Prophe-Zine # 28 Oct. 18, 1996 Ray Gano ...Welcome To PZ #28 N.W. Hutchings ...Mark and Number of the Beast-How and Why? Tess West.... A Reason for the Hope Jim Bramlett.... A Startling Encounter with a Rabbi In Jerusalem ...Ezekiel 39 Decoded Alan Yusko ... The Coming Great Delision! Prophe-Zine News Bites Lee Underwood....F.Y.I. - Israel in the News Raymond Clarke....And Time Was No More Beastly funny humor Ray Gano ....Clinton Gets an "F" for American History Ray Gano...The Most Common Infections Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases Jim Bramlett...Follow-up To The Rabbi Story Rabbi Zalman B. Melamed...BASIC TRUTHS ON THE MIDEAST CONFLICT Am.Liberties Fellowship.... Court to review Religious Freedom law Debit, credit cards MIKDASH-BUILD... SPECIAL REPORT/THE BATTLE FOR THE TEMPLE MOUNT ************** Welcome to Issue # 28 Hello all, Thanks for waiting for this issue. It has been exciting these last couple of days that is because of the following articles From: Arutz Sheva News Service Monday, October 14, 1996 / Cheshvan 1, 5757 SYNAGOGUE ON TEMPLE MOUNT? A program to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount was presented today by MK Rabbi Benny Elon and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, head of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. They said that archaeologists and historians claim that there once was a synagogue situated on the site. From: SNS International 08.45 Hrs October 15, 1996.. 2 Marcheshvan 5757.. Volume II, Number 439/40/41 Update from Israel. A Temple On the Temple Mount (SNS News Service - Shomron-Israel) The Head of the Temple Institute, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, and MK (Moledet) Rabbi Benny Elon, will submit plans this afternoon for the construction of a Synagogue on the TempleMount of the Old City in Jerusalem. (Channel 7 Radio News.. 10/14 ..2:00pm). When I saw these articles I was really excited. I also sent email to everyone out there letting you know that PZ will be late and about this pretty hot event. Well here is what I found out. First of all I wrote just about anyone and everyone. I wrote to Jerusalem Post, Arutz-7, Israeli Consulate, Prophecy Teachers, everyone. I guess that I wanted to cover all the bases. I found out quite a bit of information. I have not heard anything eles in regards to the Synagogue on the Temple Mount, but I have found out some real interesting items in regards to the Synagogue. I would like to share some of the letters written to me. The following Letter is from Leiah and Jason Elbaum They run the IRIS www site. Very good site to visit by the way. They deal mainly with issues in regards to Israeli Security. ============== Dear Ray, Thanks for your note. We have seen the report you refer to, though it's not clear what "insights" you're looking for. Just a few comments: 1. The headline is misleading. In traditional Jewish terminology, a synagogue is not a "temple." A synagogue is a place of prayer, whereas the ancient Jewish Temple was devoted to divine service through sacrificial offerings. Jews who pray daily for the restoration of the Temple and its practices would not view a synagogue the same way. 2. Since Israel recaptured the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, it has acquiesced to the authority of the Islamic Waqf in administering the Temple Mount (to the deep sorrow of many Jews). The Waqf considers the Mount to be an Islamic holy place, and as such Jews are barred from praying on the Mount. There is a small group of Jewish activists who campaign for the right to pray on the Mount, and from time to time they enter as tourists and then start praying, whereupon they are expelled by the Israeli security forces. The group behind the synagogue proposal is affiliated with these activists, to the best of our knowledge. 3. Most religious Jews consider most, if not all, of the Temple Mount as retaining the ancient sanctity which it bore as the site of the Temple. As such, most believe that it is forbidden for Jews to walk on much of the Mount without extensive ritual preparation. The mainstream religious Jewish groups would therefore likely oppose the founding of a synagogue of any sort on the Mount, for fear of trespassing on its sanctity. 4. Finally, any act which promotes Jewish rights to the Temple Mount would surely be taken by the Arabs and the Islamic world as a "provocation" justifying tremendous violence, probably war. 5. Given all of the above, no Israeli government would support such a proposal, and there would be minimal support for it among Israeli Jews. Such are the facts, disappointing as they may sometimes seem. If you have any more specific questions, please feel free to ask. Leiah and Jason Elbaum IRIS ================ A good friend of mine and the former editor of Morning Star Magezine Toby Trudel states " According to a friend of mind, that proposal has been raised before. In a sense it's old news -- unless there is a clause to level the Mosque ...haha." ================= Also As First Reported by the Associated Press ISRAELI WANTS SYNAGOGUE AT DISPUTED SITE An Israeli lawmaker toured the outer walls of a holy shrine Monday to find a site to build a synagogue, in response to plans to open a mosque there. Benny Elon's right-wing Moledet or"Homeland" party has only two seats in the 120-member parliament, but his action is likely to be seen by Muslims as an Israeli attempt to infringe on their rights. The walls surround the site worshiped by Jews as the Temple Mount, and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. The spot has often been the scene of Muslim-Jewish clashes. Israel opened a second entrace to a tourist tunnel near the shrine last month, triggering violence that killed 79 people in the West bank and Gaza Strip. Now many Jews are angry that Muslims have been allowed to turn the vault beneath the site - known as Solomon's Stables - into a mosque..... =============== All of this has been very exciting in deed. Conculsion: I do not see that this will be the rebuilding of the temple in itself but I do see a "domino effect" possibly here. If the Jews are allowed a site for prayer, then that gives them a foothold to then possibly rebuild the Temple. I also see that this can cause war with the Muslims. The domino effect I see is a possible war or start there of BUT all of a sudden a man comes to the for front and proposes a great peace deal. It is this man who will allow the jews to rebuild the temple and give the Jews a 3 1/2 year peace. Then he (the Antichrist) will go into the Temple and defile it and demand everyone to worship him. Now on with the issue. In this issue I want to welcome on board Dr. Hutchings of Southwest Radio Church. I also want to welcome a VERY special guest, Tess West. She is the wife of my very best friend Tim West. In fact,here is a special request from Tim.... Howdy Ray, I know that this is pretty petty to ask while the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket. I was wondering if you could post this to the many Christian subscribers through out the world to see if any one had a copy of Daniel Amos' self titled CD "Daniel Amos" I am also looking for their CDs called "Fearful Symetry" and Darn Floor Big Bite". ALSO...The Swirling Eddies "Outdoor Elvis". I would buy, trade or give blood for any of the above. I have come across some pretty rare stuff through someone at work that I am willing to trade with or sell. I have a couple copies of Daniel Amos "Shotgun Angel", Sweet Comfort's "1st Project" and I also got a copy of Mustard Seed "Faith Sail on Sailor". see ya Tim........Remember: Jesus is coming!! Look Busy!!!!! So if anyone out there can help my friend to find these rare Christian CD's Please write him at.. I know that you would make his day. By the way, it was Tim who whopped me up the head with a spiritual 2x4 and helped me back on the right path in serving our Lord. So if you like reading is all Tim's fault...grin. You can also get hold of Tess at this address if you would liketo contact her about her article in this issue. Well I guess that is all for right now. Enjoy this issue of Prophe-Zine. Remember that I need ORIGINAL or put in your own words News Byte Articles. There is a lot happening out there and I need you to report on it. One last thing to. For all the US readers, PLEASE get out and Vote. If you don't vote, you are throwing away your voice. Also remember that we are to be stewards over what the Lord has given us. The US is in bad shape right now and it is not because we have bad presidents or Congress. It is because we as Christian have not been good stewards and have let the country go down the tubes. A great quote for everyone out there...."For evil to prevail, all a good man has to do is nothing." We as Christians have been doing enough of nothing, we need to now get involved and vote. I will not tell you who to vote for I just want to let you know that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So Vote and be a good steward (Matt 24-25) In His service, Ray Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine PS..Dole/Kemp in 96 ************** Mark and Number of the Beast-How and Why? By: N.W. Hutchings "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev. 13: 16-17). Many have wondered down through the past two thousand years just how a mark and/or a number could be forced upon every person in the world (especially employers), and why this mark and/ or number would be connected with working, buying, and selling. From the apostle John's time in history, 96 A.D, there on the remote island of Patmos when he received this revelation, this made no sense at all. Only in the timeframe of the present generation have theologians and prophetic scholars been able to make the connection. In 1935 1 received my Social Security number. No one since that time can be employed without this number. Although we were assured by the FDR administration that this number was only for social insurance purposes, today I cannot get a driver's license, a bank account, a loan, mortgage, credit card, etc., without this number I was assigned in 1935. In 1943 on the French island off new Caldonia in the South Pacific, I was told to connect a cable running from my radar unit to a piece of equipment that was about the size of a piano. This piece of equipment, I was informed, was a computer that would take the data from my radar and convert it to firing data that would enable our 16-gun 90nim antiaircraft battalion to do a better job of shooting down Japanese planes. Since 1943 every facet of our daily lives have been plugged into the computer. Utilities are controlled by computers. If every computer in the world suddenly went dead, your car would not start; banks would not open; clocks would stop; planes would not fly; all working, buying, and selling would stop; we could not tum on the lights or get water out of the faucets. As we have previously reported, hand-imaging systems are being developed for passport and airport clearance. The state of Califomia has issued a directive that those on welfare must submit to hand-imaging. The EU is developing a cashless system where the housewife can use her hand image instead of cash or checks. The Hebrew word translated into English for "picture" appears three times in the Old Testament and means a "type" or something similar, like the Tabernacle in the wilderness was a picture of the Tabernacle in Heaven. There is no word for "picture" in the Greek language, so the word "image" is used in its place. Jesus said of the signs of His return, "When you see these things!" For the first time this generation, worldwide, we can see these things happening by seeing images, or pictures, on television. The piano-size computer I worked with in 1943 can now be reduced to the size of a grain of salt. The June 12, 1996, edition of The European reported on the latest computer evolution: "Captain Kirk of the Ship Enterprise had nothing like this. Science fact has again leapt at warp speed ahead of fiction, as U.S. electronics fin-n Texas Instruments revealed that it has the capacity to build a thumbnail-sized computer chip with the processing power of 20 of today's personal computers.... Hundreds of science fiction gadgets, including wristwatches that respond to speech and computers that recognize facts, will be cheap and simple enough to become consumer toys, even if intergalactic travel is still some time away. TI's Timeline technology makes it possible to build smaller semiconductor chips because the basic computering elementstransistors-are only 0. 1 8 microns in size, or 600 times thinner than a human hair." A transponder chip can be inserted into a person's body without it even being felt. Ronald Kane, vice-president of Cubic Corp., an automatic revenue collection organization, stated, as reported in Popular Science, "If we had our way, we'd implant a chip behind everyone's ear in the maternity ward." The Philadelphia Inquirer of January 21, 1996, predicted: "Thirty years from now, chips will be implanted in our bodies encoded with credit card, passport, driver's license and other personal information. We'd no longer have to worry about leaving home without it. English will become ubiquitous, squashing thousands of languages and cultures along the way. Children will play electronic games on computers mounted cribside, leaming to read, perhaps, before age three. Cash will be shunned at businesses in favor of electronic transactions.... Thanks to globalized media, the famous will become even more so, adulated by an increasing number of the masses-creating what Cornish calls 'a world of gods and clods."' This past month I received a copy of a confidential report from an IBM affiliate regarding testing of implanted computer chips in prisoners without their knowledge. It could be determined where they went, with whom they talked, details of their conversations, how long they slept how much they exercised, etc. The only problem encountered was that the prisoners experienced nose bleeds, and the comment was that this problem would have to be solved before wider experimentation could be engaged. Population growth, communications, travel, television, news media explosion, global trade-all these are "causing" the entire world to demand faster means of doing business. In this supersonic business age, where counterfeiting, crime, and terrorism, are troublesome factors, identification and verification become overriding necessities. A credit card, driver's license, Social Security number, and a $20 bill will not suffice any longer. This generation is rapidly, like a flood, being "caused," or pushed, toward voluntary acceptance of the mark and number of the "beast system" of Revelation 13. There are at least 101 reasons why the "mark of the beast" is the only possible secular solution to the complexities of internalism that will face mankind beyond 2000. Although I know that the translation of Christians to meet the Lord in the air will take place before the "mark of the beast" arrives, we, ourselves, along with everyone else, are being prepared for it. Besides Social Security numbers, credit cards, debit cards, the Internet, television, etc., we cite two more examples: EXAMPLE NUMBER ONE: (The original article shows a typical addressed envelope to the authors. Lower portion contains barcoded material. -PZ Ed.) [Above is] the standard form of our business reply envelope. The mark (or marks) below our address identifies that Southwest Radio Church has P.O. Box 1144 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 73101-9976. The address is superfluous. If there were no address on the envelope at all, this piece of mail would be retumed to P.O. Box 1144, OklahomaCity. However, now, in order to get a first class permit No. 1660, and send this return envelope to our mailing list we must have our own identifying code mark. The name and address is a person on our mailing list. In order to send each person a Prophetic Observer at the first of each month, along with my letter, as a bulk mailer ornonprofit mailer, we must have a computer mark (bar code) on every letter. Each letter has a different bar code, which means that each contributor to Southwest Radio Church has their own identifying code mark in our computer files, which also means the U.S. mail service can identify each person getting our publications by that code mark. Scary, huh? This past month I received a letter from Media Spotlight, which stated in part: "We were originally informed that new postal sorting regulations would not apply to nonprofit organizations until October. We did not immediately purchase sorting software and go through the laborious task of converting our old mailing list database to download into it. Just before we were ready to go to print we leamed that we had been misinformed and that the new regulations had to be complied with immediately. On top of that we purchased sorting software that we thought could do the job only to find out that it will not sort for our specific requirements. More time lost. As a result, we had to sort the entire mailing list by hand before being able to apply the labels to the magazine. Finally, we did get the mailing out on July 30, and you should be receiving your copy soon." One reason Southwest Radio Church has had financial problems this summer has been our delay in attempting to comply with new postal computerized regulations. We must maintain hardware and equipment needed to comply, plus software services. Every three months the software has to be updated, and if there is a problem with either the hardware or the software, we can't mail. Often we have been so late that coordinating direct mail with programming has presented a serious obstacle. Most businesses employ some form of bulk mailing, but if they do not comply with new postal regulations, their business operations will be seriously hampered, if not stopped altogether. In other words, they will not be able to work, buy, or sell. Again we notice the wording of Revelation 13:16: "And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark. . . ." When the time comes for the mark of the beast, will people be aware that it is the mark of the beast? Will the business world, which touches the lives of everyone, cut its own throat and refuse to comply? EXAMPLE NUMBER TWO: Reproduced on page 4 (of the original article) is a copy of a directive to Southwest Radio Church from the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, dated July, 1996. Now what does this directive tell us? 1. This directive informs us that we have no option . . . you MUST enroll ...NAFTA mandates ... The Internal Revenue Code requires you to use the Electronic Federal Tax Payment. The only option we have in not complying is to take a I 0 percent penalty, but it seems evident that this option will only be temporary. 2. Beginning January 1, 1997, according to this directive, we have to electronically remit taxes withheld from employees to the IRS. The government will not accept cash, check, or credit cards. This is another step toward a total cashless society, a society where every business transaction can be checked at a Federal Reserve Bank. 3. This is not just an IRS, a Treasury Department, or a federal bureaucratic directive. This is a NAFTA "mandate." This authority given to NAFTA was evidently hidden within the hundreds of pages of the agreement by the Clinton Administration. Why should NAFTA be telling Southwest Radio Church to do anything, much less how to send employee taxes to the IRS? Why have we given this authority to NAFTA? NAFTA will soon be under the umbrella, if not already, of the WTO (World Trade Organization). Will we soon have a world tax? We are told to make our enrollment immediately, doubtless to receive our EFT account number and code mark. Will these enrollment identifications be issued by the IRS or the WTO? 4. This is a NAFTA "mandate." What is a mandate? The New Webster's Dictionary says of a mandate: "An instruction, or authorization given or conferred... an order by a court or legal officer to an inferior court or officer." In this case, NAFTA becomes the highest authority, not even subject to any local, state, or federal court, including the Supreme Court. Why did the Treasury Department choose the word mandate? It should be fairly obvious. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, a mandate was peculiar to Roman law. Caesar Augustus would have mandated that all the world be taxed. Have we come full circle? Is the New World Order trying to succeed where Augustus failed? Subsequent news regarding the EFT of withholding taxes appeared on page 15 of the August 15, 1996, edition of the Daily Oklahoman: "Business in Oklahomaandnationwidemaygetasix-month reprieve from a new Intemal Revenue Service mandate that employment taxes be paid by electronic transfer. Although the White House couldn't confirm it, President Clinton is expected to sign legislation, delaying until July 1, mandatory employment tax deposit s by electronic fund transfer .... The requirement would affect business with more than $50,000 in employment taxes.... Electronic fund transfer begins in 1999 for businesses with tax obligations under $50,000...." Evidently, in order to follow the policy of divide and conquer, this mandate will initially affect only about half of the employers. If all were affected at once, the opposition might be so great the mandate would be difficult to enforce. The decision to delay six months the initial part of the mandate could be due to presidential reelection qualms; therefore, the order will be delayed until after the November presidential election. What if an employer refused to follow the NAFTA mandate? Would he be forced out of business? Would he be able to work, employ, buy, or sell goods? Chances are that any business who refuses will indeed be caused by the government to close the door on working, buying, or selling. People are affaid of terrorism, crime, and violence. Our citizens are tired of being taxed to support illegal immigration. We have been conditioned to follow governmental and bureaucratic directives and mandates. The mark of the beast will be very easy for the coming Antichrist to enforce upon all the world. In fact, most will rush to get their own mark and number. Is this the mark of the beast? No, not yet, but it is very close "Seeing then that all things shall I be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness... Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness" (2 Pet. 3:11,13). N.W. Hutchings Copyright 1996 by Southwest Radio Church, used by permission. The Prophetic Observer may be obtained from: Southwest Radio Church P.O. Box 1144 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (800) 652-1144 *************** A Reason for the Hope By Tess West I have been a Christian for 16 years now, and through most of that time, though I believed with all my heart that the bible was the inspired Word of God, I had no proof. I had no facts on which to base my belief. I never took the time to study where the scriptures came from our how our modern translations come into being. But it never bothered me. I told myself that one had to come to God by faith and therefore I didn't need any more proof that the scriptures were from Him. I just had to have faith. But, I found problems with my assumption. Although my faith was enough for me, it wasn't enough to share with others. Often, when sharing with someone a scripture, I would hear something like "Well, the Bible's been translated and retranslated so much that it's full of errors. You can't trust it to be accurate. The translators changed the meaning to fit their beliefs. etc..." Interestingly enough, it was usually the parts of the scripture dealing with a particular sin in the person's life that was suspect. "Surely God wouldn't say "this" was wrong; this is just the way I am!" At this point, I found myself with no recourse. I knew what I believed, but the other person didn't share my belief. What solid ground did I have tostand on, if my basic assumption was not a mutually shared foundation? And I had nothing to back up my belief that this book was the inspired Word of God and therefore could be trusted.I would walk away, knowing that there was more I should have done. If I had a basis in fact for my belief, I could have truly helped the person. Instead, I found myself frustrated and yearning to be a real help to people in their time of need. Not to just spout lofty words, but to share the truth of the words with conviction. You see, after hearing so often that the Bible was riddled with error and unreliable, I found the same thoughts creeping into my own thinking. The strength of my love for God was not diminished, but the strength of my faith in the infallability of the scriptures was. What I did not realize was that this weakening undermined my entire Christian life, for God's Word is the very foundation of our faith. If it is in error, we can know nothing of God for sure. The enemy of our souls is so subtle. Often he does not come with a full frontal attack, but instead he chips away at our foundation with a small seed of a lie. If we do not uproot it immediately, it grows -up to crack the very cement of our beliefs. The only way to combat a lie is to know the truth. In these last days, the lies flow around us in waves. They come from every side to overturn our faith. Sadly, most Christians do not have the Truth that combats the lie. We do not know why we believe or sometimes even what we believe. But we cannot any longer have the luxury of "easy believism"; basing our faith on shaky assumptions. We need to know the Word and know that it truly is the inspired Word of God. The world will not accept our testimony if we cannot give them a reason for our faith. We must wake up to the fact that we are no longer dealing with a society that accepts the Bible as the Word of God. In fact, most people today believe that it definitely is not. They have been taught , through science and evolution, that there is no Creator. If there is no Creator-God, there can be no Word of God, just a book written by men. (and obsolete narrow-minded men at that, they would say) We must be able to answer them with an intelligent argument about the proof of scriptures. I will not attempt to go into proof of the scriptures here. There are many that have examined it much more diligently than I have; and have done archeological and linguistic research that I could never dream of accomplishing. The wonderful thing is that they have put these years of research into terms that anyone can understand. Two books I would recommend are "Evidence that demands a verdict" by Josh McDowell and "The Signature of God" by Grant Jeffries. I'm sure there are countless others, but just these two will go a long way toward strengthening the roots of your faith in the scriptures. Once you know the truth about how the scriptures came to be and their accuracy which is demonstrated in science, history and archeology, you have a foundation for your convictions.Then, it comes down to being firmly rooted in the Word. For when we are grounded in the truth, it becomes not just something we believe, but who we are. "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32 When you know the truth of God (and accept the truth, for Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life" John 14:6), you are free from the law of sin. You are free to live the truth, not just talk about it. Something I would like you to consider: If this country were to enter into a time when we are persecuted for our faith, if your bible and any books about the bible were taken away so that you could not study any longer, would what you know now carry you through? Are you grounded enough in the Word to suffer persecution and stand firm? Before you answer yes without thinking consider this. Do you ever tell a "little white lie" when it makes life more comfortable? You know, just to cover up something stupid you've done? It doesn't really hurt anyone, right? Well, if we will lie just to get out of looking silly in someone else's eyes, do you really think we will stand up for the truth if it means our life or our freedom? Especially if our belief does not grow out of the strong roots of the truth. I used to think that in a situation that important "where it really counted", I would have the courage to stand for God even if in the "little things" now I would sometimes compromise for comfort . But the Lord has convicted me that if I fail Him now in these simple tests, there is no chance I will triumph in great trials. Without deep roots, my faith would wilt under the intense heat of persecution. I want to challenge you to study the Word of God, to find out how it came to be and to fully understand just how accurate and dependable it is. Don't base your faith on some vague assumptions. Study so that you can "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you." 1 Peter 3:15 A day may come when the hope within us is tested by fire. If it does, I pray that in your life and mine these words from scripture will be true of us: "that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ: and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls." 1Peter 1:7-9 And maybe even more important than that future test is the testing in our lives right now, today and tomorrow. When you are confronted with a world that does not believe, may your faith be strong and your convictions deeply rooted in the truth of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God. "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightfully handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." II Tim 2:15 (amplified version) *************** A STARTLING ENCOUNTER WITH A RABBI IN JERUSALEM by Jim Bramlett Barbara Richmond has kept this amazing incident very private but now feels led to share her miraculous experience in Jerusalem in 1995 involving a group of rabbis. There is no doubt that Barbara is a totally reliable witness. She is the Director of Women's Ministries at a solid Central Florida church with which I am familiar. I know her pastor. She is a popular Bible teacher, speaker, seminar leader, author and radio host. In September 1995, Barbara led a group on a tour of Israel, as she frequently does. On their free day, with no scheduled activities, she went with several of her group for shopping into the Old City of Jerusalem. Her friends were in some shops and Barbara was waiting for them outside on one of the narrow old streets. She says, "It was a beautiful afternoon and I was leaning against one of the old stone walls, just kind of praying in the Spirit, and enjoying where I was." Suddenly, over her left shoulder, she heard a man's voice call, "Barbara." She turned to look, but didn't see anyone she recognized. The only male on that little street was a man she described as "in full black attire, big beard, curls on the side" -- an Orthodox rabbi. She thought to herself that he could not have been the one to say her name because they do not even speak to women in public. In fact, she avoided eye contact as she knew this sometimes offended them. She turned back, thinking maybe she had been mistaken. A few seconds later, she again heard the voice say, "Barbara -- isn't that your name?" She looked again, and discovered the rabbi was looking right at her. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Come here." She moved toward him. He told Barbara his first name and said, "I live here in (the name of his neighborhood). I wanted to tell you that I am a believer that Yeshua is the Messiah. As a matter of fact, there are 40 of us rabbis in the community to whom, as we have been studying the Torah, the Ruach ha 'kodesh (the Holy Spirit) has shown that Yeshua is the Messiah." Barbara's heart was so moved by this unusual work of the Holy Spirit that she broke into tears. The rabbi added, "At present we are secret believers, not because we are afraid, but because the Lord, the Holy Spirit, has not told us to speak out our testimony yet. The Lord has told us to pray for our brethren, so we are meeting at midnight, and we are praying." Barbara asked the obvious question, "But how did you know me? Why are you telling me this?" The rabbi chuckled, and replied, "I don't know you. But last night we were praying, and one of the other rabbis came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder, and said to me, 'Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, you go to (name of street she was on), and you will see there an American woman with black hair. Her name is Barbara. Give her this message.'" The rabbi then gave Barbara the message. He said, "The Lord wants you to know that what was spoken over you 26 years ago, He is about to bring to pass." Barbara was stunned, and overwhelmed with emotion. Only her husband knew that exactly 26 years ago, in 1969, as a new believer of only three months, she had gone to a Full Gospel Businessmen's meeting in New York City where Kathryn Kuhlman, the evangelist with a powerful healing ministry, was one of the main speakers. Barbara had only a momentary personal encounter with her, but Kuhlman pointed her long finger directly at Barbara, as she often did with people, and spoke these prophetic words: "The Lord is going to take you to the nations and is going to do miracles at your hands, but you are going to have to wait a few years to see it come to pass." Barbara had never forgotten this. He added, "The other thing that the Holy Spirit told this brother is that when you get home from this trip, you will have a letter from Africa waiting for you, inviting you to minister there, and you should go. It is the Lord who is opening this door, and it will be a turning point in your life." Before they departed, the rabbi asked, "What do you do?" Barbara explained that she was a Bible teacher. He replied, "Oh, would you be interested in just some simple notes that I have accumulated since I have come to see Yeshua?" She said yes, of course, and he later had delivered to Barbara's hotel a collection of handwritten notes of Hebrew and cultural insights into the New Testament, unique insights not evident in the English or Greek words themselves. Barbara considers these notes a treasure, and is sharing them (see below *). Upon leaving, the rabbi told her, "When our testimony becomes public, I am sure we will see each other again." When Barbara got back home to the U.S., a letter from Africa was waiting for her! It was an invitation to speak, which she obviously accepted. She reports that miracles did, indeed, take place there, and that it was definitely a turning point in her life. Barbara says there are people who know nothing about her Jerusalem experience who have come up to her and said, "Something really changed in Africa. We enjoyed your teaching before, but this is just a totally different plane." Barbara has been to Israel since, but has not seen the rabbi, nor has she revealed his name, honoring his request. I was most touched by Barbara's closing thoughts: "My prayer is that (this testimony) will cause people to realize the lateness of the hour. When God moves sovereignly like that among the Jewish people (revealing the Messiah and manifesting gifts of the Holy Spirit described in the New Testament) -- and among the most religious of them -- the coming of Jesus is getting close! I pray that everybody who hears this will be taken up with the urgency of the hour." (Comment: One wonders to how many more rabbis than the 40 had the Ruach ha 'kodesh, the Holy Spirit, revealed the Messiah by 1995, and how many more since then. Only He knows, but He has greatly privileged us to be aware of at least this much about what He is doing.) * Barbara has included the information from the rabbi's notes in her book, Jewish Insights Into the New Testament. A copy can be obtained for $8.00 (postage paid) by contacting her: Barbara Richmond, For Your Glory, Inc., P.O. Box 3152, Titusville, FL 32781; telephone (407) 383-9229; fax (407) 383-1336. She can also be contacted at her e-mail address Readers are permitted and encouraged to copy and freely share this article with others. E-Mail comments or questions to Jim Bramlett aka *************** EZEKIEL 38 DECODED Ezekiel, tell Gog of the former Soviet Union that God thinks the leader of Russia is a fool. Ezekiel, tell Gog leader of Russia from Moscow to Siberia that God despises him. Ezekiel, Prophet of the living God, send a message to Gog. Tell Gog that I, the living God, will cause an economic depression so severe in the Commonwealth of Independent States it will make you despair. Your army will live in tents and plot coups; your young women will become prostitutes to earn money. Verse 4- You will deploy your entire military-your mechanized infantry and Cossack horsemen armed to the teeth; and a great horde of soldiers in T-80 tanks and military vehicles, HIND helicopters and MIG aircraft, with all your men waving their AK-47's and cursing God and the Jews. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan with the ex-Soviet Muslim Republics, Sudan with the Horn of Africa; also Muslim North and West Africa will be with your horde. They will all be well supplied with modern military weapons. Germany and Eastern Europe, Ukraine with Minsk and St. Petersburg from the far north-this is the Islamic Confederacy commanded by Gog. Verse 7- Go to Red Alert; Be Combat Ready, Gog commander of the Islamic Confederacy. You will be summoned at the right time to fulfill prophecy. In the last days you will invade an Israel which has recovered from 2000 years of desolation and war. Israel now lives unafraid of another Holocaust in a prosperous garden of irrigated desert. But you Gog, with your Islamic Confederacy, will blitzkrieg Israel, advancing like Hurricane Hugo over the land. Verse 10- This is what the living God says: In the last days Gog will listen to Satan's hissing and will cunningly plan a murderous deception, a new Holocaust, for the Jews. Gog will say, "I will invade these unsuspecting Jews living in condos and apartments. I will despoil them of their property and use the plunder to bribe my own people. Islam will also pay me well for slaughtering the Jews." Verse 13- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf States, ripe fruit waiting for you to pluck it, will be terrified of your horde advancing on them. The U.N., N.A.T.O., the E.C., the entire global community-the New World Order- will say to you in amazement. "Why are you behaving in so politically incorrect a manner? Haven't we given you billions of dollars in IMF and World Bank loans and credits; forgiven billions more in debt to save your economy? What about all the arms reductions treaties, SALT and all the rest? Why did you deceive us Gog of the smooth smile? Why did you lead us to believe peace and safety was at hand for us? Why did you lie to us and tell us the Cold War was over? We must call an emergency session of the United Nations and start a round of crisis diplomacy." Verse14- Therefore, Ezekiel speak plainly to Gog and FAX him my message. From God to Gog: When Israel is a nation again with the Jews living secure and unafraid, will you not notice it? You will reveal yourself as the "man of iron" with the charming smile from a God and Jew hating nation. A nation with a bloody history-the Grizzly Bear of the far north. You will roar forth from your cave: you and your Islamic Confederacy. They will be a great horde, a mighty army, all of them mechanized and using the horsepower of the internal combustion engine for mobility and speed. A blitzkrieg involving tens of thousands of military vehicles; creating a dust cloud covering the land. Oh Gog, seductive and charming schemer of evil thoughts and bloody hands, know that I, the living God, will bring you against my chosen people and land at the proper time. I will allow you to fulfill your violent destiny so the New World Order may realize Jesus is my name. I Jesus will reveal my authority as God when I show myself holy by crushing you before their stunned eyes. I Jesus, will crush your sin on CNN, live at five. Verse 17- I've been watching your schemes since eternity Oh Gog. I've sent my prophets and they've prophesied for years about you and your end time invasion. So listen up Gog, and I Jesus will tell you how your invasion will play out, how it will all go down. When your insolence bears fruit and you start your invasion, I will take notice and become violently angry. My wrath and anger, IRIS DEI, will express itself as the greatest earthquake in the earth's history-off the Richter's scale-in the land of Israel. The shaking will be so intense and last for so many minutes every beast in the field and walking around will stampede in fear. The intensity will be so great birds will fly around in circles unable to land anywhere. The seismic waves will cause a great tidal wave, making fish swim in terror. Men will die of heart attacks as landslides and volcanic disturbances shake the walls and foundations of all commericial and residential buildings worldwide. The infrastructure of modern society: roads, bridges, communication systems, water, sewage, and power plants will all be damaged. Broken natural gas lines will burn unchecked in a world without electricity. Verse 21- In the global chaos and anarachy, it will be every person for themselves. All people will seek to live at any cost. Mobs of looters and criminals will surge through every city in the world, the Los Angeles riots repeated on a global scale. Your own army will kill itself in terror. Verse 22- As for you Gog, your judgment has been summoned; it awaits only my order to release it. Your army will be killed by plague and bloodshed; I will drown you in torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur. You Gog, along with your entire Islamic Confederacy, will die in your invasion attempt. Verse 23- This will show my greatness and holiness, making the power and name of Jesus known to all mankind. There will be none on earth who do not realize that Jesus is Yahweh-I AM THAT I AM. Hope you don't think this somewhat creative interpretation is too off base. I'm not claiming divine inspiration or anything. I think of it more like the Phillip's Paraphrase bible I had many years ago. Well, let me know what you think. Thanks Qualis Fiam talis iam fio- "What I am to be, I am now becoming" *************** THE COMING GREAT DELUSION! by Alan Yusko ( BBS 416-498-5259/5962) After the rapture God will permit a huge deception to come upon the world. All those who have heard and rejected the Gospel will believe this deception with all their hearts. We will look at the events described in Second Thessalonians that lead up to the great deception. 2 Thessalonians 2 1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Second Thessalonians begins with an admonition to the Christians of Paul's day not to be troubled that the day of Christ has already happened. Paul goes on to describe some of the events that will occur during that time period: 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; First there will be a great falling away from sound Biblical truth. There will be a famine in the land... a famine toward the Word of God. That is certainly true today. We have a famine in the land and few are even interested in learning about the Bible and the ways of God. Next Paul mentions that along with a great apostasy - or falling away from Biblical doctrine - the antichrist will rise to power. He is described as the 'son of perdition'. He is a loser in the highest degree. Paul goes on to describe the antichrist: 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Midway in the 70th week of Daniels prophecy the antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation mentioned in Daniel and Matthew. Here the antichrist will enter into the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and there proclaim himself to be God. He will actually sit in the Temple and claim to be God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. Paul goes on to tell the Thessalonians that there is something withholding the revealing of the man of sin, the son of perdition. He will certainly be revealed to the world but only in the time allowed so by God Almighty. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way. Here Paul is describing the restrainer that is holding back the evil in this world. He describes it as the 'mystery of iniquity'... the evil works of the devil. He mentions that it is a person restraining this evil (letteth - to restrain). That person is the Holy Spirit which is now residing inside the Church! However He that restrains (letteth) will one day be taken out of the way. Now how can the Holy Spirit be taken out or removed? Well He can't! The Holy Spirit is omni-present meaning He is present everywhere at all times. However the Church can be removed and this will happen at the rapture. At this point the Holy Spirit restraining evil from within the Church will be removed. The restraining influence of a Holy Spirit filled, praying, interceding Church will be removed. What happens when this happens??? Look at the next verse: 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Once the restrainer is removed the antichrist will be free to rise to power for his 'short' time here on earth. When the Lord Jesus returns to earth at the climax of the battle of Armageddon, the antichrist and his kingdom will be destroyed! 9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, When the antichrist comes to power he will do so by the power of the devil himself. During that time there will be all kinds of evil satanic miracles and lying wonders to deceive the lost. 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. For those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ they will be totally deceived. Since they rejected the love of the truth (the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ) they will be deceived. Their end result will be to perish in the lake of fire -- forever. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: Now we have come to the topic of this tract. God is going to allow a strong delusion to come upon the world after the rapture. We saw above that the antichrist will be allowed to come to power after the restrainer is removed or taken away. At the rapture of the Church the restrainer of the wicked one is removed. The devil will be free to bring his antichrist to power to rule and reign on planet earth. Along with all the deceptions and satanic miracles, God will send a strong delusion so that the lost will believe a lie. Why does God want those who have rejected the truth to believe a lie? See verse 12 below: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The purpose of the GREAT DELUSION that will come upon the world will be to allow the lost to be deceived and perish. Since the lost have rejected the truth they will be given a lie to believe with all their hearts. That is a warning to everyone who is reading this tract. If you have heard the Gospel and still rejected it, one day soon the Lord God will send a delusion that you will believe with all your heart. The end result will be eternity in the lake of fire - hell. Now who will believe this great delusion - or lie? It will be all the people who have heard the Gospel and rejected it. It is a very serious thing to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation He freely offers ... and to reject it. One day soon it will be too late as God will send that delusion to the Christ rejectors of this world. This does not mean that there will be no one saved during the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. Many in this world have not heard and understood the Gospel. They will also be given a chance to believe. However it will be too late for those who have heard the Gospel and yet have rejected it! WHAT IS THE GREAT DELUSION? The Bible doesn't tell us in detail what exactly this deception is. However I have a good guess as to what it may be related to. We know that before the return of the Lord Jesus at the consummation of this age there will be a manifestation of the powers of darkness on earth. Satan and his demons will perform 'signs and lying wonders' with the goal of deceiving mankind. There is a great deception coming into the world. All who reject the truth of the Gospel of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will believe this lie. Could UFO's and contact with alien beings be a part of this deception? I think it is! The following are the major beliefs or Theology of UFO'ology: 1) God is not a personal being. God is an impersonal force 2) The Bible is not God's only revelation to man 3) The Lord Jesus Christ is not the only Saviour 4) There is no eternal punishment or hell 5) There is no resurrection from the dead 6) Man himself can evolve from planet to planet to perfection by reincarnation 7) Mankind evolved and was not created by a 'God'. The world has been setup to receive this lie of UFOs and beings from other worlds. By the foundations of atheism and evolution God has been removed from the scene by most in academic land. Next TV and movies have popularized space themes and contact with other races who are also 'evolving' as the human race is (supposedly). The sad thing is that many take things meant for fiction too literally. One day, after the rapture, the antichrist will come to power. There will be open contact with extra-dimensional beings (demons). They will make many godless claims and have the false miracles and (technology) to back them up. All those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ will totally accept this deception of the devil. There will be all kinds of evidence... like proof of some kind that there is life in space... or whatever... to give some credibility to the great deception coming on the world. Many will accept this lie and they will then have their excuse to totally reject the Bible and God (unto the perishing of their souls). Another interesting point about UFO's and contact with 'aliens' can also be seen in that the world of the occult (psychics, mediums, etc.) has embraced UFO's and contact with 'alien beings'. The occultists frequently speak about our 'friendly' space brothers who wish to help mankind with their superior knowledge and technology. Channeling (spiritism) is one way to get in contact with these 'space beings' (demons in disguise). The Bible warns: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Tim. 4:1). The coming deception will literally be doctrines of devils openly presented to the world. Again I repeat that ALL who have heard the Gospel and rejected it will accept and believe this great deception. Since they rejected the truth God will allow them to believe a lie with all their hearts. The end result will be that the lost will perish forever in the lake of fire -- separated from God. It is not a light thing to hear the Gospel and then to reject it. The Bible clearly says: 2 Corinthians 6 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now [is] the accepted time; behold, now [is] the day of salvation.) Today, today, today is the day of salvation. There is no promise for tomorrow. If you hear the Gospel today and reject it then there is no promise for tomorrow. Tomorrow may come or it may not. Tomorrow may hold the great deception and it will be too late for you! Your own eternal soul is not something to be considered lightly. YOU MUST MAKE A CHOICE! "...choose you this day whom ye will serve;...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Josh. 24:15). TOMORROW MAY BE.......TOO LATE!!!! DON'T "PUT OFF" ACCEPTING THE LORD JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR AND LORD BECAUSE TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE 2 Corinthians 6:2 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now [is] the accepted time; behold, now [is] the day of salvation.) Proverbs 27:1 1. Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 29:1 1. He, that being often reproved hardeneth [his] neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. THE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATES THE UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE: Luke 12:16 16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, [and] be merry. 20 But God said unto him, [Thou] fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 21 So [is] he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. THE END OF THE AGE AND THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS WILL BE A SURPRISE TO MANY PEOPLE. Matthew 24:37 37 But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 2 Peter 3:3 3. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation. 2 Peter 3:10 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Mark 8:36 36 FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? THE BIBLE SAYS ALL HAVE SINNED: Romans 3 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. SIN HAS A PENALTY: Ezekiel 18 20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Luke 13 3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. THE LORD JESUS PAID THE PENALTY: Isaiah 53 4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. YOU MUST RECEIVE THE LORD JESUS: John 1 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name: Revelation 3 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. "NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED" (Acts 4:12). SINNERS PRAYER Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. I ask you to come into my life to forgive and save me. I now receive You as my Saviour (trusting in You ALONE to save me) and my Lord (making You my Master and committing my life to You). *************** Prophe-Zine News Bytes F.Y.I. - Israel In the News Week Ending: October 12, 1996/Tishri 29, 5757 "Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion; declare among the peoples His deeds. For He who requires blood remembers them; He does not forget the cry of the afflicted." Psalm 9.11-12 EREZ PIECE TALKS: Palestinian officials Wednesday were criticizing Israel's positions in the current round of piece talks. The Palestinians want Israel to understand the need to implement the agreement that the previous Israeli government signed, particularly as it applies to an Israeli withdrawal from Hevron. After one week of unproductive talks, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has called on the US to pressure Israel to implement the redeployment in Hevron. The PA says Israel is demanding changes in the Hevron redeployment agreement itself and not merely changes in its practical implementation, which was the basis for the current talks. The talks resume in Eilat and Taba Sunday, with the continued participation of US piece talks coordinator Dennis Ross. Dennis Ross, the US mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian piece talks, traveled to the autonomous town of Shechem Saturday to meet with PA leader Yasser Arafat as part of preparations for the second week of the talks. After meeting with Arafat, Ross said there are still obvious gaps between the Israeli and Palestinian positions and that great efforts are being made to bridge those gaps. Arafat and the PA in Shechem Saturday and authorized the piece talks to succeed, but on Friday his security chief said he was 100 per cent sure there would be an agreement on the key issue -- an Israeli withdrawal from Hevron. It is being reported that US Secretary of State Christopher has announced he can do little else to act as a buffer between Israel and European nations. According to the report from "sources" in Jerusalem, Christopher stated he can do very little to protect Israel or come to her defense. The government must now move from the talking stage to one of actions regarding the piece negotiations with the PA. He added that the talks between the two sides must be completed as quickly as possible and the implementation of agreements must begin. (VOA, Jerusalem Post, Channel 2 Radio News/SNS) ARAFAT PLAYED KEY ROLE IN RECENT VIOLENCE: Civil Administration Head Maj.-Gen. Oren Shachor told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tuesday that Yassir Arafat was personally responsible for the spilling of blood at the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem and that it was Arafat who instigated the riots throughout Judea, Samaria, and Gaza two weeks ago. Maj.-Gen. Shachor further told the Knesset committee that confrontations between Israel Defense Force (IDF) soldiers and PLO paramilitary police could erupt again on any given day for "different and strange reasons." Associated Press reports that, according to Yediot Aharonot, the PA had made advance preparations to fight Israeli soldiers and had placed sharpshooters in key locations in anticipation of last month's fighting. Snipers were located, among other places, at the main Israel-Gaza crossing point, where PA police covered them during four hours of clashes there. "The sharpshooters' firing was pre-planned, and done with orders from above," said the report, citing unnamed military sources. Yediot Aharonot's defense correspondent Alex Fishman wrote that "These were actions that were well planned and were prepared even before the violence broke out." Israeli television commentator Amnon Abramovitz said that, according to investigations by the Israeli army, Arafat's government had advance plans for a gunfight with Israeli troops. Some of the Palestinians firing on Israeli positions were sharpshooters with telescopic sites, he said, who "were shooting with the intent to kill." On Thursday, Arafat participated in a meeting of the Palestinian Autonomous Council, and said, "We are ready for a confrontation along the entire area from Rafiah [Gaza] to Jenin [south of Afula]. I know that my words are being broadcast live, and I say in the clearest manner, we are not afraid." PM Netanyahu spoke at the Economic Club in Tel Aviv and said, "I will not accept the scare tactics of the Arabs, and I will not conduct negotiations under pressure and violence." Wednesday, Arafat had told an Egyptian newspaper, "I will not be able to prevent another intifada . . . The explosion between Israel and the Palestinian autonomy is approaching." Arafat, in an interview with the Saudi Arabian newspaper Okaz on October 1st, said that PM Netanyahu is "still a baby in the issues of diplomacy, and he will need more experience and more brains before he will be able to bargain with the Palestinians about their own lands." He emphasized, "We will clarify to Netanyahu that despite his efforts to have us fulfill all of our obligations, we will not hesitate to tear up those same agreements and throw them in their faces in response to their aggression." President Weizmann, who met in his Caesaria home with Arafat earlier this week, expressed "distress" at those remarks, saying that they contradict what Arafat told him during their meeting. (Arutz Sheva, SNS) ISRAEL EASES CLOSURE: The Karnei Checkpoint in Gaza is open and running, once again. The commercial crossing is used to bring goods and merchandise to and from PA-controlled Gaza. As agreed upon in the ongoing piece talks between Israel and the PA, Israeli and PA security troops at the border crossings will be armed with handguns only in place of the automatic weapons issued prior to the recent Arab rioting. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 Arab residents of PA-controlled Gaza entered into "Israel proper" Wednesday to work. On Sunday, additional measures will go into effect to ease-up on the restrictions placed on PA-controlled areas by Israel. A total of 35,000 Arab workers from Judea, Samaria and Gaza will be permitted to enter into "Israel proper" beginning Sunday morning. In addition, all of the internal closures imposed on PA-controlled area by Israel will be removed with the exception of Shechem. (Channel 2 Radio News/SNS) TEMPLE MOUNT UPDATE: Three Supreme Court Justices - Tal, Heshin, and Bach - rejected late Friday morning an urgent petition on the part of the Temple Mount Faithful organization against the opening of the mosque in the Solomon's Stables area of the Mount. The appellants claimed that the construction of the mosque by the Waqf was carried out in blatant violation of the law, in total disregard of a court order, and was severely harmful to archaeological findings. The Temple Mount Faithful will hold a protest against the recent Temple Mount developments at 4:30 pm on Sunday, opposite the Mashbir in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Islamic officials stated Friday that the mosque will not open this coming Sunday, as originally planned, as "the continuation of the renovations will take up to a week." Head of Religious Affairs in the PA Hasan Tahboub said, "There will be massacres if there is any attempt to stop the opening of the mosque." Internal Security Minister Avigdor Kahalani stated on Wednesday, "The Wakf received permission to . . . renovate last year, because the rains during Ramadan created a need for a dry place to pray. The permission granted then remains in effect," and the government will likely make it permanent. Wakf Director Adnan Husseini reiterated the Wakf's position, that there was no Hasmonean Tunnel-Solomon's Stables deal. "They can continue to say what they want, but the fact is there was no deal," he said. . Solomon's Stables (the Marawani prayer area, as the Moslems call the new mosque) is a series of underground halls approximately 12.5 meters (approximately 14 yards) below the south-eastern corner of the Temple Mount and covers about four dunams (1 acre) in the eastern side of Al-Aksa Mosque. Pillars from the time of Herod support the ceiling; the area was renovated during the period of the Crusaders, at which time it was the dwelling of the infamous Knights Templar. It has been alleged that orders were given to Jerusalem Municipality Building Inspectors to lower the profile regarding the illegal Arab construction on the Temple Mount. It is now being alleged that inspectors were pressured to "look the other way." Reports state that senior governmental officials have been exerting pressure on key Jerusalem Municipality figures to prevent them from taking actions against the illegal construction on the Temple Mount, being carried out by the Moslem Wakf. According to one portion of a Jerusalem Municipality report, the building may be considered an extension or renovation of an existing structure and need not be considered an illegal new structure. Government officials rejected this viewpoint, stating the Moslem Wakf construction was indeed a new structure and it violates the Court orders banning the construction. Gideon Avni, Chief Archaeologist of the Jerusalem Region, stated there has been irreversible damage done to the antiquities on the Mount, due to the illegal building. An undisclosed number of Jews, identifying with the Chai Vekaiyam Organization, were arrested Wednesday as they attempted to pray on the Temple Mount. In a related story, Ha'Aretz reports the PA is now claiming that Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem is the traditional tomb of the Cushite servant of Mohammed and that, therefore, Moslems have the right to pray in the Tomb as they wish. This "tradition" is not recorded anywhere. (Arutz Sheva, SNS, Channel 2 Radio News, The Voice in the Field News Service, IMRA) HEVRON DISPATCH: In meetings at the Erez checkpoint this week with the PA, Israeli delegation head Lt.-Gen. (Res.) Dan Shomron said that the Palestinian police in Hevron will not be permitted to bear automatic-fire weapons, such as Kalachnikov rifles, but only pistols. He also said that although the previous agreement remains in force, this does not apply to the specific details of its implementation. This statement aroused great objections on the Palestinian side. Palestinian delegation head Saeb Erekat said, "If you have security problems with the Jews in Hevron, have them leave." Brig.-Gen. David Agmon responded with a short lecture on the 3,000-year history of Jews in Hevron. The discussion became very tense, and Shomron recommended the establishment of sub-committees to deal with each dispute as it arises, in order to avoid a situation whereby every disagreement endangers the entire negotiations. The Palestinians accepted this proposal, and both sides hoped that this would calm the atmosphere. Galei Tzahal reports Israel is weighing a PA suggestion for the establishment of a joint Israeli-PA force that would be entrusted to monitor and enforce the security in Hevron, following an IDF redeployment from the area. This special unit would include patrol vehicles and stationary outposts inside Hevron. The suggestion for the new unit was made by Yassir Arafat during his meeting with President Ezer Weizman. Israel now reports that security officials are discussing the idea. The Associated Press reports Israeli and Palestinian security chiefs toured Hevron together Friday to get a closer look at the problems standing in the way of an Israeli troop withdrawal. PM Netanyahu wants to conclude a deal on Hevron as quickly as possible, said his spokesman, David Bar- Illan. Ha'Aretz said Israel hoped to reach a deal before the US elections in November, but Bar-Illan denied the US vote was a factor. Meanwhile, Nicholas Burns, spokesman for the US State Department, said that no one disputes the right of Jews to live in Hevron. In a press briefing Tuesday night, he said the Jews have been living in Hevron for thousands of years. Representatives of the Hevron Jewish community were gratified at the surprising Washington announcement. Independent media analyst Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA) asked Nabil Aburodeina, spokesman for Yassir Arafat, about the statement from Washington Tuesday that Jews have lived in Hevron for thousands of years. Aburodeina responded, "There is an agreement that the Jews living there now shall remain there during the interim period and abide by Palestinian law. The question of the Jews in Hevron will be negotiated in the negotiations over the final arrangement. So far there is no problem with them staying in Hevron under our protection, just like there are Jews who stay in Joseph's Tomb in Nablus [Shechem] under Palestinian protection." In another story, hundreds of residents from Kiryat Arba, Hevron and the Gush Etzion areas attended a demonstration Saturday night at the entrance to Kiryat Arba. The demonstrators called on the Netanyahu-led government "not to concede to demands made by the terrorist, Arafat," and not to abandon the security needs of the residents of the Hevron and Kiryat Arba communities. Peace Now spokesman Musi Raz admitted to Arutz Sheva that he and several of his colleagues in the Peace Now movement broke through the IDF barrier at the entrance to Hevron. They were part of a delegation of left-wing writers who visited the city last Saturday in what they called a "mission of peace." Raz said, "We simply moved the barrier aside and progressed on foot." Mr. Raz's admission confirmed the testimony of a reserve IDF soldier who was stationed at the time adjacent to the barrier in question. According to Raz, he and his friends decided not to follow the orders of the IDF soldiers at the checkpoint because they felt that the military orders closing the area were forged. In addition, Mr. Raz said that he and those with him felt that the IDF soldiers on duty there belonged to the extreme right-wing. The IDF will apparently be filing a formal complaint with the police against the men. (Arutz Sheva, SNS, The Voice in the Field News Service) EARTHQUAKE ROCKS MIDDLE EAST: A strong Mediterranean earthquake rattled much of the Middle East on Wednesday, killing an Egyptian whose house collapsed on top of her and injuring 21 Cypriots. The magnitude-6.8 quake also was felt across Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, western Turkey and the Greek islands of Rhodes and Crete. The US Geological Survey said the 3:10 pm earthquake occurred in the Mediterranean Sea about 20 miles southwest of the Cypriot port of Paphos and some 80 miles from Nicosia. Wednesday's quake was felt for more than two minutes. More than 150 aftershocks continued, ranging in magnitude from 2 to 4.8 -- most of them barely detectable. (AP) EGYPT LEADS ANTI-ISRAEL SENTIMENT: Egypt, exhorted by its leader, Hosni Mubarak, has become the focus of Arab invective against Israel. Cairo has done all in its power to foment the Arab world, coordinating positions with the most radical states, including Iraq and Iran. All of Egypt's official newspapers labeled the Washington conference a failure, as they emphasized Mubarak's declaration that the next "explosion" between Israel and the Palestinians will be much worse than an exploding bus. Editorials and op-eds generously praised the Egyptian leader for refusing to participate in the summit, a stance which served to fan the flames of resentment against Arafat in the territories. In Cairo, the media reported that popular sentiment against Israel had reached a fever pitch; student organizations and labor unions were planning a series of demonstrations against Israel and the US during the coming week. Egypt's campaign of incitement against Israel found an echo in Lebanon and Syria; Hizb'Allah and the Palestinian "Rejectionist Front" groups called on the Palestinians in the territories to commence a holy war against Israel, parallel to planned attacks from Lebanon on Israel's northernmost villages. Last week, Mubarak -- with the help of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres -- has attempted to coordinate with France and Italy a diplomatic move in which the European Community would send a delegation to participate in the talks between Israel and the PA. This step, which the US sees as detrimental for the piece process, was torpedoed when Germany (with American support) succeeded in removing the proposal from the EC's agenda. Commentators considered that this effort by Mubarak was meant to restore his pride, tarnished by his non-participation in the Washington conference, and to unnerve the American administration, which opposed the re-appointment of former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Butrus Ghali as UN Secretary-General. On this matter there were harsh attacks on the US in the Egyptian press. The government-controlled Al-Aharam declared that the US had ceased to be a fair mediator between Israel and the Arabs; the Arab world must now turn to Europe. The Egyptian weekly Ruz Al-Yusuf reported a secret agreement between Egypt and the Arab League states to create political pressure that would force Netanyahu's removal from office. The newspaper claimed that the campaign, discussed behind closed doors during an emergency meeting of the Arab League in Cairo two weeks ago, was meant to preserve the gains made by the Arabs in Israel over the last four years. (Arutz Sheva) ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: Reuters reports that Israeli jets attacked Hizb'Allah guerrilla targets in south Lebanon Saturday hours after a South Lebanese Army (SLA) patrol was ambushed, security sources said. The was no report of casualties in the air attack, which came hours after guerrillas ambushed a patrol of the SLA militia in Markaba in the zone. In a separate incident on Friday night, IDF troops killed two gunmen from the Amal movement and wounded a third. Hizb'Allah guerrillas Thursday attacked SLA militia within the southern Lebanese border zone, triggering a retaliatory shelling by Israel, Lebanese security sources said. Hizb'Allah fired mortars and machine guns at a militia post in Beit Yahun. Israeli and SLA artillery then retaliated by shelling targets in Lebanon outside the buffer zone, the sources said. (Lebanon Newswire) SYRIAN THREAT LOWERED: During an extensive tour of IDF positions on the Golan Heights, Defense Minister Yitzchak Mordechai said there has been a substantial decrease in tension with Syria. Mordechai listened to a briefing by IDF OC Northern Command Maj.- Gen. Amiram Levin on the security situation along the Israeli-Syrian border, and on the recent reinforcements and movements of Syrian troops in Lebanon. Mordechai issued a personal invitation to Syrian President Hafez el-Assad to visit Jerusalem and talk with Israeli leaders. However, Mordechai emphasized that the IDF is still monitoring developments on the other side of the border and remains prepared for any eventuality. Meanwhile, the IDF is conducting large military exercises in the north. Mordechai stated the government of Syria sees the exercises and is well aware of the might of the IDF and what it would be up against should it decide to launch an offensive. "The IDF will always be ready for whatever may come its way," stated Mordechai. On Sunday, Syria is scheduled to begin large- scale military maneuvers. Israel stated it will be following the Syrian activity very carefully. In a related story, Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas Sunday warned that there was a real threat to the region's stability because of PM Netanyahu's hardline policies. Speaking at the anniversary of the 1973 Middle East war, Tlas accused Israel of blocking the piece process and urged Arab states to halt all forms of normalization with Israel. "Netanyahu has been beating the drums of war . . . and what is happening in the region warns of a real threat to the piece process and stability in the region," Tlas told the ruling party newspaper al-Baath. The Syrian Defense Minister said war broke outin 1973 with Israel because the situation between the Jewish states and its Arab neighbors was unclear. "The October war was a necessary and correct option after the situation of 'no war, no peace' which the Zionist enemy tried to impose on Arabs," Tlas said. (Israel Line, Channel 2 TV News, Reuter) TERRORISTS STOPPED IN TRACKS: Security forces arrested on Monday night a group of terrorists who were en route to carrying out an attack in Tel Aviv, Ma'ariv reported. Wide searches are being conducted to locate a terrorist who succeeded in escaping after the cell was caught. An investigation of the terrorists has revealed that the cell is connected with Hamas. Members of the group were carrying a leaflet with the names of the Palestinians killed during riots that took place in the territories two weeks ago. Ha'Aretz reported that the IDF has tightened security checks at crossings between the territories and Israel out of the concern that Hamas or the Islamic Jihad will attempt to carry out an attack inside of Israel. Security forces have initiated activities intended to prevent attacks. Such activity has already lead to the recent arrest of Islamic Jihad and Hamas activists in areas of the territories under Israeli security control. (Israel Line) JORDAN COOLS RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL: "In the current situation, if we do not stride strongly forward to achieve peace, everything imaginable can happen, including a revival of 1991 when Netanyahu wore his gas mask on television," Hussein said in an interview published in the Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat. Jordan's King Hussein and PM Netanyahu have not talked to each other in the last 10 days. The silence comes amid recent warnings from the Jordanian ambassador here that relations between the two countries have deteriorated. Though Netanyahu and Hussein are not talking, lower-level contacts are taking place. The prime minister's foreign policy aide Dore Gold and Jordan's Ambassador to Israel Omar Rifai met last week. There are also contacts between officials in Jerusalem and Hussein's aides in Amman. However, signs of a worsening of ties are evident. It took Israel's ambassador Shimon Shamir many days to convince Jordanian Prime Minister Abdul Karim Kabariti to meet him. Moreover, Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan has yet to reschedule a canceled trip to Israel planned for earlier this month. Jordanian officials have said that ties between the two countries cannot be mended until after the IDF redeploys in Hevron. However, Hussein telephoned President Ezer Weizman on Thursday evening to invite him to visit Jordan. Weizman responded that he would be happy to come to Amman after coordinating the visit with Netanyahu. His spokeswoman Batya Keinan confirmed the conversation. (Jerusalem Post, SNS) AND THE TERROR CONTINUES . . .: A Molotov cocktail was thrown Wednesday morning at an IDF patrol jeep, between Jerusalem and its northern neighbor, the Kalandia refugee camp. The bottle hit the jeep, but no injuries or damage were reported. The IDF troops opened fire in the direction from which the bottle was thrown, and in a search of the area, found another ready-for-action Molotov bottle. Rocks and bottles are being thrown at Jewish vehicles traveling past the Arab village of Abud (Shomron) Wednesday evening. No injuries were been reported. The Judea-Samaria Police District has been waging a widespread campaign over the past few days against the increase in rock-throwing that has been registered throughout the region. The officers of the Kadum police station raided the Arab village of Kfar Azzun in Samaria two days, arrested several people suspected of throwing stones, and confiscated tens of Molotov cocktails and much home-made ammunition. In Al-Jib, north of Jerusalem, the police arrested a 20-year old who admitted having thrown stones "hundreds of times" and having burnt the car of a soldier who abandoned it after he was attacked by stone- throwing Arabs. On Saturday, two firebombs were thrown at a Jewish vehicle traveling on the Beit Lechem (Bethlehem,) Bypass Road. No injuries or damage was reported. (Arutz Sheva, SNS, Galei Tzahal) Send comments to Lee Underwood at: Archives located at: Note: The word "peace" is not misspelled in this document. When used in conjunction with the Middle East process, it is correctly spelled "piece"-ed. ============================================================== Lee Underwood "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet" Isaiah 62:1 ============================================================== +++++++++++++ And Time Was No More by Raymond Clarke It is beginning to look as if President Clinton might be re-elected, although there are still a few weeks to go prior to the election. I am having a real problem understanding why the American people are so blinded on this matter or so it would appear. However, I had trouble understanding how he ever got elected the first time. We were just coming out of President Bush's first term where only a few months earlier his popularity was running extremely high following the Gulf War. Many believed that there was no use to even challenge President Bush in the presidential race. He was a pro-life president and made every attempt to appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court. Prior to his presidency we had a very popular, conservative president in Ronald Reagan. With the conservative mood of the nation, how was it possible that such a liberal as Bill Clinton could ever be elected president? He stood for everything that the conservative Christian abhorred, yet many of them voted for him. He told us that he would give support to the gay and lesbian community. He told us that he would support a pro-death agenda although he called it pro-choice. He told us that he would support fetal tissue research or the use of aborted babies for human experimentation. He also told us that he would give us a tax cut and that was about the only thing which he promised that he did not do . He attempted to give to America socialized medicine but America rejected that. He made certain that late term babies could be legally and brutally slaughtered and even a few liberal senators gave support to him on this issue and denied the desires of some eighty percent of the people. He has just about sold us down the river with strong support for a one world government. He has downsized the military and weakened our national defense. He has attempted to take credit for much of what the Republican congress has accomplished. He was even claiming credit for the rapidly recovering economy soon after he took office when his policies could not possibly have had any effect. He promised a balanced budget but has made every effort to block a balanced budget by vetoing it twice. This list could go on endlessly but if this is not enough to repulse you then this is probably written for your benefit. A few months ago I saw no way this man could be re-elected to the Presidency of the United States. Now, he comes back proclaiming a conservative agenda in an effort to deceive the electorate and we are actually buying into his rhetoric or so it would appear. It is beyond my ability to comprehend. It appears that America is going to vote him back into office. Of course Bob Dole does not help matters as he has compromised the abortion issue into oblivion as far as this election is concerned. It defies my ability to understand what is happening to America. Never-the-less, this man, Bill Clinton, is leading America down the "prim rose" path to destruction and few Americans comprehend what is happening to us. As I thought about this situation and meditated upon it following his election four years ago it came to me that here we Christians had been depending upon Presidents Reagan and Bush to keep abortion in check and hold the front on other moral issues. We put our dependency upon the presidency rather than upon God and just maybe God allowed Bill Clinton to win the presidency to let us know who is actually in charge. We were placing our faith in the presidency rather than in Almighty God and that was perhaps a mistake. No doubt it was a mistake! Now, here we are four years later and hopefully better informed about this man but "lo and behold" we are about to put him back into office again. Can you believe it? I told several of my friends that if Bill Clinton wins re-election we had better start looking up for the time has to be short. Almighty God must have a higher plan in mind than we can comprehend. Is it possible that, as we near the end and the prophetic calendar ticks down as prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes, He must have someone in the office of Presidency who lacks the moral courage to stand up for American. Could it be that He actually wants someone in the White House who will indeed sell the very soul of America to the New World Order. No nation can continue to stand when its moral character is destroyed and with a President who lacks moral character and an electorate who will give support to him, this nation shall not stand as a bastion of freedom as it has stood in the past. This tells me that our time on this earth is not long. There is going to soon be a "snatching away" and these people of the world will finally get the desires of their heart, a world without the Christian influence, but it shall indeed be a chaotic time and short lived. I know and understand that not everyone shares my views or beliefs and that I am not being very sensitive to everyone else's viewpoint. But you know, what you or I might believe makes absolutely no difference because God's Word is going to stand no matter what you or I think. His Word has clearly told us how the end will come or rather the new beginning and your disbelief is not going to change one single thing. About the only thing your unbelief is going to do for you is lead you into eternal damnation because God's word is absolute and unchanging. It shall indeed stand eternally and nothing you can say or do will change it. Your only hope is to accept God's plan of salvation which provides each of you a pardon. It is yours for the taking and it is found in His word (Romans 10) if you care enough to look it up. What does this say for us today. Do we continue to fight within the political system to change things? To be sure we do not give up and hand it over to Satan and his crowd but we had better get into God's word and follow his instructions. He has told us to use the spiritual weapons which are available to us (namely prayer). The carnal weapons we employ will never get the job done. We are involved in spiritual warfare and if we continue to depend upon our own strength we shall lose this battle. We had better begin to depend upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ and place our every thought in Him. Oh, I understand that " Separation of Church and State" is politically correct. I know! As a recently retired public school administrator, I have heard that garbage about enough. When Jesus Christ returns to rule over this earth do you believe that spiritual values shall be separated from government. No way! I do not know what some of you "liberal Christians (if there is any such thing) are going to do about that. Do you believe that He is going to sanction abortion? Is He going to give support homosexuality and contend that it is but an alternate lifestyle?. Get real! Is he going to be broadminded enough to accept every religion ever devised by man? Hardly! We had better remember that this world system includes everything which is not of Christ. It includes all governments, social and political systems, economic systems, public education etc. Wake up America! Repent! Join the only team which can win, though it may seem like defeat for a while we cannot lose. In conclusion the presidency shall not stand. Bill Clinton is of no consequences and should be of little concern to the Christian for we know that he is being used to fulfill Bible prophecy. We must rise to a higher level and depend upon Jesus Christ, the only real authority in the world today. We should continue to sand unmoved for the Christian principles as presented in the Bible but we should never worry about the Bill Clinton's of this world for they are but a vapor upon the screen of time soon to pass into oblivion to be remembered no more unless, of course, they indeed humble themselves before the mighty hand of God and repent. To be sure He is faithful and just to forgive and forget. As long as you remain in this physical body there is time to repent before time shall cease to exist and be no more. But once you move out of time into eternity your eternal destination shall be forever sealed and no amount of remorse will change your eternal destiny. What then are the Bill Clintons going to do? I realize that I have been hard on President Clinton but I do and we should pray for him. He is blinded by Satan as are all non Christians and as all Christians have been in the past but then all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. May God bless you and keep you until He returns and if Bill Clinton is re-elected just remember "Look Up"! Time shall soon be no more! ( I think.) Yours In Christ, Raymond Clarke +++++++++++++++ Editors NOTE: If you have no sence of humor, then I advise you to skip the following. This was sent ot me from a very good friend of mine who goes to my church. Some of you have seen this already if you are on my daily mail. For those of you who do not know, I have a pretty warped sence of humor and the following was right up my alley. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Ray-PZ Beastly funny humor Author Unknown The NUMBERs of the beast 666 - Number of the beast 668 - Neighbor of the beast 660 - Approximate number of the Beast DCLXVI - Roman numeral of the Beast 666.0000 - Number of the High Precision Beast 0.666 - Number of the Millibeast 1/666 - Common Denominator of the Beast 666[-/(-1)] - Imaginary number of the Beast 1010011010 - Binary of the Beast 29A - Hexidecimal of the Beast 1-666 - Area code of the Beast 00666 - Zip code of the Beast 1-900-666-0666: Live Beasts! One-on-one pacts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute. Over 18 only please. $665.95 - Retail price of the Beast $699.25 - Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax $769.95 - Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul $656.66 - Wal*Mart price of the Beast $646.66 - Next week's Wal*Mart price of the Beast Phillips 666 - Gasoline of the Beast Route 666 - Way of the Beast 666 F - Oven temperature for roast Beast 666k - Retirement plan of the Beast 666 mg - Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast 6.66% - 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit. DSM-666 (revised) - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast Lotus 6-6-6 - Spreadsheet of the Beast Word 6.66 - Word Processor of the Beast i66686 - CPU of the Beast 666i - BMW of the Beast 666-66-6666 - Social Securuity Number of the Beast 6, uh... what was that number again? - Number of the Blonde Beast And to add one of my own... 656-6666 Internet SOULution providers...where I work. Our PH#. (My wife came up with this...grin) Ray -PZ ++++++++++++++ Clinton Gets an "F" for American History Ray Gano While President Clinton was on the campain trail in CA, he mixed up his history...again, by quoting a famous line in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address but crediting it to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Clinton stated "Our friends on the other side, they complain about government all the time," Clinton said of Republicans during an outdoor rally Thursday. "They set it up as the enemy, it's government versus the people." "The last time I checked, the Constitution said, 'of the people, by the people and for the people.' That's what the Declaration of Independence says," Clinton declared. The famous words were spoken by Lincoln during his speech dedicating the National Cemetery at the Civil War battlegrounds in Pennsylvania. I really wonder when was the last time he took the time to read either of them. +++++++++++++ The Most Common Infections Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases By: Ray Gano The nation's most commonly reported infections in 1995 were sexually transmitted and a disease that often has no symptoms topped the list, the government said. Chlamydia, tracked for the first time last year, was the No. 1 most reported infectious disease, with 477,638 cases. Gonorrhea and AIDS were second and third, according to an annual report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is very intersting that this is coming about. Once again we see Bible Prophecy coming to pass. Mat 42: 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 2 Tim 3: 1-7 1 � This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. I n the 2 Tim verse we see that that they will be led away with divers lusts. Also in the Luke and Mat verses we see a rise in pestilences. +++++++++++++ Follow-up To The Rabbi Story Jim Bramlett (Jim Bramlett) By the way, a friend just got back from Israel the other day, spending most of her time with some very spiritually discerning and seasoned believers, both Jew and Gentile. She reports an overwhelming sense among them that Messiah's return will be "very soon," as well as tribulation. Some are already preparing for escape into Petra. Even many non-believers in Yeshua expect Messiah to come soon (they will be surprised at the nailprints in His hands). She confirmed that there are secret Messianic believers among the Orthodox rabbis, as Barbara Richmond recently reported. She met and talked with one. Yesterday I discovered a Web site by Greg Killian who has recently updated his comprehensive celestial report on biblical signs in the heavens that I previously, plus he has a lot of other stuff. His site is at (see his first report). In reviewing his material, I had forgotten that another (the 4th) red moon lunar eclipse on a Jewish feast day is due to be seen in Jerusalem March 23, 1997, he says the very same day that Comet Hale-Bopp is closest to the earth), and another six months later on "Repentance Day." An e-mail to me yesterday also pointed out that rabbis have historically said that the next time a comet passes through Orion it will signifify "the end of the Earth," and that Hale-Bopp will begin its pass through Orion on April 23, 1997 (the day after Passover) and will complete its run through Orion on June 11, 1997, the Feast of Weeks. Maybe nothing to it, but interesting in view of everything else, huh? ++++++++++++++ BASIC TRUTHS ON THE MIDEAST CONFLICT by Rabbi Zalman B. Melamed Aired on Arutz-7 Israel Public Radio Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1996 / Cheshvan 3, 5757 In this article: 1. THE INHERITANCE OF OUR FOREFATHERS 2. THROUGHOUT THE GENERATIONS 3. NO NATION CONCEDES ITS HOMELAND 4. RETAINING OUR POSITION OF STRENGTH 5. ARAB HOSTILITIES 6. OUR RIGHT AND OBLIGATION 1. THE INHERITANCE OF OUR FOREFATHERS It appears that we have no choice other than to reiterate to ourselves, again and again, the simple basic truths. We did not "capture lands of others" during the Six-Day War, but we rather returned to the inheritance of our forefathers. We freed Judea and Samaria from foreign dominion, and we returned the Land to its true owners - the Nation of Israel. All of the Biblical Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People; there is no such thing as Arab territories within Israel. 2. THROUGHOUT THE GENERATIONS True, "because of our sins we were exiled from our Land," and foreigners came to dwell here without our consent and against our will. But we never surrendered our claim to the Land. We have no right to do so, we had no desire to do so, and the Land will always remain ours. This was our belief throughout the generations, and we never ceased anticipating and dreaming of returning to our homeland of Eretz (The Land of ) Yisrael. How much more so now, at the height of the process of our national return to the Land, is it unthinkable that our historic desire to come home would decrease. On the contrary, now that our dreams are coming true before our very eyes, and we are experiencing a resurrection of the "dry bones;" now that G-d is leading us in the awesome miracle of our national revival and our redemption from the exile, and as He leads us "upright to our Land" [from the Grace After Meals] - certainly our confidence that G-d will speedily complete all of our national aspirations has intensified. 3. NO NATION CONCEDES ITS HOMELAND Therefore, we insist that Hevron, City of the Patriarchs, remain in our hands, not only for reasons of national and personal safety, but because Hevron - just as the rest of the Land - is, very simply, ours. If this sounds too simplistic or unacceptable, then we must repeat it again and again until the whole world realizes that we are determined to stick to our positions. All of the plans concerning our relations with the neighboring nations in the region must be adapted to conform with this basic position. For we have returned to our Land, and no nation ever concedes its homeland, especially not the People of Israel, who received this Land from the G-d of Israel, Creator of heaven and earth. 4. RETAINING OUR POSITION OF STRENGTH Let not our enemies threaten us with terror and war, for we will not budge from these simple truths. In fact, the threats merely strengthen our resolve. For it is preferable for us to fight terror and war now, from a position of strength, than to do so after we have already given over more areas of Eretz Yisrael, thus weakening us and strengthening our enemies. 5. ARAB HOSTILITIES Their behavior during the recent weeks proves that they do not seek peace. Any time that we do not agree to give in to their demands, they will again resort to terror and violence. If it doesn't happen now, it will happen during the talks over Jerusalem, and over their demand for a State, with all that that implies - an army, open borders, etc. 6. OUR RIGHT AND OBLIGATION Therefore, as their threats will not move us, we must stand on our rights - which are also our obligations: to guard carefully and lovingly every divot of earth of our homeland, and certainly of Hevron, the City of our Forefathers, which with the help of G-d will be rebuilt, with a large Jewish community, speedily in our times. * * * * * * Rabbi Melamed is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arutz-7, and Rosh Yeshiva (Dean) of the Bet-El Yeshiva Center. ____________________________________________________________ Arutz-7 Educational Radio is a project of Bet-El Yeshiva Center Institutions. News and Op-Eds may be reproduced in any form with credit to Arutz Sheva. 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