His specific purposes -- for His benefit, not theirs! "...Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). We must ask ourselves, "Why has God put me here? What does He want me to accomplish?" Understanding man's tendency to compromise, we also recognize the principle of DEPENDENCY. Leaders are called on to make hard decisions! Recall Solomon and the baby (1 Kings 3:16- 27). Elected office requires more wisdom and courage than any person has. If one trusts in human wisdom (pollsters, consultants or even his own wisdom), he will usually be frightened into doing the wrong thing. Yet, "...lean not unto thine own understanding" (see Proverbs 3:5-6). It is hard to know what is right! It is even harder to do what is right! Our only hope is a right relationship with God -- living each day dependent upon Him for wisdom to know the right thing and courage to do the right thing. Don't fear the voters, fear God! The fourth essential is to understand God's purpose for civil government, the principle of JURISDICTION. What is the reason for government? Looking at history, man began in a state of innocence, and all was good. There was no need for government (see Genesis 1:27-28, 31). But sin entered the picture (see Genesis 4:3-10, 6:1-6) and God ordained civil government (see Romans 13:1). It is God's institution, begun by His creative act. Further, God is in control of government. "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it withersoever He will" (Proverbs 21:1). In considering the role of government, we must discern the jurisdictions of Caesar or God (Matthew 22:15-21). The church and civil government are made necessary by the same thing (sin), but do not have identical responsibilities. The humanist view of the role of government is to perfect mankind. The Scriptural view of the role of government is to protect mankind. Scripture shows that civil government is charged with a limited responsibility to protect life and property. Previously listed passages from Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and many others, indicate this. A civil leader must decide that he will take a Scriptural view of the limited role of government in society! For example, God's plan for welfare does not involve civil government. People who are in need of temporary help are directed to look primarily to the family (see 1 Timothy 5:3-8), secondarily to the church (see 1 Timothy 5:9-16 and Acts 6:1-2), or finally to neighbors in the community (see Leviticus 19:9-10, 23:22). Clearly, God's plan vastly differs from the present system, which is such a monumental failure. The humanistic plan is publicly funded, coercive and creates cycles of dependency. The Biblical plan is a private program, voluntary and allows the poor to retain their dignity. Anyone who reads through the Bible can see that God's ways bring blessings and man's ways bring destruction. Yet so often we all try, try again to do whatever seems right in our own eyes, thinking somehow that we in our day can escape the unavoidable consequences that are spelled out in God's Word. Having "done our own thing" for decades, we are now suffering the gaping devastation of crime, broken homes, abused and aborted children, sexual immorality, drug and alcohol problems, corrupt government, reckless taxing and spending, warped welfare programs and deficient education. Half-hearted measures will never solve these full- scale problems. The answer begins with a return to God and his ways. "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Article taken from : http://user.mc.net/dougp/a/heritage.html [Ellen Craswell served as Washington State Representative (1977- 1980), State Senator (1981-1992), and was the first woman named President Pro Tem of the Senate (1991-1992). She is the leading Republican candidate for Governor. For more information contact: Ellen Craswell for Governor, 20730 Bond Road NE #101, Poulsbo WA 98370 or telephone 360-779-1611] ************************************* Touched By An Angel - But Which Kind? With excerpts from A Twist of Faith by Berit Kjos I am one with God, I am one with all men, I am one with all life." (Della Reese who plays angel Tess) "We see angels as a common denominator among the religions of the world and focusing on what we have in common rather than our differences will help unite all peoples spirituality." (Linda Vephula, Publisher, Angel Times) "Jordan DuBois, I'm an angel sent by God to bring you two things," announced Tess in the November 30 episode of the popular sitcom, Touched by an Angel. "A child will be born to you on Dec. 25, Christmas day. and second " "A piece of wood?" Jordan stared at the short plank. "Think of it as a violin yet to be played. It is a gift from God as your son is a gift from [the] Creator. Each has a beautiful tune to play. Each begins its life tonight." The main story starts thirty years later. The promised child has become a lawyer who - as President Clinton suggests --volunteers his free time. When he returns home for the holidays, his family welcomes him with open arms. But the joy fades when Tony shares his news: he is gay and has AIDS. After a painful encounter with his father, Tony collapses coughing outside in the snow. He is taken to a hospice managed by Tess. Near death, he hears a chorus singing "Angels we have heard on high." "I'd like to see one of those angels," he tells Tess. "If you saw one of those angels, what would you say?" "I'd say, Tell God I'm sorry for turning out the way I did. I know I'm a disappointment." "No you're not. In God's eyes you are His beautiful child. I am an angel. I was sent by God to bring you a message: God loves you." "That's not what I've heard." "What you've heard were someone else's words of hate and confusion. But God is not the source of hate and confusion. God is the source and the completer of your faith. And that's what you need right now, faith that God really knows who you are. No one's perfect, Anthony, but God." Notice that Tony came close to confessing his sin, a step that has brought countless repentant sinners into the loving presence of our forgiving Father. But Tess, played by veteran actress and singer Della Reese stopped him with a seductive mix of truth and New Age sentiment. Her gospel sounds Christian but denies our need for the cross, the only way to lasting life and peace. Della Reese's words fit the church she founded in 1983 called Understanding Principles of Better Living. Its logo, a hot-air balloon, symbolizes "understanding the principles of positive thought." She explains, "This is a spiritual metaphysical situation. What makes the balloon go? The fire. The spirit is the fire." She sees God, not "in the sky with a beard like Neptune's sitting on a throne watching me", but as one "spirit and he disperses himself in various bodies. There's a piece of God in you. That's how you can breathe."1 While Tess shares her faith with our gentle hero, the fledging angel Monica, played by Irish-born Roma Downey, works on Jordan. His unloving attitude toward his son makes him an effective villain --- a persuasive public illustration of the "hate" our schools and media often link to "fundamental" or "extremist" Christianity. "God wants you to accept your son for who he is," says Monica. "He's gay," argues the father. "He is your son." "What is an angel from God doing on the side of a queer?" "Nothing that is made by God is queer. God loves all his creations. Neither of you is perfect, for many reasons. But You don't have to be perfect to receive God's love. In fact, no one ever is." The father rushes to his son and assures him of his love. Once again Tony hears heavenly music. Then he dies, but moments later he revives and stands with the angels looking strong and healthy. The heartbreaking story ends with joy and resurrection. Resurrection without Christ? The happy ending feels good, and few dare challenge the dubious theology. Who wouldn't want to defend kind, sensitive Tony who had been crushed by his father's rejection. Suggesting that God calls the homosexual lifestyle sin 2 might seem judgmental, even criminal --- especially in the wake of President Clinton's conference on hate-crimes. But in the absence of sin, God's forgiveness becomes irrelevant. Who needs Christ and the cross when the angels tell us we are all good enough already? Like sin and the cross, the holy angels of the Bible who brought people to their knees in fearful humility, clash with the new theology. Today's popularity contests are won by sweet feminine angels who radiate love and affirm our human nature. "I felt the wonderful thing about angels is that they are non-judgmental and they come through the Source of love,"3 said Martha Williamson, producer of the show.. Unita Belk would agree. Writing for Angel Times Magazine, she interviewed Della Reese. "The readers of Angel Times are those who share a common bond," she explained, " encouraging angelic behavior and helping our world to be a better place to live. I. is there anything you would like to share with our readers?" "That all of us need to adapt (sic) the code: I am one with God, I am one with all men, I am one with all life," answered Della, exposing the universalistic faith that characterizes all proper models for the new global spirituality needed to unify the world. "Until we get there, there will be Bosnia, there will be homelessness. Until we understand that we are all one, we got a big problem."4 Noble visions, but not from God! Christians can never be one with those who compromise His Word and follow other gods. The Bible is full of warnings of what happens when His people forget and turn to spiritual substitutes.5 The distortion makes sense when we look more closely at today's angel craze. The web site for Angel Times Magazine explains that its "contributing writers, columnists and story subjects range from Christian to Jewish to Native American to Hindu, and come from all over the world." Recent issues of the magazine tell about "Elvis and his Angelic Connections" and Mary as "The Queen of Angels." An article by Neale D. Walsch lends credence to his top selling books, Conversations with God I and II, which tells readers - in the name of God - to follow their feelings, reject biblical moral boundaries, and embrace the United Nations and its global spirituality. "Angels appear to all people, regardless of culture or religion," explains Angel Times Publisher Linda Vephula. " We see angels as a common denominator among the religions of the world and focusing on what we have in common rather than our differences will help unite all people spiritually." "People are looking for hope," says Sophy Burnham, who has studied Buddhism and Hinduism and written two bestsellers, A Book of Angels and Angel Letters. "In the media, we hear of so much horror and despair. But angels make us know we are loved - these wonderful beings are protecting us."6 And how do you contact these sweet feminine helpers? "It's simple," said Ms. Burham. You simply "go inside yourself Then you ask for what you need, you sit back, and you wait. It will come."7 Today, it probably will. As Alma Daniels, also featured in Angel Times, points out in her best-seller Ask Your Angels, everything has changed. Whereas in pagan cultures, only the shaman or medicine man had direct contact with the spirit world, now everyone can be led by their personal angelic guide: We stand on the brink of a massive change. On the one hand, we face apparent global disaster, and on the other, there is the potential for the most glorious spiritual transformation our species has ever seen... At this time of personal and planetary acceleration, previous rules and old forms are being discarded. Contact with the angels, which used to take years of meditation and dedication, is now available to all who seek it, because the angels are closer to us, and more open to working with us on a conscious level, than they have been in thousands of years.8 (Emphasis added) Do you see what is happening? As in Old Testament days, people are turning to seductive counterfeits of God and His mighty uncompromising angels. These deceiving spirits (1 Tim. 4:1) can assume any form or personality pleasing to their human subjects. Alma Deniels' own angel, LNO, simply feels like "an ongoing consciousness."9 To satisfy women who reject male gods as well as male leadership and "patriarchal churches", most of today's popular angels have feminine faces, human natures, and minds of their own. As Touched by an Angel producer Martha Williamson says, "angels have free will." Her expressions of that "free will" matches New Age visions of a "cross-less Christianity" which must... . 1. Re-invent God to fit feminist demands 2. Twist biblical angels into permissive female deities 3. Ignore sin (could sound judgmental) 4. Omit Jesus Christ (irrelevant without sin) 5. Purge the cross (too exclusive and violent) 6. Redefine words such as truth, love, and hate 7. Imagine spiritual unity among all religions We all want an accessible God who loves us as we are. The true God fits that need, but the "evil one" tells us otherwise. Masquerading "as an angel of God," 10 he continues to twist God's Word, hide the gospel, and offer counterfeit promises that blind Christians as well as pagans. After all, God calls us to bring His love to the hurting, lost, sick, and broken. But feel-good affirmations won't heal the pain of sin and separation. Freedom comes through faith in Jesus Christ who died to set us free. His love compels us to share the whole gospel, not the pleasing counterfeits that are far more deceptive that obvious evil. But our culture has turned God's values upside down. "The world hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil,"11 said Jesus. As the chasm widens between the world and the true Church, every Christian will be challenged to make a choice: follow God or conform to the world. Those who would rather die than compromise will find a joy and peace in the arms of our Father than the world cannot even imagine. "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. (1 John 3:1-3) To see how today's popular angels fits into the new feminist spirituality which is changing our schools, churches and culture, read A Twist of Faith. Available through Christian bookstores, web site: http://www.beritkjos.com or call 800-643-9535. ENDNOTES: 1 http://www.sltrib.com/97/oct/102097/utah/2964.htm 2 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:21-27. 3 Unita Belk, "Touched by an Angel: An Interview with the Stars and Executive Producer of the Series," Courtesy of our friends at Angel Times Magazine. Web site for Touched by an Angel: http://www.angeltouch.com/webangel/index.htm 4 Ibid. But last time I checked, this web site was inaccessible. 5 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Warnings: Deuteronomy 8:, 18:, 28 6 Dawn Raffel, "Angels All Around Us," Redbook (December 1992); 92. 7 Craig Wilson, "Hark and Hallelujah! The Angels are Here," San Jose Mercury News, 28 October 1992. 8 Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, Andrew Ramer, Ask Your Angel (New York: Ballatine Books, 1992), 22. 9 http://detnews.com/menu/stories/23398.htm 10 1 Cor 11:14-15 11 John 7:7 For more information about "lifelong" training in the new global values, read Brave New Schools (Harvest House Publishers) and A Twist of Faith (New Leaf Press - 800-643-9535) by Berit Kjos. Available through Christian bookstores, web site: http://www.beritkjos.com call 800-643-9535. ************************************* A Dissertation on Armageddon from the Pre-wrath View By R. g. Wallace Part 2 In Part One of this dissertation, I introduced you to the king of the North. In this part, we will begin our observation of what the Bible says about the movement of this Northern alliance as it seeks to find economic stability in view of the beast's (antichrist's) failure to keep his economic promises because of the first five "trumpet" judgments. THE KING OF THE NORTH The basic outline for the movement of the world's armies in an end-times context is found at Daniel 11:40-45. Here we find troop movement from the North, South, East and West, all leading up to the final confrontation between them and the Lord Jesus Christ at Armageddon. There are two stages to the invasion of the king of the North. First, he pushes against the kingdom of the beast by attacking him on a worldwide scale (Jer. 25:15-38; Dan. 11:40; Rev. 9:13-19) and then when the king of the West is adequately distracted, he invades Palestine (Ezekiel 38-39; Joel 2:2-11, 18-20, 25). The details are filled in from the prophets of the Old Testament and the Book of the Revelation. Daniel 11:36-39 identifies the main actor in this military scenario. It describes the dramatic change in personality of the king of the West, the world ruler who established the "covenant" of Daniel 9:27 at the beginning of the 70th week. This happens at the midpoint of the week shortly after the ruler is assassinated and brought back to life by the power of Satan (Rev. 13:3-7). There is much debate as to the identification of the person in view at this passage, but to spare the reader all my research into this, I will simply agree with the conclusion of Walvoord, "A better identification of the king . . . however, is to relate him to the Roman world ruler, the same individual as the little horn of Daniel 7 and the beast out of the sea of Revelation 13:1-10." (Daniel, page 272). I will therefore operate on the premise that this "king" is indeed the world ruler who controls the 10-nation political body with roots in ancient Rome, who is known as the king of the West and who is often represented in the Old Testament as the king of Babylon. The 3rd person pronouns that follow the phrase, "the king of the North will storm against him," in verse 40, ALL refer to the king of the West. Daniel 11:40-45 Verse 40 1. At the end-times: This identifies our time frame as relating to the last 7 years (Daniel's 70th week) prior to the establishment of Messiah's kingdom on the earth. And since we are clearly in a context where the world ruler has been revealed as "the man of lawlessness," it refers specifically to sometime during the last half of that seven years. 2. The king of the South will collide with him: The K/S is usually associated with Egypt and here we see him attacking the beast (K/W) either alone or with some Southern allies and perhaps even in alliance with the king of the North. 3. And the king of the North will storm against him: This introduces us to the revolt of the Northern nations allied with Gog and Magog which is detailed in other passages. This summarizes an attack against the kingdom of the beast either in a localized arena or perhaps worldwide. Other passages will establish the fact that the king of the North targets the nations under the beast's jurisdiction on a worldwide basis in preparation for his advance into Palestine. JEREMIAH The world-wide attack of the king of the North is summarized at Jeremiah 25:15-38. At verses 11-12, the Babylonian captivity is referenced indicating that its duration will be 70 years and when its over, Chaldea will be conquered and destroyed by Persia. Verses 13-14, speaks of Persia's conquest of the world and becomes the pattern for the end-times invasion of the king of the North. Verses 15-38, Gives us the basis for viewing this as the Northern invasion. The section goes beyond Persia and views that end-times invasion by the Northern alliance. Verses 15-29, are written in prose and give geographic specifics about this world wide invasion. Verse 15, establishes this as God's wrath upon all the nations. As the king of the North advances, no area is left untouched, North, South, East and West, all experience the devastation of this mighty military machine storming against the beast's kingdom. Verses 27-28, establish the fact that it is unavoidable. This worldwide reach of the Northern army is suggested at Rev. 9:14-16, where we see that restraint on this activity is removed by the releasing of the 4 "directional" angels so that the impact of this invasion is felt to the four corners of the earth (East, West, North and South). Rev. 9:14-16 "'Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.' And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they might kill a third of mankind. And the number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them." The result is that 1/3 of the earth's population will be killed as indicated at Revelation 9:18, "A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone, which proceeded out of their mouths." Jeremiah 25:29a, indicates that this worldwide invasion has as its ultimate goal, a judgment on the land of Palestine. "For behold, I am beginning to work calamity in {this} city which is called by My name." Verse 29b, however, indicates that all the world will be touched by this judgment from God. "and shall you be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment; for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth, declares the LORD of hosts." Verses 30-38 are written in poetry and identify this worldwide invasion by a kingdom power as taking place DURING the Day of the Lord. Now even though the term, "Day of the Lord," does not occur in this context, the language clearly describes the arrival of Yahweh to pour out judgment on the world. Jer. 25:30, "Therefore you shall prophesy against them all these words, and you shall say to them, The LORD will roar from on high, And utter His voice from His holy habitation; He will roar mightily against His fold. He will shout like those who tread {the grapes,} Against all the inhabitants of the earth." This is the arrival of the Messiah in the "clouds of the sky" at the Day of the Lord. This arrival BEGINS the Day of the Lord judgments which are not only against His pasture (fold), but also against all nations. This is exactly why, when Jesus returns - "there will be dismay among nations . . . men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things coming upon the world," (Luke 21:25-26). And why - "all the tribes of the earth will mourn," (Mat. 24:30) And why - "the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come; and who is able to stand?" (Rev. 6:15-17) His "fold" at Jeremiah 25:30, refers to Israel, but before God's judgment through this invading army reaches into Palestine, and before the ultimate judgment is administered at the battle of Armageddon, this Northern Alliance will have a worldwide impact. Jer. 25:31a "A clamor has come to the end of the earth, Because the LORD has a controversy with the nations." The "controversy with the nations" makes reference to the universal rebellion that mankind expresses toward God and God's Anointed. Psalm 2:1-5 WHY are the nations in an uproar, And the peoples devising emptiness? The kings of the earth take their stand, And the rulers have established themselves together Against Yahweh and against His Anointed: "Let us tear apart Their fetters, And cast from us Their cords! He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His burning fury." Jeremiah 25:31b "He is entering into judgment with all flesh; As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword, declares the LORD." The phrase, "entering into judgment with all flesh," refers specifically to the judgment that comes through the invasion of the Northern alliance, as is strongly suggested by the phrase, "given them over to the SWORD." Jer. 25:32 "Thus says the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil is going forth from nation to nation, and a great storm is being stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth." "From nation to nation" clearly indicates the advance of this military invasion as being throughout the world and corresponds with the worldwide focus of the 6th trumpet (Rev. 9:13-19) rather than the isolated focus of the battle of Armageddon. Jeremiah 25:33-37a, describes the worldwide destruction Verse 33 "And those slain by the LORD on that day shall be from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, gathered, or buried; they shall be like dung on the face of the ground." The phrase, "on that day," refers to what happens DURING the time period rather than what happens on a SINGLE day. Some may want to make this apply to the final battle at Armageddon, but the language in the following verses makes it apply to the "home land" of the nations involved. For this reason, it lines up better as referring to the world-wide invasion of the king of the North. Another alternative is that this is talking about the Day-of-the-LORD judgments in general that reach to every nation on the earth. I accept this as a viable possibility, but the language seems more like the progress of a MILITARY invasion to me. Technically, there are ample passages that discuss the movements of the king of the North and this one is not absolutely necessary for support of those movements. This is simply an attempt to place this passage into the whole end-times scenario and it seems to fit the advance of the king of the North more than anything else. Verse 34 "Wail, you shepherds, and cry; And wallow {in ashes,} you masters of the flock; For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions have come, And you shall fall like a choice vessel." This is describing the effect of the Northern invasion. Just as is indicated at Rev. 9:18, "A third of mankind was killed." Verses 35-36 "Flight shall perish from the shepherds, And escape from the masters of the flock. {Hear} the sound of the cry of the shepherds, And the wailing of the masters of the flock! For the LORD is destroying their pasture," This indicates that the leaders of these nations will be defeated by the invading army and their peoples will be killed. Again, Rev. 9:18, "A third of mankind." Jer. 25:37a "And the peaceful pasture lands are made silent. . ." Massive slaughter of people will leave the national life of these countries, neutralized and silent. Verses 37b-38, again emphasizes that this is from the wrath of God, "Because of the burning of the anger of the LORD." "He has left His hiding place like the lion; For their land has become a horror Because of the burning of the oppressing one (king of the North) and because of the burning of His (Yahweh's) anger." Notice, once again, that the language speaks of the time when the LORD will LEAVE "His hiding place." This will occur WHEN the Lord Messiah returns to the earth in judgment. At every corner, it seems very clear that this movement of troops leading up to Armageddon begins AFTER the Day of the Lord return of the Messiah. The next passage that discusses this worldwide attack in an end-times context is Isaiah 13:1-16, which we will look at in part 3. R.g.Wallace ronw@biblefragrances.com http://www.biblefragrances.com Website: An Oasis of Bible Truth Promoting The PREWRATH RAPTURE of the Church ************************************* WHY RABIN WAS MURDERED WHY RABIN WAS MURDERED by Barry Chamish The two questions I am most often asked are, Why Was Rabin Murdered and Who Did It? In my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? due to be released by Feral House of Venice, CA this week, I answer neither question. I will not answer who did it, though I believe I know, as I announced previously, because it's too risky. However, finally I will present the most plausible scenario why. In my book Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land (Hearthstone Publishers, Oklahoma City) I argue and, I believe prove, that the Middle East peace process was hatched by a think tank in Manhattan called The Council On Foreign Relations. Its goal is not peace in the Middle East, it is utter chaos under the guise of peacemaking and Yitzhak Rabin was the vehicle to this end. A day previous to my releasing this article, I sent a list of Council On Foreign Relations members to a few newsgroups. I will indicate membership in this essay by adding (CFR) to the person's name. Those who saved the list are invited to check each name for accuracy. And I hope some people do, because the odds are very good that in the summer of 1995 Rabin rebelled against the people who put him in power and that's what cost him his life. In August, '95, Rabin told New York Times columnist William Safire that he was forced to enter into the peace process by George Bush (CFR) at a meeting in Kennebunkport, Maine on Sept. 17/92. In September '95, Rabin went on Israeli television and all but admitted that Henry Kissinger (CFR) was the peace process point man for both himself and opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu. For reasons of what I believe were conscience, Rabin was going public with the truth. Just as dangerous for him, Rabin was drinking far too much and he became a loose cannon. Returning to a staged celebration at Ben Gurion Airport after signing the Cairo Accords, Rabin was interviewed live on the popular Dan Shilon TV program. It was clear to many viewers that he was crocked to the gills. And why not? He had just betrayed his people again and most hated him for it. At the time of his death, Rabin had a mere 32% support rating. Wherever he went, crowds, big and huge booed him. Rabin was cracking under the pressure. In October '95, Rabin travelled to Washington and publicly addressed President Clinton (CFR) as "President Nixon." He didn't know where he was nor when. Now let us look at what else went on during the trip and how it led to the order to have Rabin removed violently from office. The following report is from the Jerusalem Post on 10/22/95. It describes Rabin's day of October 21 without any understanding of the significance of the fateful events. I will supply the background, beginning and ending my interjections with three stars, ***. RABIN TELLS CHRISTOPHER (CFR) SYRIAN SUPPORT OF TERROR HARMING TALKS Syria's support of terrorism is harming negotiations with Israel, Prime Minister Rabin told US Secretary Of State Warren Christopher (CFR) last night in New York, an Israeli source said. Rabin told Christopher (CFR) that Israel is interested in restarting a dialogue according to the understanding reached last June. But he stressed that the support Syria gives Hizbullah and the increase in terror activities supported by the government in Damascus are "sending negative signals that are not helpful for the negotiations," the Israeli official said. Christopher (CFR) will also meet early this week with Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk Shara. The three are among the many world leaders attending this week's celebrations of the United Nations 50th anniversary. *** Now here's what really happened. I quote two items from my defunct newsletter Inside Israel: "According to Maariv reporter Orly Azulai-Katz in her new book on the failure of Peres to win the elections, Yitzhak Rabin had promised President Clinton (CFR) a complete withdrawal from the Golan Heights to the pre-67 borders. This tidbit was supplied to her by Peres which had some observers wondering why he chose to blacken Rabin's reputation at this point." and "Reporter Aluf Ben of Haaretz inadvertently supplies a new motive for the Rabin murder. He reports that during Rabin's last meeting with the American 'peace' team, he blew up at Warren Christopher (CFR) and Dennis Ross (CFR). Apparently, Christopher (CFR) took a previous 'hypothetical', off the cuff, sardonic question posed by Rabin the year before and turned it into official policy. Rabin 'hypothetically' asked Christopher (CFR) how Syrian President Assad would react if he proposed an Israeli pullback to the Sea of Galilee. In October '95, Christopher (CFR) informed Assad that Rabin had agreed to a pullback to the lakeshore. On this basis, America was prepared to act as broker in renewed negotiations. Rabin was furious when he heard about the letter and let loose a tirade against Christopher (CFR) and Ross (CFR). Now here's what's really going on, kiddies. Rabin and most of the political hotshots of the world gathered at the UN, built by the Rockefeller dynasty, which also founded the CFR. Christopher (CFR) had twisted Rabin's words and was about to meet the Syrian Foreign Minister to negotiate away every last inch of the Golan Heights. Rabin was informed of the conditions for the renewed negotiations and lost his cool, accusing Christopher (CFR) and Ross (CFR) of treachery. It is very unwise to unleash a torrent of criticism against one's superiors but Rabin did not stop there. He told his outlet to the media, the unnamed source, to spread the word that he would no longer countenance Syria's terror against Jews. He, in most undiplomatic terms, called the renewed negotiations off. And this is the kind of rebellion the CFR does not tolerate.*** King Hassan of Morocco, also in New York for the UN celebrations, met with Rabin on Friday evening and told him further steps would be taken soon to normalize relations between the two countries. This is the third meeting between the two since 1993 and was not originally on Rabin's itinerary...During Rabin's meeting with Hassan on Friday night, the king said Morocco is considering asking the Arab League to end the boycott of Israel, according to sources in New York. The sources said an announcement may come during the Amman Economic Conference next week. ***Rabin's old pal King Hassan was sent to soft-soap him into abandoning the Golan with promises of new Arab friends in the region. If he gave in, there would be an announcement of the end of the trade boycott against Israel at the economic conference planned by the CFR for the next week in Amman. However, it seems the sweet talk didn't work on Rabin.*** An Israeli official said the purpose of last night's discussion between Rabin and Christopher (CFR) was "to prepare for the Shara meeting and verify with Rabin what Shara has to say in order for Christopher (CFR) to come to the region." Depending on the Syrian position, such a visit could occur the first week in November. ***Rabin was murdered on Nov.4, just when Christopher (CFR) wanted to be in Israel.*** Christopher (CFR) is already due to be in the region at the end of this month for the Amman economic conference, but must return to the US immediately afterwards to open the Balkan peace talks in Ohio. ***What a busy week for the New World Order! One must wonder how Christopher (CFR) could juggle two acts of warmaking and still chew gum. He apparently did a great job igniting the Balkans but Rabin just wasn't cooperating the same way.*** "No specific dates were discussed," said an Israeli official at the meeting at the Regency Hotel. "At this point, we are looking at continuing the Israeli-Syrian dialogue in Washington." Rabin said yesterday he doesn't know of any breakthrough in the talks with Syria. There was no reason to continue with the talks, because the result of Christopher's (CFR's) last visit to the region had not borne fruit, he added, according to Israel Radio. Rabin was speaking following a meeting with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger (CFR). Kissinger (CFR) for the first time publicly expressed support for the Israel-Palestinian peace agreement. ***Kissinger (CFR) had been Rabin's personal CFR agent since 1968, when Rabin began his tenure as Ambassador to Washington. Kissinger (CFR), long in the employ of the Rockefeller family, is a NWO legend, renowned for his propensity to kill millions in nations worldwide, while acting as a peacemaking diplomat. This is not the place to provide proof for that allegation, there is a vast literature on the subject easily found over the Internet. I would not make such an outrageous claim unless I was convinced of its veracity. What is certain is that during the first day of the Yom Kippur War, Kissinger (CFR) ordered Prime Minister Golda Meir not to initiate the first blow; this order lead to the deaths of hundreds of Israeli soldiers on the very first day of battle. Then he withheld arms to Israel for nine days, while another 2000 Israeli soldiers died. And in order for Meir to receive those arms, there is strong evidence that Kissinger (CFR) demanded Meir resign and appoint Rabin her successor. Rabin owed his position to Kissinger (CFR) and thus, the CFR and now he was defying him, a deadly gamble and Rabin must have known it. Until then, Kissinger (CFR) had withheld his support for the Oslo Accord with the PLO, holding his influence to abandon the agreement in escrow. Furious at Rabin, he offered his full-fledged support for it in retaliation.*** Rabin also met with UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali and said, "Khomeiniism without Khomeini" is a leading threat to the region. Islamic extremism, "endangers peace, tranquility and stability in the region through terrorism and other violent activities," Rabin said. He demanded that the PLO clamp down on extremist groups in areas under its control. "We demand from Arafat to be more effective in coping with these terror groups," Rabin said. "We expect him to do better against terrorism." ***Now the intrigue increased. Rabin has rebuffed Christopher (CFR), Ross (CFR), Kissinger (CFR). and King Hassan, so Boutrous-Ghali is thrown at him with, one can only wonder, what threats if he doesn't abandon the whole Golan and send Christopher (CFR) packing for the region. However, Rabin is calling forth vast reserves of courage and stands up to the intimidation of the UN and all its sanctioning power. For the first time since he was elected, Rabin is displaying unfettered integrity. He realizes the disaster he has foisted upon his people and has decided to finally draw the line. The scene switches to the bizarre. Rabin chooses not to address the UN General Assembly, sending Foreign Minister Shimon Peres to the podium. There Peres makes a huge admission. "The Middle East peace process," he said, "is politically wrong but historically right." For whose history is it right, Israelis asked, if the peace process is politically wrong?*** Rabin was also feted by the glitterati Friday night. A Who's Who of Jewish businessmen, including Edgar Bronfman (CFR) and Mort Zuckerman (CFR), as well as celebrity newscasters such as Dan Rather (CFR) and Barbara Walters, joined Chaim Herzog and Abba Eban at the Regency. ***The CFR pulled out all stops, throwing threats from the most powerful American Jews, their media factotums and celebrated Israelis under their spell to make life miserable for Rabin if he doesn't play ball with their bosses. And we know he didn't because Christopher (CFR) didn't made his planned peace journey on time. Instead, two weeks later, Rabin was dead. The assassins had been ready for the assignment since 1993 when one branch of the Shabak, Israel's security services, switched policies from preventing Arab terror attacks to entrapping opponents of the "peace" process. An agent provocateur named Avishai Raviv had already set up a few potential assassins who were to be entrapped in a staged assassination of Rabin. It was a matter of timing when the ultimate operation on behalf of peace was to be put into action. On October 21/95 Yitzhak Rabin told the powerbrokers of the New World Order that he had had enough. He would no longer be a participant in Israel's destruction. That sealed his fate. The assassination command was issued in New York but without allies at the highest level of Israeli politics and security, the murder could not take place. There may be no more than a dozen people in Israel with that kind of authority and a simple process of elimination reveals who most likely was inside the conspiracy to eliminate Rabin. I conclude with a justified message. Feral House has just released my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. This conclusion is not found within but an abundance of hard evidence will convince most readers that Rabin was not the victim of an angry young man but of a high-level political hit. Order the book by writing cult@feralhouse.com Get a hint of what's inside by visiting www.webseers.com/rabin end ************************************* The Seven Letters To The Churches By: Ken Onweller, June 28, 1998 The most common approach to Jesus's letters to the churches in Revelation is to tie each letter to some period of church history from that first day of Pentecost in A.D. 31 until the Rapture. However, a viewpoint often overlooked is how the letters characterize all of christianity for the entirety of the church era. Each letter contains the passage, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." So each letter isn't necessarily to one church but "to the churches"; and likewise, is addressed to "HE who has an ear", or individuals. EPHESUS I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. ( Rev 2:2-3 ) So far they are great. They aren't allowing themselves to be deceived by false teachers. And they have likewise stuck it out through some tough times. Sounds like a pretty good church so far. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitins, which I also hate. ( Rev 2:4-6 ) Uh-oh, what's this? They've forsaken their first love? They've forgotten about Jesus Christ? They were so busy identifying false teaching and rooting it out that they missed the point: Jesus Christ and both experiencing and expressing His love! Do you know anyone so caught up in pointing out the flaws in this church or that church, this belief, that belief? They spend all of their time trying to disprove another. This is fine as long as you don't neglect your calling of growing in Jesus. SMYRNA I know your afflictions, and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you , the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Rev 2:9-10) So goes the letter to Smyrna, the persecuted church. This letter doesn't really apply to churches in America. I mean, how many Christians here do you know of that had to die for their faith? Probably nobody, and that is the problem: we Christians in the US have no concept of what is going on in the rest of the world. Did you know that more Christians have been butchered in this decade than in the previous centuries of Christendom? There is a website devoted to the persecuted church: http://www.persecutedchurch.org Our persecuted brethren need our prayers! PERGAMUM I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city--where Satan lives. (Rev 2:13) You thought Smyrna had it rough. Can you imagine belonging to a church in the same city that Satan lives in? For a church to not be affected by such evil is nothing short of miraculous. It is very commendable that in the midst of this, Pergamum still stayed true to Jesus. Just imagine being in a situation where everyone around you is not necessarily hostile to Jesus, but so gung-ho for everything other than Him. How hard would it be to not be affected? Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing sexual immorality. Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitins. (Rev 2:14-15) So Pergamum wasn't so perfect. When you live in a godless society you cannot help but be affected. And this is just the problem with Pergamum: a church in a godless area (where Satan lives) being affected. The church at Ephesus hated the Nicolaitins, and here we have Pergmum welcoming them. What is the doctrine of Balaam all about? They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness. (2 Peter 2:15) Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam's error; they have been destroyed in Korah's rebellion. (Jude 11) Both of these passages concern false teachers who knowingly lead people astray for the purpose of self-gain. These false teachers lead people astray by introducing idolatry, sensual worship, and other despicable practices into worship so as to lead believers away from Jesus and to them. Nicolaitin is a Greek word meaning "conqueror of the people". And, they were just that: a ministry who had conquered and ruled over their congregations like dictators. There is but one Lord: Jesus Christ. Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. (Rev 2:16) Jesus promises to one day destroy these wicked ministers. But you don't have to be one of their victims. If you feel that you are being led astray by one of these false teachers, pray that Jesus would grant them repentance or that he would lead you to a loving, Christ-centered church. THYATIRA I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. (Rev 2:19) So begins the letter to Thyatira. This is a church which not only is on the ball, doing what it should be doing, but is getting even better at it. Nevertheless, I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. (Rev 2:20) Uh-oh. Although Thyatira has a lot of good things done, there is a major problem with "Jezebel" and the idolatry (sexual immorality and eating things sacrificed to idols) which she is teaching. Who was Jezebel? Historically, she was the Queen of Israel, reigning with Ahab. She was the daughter of a pagan (non-Israelite) King. She was responsible for introducing her pagan worship to Israel, leading it on the downward spiral which led to God's wrath and its subsequent Assyrian captivity. When brought into the perspective of the church at Thyatira, we would have Jezebel representing those false teachers who are responsible for leading their congregations so far astray that they no longer resemble the Christian Churches they once were. I have given her (Jezebel, false teachers) time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children (congregations of false teachers) dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. (Rev 2:21-23) God is certainly not happy with these teachers and what they are doing to HIS churches. They will pay for what they are doing. Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan's so-called deep secrets (I will not impose any other burden on you): Only hold on to what you have until I come. (Rev 2:24-25) The teaching which these false teachers use to draw in believers--hook, line,and sinker, in a way--involves deep mysteries. In other words the approach is: "Forget what your bible says, I have direct revelation from God." The best way to avoid the trap is one simple rule: does it fit in with the rest of Scripture? No? Don't believe it! SARDIS I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. (Rev 3:1) Sardis is well known for being alive--but it is a facade. This is a church with no life. What leads to this condition of spiritual lifelessness? Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. (Rev 3:2) Jesus does not find their works complete. What works would he be talking about? The only "work" which we were commanded was to love one another. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (John 13:34) Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. (Rev 3:3a) Sardis is a church devoid of love. So much so that Jesus issues a very stern rebuke to repent. They are without excuse for being this way because they've been taught otherwise. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. (Rev 3:3b) Here we have a direct reference to the rapture. When Jesus said that the love of many would grow cold (Matt 24:12), is it a great surprise that there would be lifeless (loveless) congregations in the end-times? PHILADELPHIA I know your works. See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. (Rev 3:8) The phrase "an open door" always applies to spreading the gospel. So, Philadelphians are also known as the evangelists, or spreaders of the good news. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie--indeed I will make them come and worship before you feet and to know that I have loved you. (Rev 3:9) The evangelists are now and will continue to be even more persecuted by the false teachers (synagogues of Satan). However, Jesus promises that the evangelists will be victorious. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Rev 3:10) This hour which tests the whole earth refers to the Great Tribulation to come in which the Antichrist will be ruling the world and the butchering of those who follow Jesus. The Philadelphians are promised protection from this period of time. Behold, I come quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. (Rev 3:11) We are to not let anyone try to deceive us, either, concerning our salvation (crown). It should be noted that Jesus has nothing bad to say against Philadelphia. And why should He? They are fulfilling the Great Commission. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. (Matt 28:19-20) LAODICEA I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish your were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. (Rev 3:15-16) Laodiceans are truly the worst of the churches. It would be one thing if they were dead like Sardis or on fire like Philadelphia, but they aren't: they're somewhere in the middle. And Jesus hates this. Because you say, "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing"--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. (Rev 3:17) For further clarity on what makes the Laodicean lukewarm, Jesus explains:they are well off and feel they have need of nothing. So well off that they no longer need Jesus. It is in persecution (Smyrna) that the church is its strongest. Is it a surprise that Satan would realize this and take the opposite approach in leading Christians away from Christ? I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich and white garments that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. (Rev 3:18) Jesus is urging these brethren to seek the real wealth from Him (gold) and His righteousness (white garments). Righteousness by our own actions and merits is nothing but filthy rags to God. But we're are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isa 64:6) As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev 3:19-20) Jesus won't give up in trying to get the attention of the Laodicean. But they, like all of us, must let Him in. CONCLUSION We have covered the 7 letters to the 7 churches, Jesus's statements to the church as a whole, throughout the church era. These churches can be briefly characterized as: Ephesus: self-righteousness Smyrna: persecuted Pergamos: worldliness Thyatira: embracers of extra-biblical teaching Sardis: loveless Philadelphia: evangelizers Laodicea: self-sufficient In all of the churches, only Smyrna and Philadelphia have nothing bad said about them. The other five have varying problems which Jesus urges them to repent of before it is too late. These letters aren't for the past, but also for today and for tomorrow. You fall into one of these seven churches, ALL CHRISTIANS DO. What are you going to do about it? *************************************************** Know Where The Last Jihad Takes Place By Don D. Srail There is a problem with interpreters of true Biblical prophecy today. They should be called speculators, not interpreters. God knows all things from beginning to end, but man has to wait until the events take place before he can know perfectly what God already knows as fact. Ezek 38-39 present a need for such speculation, if indeed it is a description of the last Jihad C.H. Spurgeon said in an 1862 sermon: "Although I do not despise prophesying, I entertain a very intense disgust of those who know nothing about them, and yet pretend to be their interpreters." Things haven't changed much over the years with self proclaimed experts in prophecy. Yet, there is a need for speculation or these events will come upon us in inexcusable ignorance. Let us remember something the Lord Jesus Christ said to a former generation: Mat 16:3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? I contend that until the end time events take place, or someone is given divine revelation, the best anyone can do in dealing with these passages is to compare current events with a speculation of compatibility. This is not interpretation. As current events change, so must the speculation. The challenge in dealing with Ezekiel 38-39 is: who are the Gog, and how does the roll of the 2 prophetic Witnesses of Revelations fit into these future events? How does it all tie together in the transition and end of our present dispensation, and the beginning of the next? God may be about to change the responsibility and relationship we have had with Him for the last 2000 years? Are you going to be ready? Please read Ezek 38-39 at this point! 1.Ezekiel 38-39 reveal an end time event often referred to as the coming war with Russia. Looking at current events, and making a comparison. I am going to make my speculation. Clearly there is a three pronged invasion of Israel by a group of countries. One comes from the North, another from the East, and the third from the South. Most of their root names we have not heard since the times of Noah (Gen 10:2-6; 1Chr 1:4-8). 2.The main thrust is initiated by the Gog from the land of Magog (Ezek 38:2-3). 3.North of Israel the Caucasus Mountain range runs between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The peaks are called the Gogh (Gog) of which Ararat (Noah's landing site) is a peak. The land of Magog probably includes those inhabitants north of the Caucasus. If present day Russia (after the demise of the USSR) were looked at as a rather lopsided funnel, the spout would run between the Black and Caspian Seas ending at the Caucasus Mountains. This is the present border between Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijon, Chechnya (all probably part of the Gog) and Turkey. NORTH 1.Watch the spout as an Islamic Gog prepares for it's final roll in Jewish history. The Gog are further identified in Ezek 38:2-3 as being "the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" (some commentators like W..E. Heslop see these as Moscow and Tobolsk the twin capital cities of Russia). These are, first of all, names of grandsons of Noah that settled North of the Caucasus, and are identified there by those who have traced the patriarchal progenitors. 2.The New King James Bible has an interesting translation of this same passage. It reads "the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal" transliterating "chief" into its Hebrew word "rosh." Rosh is also the modern word used in Israel for Russia. It may be right, or it may also be a translation influenced by a speculation? 3.The fact that the Gog are called a prince of Rosh, or even a chief prince convinces me that they are but a part of a whole population. The breakaway Russian Moslem countries could be looked at as princes to their former king. 4.I can speculate that a part of old Russia (an Islamic part) instigates an attack on Israel still leaving Russia the nation strong enough to be the King of the North (Dan 11:40) during the Battle of Armageddon. EAST Much more certain is Persia (Ezek 38:5) modern day Islamic Iran and Iraq east of Israel. What better cause could join these antagonists together then the thought to plunder a potentially defenseless Israel (Ezek 38:10-12)? SOUTH The next two countries mentioned in Ezek 38:5 are south of Israel. They are Cush and Libya (transliterated Put or Phut). Today religious habitation indicates South Africa is considered Christian, Central Africa is a mix of Islam and professing Christianity, and North Africa is Moslem. The placement of these two grandsons of Noah are in North Africa. I speculate Cush and Put might represent the Moslem hoards of North Africa? Rest of the NORTH Last mentioned is Gomer and Togarmah Ezek 38:6. This grandson and great grandson of Noah settled around the Black Sea. Gomer is found northeast of the Black Sea (near the spout). The modern day equivalent would be those Russians living just north of the Black Sea (a Moslem stronghold). Togarmah is Turkey a totally Moslem country. Today all these countries cup Israel putting its back to the Mediterranean Sea. The buffer countries are Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. None of whom would be likely to make any objection to an Islamic invasion (Jihad) regardless of personal peace treaties with Israel. These peoples are of different races, countries, and cultures. The only thing they share in common today is their religion. The participants of Ezekiel 38 & 39 today can only be Moslem! If this prophetic passage were to find it's fulfillment today, it could only be an Islamic invasion of Israel. It would not be a war with Russia (only an Islamic part of Russia). It would be the LAST JIHAD! The big picture of Ezekiel makes Ezek 35 interesting in context because it is about a judgement of God on the Edomite neighbors of a former generation of Jews. The last recorded living Edomite was the infamous King Herod. They are now extinct as a people. Their demise was due to an attitude of hate against Israel infecting the population: Ezek 35:11 Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will even do according to thine anger, and according to thine envy which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them; and I will make myself known among them, when I have judged thee. Today, modern representatives of the old Edomite neighbors of Israel seem to share the same infection of anger. The words of Ezekiel 39 may well be describing The Last Jihad, and the end of Islam! These events may take place right after the rapture of the "born again" Christians (Mat 24:39-42). The focus of God would surely be recognized as having shifted from the True Church to the Nation of Israel. Just as the events of the holocaust caused the world not to object to Israel reclaiming their land, so the reverse-holocaust events of Ezek 39:11 would cause the world to give no objection to the next logical step Israel must take - rebuilding their Temple. The revival of the Jewish Temple is what the last section of Ezekiel (chapter 34 to the end) is all about. A built on Mount Moriah is what chapters 38 and 39 are focused. I see Ezek 38-39 as transitional. The possessing Church (the real "born again" Christians) with the power of the Holy Spirit is raptured (1Cor 15:51-54) taken out of this world, and up to heaven leaving only the spiritually powerless (unable to produce true conversion) professing Church identified as Apostate Christianity. However, spiritual impotence is never a handicap to increasing membership as Liberal Christianity, Neo-evangelicalism, the cults, or the Roman Church well exemplify. Christ will still be the major part of their Gospel message as He is today, but true conversion never was, can, nor never will be able to be wrought through them. Without the Holy Spirit, the message becomes powerless. Ecstatic uncontrolled emotionalism and false mysticism characterized by the Roman Catholics and Charismatic Christians of today will be unrestrained with the Holy Spirit's departure at the rapture. It may well lead to the greatest explosion of professing Christianity Rev 17 the world has ever known, but it will be apostate and false! Something of monumental proportion will be necessary to prove God is not impotent in this religious world left after the rapture. The utter annihilation of Islam in Ezek 39 will show the world where it must now look to find salvation The gospel of apostate Christianity (the leaven of man's works mixed together with lip service to the grace of Christ, and the probable absence of the doctrine of eternal security) will be powerless to produce true conversion during the tribulation. I believe Ezek 38-39 is the transition providing the post rapture world with a place to look for salvation. Just as it was in the 69 weeks of Dan 9, so also will it be in the 70th week - that a place will be the focus of God and His Children. The purpose of Ezek 38-39 is no mystery when viewed in transition to the rapture and the beginning of Daniel''s 70th week. God is changing dispensations! His relationship with the Church has ended. His relationship with Israel of old is being re-established. He is making His intent clear to the post rapture world! Ezek 38:16 and thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes. Ezek 38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD. Ezek 39:6-7 (See also Revelations 11:5 linking the Two Witnesses to these events) And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD. So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel. Ezek 39:22-25 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward. And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them, and hid my face from them. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name; Ezek 39 is not a war. Though the enemy comes for war, the victory is an act of God; a picture to the whole world of things to come in some 7 short years (Daniel's 70th week ending in Armageddon). The tribulation starts with a regional judgment, and ends with a global judgement. A number of things might happen with the fall of the Islamic Arabs of Persia and their allies. 1.Israel would increase in land possession (including those losses traded away for a secularized peace). 2.The Anti-Christ: leading a 10 nation Western confederacy Rev 13:1 could see his control over the oil fields becoming possible. He could see making Bagdad/Babylon (the material, not the religious whore) the banking capital of the new world order as it appears in Rev 18. 3.With his power in the West, and his potential wealth in the East, a treaty with Israel would become paramount. 4.The signing of such a treaty with secular heads of Israel would signal to a new faithful religious element the beginning of Daniel's 70th week (Dan 9:27). 5.Because of Ezekiel 39, there will be no need for objection to a Jewish Temple. Islam's pride will be lying dead on the mountains of Israel (Ezek 39:4). 6.The Anti-Christ would be most likely to consider treaty rather then force at this time. Here is a speculation about the mission of the TWO WITNESSES of Rev 11. They will be the future equivalents of Ezra's High Priest Joshua and head administrator Zerubbabel. They will have 42 months to build and establish Temple Worship (notice a link between the TWO WITNESSES and the Temple in Rev 11 One might be designated High Priest while the other administrative Prince of Israel? Like 2 olive trees ( Rev 11:4 and Zech 4:3) of an earlier time with similar mission. Their call to rebuild the Temple, and support by 144,000 Jews (12,000 each living where the old tribes were located) might well be the catalyst of Ezek 38-39. With the end of Islam, the Jews would now be free to build Ezekiel's Temple (Ezek 40-42), and establish the chronology in the last section of Ezekiel. Ezekiel saw two returns. In the first (Ezra's day with Joshua and Zerubbabel) there was no fulfillment of Chapters 38 & 39, but in our day (culminating with the Two Witnesses) of the second return it could find it's fulfillment. Now a Chronology of Ezekiel! Beginning in Ezek 34 with an indictment against all secularized Jewish leaders applicable to those past and present. Ezek 35 about Israel's hate filled neighbors both former and modern. Ezek 36-37 where the "dry bones" of both Ezekiel's day and today come together. Then the "last Jihad" of Ezek 38-39 yet to be realized. Culminating in the Temple of Ezek 40-48 which is yet to be built where Jesus Christ will sit on His throne Ezek 43:7. Continuing to see the shift from the Church to the Nation of Israel and it's Temple. 1.The Levits (possibly 12,000 Jews called from Jerusalem proper) reappear in Rev 7, and would provide the High Priest with his Temple workers and priests during the first half of the 7 year tribulation. 2.The Anti-Christ kills the TWO WITNESSES (Rev 11:7) designating the beginning of Jacob's Trouble (Midpoint of The Tribulation). Their 42 month task of rebuilding and establishing Temple Worship will have been completed. 3.Faithful Jews (including the 144,000 of Revelations 7 and including gentile strangers converted to the Jewish Messiah (established in the past Lev 19:33-34 and continued in the future Ezek 47:23) flee Jerusalem and the Temple under the protection of God. It will be abandoned to the Anti-Christ, and secular Jews for the last 42 months. Now the Anti-Christ desecrates the Temple. He then spends the last 42 months (Rev 11-19) trying to destroy the faithful Jewish remnant with converted Gentiles (the good strangers of the Old Testament - Exodus 12:48). He tries to out-do those miracles previously preformed through the TWO WITNESSES. And, suffers the increasing wrath of God. While I'm speculating, let me look at the events at the very end of Jacob's Trouble (last half of 7 year tribulation) from Zechariah's view. Those events might force the Anti-Christ to flee Jerusalem, or at least cause his power over the city to end. The converging armies that will gather for Armageddon might give the Jewish remnant a momentary opportunity to return to the city and the Temple. The King of the North (Russia) would be the new invader of Jerusalem during those very last days of the Tribulation. Half the city will be captive on the last day of the events of Zech 12-14, but it would allow for a final revival among secular Jews who did not flee with the faithful. They will have suffered under the Anti-Christ as many Jews suffered under Antiochus Epiphanes or the Nazi occupation . God will give one final plea for those who still haven't been circumcised in their heart. Zech 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Zech 13:6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. Zech 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. Although Islam's end is catastrophic, God still provides for the individual. Ezekiel's Temple will also have an outer court (the peoples court) as did all the previous Jewish Temples. The outer court is where the gentile is welcome. It will be the place where Moslem, Apostate Christian, or any other non-Jew will be able to find the only God of the Bible, and all eternity. It is where they will find The Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. He alone is the King of the Jews, and Savior of any who will seek Him with all their heart, and all their soul, and all their might. Mat 11:28-30 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. The final Victor shall be the Lord Jesus Christ, but on that day it will be too late! Comments mail to:ddsrail@CTC.NET ************************************* "The Room" Submitted by E. Lee Audirsch In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room. There were no distinguishing features save for the one wall covered with small index card files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endless in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read "People I Have Liked." I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one. And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn't match. A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content. Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching. A file named "Friends" was next to the one marked "Friends I Have Betrayed." The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird. "Books I Have Read," "Lies I Have Told," "Comfort I Have Given," "Jokes I Have Laughed At." Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: "Things I Have Yelled at My Brothers." Others I couldn't laugh at: "Things I Have Done In My Anger," "Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents." I never ceased to be surprised by the contents. Often there were many more cards than I expected. Sometimes fewer than I hoped. I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived. Could it be possible that I had the time in my 20 years to write each of these thousands or even millions of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each was written in my own handwriting. Each signed with my signature. When I pulled out the file marked "Songs I Have Listened To," I realized the files grew to contain their contents. The cards were packed tightly, and yet after two or three yards, I hadn't found the end of the file. I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of music, but more by the vast amount of time I knew that file represented. When I came to a file marked "Lustful Thoughts," I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded. An almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind: "No one must ever see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to destroy them!" In an insane frenzy I yanked the file out. Its size didn't matter now. I had to empty it and burn the cards. But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it. Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot. Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh. And then I saw it. The title bore "People I Have Shared the Gospel With." The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands. I could count the cards it contained on one hand. And then the tears came. I began to weep. Sobs so deep that the hurt started in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all. The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes. No one must ever, ever know of this room. I must lock it up and hide the key. But then as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him. No, please not Him. Not here. Oh, anyone but Jesus. I watched helplessly as He began to open the files and read the cards. I couldn't bear to watch His response. And in the moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper than my own. He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes. Why did He have to read every one? Finally, He turned and looked at me from across the room. He looked at me with pity in His eyes. But this was a pity that didn't anger me. I dropped my head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again. He walked over and put His arm around me. He could have said so many things. But He didn't say a word. He just cried with me. Then He got up and walked back to the wall of files. Starting at one end of the room, He took out a file and, one by one, began to sign His name over mine on each card. "No!" I shouted rushing to Him. All I could find to say was "No, no," as I pulled the card from Him. His name shouldn't be on these cards. But there it was, written in red so rich, so dark, so alive. The name of Jesus covered mine. It was written with His blood. He gently took the card back. He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the cards. I don't think I'll ever understand how He did it so quickly, but the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file and walk back to my side. He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, "It is finished." I stood up, and He led me out of the room. There was no lock on its door. When I awoke I realized that there were still cards to be written. E. Lee Audirsch ***************************************************************** My friend if you died today do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? If you are not sure please go to this site to find out how you can know for sure. http://swordofthelord.com/areyousure.html ************************************ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROPHEZINE NEWSLETTER - NEWSBYTES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Panic In The Year Zero Part 4 By Joseph Farah Several weeks ago, I introduced readers to Alan Dechert, the man behind the immodest cause of resetting our global calendars to the Year Zero in 2000. I fear Dechert has received even more publicity due to my column --so much, in fact, that he wrote to me to straighten me out about his intentions. "I enjoyed this article," he writes. "Many people I know also got a big charge out of it -- perhaps not the kind of praise you'd like to get, but many found it entertaining at least." So far, so good. I always aim to be entertaining. But Dechert is hurt by the fact that I suggested it was "some nut" who came up with this nutty idea. For this, I apologize. I'm sure Dechert is not a nut, just extremely misguided. More bad news. He informs me that his idea is taking off. And I believe him. "The first television appearance of the Global Era Calendar will be filmed next week," he gushes. He also assures me that he is not at all concerned about the Y2K bug. Governments, businesses and ordinary people around the world may be fretting about it, but it's not Dechert's concern. He's got a much bigger goal in mind than presenting a solution to a problem some fear may cause global chaos. Dechert's plan is about equity, fairness, eliminating Christo-centrism and chauvinism, etc. But don't get him wrong. Even though his idea has been embraced by radical secularist Paul Kurtz, the leader of the world's humanists, it is not an "anti-Christian" plot. "What if a Muslim walked up to you at a street corner and said, 'I don't like this year-numbering system (pointing to the date in the newspaper),'" he asks rhetorically. "'It is anti-Islam. It seeks to eradicate the power of Allah and Mohammed.' ... In other words, YZ is about inclusivity -- not exclusivity." Though he doesn't see the movement as an "us versus them" issue, he does think the Global Era Calendar symbolizes unity of the various religions in the world. "This does not mean erasing our differences, but acknowledging the things we have in common," he writes. "It would show a willingness to agree on something -- if only a symbolic something. Let's bring them all to the table. They'll all have to leave something behind, however. But this interreligious cooperation is sorely needed if we are to make substantial progress in solving the world's pressing problems." Though Dechert decries chauvinism, he's pretty proud of his little movement. He thinks it will catch on. And he'll be happy to take the credit when it does. "I began, back in April, sending my Global Era Calendar package out to all heads-of-state." he writes. "I expect to have this mailing completed soon. If one government or another adopts the Global Era Calendar Resolution or it gets introduced at the U.N., it will happen because I initiated the process." You can bank on that one, friends. This is an idea whose time has come. Once again, I reiterate what I wrote in the column that so amused Dechert: There are many people in this world who would love to eliminate the year-numbering system based on the life of Jesus Christ. They would do this not to unify, but to divide. Maybe I've missed it, but I haven't heard any clamoring from Muslims to change the calendar. Muslims, it may surprise Dechert to learn, revere Jesus Christ as a great prophet. Any thinking person -- believer or not -- would have to acknowledge the immense impact His life has had on the course of history, on mankind's last 2,000 years. One thing most everyone in the world can agree with is that we live in the year 1998. Only those with a suspect religious and political agenda would seek to give the world one more testy debate. "The script for this play is a living document," Dechert concludes. "The Bible isn't much use here but it does get involved because many are referring to it so that they will know what to do. We are collectively writing the script as we go along. But there is no doubt that we are now on the final act of this particular story. The Grand Finale holds some twists, turns and surprises! It should be fun!" There's an ancient Chinese curse that goes: "May you live in interesting times." I don't know how much fun we'll be having in the next two years as we grapple with scandal in the White House, the Y2K crisis and a world on the nuclear brink, but, once again, I predict we have not heard the last of this Year Zero idea. Even Dechert agrees with me on that much. Joseph Farah is editor of the Internet newspaper www.WorldNetDaily.com and executive director of the Western Journalism Center, an independent group of investigative reporters. PZ Editor Added: Daniel 7:25 "He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZERO TOLERANCE FOR GUNS, DRUGS AND PRAYER? By Family Research Council WASHINGTON, D.C. - "New York public school officials and the ACLU have demonstrated almost infinite tolerance for teachers with the wackiest ideas. But, when it comes to faith, then suddenly a teacher has the full force of the bureaucracy in New York coming down on her head," Family Research Council President Gary Bauer said Thursday. "All over America, parents are worried about the violence and drugs ravaging this country's schools, but I don't think many parents are sitting around scared to death that their children may hear the name of Jesus Christ." Bauer spoke Thursday at a news conference with Congressman Tom Delay (R-TX), former Bronx schoolteacher Mildred Rosario and religious liberty advocate William Murray, the son of renowned atheist Madeline Murray O'Hair, who won a 1963 Supreme Court case barring school prayer. Earlier this month, Mrs. Rosario was fired from her Bronx school for praying for her students in the wake of a classmate's drowning death. When a troubled student asked Mrs. Rosario if the boy had gone to heaven, she assured the 11-year-old girl that he had. As she counseled the students, Mrs. Rosario also led them in prayer. "Under current law, a public school teacher is not to lead students in prayer," Bauer said. "What's a teacher to do in such a situation? Share evolution's comforting philosophy that after death we're nothing but recyclable matter making up the 'circle of life'? One of Mrs. Rosario's students said it best: 'We talk about guns and condoms--and they give us condoms to have safe sex on the streets. But we can't talk about the one who made us.' "I believe the Supreme Court sent us down a treacherous road 35 years ago when it banned prayer from school," Bauer said. "Our founding fathers never intended for religion to be excluded from the classroom. They recognized religion has a role in public life. Yet, an activist Court has disregarded the Constitution in order to advance its own agenda. Now is the time for us to retrace our steps and recapture the vision of our ancestors. Otherwise, incidents such as those in Springfield, Jonesboro and Pearl may cease to shock us." If you have any questions or comments about this press release or about the Family Research Council, please visit our web site at: http://www.frc.org FOR MORE INFORMATION OR INTERVIEWS, CONTACT THE FRC MEDIA OFFICE AT (202) 393-2100. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ReligionToday.com (http://www.ReligionToday.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrests shut down the church in Saudi Arabia The Christian church in Saudi Arabia has come to a standstill as leaders fear a large-scale crackdown by authorities in the Muslim nation. ...Hundreds of house churches have stopped meeting and leaders fear incarceration after the arrests this month of 12 expatriates who are Christians. "There is a silent, mutually understood moratorium on all gatherings in the country," International Christian Concern's Steve Snyder told Religion Today. "They are staying underground." ...Christian worship is forbidden in the nation, which is ruled by Islamic Sharia law. About 150,000 expatriates, mostly Filipinos who came to Saudi Arabia for employment, worship secretly in 400 house churches. The tiny native-Saudi church is even further underground, and avoids contact with expatriate believers for security reasons, Snyder said. Evangelism, Christian literature, Bibles, and crosses are illegal. ...Authorities arrested two Filipinos June 6 for distributing Christian materials to homes in Riyadh, the capital. Workers hung 500 packets of Arabic-language biblical materials on doorknobs in an outreach carefully planned to avoid confrontation, Baptist Press said. In the subsequent two weeks, the Muttawah, Saudi religious police, raided several homes and arrested 10 more Christians, including one who is believed to be the leader of a house church movement in Riyadh. ...Those detained are 11 Filipinos, including a woman who gave birth while in detention, and a Dutch national. Angelito Hison, Ariel Ordona, Juanito Manalili, Reuben Aguirre, Wim Den Hartog, Yolai Aguilar, John Leyson, Gali Afurong, Pete Prado, Jim Liscano, Renato Ferrer, and Dolly Bonggaling are being held. Aguilar gave birth to an 8-pound girl two days after being taken, and church leaders fear that she and the others are being interrogated and tortured to reveal the names of other underground leaders. ...Torture is sometimes used as a tactic to ascertain information, a former expatriate pastor in Saudi Arabia told Religion Today. There are dozens of secret locations where police can interrogate and torture prisoners, he said. The whereabouts of most of the prisoners is unknown, ICC said. "I can imagine what they are going through -- untold suffering and deprivation," the pastor said. ...The pastor lived in the country for 11 years and led the largest house church in Riyadh when the Muttawah arrested him in 1992. Authorities demanded information about the underground church, using flogging, beatings, and mental torture, he said. Others suffered electric shock treatment and were hung from the ceiling by their thumbs or upside down as police beat them. The pastor was sentenced to death, but was freed hours before his scheduled execution because of pressure from the U.S. government and human rights groups, he said. ...International pressure on the Saudi government "will be a tremendous help" for the imprisoned Christians, he said. "When the government becomes aware that others know and that we have [the prisoners] names, they will be much more careful." ICC is calling on Christians to send comments advocating release of the prisoners to the Saudi embassy by email or mail. The address is: His Royal Highness Prince Bandar Bin Sultan ...U.S. leaders are expressing concern about the situation, a congressional staff worker said. Several members of Congress have contacted the Saudi embassy and at least one has asked President Clinton to get involved. A State Department source said the situation is being monitored closely. ...The United States usually is reluctant to confront the Saudis about religious freedom, Snyder said. The United States often bends to Saudi demands, such as a decision in the early 1990s to stop holding worship services at the American embassy in Saudi Arabia, the pastor said. "Many in the diplomatic corps came to the house churches that I pastored as a result of that decision." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ National ID card on fast track By David M. Bresnahan Source: WorldNetDaily Transportation Department Already Making The Rules Like it or not, the day is fast approaching when every American will carry a national identification card. Those who do not have one will be denied many basic services. Little notice was given to the issue in 1996 when Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. One section of the act requires all states to make their driver's licenses comply with certain guidelines found in Section 656 (b) of the act. Federal agencies will be required to prohibit the use of state driver's licenses beginning Oct. 1, 2000, unless they comply with the federal standards. The new licenses must use the Social Security number as the driver's license number, for example. The act also calls for digitized biometric information to be a part of each license, or "smart card." This information will not be required initially. But later, the biometric information will include fingerprints, retina scans, DNA prints, and other similar information. Responsibility for the design and implementation of the cards has been given to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation. That agency has recently published the proposed "Driver's License/SSN/National Identification Document," which contains the guidelines which must be in force by Oct. 1, 2000. The "Notice of Proposed Rule Making" sets out the standards for each state to follow in the design of "identification documents." "These new National ID regulations violate every notion of federalism, because they force states to comply with regulations issued by the federal government without any constitutional authority to do so," says Patrick Poole of the Free Congress Foundation. "Nor are federal agencies empowered to force state to gather detailed information on every person in order to comply with federal mandates. The net result of the DOT's regulations is to establish a national ID system, which has been opposed by almost every non-governmental sector for the past five decades." Shortly after the passage of the act by congress, Utah state Rep. Gerry A. Adair introduced a bill to comply with the federal requirements. The level of opposition from the public was extensive, which Adair said at the time surprised him. The bill was defeated and was regarded as one of the most controversial bills of that session. States which fail to comply with the federal requirements will impose difficulties on their citizens. Without the new card it may become impossible to purchase firearms, get a job, board a plane, vote, cash a check, open a bank or investment account, purchase insurance, receive federal benefits, obtain a student loan, receive Medicare or Medicaid benefits, and many more basic services presently taken for granted according to Poole. Once the card is in use, Poole suggests that privacy will be a thing of the past. Information will be easily available about all aspects of every American's life. The information stored in each card will be held in a computer chip imbedded in the card, which may one day be injected under a person's skin. Experiments testing such an identification system have already been conducted on military personnel and for identification security at the Olympics. For those who point to the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, Poole explains that President Bill Clinton recently signed Executive Order 13083 entitled "Federalism." That document effectively gives authority to the federal government to force anything it wants on states. No effort was made by anyone in Congress to overturn the Executive Order. Conservatives went to their legislators in 1995 to protest an effort by Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt to establish a Conference of the States to address the issue of states rights and federalism. Leavitt campaigned hard and pointed to a federal government that had overstepped its intended role and authority by imposing unfunded mandates on states. Conservatives succeeded in defeating the effort but have thus far remained relatively silent about the recent Executive Order 13083. Phyllis Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum surprisingly had no comment on the Executive Order. Leavitt could not be reached for comment, but he has been very outspoken on states rights in the past. The executive order apparently sets the stage for the federal government to dictate anything it wants to the states. Compliance will be mandated and states rights will be a thing of the past, according to Poole. He said he would not be surprised to see more mandates such as the national ID card forced upon unwilling states and citizens. There is still time for individuals to comment on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. All comments must be in writing and are limited to a maximum of 15 pages and must be received no later than Aug. 3, 1998. Two copies of your comments should be sent to Docket No. NHTSA-98-3945, Docket Management Room PL-401, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. Place the docket number on each page of your comments. Poole also suggests individuals contact their congressional representatives. "They passed this thing, and they can change it if they hear from enough people," he said. 1998 Western Journalism Center --NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. www.worldnetdaily.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ITAA's Year 2000 Outlook June 26, 1998 Volume 3, No. 24 Published by the Information Technology Association of America, Arlington, VA Bob Cohen, Editor bcohen@itaa.org Read in over 70 countries around the world House Denies Y2K Emergency Funds Lawmakers put the kibosh on federal Y2K emergency funding this week, at least temporarily. The House Rules Committee voted to strip out $2.25 billion in Y2K emergency appropriations previously included in the FY 1999 Treasury-Postal spending bill. Along with $1.6 billion in Y2K repair dollars trimmed from the Department of Defense funding bill, the emergency funds will now be incorporated in a separate measure. Making the task even more difficult, the dollars must now be offset by cuts in other government programs. According to one industry observer: "It is very disheartening. The people who voted to strip the funds from the Treasury-Postal Service bill clearly do not understand the severity of the Y2K problem for federal agencies. It is a crisis and should be treated like other emergencies. This move could seriously hamper the ability to fund the federal government's Y2K repairs. Conservative economics prevailed over common sense. Extraordinary vision was required to respond to extraordinary events and Congress failed the test." Resolution to the funding issue will be delayed until after the Congressional July 4 recess. UN Resolution Calls for Global Cooperation on Y2K The United Nations will take up a resolution shortly calling on member states to raise the priority of the Year 2000 issue and forge global cooperation. Speaking at the World Congress on Information Technology in Fairfax, VA, Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, chairman of the UN Working Group on Informatics, said the resolution calls on the Economic and Social Council to prepare action guidelines for member states at its meeting next month, and establishes a UN monitoring and reporting system. Briefing a series of wide-ranging UN actions in his remarks, Kamal said, "=85we are far, very far, from being sanguine about results." He noted that common action, not finger-pointing, is the solution. "Y2K is obviously a challenge, but it is also an opportunity," he said. "Great potential exists in several developing countries to assist in addressing the global dimensions of the problem=85Many developing countries=85have a large pool of software developers and engineers capable of analyzing and re-writing the non-compliant programs, and doing so at a fractional comparative cost." Kamal, Permanent Ambassador to the UN from Pakistan, spoke on a Year 2000 panel which also included ITAA President Harris Miller, International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General Maria Cattaui, and IBM Year 2000 Global Initiatives General Manager David Cassano. Panelists' remarks are available at http://www.conferencecast.worldcongress1998.org/dflt_d3.htm. Vice President Al Gore participated in the World Congress via interactive video and urged conference attendees to get the Y2K job done. Perhaps responding to recent criticism by House Speaker New Gingrich and other Republicans in Congress, Gore referred to the rhetoric surrounding the Year 2000 issue. He urged high tech business leaders to action, particularly where big businesses are in a position to help their suppliers. International Banking Rates Mixed Reviews If not fireworks in advance of July 4, a hearing in the House this week produced a series of useful insights into the Y2K status of international banks and other institutions. U.S. ambassadors at diplomatic posts around the world report, for instance, that just three percent of foreign banks they polled are "problematic" for Y2K compliance. Providing written testimony to the House Banking Committee, State Department Undersecretary Bonnie Cohen reported that a status check of banks in 157 countries found 17 percent compliant now and another 48 percent indicating compliance by the end of this year. Cohen also referred to a year-old State Department survey of Post, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT) companies indicating that 50 percent have active Y2K programs. "Because many responses were subjective," she indicated, "we are now updating the information." Cohen reported that globally, the "public and private sectors are heroically addressing the Y2K problem," but time is not working in their favor. As a result, U.S. embassies are trying to get their plans in order for various "operational scenarios." According to Cohen, "These plans would range from the operations within our missions up to the crisis management required from the lack of essential services in a host country." Meanwhile, Cohen said the Bureau of Consular Affairs has begun meeting with its counterparts in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand to discuss public safety and travel security topics. "Future meetings will focus on how to convey information to the public to keep them informed but not react in panic," Cohen indicated. Y2K comatose countries may panic when they learn about the peer pressure plans of the Joint Year 2000 Council to create country by country Y2K status pages on the web. The Council is co-sponsored by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, the G-10 central bank governors' Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and other groups. According to Ernest Patrikis, First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Chairman of the Council, each page would contain contact information for government officials; financial supervisors and regulators; financial industry associations; payment, settlement and trading systems; chambers of commerce; and major utility associations or supervisors. The pages will also contain Y2K related status information for these groups. Patrikis said the web-based approach will help create informal networking and better awareness. But a stick is part and parcel of the package. "=85the presence of the country pages may exert pressure on those countries where more vigorous action is needed. A blank or uninformative country listing would probably not be seen as a good sign by some financial market participants," Patrikis told the Banking Committee. Patrikis said the Council is also collecting and posting information on the Y2K preparedness and testing of payment and settlement systems around the globe. He said 150 systems in 47 countries have cooperated to date, and his group intends to expand the scope of coverage to exchanges and trading systems as well as major financial information services providers. Patrikis said twin goals are to help organizations coordinate test schedules and identify anomalies. But again there is a stick: "Primarily, I see this as an exercise in peer pressure," Patrikis said. "If we list every country in the world on our web site and the public can see that some countries have scheduled mandatory external tests of their major trading and settlement systems, while other countries do not provide any information, that second country may come under greater pressure to organize an external testing program. This is our stated goal." Moody's Investors Service also rated noteworthy comments at the hearing. Managing Director Samuel Theodore told the Banking Committee that a majority of large international banks are "on track" for Y2K compliance. According to Theodore, "Such large institutions represent, in aggregate, a critical transmission belt for financial flows worldwide; therefore, we believe that Y2K-related systemic risk, while possible, may in fact be more remote than it is sometimes presented in the media." If prospects for large institutions are looking up, Theodore indicated that the sunny picture does extend to smaller, less internationally connected banks with less tested IT cultures. "Banks in Europe, Asia and the rest of the world appear to be less concerned about Y2K than banks in the United States," Theodore said, adding, "=85with very few exceptions, bank regulators around the world-even in developed national banking markets-are far less assertive and detailed than their U.S. counterparts in guiding their banks towards Y2K compliance." In European Union member states, the Moody's executive said that the Euro conversion generally racks up several times the budget attributed to Y2K efforts. Y2K compliance, he said, is often viewed as a "necessary evil" in these countries. The Euro grabs mindshare, he indicated, for political as well as economic reasons. Elsewhere in the world, Theodore said the present banking crisis in Japan is overshadowing Y2K concerns. "Many banks are currently focused on improving their financial condition in the short term, and tend to look at Y2K as a medium-term issue, less difficult to deal with than their current problems. We have observed that the Y2K budgets of several large Japanese banks are noticeably thinner than those of their U.S. and European counterparts." And that's the good news. "In many emerging markets, both banks and many bank regulators are still utterly unprepared for Y2K-indeed, they are often even unaware of the real challenges of the process," Theodore said. Elsewhere, he indicated, language and cultural differences may prove to be significant challenges to Y2K compliance. While litigation risk is more an issue in the U.S., reputation risk is a major concern for Y2K wayward banks overseas. "Important clients-both borrowers and depositors-will choose to move their business away from such banks," Theodore said, adding, "This inherently leads to funding, liquidity, and franchise problems for the Y2K--deficient bank, or for the bank being perceived as such." Legislation Aimed at Small Business Tax Relief Rep. Karen Thurman (D-FL) has introduced a bill to provide small businesses with tax relief in handling Y2K hardware and software conversion costs. HR 4134 would provide up to $20,000 in Y2K-related expense deductions for each of the 1998 and 1999 tax years. The deduction would be in addition to any other costs deductible under section 179. Thurman sits on the House Ways and Means Committee Oversight Subcommittee. In a statement, Thurman said "Congress, in its quest to solve the Year 2000 problem for federal agencies, should not ignore the devastating impact the Millennium Bug will have on small businesses." 3M to Tape Y2K "Complete" on Critical Systems With 50,000 products, 3M is a company that knows how to get things done. They put the "Scotch" in tape, of course, but the firm also manufactures everything from stick-on notes and adhesives to overhead projectors and heart and lung machines. Invention rules within this far-flung enterprise, operating in over 60 countries around the world. Perhaps that is why the company must also be able to stick to the book when dealing with so much diversity. That philosophy extends to its Year 2000 project, where the company is using a core methodology to drive its conversion work. Next week, the results will come into focus. Over 100 of the company's most mission critical systems (termed "fatal" and "critical") are scheduled to be Y2K repaired, tested and returned to service. 3M is adept at working in spaces of 200 microns or less. Not surprising then that its Year 2000 conversion may seem like the most all-encompassing program it has ever undertaken. Just drawing the box around the size of the problem could take even these scientists and engineers a bit of doing. Like many companies, 3M has witnessed a proliferation of computing platforms, languages and tools within its information systems environment. On the business side, IBM mainframes and AS/400 mid-range computers predominate. In the plants and factories, Unix reigns with HP 3000 and HP 9000 computers most commonly featured. The company has developed roughly 85 percent of its application software internally, with languages running the gamut from COBOL and Talon to Assembler, Ideal, RPG, Pl/1, Fortran, SAS, C, C++, and Java. Database holdings include DB2, IMS, SQL, Datacom and more. The Star Wars bar may have had a more homogeneous cast of characters. So like many companies, 3M has invented a working approach to Year 2000 which emphasizes a core conversion methodology and de-centralized implementation. Mary Cripe is the corporate Y2K project manager. She oversees a group of 30 Y2K team members, representing major business areas of the company. Each of these individuals is, in turn, responsible for driving Year 2000 understanding within their respective organizations. In most instances, the company rolls out new software application releases from its headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota. These versions are then implemented and maintained by on-site IT staff. Similarly, a central Y2K team performs date repairs and testing, then works with IT staff in the field to assure that corrected software performs as intended. Ken Tibesar oversees the squad of 25 or so technical professionals making corrections on the manufacturing side of the house. Information systems here cover inventory, production management, orders, equipment maintenance, product "recipe" development and management, quality management and management reporting. According to Tibesar, the company quickly realized that date field expansion could gum up its works, particularly when passing data between facilities. The problem, he said, is synchronizing the expansion of data in files with the programs commonly used in 3M's 50 manufacturing plants. Such a move would have forced the company to reinstall programs based on common program files--a coordination task he views as virtually impossible. That's because all the work would need to be done during a down time period. Some of the more obscure programs would no doubt be missed in the conversion process, causing system failures. Instead, the company opted for a pivot year approach, requiring changes to code but leaving data files intact. According to Tibesar, windowing dramatically reduces the number of variables that need repairs. Only logic used for calculations and comparisons is adjusted, Tibesar says, narrowing the scope of the remediation to 1/20th of the variables it might cover otherwise. Although Tibesar admits that the windowing approach is a bandage, bandages do have their place in the corporation (3M makes bandages too). By reducing the number of variables, Tibesar says scanning tools can concentrate on finding "calcs and compares." He cautions that such tools in a windowing environment should be able to achieve this level of granularity-not simply generate a list of all possible date fields in the code. He also allows that bandages will not cover every contingency. For instance, because date ranges in human resources and insurance applications often go beyond the pivot year boundaries, full date expansion is necessary. And Mary Cripe says that some AS/400 applications are also going their own way, taking a tack that rolls back the data in databases by 28 years. "Due diligence" documentation is the Rosetta stone holding 3M's Y2K efforts together. Year 2000 compliance declarations are not good enough, Cripe says. To be checked off the 3M list, organizations must document their decisions and the documentation itself must be signed off by an IT rep, a business process owner and an appropriate manager. She says the company has established an LPAR to perform Y2K testing with clock simulation software. Next year, the company will conduct off-site testing at a disaster recovery facility. This testing will involve actually advancing the system clock to gauge further the impact of software repairs. The company uses other tools to time warp data, analyze execution paths, observe test operations, record and playback keystrokes, and conduct file comparisons. 3M estimates it will spend $70 million to make its Y2K correction. The good news, according to Tibesar, is that the repair process appears to cost less than industry averages. Nor has the St. Paul site been racked by rampant wage inflation for Y2K workers. Unknowns include the embedded systems area, where Cripe says she is depending on engineers who are still in the process of determining the extent of the company's exposure; and contingency planning, which Cripe admits has taken a back seat to the July conversion deadline. Closer to Home Almost one in four Americans believe that Year 2000 computer related failures may force them to undergo lifestyle changes, according to a recent Wirthlin Worldwide poll commissioned by the Information Technology Association of America. The survey finds half of those polled believe elected officials and business leaders are not doing enough to address the Year 2000 issue. The three top reasons cited by respondents for this are that the computer industry will fix the situation when the time comes; that businesses are too busy making money; and that there are too many other problems to solve. "That one in four Americans is now concerned about the Year 2000 is a compelling fact. Just one year ago, a reference to the Year 2000 would have brought blank stares or an image of Times Square at midnight. Americans are beginning to worry and it is time for our elected officials and business leaders to wake up," said ITAA President Harris Miller. Of those expecting Y2K-induced lifestyle changes, the ITAA/Wirthlin poll indicates: 80 percent are concerned that their financial records may be distorted 72 percent believe there will be business losses 68 percent anticipate possible telephone disruptions 64 percent fear power outages 56 percent worry that they may lose their jobs 42 percent foresee shortages of products or merchandise Poll data also suggests that those individuals with the most to lose as the result of Year 2000 failures appear to be the least interested. For instance, those individuals earning over $60,000 per year seem far less concerned about the issue than those earning under $15,000. Eighteen percent of those in the highest wage category indicated concerns about lifestyle changes as compared to 34 percent in the lowest wage category. Those with a college education were similarly less likely to be concerned about the personal impacts of the computer date glitch. Similarly, 90 percent of the Y2K concerned group with some high school education fear business losses as compared to 52 percent of those with post graduate degrees; 73 percent of the former group expressed concerns about job losses versus 40 percent of the latter group. Better educated Americans also appear to be more satisfied that those in charge are taking the necessary steps to correct the problem. Fifty-two percent of those with postgraduate degrees and 48 percent of those with college degrees indicated enough is being done; only 20 percent of those with some high school agree. These results are drawn from the Wirthlin National Quorum. The Quorum is a telephone survey based on a representative random sample consisting of 1000 adults residing within the continental U.S. ITAA's Year 2000 Outlook is published every Friday to help all organizations deal more effectively with the Year 2000 software conversion. To receive a subscription to this free publication, please sign up on the web at https://www.itaa.org/transact/2koutlooksub.htm. ITAA's Year 2000 Outlook is sponsored in part by CACI International Inc., DMR Consulting Group Inc., and Y2Kplus ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Press Service wrote: Some Critical DoD Systems Won't Make Y2K Deadlines By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON -- Some mission-critical DoD systems will not be Year 2000 compliant by an internal department deadline of December 1998 or the Office of Management and Budget's March 1999 target. Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre and William A. Curtis, director of DoD Y2K oversight and contingency planning in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, recently released the following list of those tardy systems and their target compliance dates: Army Sea-Lite Beam Detector -- June 30, 1999 Standard Army Maintenance System - 1 -- Sept. 30, 1999 Standard Army Maintenance System - 2 -- Sept. 30, 1999 Army HELSTF Executive Controller -- Oct. 30, 1999 Army AN/TYQ-33, Tactical Combat Service Support Computer System- Enhanced -- Dec. 31, 1999 Army Standard Installation/Division Personnel System -- no date Defense Communications and Army Switch Systems -- Nov. 1, 1999 Naval Space Command Mission Processing System -- April 30, 1999 Integrated Satellite Control System -- May 31, 1999 NESP EHF Low Data Rate Terminal -- August 1999 Integrated Verdin Transmit Terminal -- May 1999 Integrated Submarine Automated Broadcast Processing System -- May 1999 Non-tactical Command Support System/Shipboard Non-tactical Automated Data Processing Program I and II -- August 1999 Joint Maritime Command Information System Ashore -- September 1999 Joint Maritime Command Information System Afloat -- September 1999 Joint Maritime Command Information System Tac/Mobile -- September 1999 Joint Maritime Command Information System OBU/OED -- September 1999 Joint Maritime Command Information System Radiant Mercury -- September 1999 Inactive Manpower and Personnel Management Information System --October 1999 Tomahawk Mission Planning -- March 1999 Tomahawk Afloat Planning System -- May 1999 Joint Services Imagery Processing System -- Navy -- May 1999 Naval Communication Processing and Routing System -- September 1999 Common Source Routing File System -- September 1999 Very Long Baseline Interferometry Mark III Correlator -- July 1999 Execution and Prioritization of Repairs Support System -- May 5, 1999 AC-130U Gunship Avionics -- May 31, 1999 Defense Attache Worldwide Network -- December 1999 Defense Switched Network -- September 1999 Defense Fuels Automated Management System -- June 1999 NIMA Exploitation System -- August 1999 Automated Patient Evaluation System -- May 1, 1999 Defense Medical Regulating Information System -- May 1, 1999 Compliance Monitoring and Tracking System -- April 1999. ##end## ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F.Y.I. - Israel in the News Week Ending: June 27, 1998/3 Tammuz 5758 ===================================================== "And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it." Zechariah 12.3 ===================================================== JERUSALEM PLAN IS APPROVED BY CABINET: After five hours of debate Sunday, the Israeli government approved the Jerusalem plan that was submitted the previous week. The plan will expand Jerusalem's boundaries westward into Israel and also create an umbrella municipality with administrative powers over nearby towns in Israel and some Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The plan calls for Jerusalem to become a regional capital, and for the annexation of several of the communities to its north and west. The army will be consulted regarding the joining of Ma'aleh Adumim (east of the capital) and Givat Ze'ev (to the north) under the new municipal framework. Present-day Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) communities such as Adam and Givon will be incorporated as well under the new framework, and construction of new housing there will increase. Housing benefits and financial benefits to high-tech industries will be granted, mass-transit systems will be established, and 140,000 new housing units will be built within the next twenty years. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu dismissed criticism of the plan as "ridiculous", saying it was aimed at improving municipal services and was completely in line with the Oslo accords. Most shops and businesses were shut down across the Arab sector of Jerusalem on Saturday to protest Israeli plans to expand the city's boundaries to maintain a Jewish majority. A leaflet distributed during the week called on Palestinians to observe a general strike "to respond to the Israeli conspiracy'" and mark the anniversary of the 1967 annexation of east Jerusalem. The leaflet was signed by the major Palestinian political parties and organizations in east Jerusalem, including Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement. (